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My Brother's Best Friend

Page 3

by Darcy Kent

  I move a step closer and she hears me, turning her head in my direction. I smile and walk over to her. “I knocked first.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear. Would you like something to drink?” she asks, going to stand up.

  “No, I’m good right now, thanks,” I say resting my hand on hers to have her sit back down. I feel a bit awkward. I’ve been with plenty of women, but never without the intention of getting them in my bed. I don’t exactly know what to talk about if it doesn’t include bedroom talk.

  “Ryan, I really am sorry for the way I treated you. I don’t want you to think that is the kind of person I am,” she says with sadness in her voice.

  “Well what kind of person are you?” I ask, generally interested in her response.

  “If you would have asked me that a few months ago, I would have said a lawyer who wants to take the world by storm. Now, I’m not so sure anymore.”

  I look at her, but she never turns her attention away from the lake. “What changed?” I know all too well how she’s feeling because that’s how she makes me feel. She has me questioning everything I thought I believed, and I don’t understand any of it. Maybe if she tells me what changed for her, it will give me a little insight on what the hell is going on with me.

  “Honestly?” She finally looks at me and I nod my head. “The clock,” she says and smirks.

  “The clock? What the hell does that mean?” I ask with a chuckle.

  She turns her body to face me and smiles. “The ticking of the clock. It makes you realize time is passing and the longer it ticks the more time passes. It made me realize that I had all the time passing me by and I wasn’t doing anything with it. I worked, I had boring relationships, and no life at all. I want to do something with my life, but I’m not sure what it is. I know it sounds ridiculous, I shouldn’t be boring you with this stuff.”

  The more she spoke the more intrigued I became. She’s on a quest to find herself and even though I think I’m probably the last thing she needs in her life, I want to help her. “It’s not ridiculous. Do you not want to be a lawyer anymore?”

  “No, I love being a lawyer. I’m just not sure I want it to consume my life anymore.”

  “Alright, well maybe when you go back home you should throw that clock away,” I joke hoping to lighten the mood a bit.

  She laughs and stands up. “Maybe I will. I’m going to get a drink, are you sure you don’t want one?” I tell her I’ll take a water and she goes inside to get it.

  When she comes back outside she has a platter with some fruit on it and our drinks. She places it all down before she sits. “I’m going to make burgers for dinner, but figured we could snack for a bit.”

  It’s quiet for a few minutes while we just enjoy the warm evening, but she said something earlier that has me curious. “Stacey, you said you had boring relationships. Why were they boring?”

  She laughs and shakes her head. “Ryan, you don’t want to hear about that.”

  Normally, she’s right, I wouldn’t want to hear it. I shouldn’t want to hear it from her, but damn it, I want to know. “Actually, I do.”

  “It’s kind of embarrassing,” she says shaking her head.

  “Embarrassing? Well now you have to tell me.”

  “Well, the guys I’ve been with are boring. They don’t like going out, drinking more than two fingers worth of scotch, or even watching TV. Reading the newest law books, working, and a good cigar were things that held their interest. See, boring. What about you? What have your last relationships been like?” she asks, popping a grape into her mouth.

  “Damn you are a lawyer, deflecting off the original question. Good thing for you I pay attention. Nothing you said is embarrassing. Boring as fuck, yes. Embarrassing, no. So what are you leaving out?” Her cheeks turn pink and she shrugs her shoulders and it hits me. “The sex. They all sucked in bed. I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “Ugh. Yes alright, that’s exactly it,” she says, covering the blush on her face.

  I pull her hands away and hold them while I grin at her. “Nothing embarrassing about that. Sometimes you just don’t connect with a person.”

  It’s been the opposite for me. I’ve had the sexual satisfaction, but nothing else. I know it was mainly because of my lack of trust with women, though. I’ve never allowed myself to get close to anyone and I guess kind of like her, I’ve been filling that lonely void too, but with sex. I’m good at keeping my feelings out of any situation, I’ve been doing it most of my life. And up until I met her, I was fine with it. Now, I’m starting to question everything, too.

  Chapter Seven


  Just the simple touch of his hand on mine and I feel my body come to life. Definitely something I haven’t felt in a long time, so long in fact that I forgot what it felt like. Ryan carries on conversation with me like he’s generally interested in what I have to say; if he’s not, he sure as hell plays the part well. It’s things like this that I crave.

  As much as he wants to hear my story, I want to hear his. He hasn’t told me anything and even though I only gave him a little, it’s the biggest part. “Ryan, I answered you so now your turn. What have your past relationships been like?” This is truly a question that I want the answer to because my mind is all over the place with it. Wondering if he’s had anything serious or just slept around.

  Quirking his lip, he gives me a wink. “I don’t think you really want to hear that.”

  Oh how wrong he is. “Come on. It’s only fair.” I pout, even going as far as to jet my lip out.

  Chuckling he reaches over and rests his hand on mine. “How about you get to know me a little more before we dig into my past relationships?”

  Part of me is disappointed, but part of me is relieved. I’d like to know why he has the reputation he does. He likes to sleep around, that much I know for sure. Although I’d like to hear why. On the other hand, I’m starting to like him, and if I know how many women he’s been with or how he treated them, I may feel different.

  “Fair enough. Would you like to help me with dinner,” I ask as I stand up.

  For the next forty minutes we work side by side in the kitchen and at the grill. It feels so natural, so normal, like this is something that couples do every day. Although I feel like it is so much more, because I haven’t had anyone cook with me probably since my freshman year of college. I’m enjoying the company, the laughs we are having about our different cooking styles, and the simple touches we share. We aren’t a couple, but this is what I feel like I’ve been missing out on. The little things.

  Ryan seems to be enjoying himself as well. He’s so much more relaxed than I’ve seen him yet. At the bar he seemed to be on edge with all the women and after that, well he was trying to prove to me that he wasn’t the asshole I was making him out to be. I like this side of him. It’s carefree, fun, and easy going. I really want to get to know him better.

  After we eat, we sit on the deck and enjoy the cool evening breeze. It’s now dark out and for some reason it feels more intimate to me. I’m sure it’s all in my mind considering the last few hours have made me realize how much I not only want, but need a different life.

  “Stacey, would you like to take a walk by the lake?” He stands up, holding his hand out to me.

  I place my hand in his and he pulls me up. He leads us to a secluded spot on the lake that I’d never noticed before. He doesn’t let go of my hand as we duck under low hanging trees through a narrow path that leads into what I can only describe as a grotto. I let go of his hand and twirl around slowly, taking it all in. We are completely surrounded by a canopy of trees, the low hanging moon peeking through the branches. The soft breeze whispers across the lake, and small ripples lap at the shore.

  “Ryan, this is stunning,” I whisper.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  When I turn around to face him, I notice that he’s watching my every move. The way he is looking at me, with the moonlight radiating off his deep bro
wn eyes full of lust has me squeezing my legs together. I can’t help but stare at him as he slowly walks toward me. My heart beats rapidly in my chest and my breath hitches in my throat. In this moment, although I’m not exactly sure what is going to happen, I feel a part of me come back to life.

  Ryan runs his knuckles down my cheek, and I involuntarily lean into his touch, my eyes drifting closed at the intimate gesture. He lifts my chin so that I am looking into his eyes. “Stacey, I’ve never wanted to kiss someone as badly as I want to kiss you right now,” he says, licking his lips.

  I feel so desired looking at the moonlight reflecting in his heated eyes. I swallow and poke out my tongue to wet my lips. “Kiss me,” I whisper.

  He leans forward and presses his lips to mine, and I melt into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and he licks the seam of my lips, seeking entrance. I open my mouth to him and when our tongues connect I feel a fire burn throughout my whole body. Unable to control myself I moan as he sinks his fingers into my hair. He deepens the kiss, and I can’t believe the reaction my body is having to him. It’s overwhelming, yet I want so much more. This kiss is not what I expected, it’s slow, sweet and sensual. Almost like he is trying to express himself to me silently, and I am more than happy to listen.

  Breaking the kiss we both try to catch our breaths while searching each other’s eyes. “I’ve wanted to do that since we were kids.” He leans forward and presses a soft kiss to my lips before pulling me into his arms. I rest my head on his chest as he rubs my back, and I can’t help but smile.

  Ryan pulls me down to sit with him on the soft grass. He places me between his legs, my back to his chest and wraps his arms around me. “Did you create this?” I ask, looking around at the grotto.

  He kisses the top of my head and I feel him nod. “I did.”

  “It’s stunning,” I say looking around again. “I’m sure this has been a big hit with the ladies.” The minute the words leave my mouth I regret them. “I’m sorry, it’s none of my business who you’ve brought here.”

  “Stacey, you are the first person I’ve ever brought here.” Hearing him say it shocks me, and I turn my head to look at him. “When I first moved here, I wanted to be anywhere else, but here. My dad told me to explore, and maybe I’d find something that would make me want to stay. Looking around the lake I noticed all these trees and thought it would be amazing to be able to hide away in them. A place to escape to. It took a lot of work and many years, but knowing what it would look like when I was done, made moving here a little easier.” It breaks my heart knowing he was so sad to leave New York, yet I feel like he is opening up to me. I’ll admit, I like it.

  “Why did you need to move here,” I ask, placing my hands over his, trying to give him a bit of comfort.

  “My mom walked out on my dad and me. I didn’t realize it at the time because I was too busy being a teenager, but my dad needed this move. It was his way of moving on, and he needed me for that.”

  “Oh Ryan, I’m so sorry.” I don’t know what else to say. He’s giving me an insight to a piece of his life and it makes me feel closer to him. Wanting to change the subject because the sad voice I hear lets me know he doesn’t like visiting that part of his life. “So, do you like working construction? It looked like you work with a fun bunch of guys.”

  He chuckles and squeezes me a little tighter. I think it’s his way of thanking me for changing the subject. “I do like my job, especially because ninety-nine percent of the time I work here at the resort. Mike and I are friends with most of the guys. They’re a great group.” He chuckles again saying, “Well most of the time.”

  We sit in the grotto and I listen to stories of what it was like once he moved here and we laugh at all the trouble he caused. I tell him what’s be going on in New York and how much I loved coming here for the summers. It’s is crazy I never noticed him as more than my brother’s best friend before.

  Somehow we ended up laying down, and I don’t even mind the feeling of the grass and dirt on my skin. That’s probably because my body is too focused on the solid, muscular chest I’m resting my cheek on. Even as we just lay here in silence, I feel there is an undeniable connection happening. Ryan surprises me when he moves, rolling me onto my back. He doesn’t say a word just takes in my face in his hands before leaning forward and claiming my lips. This kiss is different than the first. It’s hard, rough, and commanding. It makes my pussy ache with need, a feeling I’d forgotten about, but now it’s a sensation I suddenly crave.

  He breaks the kiss and puts his hands on either side of my face. “What the hell are you doing to me,” he whispers before claiming my lips again.

  I wish I had an answer for him, but I’m asking myself the same thing.

  Chapter Eight


  Waking up the next morning, I have a smile on my face. It was the best time I’ve ever had with a woman. We talked, laughed, and got to know each other as adults. When I brought her to my hangout, I’ll admit I was nervous. No one has ever seen it before, not even Mike. It’s a place I like to go to escape, but there was something about the way I felt with Stacey that drew me to taking her there.

  Going to work was not what I wanted to do. Running over to Stacey’s, now that I was willing do in a heartbeat. The kiss that we shared last night, was the most real thing I’ve ever experienced with a woman. I felt like we were connecting and not just in a sexual way. Even though I wanted to fuck her more than anything, I refused to even let it get to that point. I want her to like me, trust me, respect me. If I had slept with her last night, even if she was the one who initiated it, I was afraid she’d hate me.

  This is all so new and confusing to me, and right now the only thing I want is to spend more time with her. Lucky for me, last night before I left her place I asked her if I could take her somewhere after work. After another kiss, she said yes, so when I finish work today I will see her.


  Work is almost over and I’m relieved. I’m so damn distracted and the guys are noticing. They’ve been riding my ass to find out how dinner went, and I just keep saying fine. This is not appeasing them though.

  “Did you kiss her?” I turn to look at Todd and he smirks. “What,” he says, laughing.

  “You act like a damn chick,” I reply and shake my head with a smirk.

  “Chick with a dick.” We both burst out laughing.

  “You’re a fucking idiot.” I turn back to the sheetrock I’m hanging and start screwing it in place.

  “So did you,” he says standing right next to me.

  “Holy shit. Yes alright, I kissed her. No, I didn’t try to go any further. Happy,” I say completely fed up with the non-stop questions.

  “Who sounds like a whining chick now? Damn.” He walks away laughing and I flip him off before getting back to work.

  When we finally leave for the day I go home and shower before making sandwiches. I pack up everything I need and head over to Stacey’s. Like the chick that Todd said I sounded like, my stomach flips and turns the closer I get to her place.

  I knock on her door and she opens it almost immediately. The air is sucked out of my lungs when I see how beautiful she looks. She’s wearing a sundress with her hair in some crazy looking up do with pieces that have fallen out framing her face. The exposed skin of her neck is begging for my touch, and it takes all my willpower to keep from carrying her to the bedroom. What gets me the most is the sexy smile she’s wearing.

  “You look stunning,” I say moving in to kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck and runs her fingers into my hair as I deepen the kiss. She lets out a soft moan, and I need to break the kiss because my cock has other things in mind.

  Smiling she says, “You look great too. So what are we doing?”

  “Get your stuff and I’ll show you.”

  She gets into my beat-up pickup truck, and I drive the short distance to one of my favorite open fields. Looking over at me she raises her eyebrows. “Well this is more clear,�
� she says causing us both to laugh.

  “We are going to have a picnic.” I open the door and look back over at her. “Come on.”

  After getting the blanket and picnic basket out of the bed of my truck, I grab her hand and lead her out into the field. We get to a spot that has the tall grass pressed down, probably from kids laying out here earlier, and I lay the blanket down. We sit down and she looks around. “You know I spent so much of my childhood here and I don’t remember any of this. How is that possible?”

  “I think we are good at only holding onto the memories we treasure. Obviously it wasn’t the grounds that you treasure.” I wink at her reaching into the basket to pull out the sandwiches and pasta salad.

  “You’re right. It’s the time I spent with my parents’ out of the city. They weren’t too busy to play with me here,” she says resting her hands behind her.


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