Blood on the Table_Greatest Cases of New York City's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
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coroner(s), history of
authority of
cadavers and, value of
cause of death discrepancies and
extortion among
function of
juries and, impaneling
larceny among
origin of
qualifications of, lack of
coroner system
abolishment of
cost of
origin of (in America)
root-and-branch investigation of
Cortivo, Leo Dal
Coumbis, Richard
Cream, Neil
Creoli, Jan
crime scene preservation
Criminal Courts Building
Crimmins, Alice
Crimmins, Craig
Crimmins case
Crosby, John
Crowley, Francis “Two Gun”
Crowley, James J.
crowner’s quest law
Cuomo, Mario
Cupani, Ignazio
Cupani, Theresa
custos placitorum coronas
Cutler, Laura
Daoud, Ouhnane
death, approximating time of
de Barry, Mercedes Gomez
Densen-Gerber, Judianne
Denson, Lawrence
dental records
Biegenwald case and
Carpi case and
history of identification by teeth
reliability of
Universal System and
victims of September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks
Denzer, Richard G.
Department of Forensic Medicine of the New York University
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Department of Hospitals
Deutsche Bank Building
Devlin, James
Devlin, John F.
Carpi autopsy and
death of
on discontentment in OCME
OCME career of
Soman death certificate dispute and
Diggett, Charles
DiMaio, Dominick J.
as acting CME
business dealings of, alleged irregularities in
drug-related deaths and
mass identification of victims and
organ transplants before autopsy and
background and education of
as CME
appointment of
Everard Baths fire and
retirement of
Soman death certificate dispute and
Forensic Pathology and
Goetz case and, as expert witness in
DiMaio, Vincent
Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT)
DNA analysis
of fingerprints
high-sensitivity forensic biology DNA laboratory and
low copy number DNA analysis
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and
companies handling
mini-short tandem repeats (mini-STRs)
single nucleotide polymorphism analysis (SNP)
of terrorists
unidentified human remains and, preservation of
Southeast Asia tsunami and
“Doctor X”
Dodge, William C.
Donahue, William J.
Donna Lee Bakery Killings
Dowling, Thomas and Anna
drowning victims
drug-related deaths
malaria outbreak and
methadone and
sleeping tablets and
Eager, Mary
Eastern Airlines crash, Kennedy International Airport
East River, drowning victims from
Elias, Anna
Elmira Correctional Facility
Empire Fireproof Door Company
Empire State Building
Esakof, Ernest R.
Essex County, New Jersey
Ewing, James
executions. See capital punishment
Faithfull, Starr
Fallon, Joseph B.
FALN (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional) campaign
Farber, Myron
Fernandez, Raymond (“Lonely Hearts” killer)
Ferncliff Cemetery
Ferraro, Joseph
Ferrer, Reinaldo A.
fingerprint analysis
age of latent fingerprints and, determining
faulty evidence and misidentification in
silver nitrate method of
Finnigan, Robert E.
Fiorenza, John
Fiorenza case
Fire Department of New York (FDNY)
food poisoning
Fordham Hospital
forensic pathology
Forensic Pathology (DiMaio and DiMaio)
forensic science
Fortune magazine
Fourth Amendment rights
Fredericksen, Swan
Freschi, John J.
Fresh Kills Landfill
Freud, Sigmund
Friedgood, Charles
Frug, Gerald
Frye v. United States
Fusion reform ticket
Galante, Lorenzo
Galda, Fred
Gardiner, Carl
Gardner, Erie Stanley
Garrow, Irene
gas refrigerators, deaths related to
Gavett, Alan and Cynthia
Gebhardt, Fritz
Gelb, Arthur
General Interiors
General Slocum disaster
genetic profiling. see DNA analysis
Gerner, Harry
Gettler, Alexander O.
as chief toxicologist
Fiorenza case and, rope analysis
grass seed analysis and (Almodovar case)
retirement of
Snyder-Gray case and
stomach content analysis and (Becker-Norkin case)
time of death test devised by
water immersion when still alive, test to determine
Giansanti, Helen
Gibbs, Louis D.
Gibson, Eileen “Gay”
Giorgio, Gennaro
Glennon, Edward J.
Goetz, Bernhard
Goetz, Ernest
Gonzales, Thomas
as acting CME
Fiorenza case and
background and education of
as CME
Almodovar case and
as leader of volunteer medical examiners task force (WWII)
low profile of
mandatory retirement age extended for
retirement of
sleeping tablet deaths and
Soska autopsy and
transportation of specimens and, improvements in
Werne’s resignation and, demand for
Legal Medicine and Toxicology co-author of
as professor of forensic medicine, New York University
sensational cases of
Governor Clinton Hotel
Gracie Mansion
Grauerholz, John
Gravina, Thomas
Gray, Joseph
Gray, Judd
Great Depression
Gross, Elliot M.
background of
Civil Service examination and
as CME, Connecticut
Beaudoin killings and
Donna Lee Bakery killings and
Helpern’s advice and
as CME, New York City appointment of
Baden’s law suit and
dismissal of, by Koch
Hagnes murder and
incompetence/neglect of, charges of
on inexperienced staff
interdepartmental problems of
Lennon autopsy and
Stewart autopsy and
br /> terrorist attacks and
Gross, Samuel
Guadalupe, Basilio
Gulick, Luther
Gullickson, Naomi
gunshot wounds. See bullet wounds
Gutterman, George
Hackensack Meadows
Hackett, John F.
Hackett, Joseph
Hagnes, Helen
Haight, Charles S., Jr.
Hall-Mills murders of
Hanover Cordage Company
Harlem Hospital
Harper, Helen
Harris, Richard and Amos
Harris, Stanley
Hart Island
Hartman, John A., III
Hauptmann, Bruno
Hayden, James F.
Hebrew Orphans’ Asylum
Hellenstein, Herman
Helpern, Alice
Helpern, Beatrice
Helpern, Bertha
Helpern, Milton
background and education of
Baden and
Helpern as mentor to
medico-legal textbook co-edited by
vendetta with
as CME
as “a prosecution man”
Carpi case and
decentralization and, battle against
facility for OCME requested by
as first TV pathologist
gas refrigerators and, campaign against dangers of
as Gonzales’s successor
independence and supreme authority of
media charm campaign launched by
misconduct of OCME staff and, vigilance against
reputation of, world-renowned
retirement of, campaign for
successor of, battle over
unpopularity of
unusual cases of
van Rie case and
as collector of medico-legal memorabilia
death/funeral of
as deputy CME
Gebhardt case and
hunches and
as lecturer in forensic medicine
Legal Medicine and Toxicology co-author of
malaria outbreak and
as Manhattan city morgue head
marriage to Beatrice and
Norris’s beer-drinking sessions and
retirement years of
as Royal Air Force consultant
suicide victim’s notification request and
Helpern, Moses
Helpern, Ruth
Henderson, Margaret
Hererra, Maria and Ricardo
Hernandez, Rafael
Hicks, A. C. Reeves
high-sensitivity forensic biology DNA laboratory
Hilton, Paul (“radio burglar”)
Hirsch, Charles S., as CME
appointment of
background of
case backlog and
courtroom manner of
farming out of complex forensic tests by
Goetz case and
no-nonsense nature of
police brutality cases resulting in death and
salary of
terrorist attacks and
September 11th, 2001
Hitler, Adolf
Hoffman, Donald
Hofmann, Eduard von
Holster, Ira
Home Street
Homicide Squad
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hosang, Patrick
Hudson, Erastus Mead
Hunter family
Hyland, Millard
Internal Affairs Bureau
Irish immigrants
Irwin, Robert
Jackson, Calvin
Jacobi Hospital
Jascalevich, Mario Enrique
Johnson, Vincent (“Brooklyn Strangler”)
Journal of the American Medical Association
Judge, Mychal
jury/juror corruption
Jurymen’s Ring
Kaplan, Daniel
Kauffman, Lynn
Kaye, Sydney
Kear, Francis J.
Keeler, Leonard
Keenan, John
Kennard, Karl S.
Kennedy International Airport
Eastern Airlines crash and
Pan Am Terminal bombing
Kenny, David E.
Kew Gardens General Hospital
Kings County Hospital
Klauber, Henry
Knight, Bernard
Koch, Edward
Baden and
appointment of
civil suit filed against Koch by
demotion of
letter of praise for
Gross terminated by
mayoral advisory board of
Kolisko, Alexander
Kountz, Samuel
Krant, Thomas
Kron, Michael P.
Kruger, Theodore
Laboratory Corporation of America
Lacey, Frederick
LaGuardia, Fiorello
LaGuardia Airport
Landefelt, Leanne
Landsteiner, Karl
Lans, Allan
Larson, John
Lee, Cormac
Lee You Kah
Leffers, Beverly
Legal Medicine and Toxicology (Gonzales Vance, Helpern)
Lehary, Jean Pierre
Leibowitz, Samuel L.
Lennon, John
Lennon, Lawrence
Lenox Hill Hospital
Levine, Lowell J.
Lewisburg Chair & Furniture Corp
Lexington Avenue Armory
lie-detector test. See polygraph
Lifflander, Matthew
Lincoln Center
Lindbergh kidnapping
Linder, Jennie
Lindsay, John
Lipsy, Paul
Livoti, Francis X.
Logan International Airport
Lombraso, Cesare
London Valet Company
“Lonely Hearts” killers
Lord & Taylor
low copy number DNA analysis
Luongo, Michael A.
Lyons, John A.
Mackenzie, Sir James
“Mad Bomber” (George Metesky)
Madrid terrorist bombings
“magic donkey”
malaria outbreak
as CME base
coroners in
deputy CMEs of
morgue in
Potter’s Field interments and
Mansbridge, Georgia
The Man Who Strangled Himself (Yukselen)
Marshack, Megan
Marston, William
Marten, Manuel E.
Martland, Harrison S.
mass spectrometry
Mathesius, Wilbur H.
Matteo, Richard S.
Mayer, Charles
Mayfield, Brandon
Mayper, Alexander
McAlpin, Joan
McAuliffe, John F.
McCann, Thomas J.
McCartney, James L.
McCarton, James I.
McClelland, Richard
McDonald, J. J.
McGrath, Margaret
McKee, Joseph V.
McMillan, Alex
Medical Society of New York
Memorial Park
Mercado, Wilfred
Mesmer, Franz
Metesky, George (“Mad Bomber”)
Metropolitan Funeral Service
Metropolitan Opera House
Milling, Eileen
Milton Helpern Library of Legal Medicine
Mincey, Robert
Mings, Dudley
mini-short tandem repeats (mini-STRs)
Mintiks, Janis
p; Miranda rights
Missing Persons Bureau
Mitchel, John Purroy
M’Naghten Rule
Molloy, Richard J.
Monstein, Harry
Mord, George
Morgan Guaranty Bank
Morgenthau, Robert M.
morgues, municipal
Moritz, Alan R.
Moses, Sybil R.
Moskowitz, Helen
Moskowitz, William
Mundorff, Amy
Municipal Civil Service Commission
Murray, Frank J.
Nadel, S. Michael
Nardella, Andrew J.
National Association of Medical Examiners
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Neil, Howard
Neuren, Emanuel
Newark City Hospital
New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners
newspaper “gossip wars”
New York Academy of Medicine
New York City
consolidation of boroughs and
mortality in, rate and causes of
murder rate in
New York City Department of Public Charities and Correction
New York Electrical Society Science Forum of
New York Funeral Service
New York Insurance Company
New York State Correction Medical Review Board
New York Times
Baden’s libel suit filed against
on corrupt coroners
criminal contempt charges in Jascalevich case
on DiMaio’s misconduct
Goestz’s pension and Norris on
on Miller-Carpi wedding
Milling letter sent to
on Norris after his death
OCME and, critical articles on
Titterton as book critic for
undertaker misconduct and, reports on
“Vibrato the Great” letter sent to
New York University
New York University Department of Forensic Medicine
New York University School of Medicine
Nicastro, Richard
Norkin, Reuben
“normal” deaths
Norris, Charles
background and education of
beer-drinking sessions with interns and
as CME
appointment of
Becker-Norkin case and
City Hall and, ongoing quarrel with
comparison microscope and
departmental problems and
elegance/arrogance of
generosity of (handouts)
Prohibition and, urge to abolish
resignation/reinstatement of
Schultze’s disdain of
Schwarz’s autopsy and
telephone switchboard introduced by
estate of
failing health/death of
as professor of pathology
North Carolina
Nott, Charles C., Jr.
Noury, Christian
Noxon, John Franklin
O’Brien, John P.
OCME. See Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME)
O’Dea, Arthur
O’Dwyer, William
Odyssey House
Office of Corporation Counsel
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME)
allegations against bullet wounds, overlooked