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Brides of Durango: Tessa

Page 20

by Bobbi Smith

  Jared looked Steve in the eye, taking measure of the man. He hadn’t expected him to help out the way he had. He was beginning to wonder if his original assessment of him had been wrong. He stuck out his hand to Steve in a gesture of friendship and trust.

  “Thanks for your help.”

  Steve knew it had cost the lawman to say that. He couldn’t prevent a half grin as he shook his hand. “You’re welcome.”

  Jared looked up toward Tessa. She was standing by Della. As if sensing he was looking at her, she glanced up and met his gaze. She started toward him, meaning to accompany him to the doctor’s office, but Della spoke up.

  “Miss Tessa, we got no place to go, no place to stay now. Do you have any room left at your place? Could you take us in?” Della asked, still in shock. She was holding her children to her breast, trying to make sense of all that had happened.

  “I’m sure we can find somewhere for you and the children to stay,” Tessa told her.

  She wanted to go with Jared and the doctor to make sure he was all right. Her terror had been real when she’d thought something had happened to him, but Della’s request stopped her. She knew the woman and her children needed her, and she couldn’t leave them. Della had no family of her own in town, and her husband worked for the railroad and was gone right now. She cast Jared a quick, apologetic look.

  “You go on,” he urged her.

  “I’ll see you later?”

  He nodded and started to leave with the physician.

  Della called out to him, “Thank you, Marshal Trent.”

  Jared paused to look back. “I’m glad you’re all safe.”

  “We are, thanks to you.”

  When Jared and the doctor had gone, Tessa turned back to the newly homeless woman.

  “Would you like to go to my house now? I don’t think there’s anything else we can do here.”

  As they looked at the burning house, one charred wall suddenly fell inward with a roar that left Tessa shuddering. The thought that Jared and the others had been inside just moments before was unnerving.

  “Looks like you got out of there just in time,” Tessa said, glancing over to where Steve was standing near Julie. She noticed that her friend looked decidedly pale. “Julie, are you feeling all right?”

  “I’ve never watched a fire before. It’s very frightening,” she lied.

  “And deadly,” Steve added.

  “You didn’t get hurt, did you?” Julie found herself asking.

  “No. I’m fine.” He started off, back toward the boardinghouse.

  “I don’t know your name, mister,” Della called out, “but thank you for helping rescue us.”

  Steve looked back and smiled at the beautiful sight of the mother and her children.

  “My name’s Steve Madison,” he answered. “And I was glad to help.”

  In the crowd that had gathered, several of the men heard him say his name, and they exchanged troubled looks.

  “Let’s all walk over to the house together,” Tessa suggested to Della. “Steve is staying with us, too. He’s my new handyman.”

  They moved off.

  Julie started to go look for her mother, who was somewhere in the crowd, but found herself glancing back in the direction Steve had gone. For all that he was walking with Tessa, Della, and the children, there was something about the way he held himself that made him seem aloof and withdrawn—a solitary man. It puzzled her even as it intrigued her. He was a man with a lot of secrets.

  Will had been so angry after he’d left Tessa that he’d headed straight for the mine that night. As he’d ridden mile after mile on the miserable roads, his mood had not improved. He’d made camp only when he’d been too exhausted to ride on, and then had slept only long enough to refresh himself. He’d headed out again, wanting to get back to Bob and Zeke as soon as possible.

  Will’s mood had remained ugly through the entire ride. He had had his future planned out, but now it seemed little Miss Sinclair was not going to cooperate.

  So she thought of him as only a friend, did she?

  Will actually laughed out loud as he wondered what she would say if she ever learned that her brother hadn’t died in an accident—that he’d actually killed him. The thought pleased him now. He wanted Tessa to suffer for rejecting him, and he hoped that someday she would learn the truth about her brother’s death.

  Will had another plan formulated by the time he was near the mine. It was a lucky coincidence that he’d learned from Lyle Stevens about the gold shipment leaving town soon. He intended to make that the gang’s last and most successful robbery. Once they’d stolen the gold, they would ride away from Durango and never look back.

  And that would suit him just fine.

  Chapter Twenty

  Melissa Davenport had reached the burning house just as Jared had come running out the back doorway with Mrs. Emerson in his arms. Her heart had fluttered at the sight of him being so brave and daring. Melissa had long thought Jared was wonderful, and seeing him saving the woman from almost certain harm only enhanced her opinion of him.

  Melissa had wanted to go to him and tell him what a hero he was. She’d wanted to praise him for his bravery, but Tessa had been right there with him, and there had been no way for her to approach him. Then she’d seen the blood on his face and had realized he’d been injured. She’d watched from a distance as he’d gone off with Dr. Murray, and she’d known what she would do. She followed quietly after him. She would be waiting for him when he emerged from the doctor’s office.

  As Melissa made her way through town, she thought about Jared and Tessa. It had been bad enough that Jared had had to go rescue Tessa from her kidnapping ordeal, but something about the way they were acting with each other bothered her. She’d wished she had an excuse for Jared to come and rescue her, but the only thing she needed rescuing from was boredom.

  “Melissa? What happened at the Emersons’?” Dena asked as she came hurrying up.

  “I don’t know how it started, but the house has burned. It looks like a total loss.”

  “That’s terrible. Was anyone hurt?”

  “Only Jared,” she answered, and then told Dena what had happened. “I’m on my way to see if I can ‘casually’ run into him when he leaves the doctor’s office.”

  “You are such a conniver.”

  “I’m not conniving. I’m just determined,” she said. “It seems I never get to spend much time with Jared, no matter how well I plan things.”

  “Maybe he’s just not interested in you,” her friend blurted out.

  Melissa made a face at her. “If he’s not, then I’ve got to figure out a way to make him interested in me.”

  “You will. I have faith in you.”

  “Good, because I really want to marry him. He’s so handsome. I’m sure he’s the man for me.”

  “What about Tessa Sinclair, though? Do you think she has any romantic interest in him?”

  “I’m not sure,” Melissa said a bit frustrated. “I was just watching them together at the fire. When Jared came running out of the house with Mrs. Emerson, Tessa was right there waiting for him.”

  “And they did dance together at the dance, you know.”

  “I know. I guess I’ll just have to work that much harder to get his attention.”

  “Do you want me to go with you now?”

  “No, I’ve got to do this on my own. I’ll let you know how it goes later this evening.”

  “I’ll be waiting to hear from you.” Dena moved off.

  Squaring her shoulders, Melissa marched on.

  “That should take care of it,” Dr. Murray told Jared as he finished putting a small bandage on his forehead.

  Jared gingerly touched it. “Thanks. What do I owe you?”

  “Nothing,” he answered, and grinned at the lawman’s surprised look. “It’s my pleasure to help out the town hero. You did a fine job saving Mrs. Emerson.”

  “I appreciate it,” Jared said, taking up his hat and start
ing from the office.

  No sooner had he emerged onto the sidewalk than he saw Melissa coming toward him. Somehow he managed a smile.

  “Hello, Melissa,” he said.

  “Jared, I heard that you were hurt, and I wanted to make sure you were all right.” She gazed up at him, seeing the bandage. She was glad that things had turned out so well. He didn’t look seriously injured.

  “I’m going to be fine, thanks to the doc,” he answered.

  “Thank heaven. We can’t let anything happen to you. We need you too much around here,” Melissa declared.

  “I was heading back to the office.”

  “Mind if I walk with you a ways?”

  “Not at all.” Jared didn’t want to encourage her, but he did like her.

  Jared made small talk with her as they walked along the streets of town. Even as he was speaking with Melissa, though, his thoughts were of Tessa—and what might have come to pass between them if they had not been interrupted. He fought down a grin as he realized there had been more than one fire in Durango that day. One fire had been put out, but the other was still burning. Jared longed to be with Tessa, but realized he had better check in with Nathan first and make sure that all was quiet in town now that everything was under control at the Emersons’. When they reached the office, he bid Melissa good-bye and went inside.

  Melissa had been totally unaware of the direction of Jared’s thoughts. She was feeling quite wonderful as she left him, and she was wondering how soon she could manage to see him again.

  From the moment Tessa had returned home from the fire with Della and the two children, her life had become chaotic. Jared was constantly in her thoughts. Sweet memories of kissing him and touching him played in her mind distractingly as she’d helped the homeless family settle in.

  Her mother had welcomed the Emersons with open arms and had immediately set about making room for them. Maggie gave up her sewing room, and Steve moved a bed in for them. It would be crowded, but Della didn’t care. She was just overwhelmed by their kindness and very grateful. Clara and Mark immediately made themselves at home, to Maggie’s delight. She loved children, and having them in the house certainly brightened her day.

  Several times Tessa found herself watching the street for some sign of Jared, but the hours passed and he did not come. Dinnertime found everyone crowded around the dining room table.

  “I’d like to offer the prayer, if you don’t mind?” Della asked, looking at Tessa and Maggie.


  “Dear Lord, we thank you for this bounty you have set before us and for the friends who do your good works here on Earth.” Della looked up at Tessa, her mother, and Steve. “Bless us, Lord, and keep us safe. Amen.”

  “Amen,” everyone echoed.

  And then they dug in. The food was delicious and all ate heartily. They were just about finished eating when a knock came at the door.

  Tessa hurried to answer it, thinking it was Jared. She was actually disappointed to see Julie standing there.

  “Oh, it’s you,” she said.

  “I’m sorry,” Julie returned with a grin. “Should I be somebody else? Like maybe our illustrious marshal?”

  “I was concerned about him. I haven’t seen him since this morning.”

  “From the look you just gave me and from the way you were acting this morning, I’d say you’re more than just ‘concerned’ about Jared.”

  “He is a very special man,” Tessa agreed without revealing too much of how she was feeling. It was all too new to her, and too exciting. “Come on in for a while.”

  Julie wanted to tease her more about Jared, but decided to wait when the two children came running out into the hallway, ending any attempt at adult conversation. As they entered the dining room, Sludge rose to pull up an extra chair for Julie, and she thanked him as she sat down. She found herself sitting almost directly across the table from Steve.

  “Good evening, Steve,” she said to him.

  “Julie,” he answered evenly. He hadn’t thought to see her tonight, and reluctantly admitted to himself that he was glad she’d come by.

  “Well, I just came over to see how everyone is doing. I spoke to the women’s group at my church, and we’re going to be collecting clothing and household items and taking donations for you, Della.”

  “Oh, thank you, Julie,” Della said with heartfelt emotion. The people in Durango were truly special. “I know when my Neal gets home, he’ll do everything he can to see that you’re paid back.”

  Julie spoke up. “No one expects to be paid back for this. We just want to help you. The minister is hoping to find another house for you, too.”

  Tears welled up in the woman’s eyes. “Your kindness won’t be forgotten.”

  “You’ve been busy since this morning,” Tessa remarked, proud of her friend’s efforts.

  “I wanted to help,” Julie said simply.

  The conversation shifted to other things for a while, and then Julie remembered the good news she had for Tessa.

  “I almost forgot to tell you! I spoke with Kelly Nease and Jennifer Colvin, and the Women’s Solidarity is all set to welcome Roderick as a guest lecturer on Thursday night.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Tessa said. “I’ll be looking forward to it.”

  “Who’s this Roderick fella?” Jim asked, curious, looking from Julie to Tessa.

  “He’s a professor from a university back east, and the brother of one of my friends from school. He’s also a published author,” she explained, her eyes aglow as she thought of the handsome, debonair Roderick.

  “Impressive,” Jim said with a nod.

  “They’ll be arriving in Durango tomorrow and are planning on spending a few days with us,” Julie told them, her excitement obvious. “Their stop here is part of a western excursion they’re taking.”

  “We’ll all have to turn out and support him when he speaks,” Maggie said, wanting their important visitor to have a good crowd at his lecture.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Sludge and Henry replied.

  Steve hadn’t said anything; he’d just been listening and watching Julie. When she spoke of Roderick her eyes lit up. It bothered him, though he couldn’t deny that he’d always known the truth of how she felt. He was glad when Miss Maggie suggested they retire to the parlor, for it gave him the opportunity he needed to get away. He left the house and headed for the High Time to relax for a little while.

  Jared had found himself virtually trapped at the office all day. Nathan had covered for him as best he could, but he’d had a lot of work waiting for him that had to be caught up. It was after dark when he finally managed to get away. And he knew right where he was going first—he was going to find Tessa. He’d already been away from her for too long.

  All day he’d been distracted by the sweet memories of what had happened between them that morning. He smiled in the darkness now as he headed straight for Tessa’s house.

  “Marshal Trent! Come in! What a pleasure to see you!” Maggie said as she held the door wide for him.

  “It’s good to see you, too, Miss Maggie.” He took off his hat as he entered the house and followed her to the parlor.

  “Look who’s here,” Maggie announced as she showed Jared in.

  Tessa looked up and her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him, standing so tall and darkly handsome in the doorway. The bandage on his forehead did not mar his good looks, but added a rakishness to his appeal. Heat flushed through her as she remembered his kiss and intimate touch. He had come to her at last!

  “Hello, Jared,” she said, rising and going to him. She wanted to throw herself in his arms and kiss him in welcome, but she managed to control the urge. She was very aware of Julie watching her as she crossed the room. “I’m glad you had the time to come over.”

  “I wanted to make sure Della and the children were doing all right.”

  “She just took them on up to bed a little while ago,” Maggie offered. “But they’re doing just fi
ne. Julie’s been out working for them all day.”

  “You have?” he asked, looking at her.

  Julie quickly told him about the help she’d recruited for the family, and Jared grinned. He stayed for a while, enjoying the conversation. He had hoped for a few minutes alone with Tessa, but realized that it wasn’t going to happen. She was sitting beside him on the sofa, and he could feel the light pressure of her thigh against his, but that was all the contact he could make with her. They would have no privacy tonight.

  “I was telling everyone earlier that a friend of mine from back east will be lecturing at the Women’s Solidarity on Thursday. Do you think you’ll be able to attend?” Julie asked Jared.

  “I’ll make it a point to be there,” he promised, glancing at Tessa. If nothing else, at least he would be able to see her then, and maybe they could steal a few minutes alone.

  “We’re looking forward to it,” Tessa told him, her gaze meeting his.

  When the evening drew to a close, Jared found himself escorting Julie home. Tessa gave him a slight smile as he started from the house, and he knew they were going to have to find some time to talk privately.

  Tessa watched Jared leave and sighed as she went up to her own room. There had been so much she’d wanted to say to Jared, but there had been no chance tonight. She hoped she could find a way to spend some time with him tomorrow, but with the Emersons living with them, she had her doubts.

  Patience had never been one of Tessa’s virtues, but she had the feeling she was going to have to learn how to be patient, starting right now.

  Steve was still savoring his first drink when he heard the sound of drunken voices raised at one of the poker tables.

  “I’m tellin’ ya, that’s him!” one man was all but yelling.

  “You’re nuts, Avery.”

  “Like hell I am!” the drunk returned. “I think I’m going to call him out right now!”

  The drunk knocked over his chair as he stood abruptly. He lurched toward the bar, his expression angry.

  Dan knew trouble when he saw it.

  “This don’t look good,” he muttered aloud as he stopped pouring a drink and reached under the bar to rest his hand on the trusty shotgun he’d started keeping there ever since the incident with Boyd Wilson.


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