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My Brother's Best Friend

Page 15

by Darcy Kent

  I crawled off the bed, legs wobbly as I went into the bathroom to escape his hard stare for a moment.

  When I walked back into the bedroom, he was getting dressed. His jeans were unzipped and he was putting on his t-shirt with a frenzied look.

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “I’m starving, and since I have all night, I figured we could take a break, eat…then fuck some more.”

  “Oh, now who’s planning the night out? Should I get my notebook?” I found my yoga pants and slipped them up my legs, grabbing my white t-shirt and throwing it over my head.

  We headed into the kitchen as he wrapped his arms around me. “If you’d like to take notes on how good I fuck, then by all means, go ahead.”

  “Meh, you were okay. I mean I’ve definitely had better,” I flat out lied to him.

  His eyes twinkled against the moonlight coming in through the kitchen window just before he flipped on the light.

  “Admit it, I’m the best you’ve ever had.”

  I coughed, trying not to laugh so hard. I mean well, he was the best I’d ever had, but cocky much?

  I blew out a breath as I smiled. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s okay. You’ll get better, you just need more practice.”

  He stalked closer to me, lifting my chin with his finger to meet his eyes. “Sweetheart, I’ve had plenty of practice.”

  My mood deflated for a moment, I didn’t want to know of his many conquest he had over his lifetime.

  “Don’t remind me.” I shook my head out of his grasp and turned toward the fridge.

  “Want a confession?” he asked as he stood behind me, chest pressed to my back, hand running up and down my neck, mouth so close to my ear I was getting dizzy.

  “Uh-huh,” I mumbled.

  “You’re the best fuck I’ve ever had.”

  Well the mood is gone now, spine was no longer tingling with desire, and I turned around. With both hands I pushed him away. “God, what an awful thing to say.”

  “What?” he asked, laughing.

  I just scowled in his direction as I crossed my arms over my chest. “Well, I think the night is over, three orgasms, not enough to stay here.”

  Like a flash of lightning, he had his arms wrapped around my waist, lifting my feet off the ground. My back slammed into the fridge, as my legs instinctively wrapped around him trying to grip onto him so I wouldn’t fall.

  His lips crashed to mine, fervently, violently almost. His tongue intruded my mouth as my thoughts crashed all around me. My sex was throbbing at his action, yet I think I was still pissed at him. Wasn’t I? I was confused. He had me in a tailspin and I was trying desperately to remember what the fuck we were talking about before he lifted me up.

  He moved my body to the counter, and sat me down. He pulled back and his lips were extremely close to mine I could almost breathe the words he spoke. “I just said you were the best fuck of my life, tell me I’m the best fuck of yours.”

  I tried, I did. He was the best fuck, but maybe there was more. Or maybe I wanted him to feel what I was feeling. If even just a fraction of what I was feeling. I didn’t want to be his best fuck, I wanted more. But, wait, no I didn’t. The way he was talking to me, I didn’t like. I knew I didn’t want to be some random fuck, although let’s face it….that is what we had agreed on, right?

  But suddenly, the air left my lungs and I tried to pull all my thoughts together.

  “Ryder, I…”

  He brought his lips to mine, kissing the words out of my mouth. He broke the kiss again, and stared at me.

  “Me too, I don’t want you to be some random fuck. I kind of think you’re more than that.”

  Wow, his admission took me by surprise, although if a hot man is standing in your kitchen telling you that you are the best fuck of his life, you’d be squeeing for joy. Yet, what he said just now was so much better, and I didn’t know what any of it meant.

  Maybe that’s the problem with girls, we think too much. Need to know what the root meaning is behind what every man says. I should just live in the moment, like I said I would do.

  I tried to speak for a moment as I sat tongue-tied. My mind didn’t know how to respond, and there was a vulnerability in his eyes.

  I couldn’t turn away, so I grabbed his shoulders, and smiled. “Okay, try one more time. Maybe you’ll be the best after that.”

  He smiled wide, and stood me up. His eyes watched as he lowered my yoga pants to the floor. As soon as they were off, he propped me back up on the kitchen counter. “Oh, I’ll fuck you so good you won’t walk straight for days,” he said, unzipping his zipper.

  “That’s a mighty big promise, soldier.” The moment the words left my mouth his eyes twitched and he stilled for half a heartbeat. “Did I say something wrong?” I asked.

  And in another half-beat he was back to running his bare cock over my throbbing pussy. “I have your big promise right here.” He smiled up at me.

  “Wait, we need a condom.

  “I always have these fuckers around.” He reached into his jean’s back pocket and produced a foiled wrapper which encased a condom.

  “Always prepared.” I laughed.

  “Like a fucking boy scout. Now I need to feel that pussy again.”

  He slammed into me, and when it was over I was catching my breath from my fourth orgasm of the evening, and Ryder’s cocky attitude was back.

  My body was spent, I wanted to sleep. I wanted to eat. We never did eat after the tirade in the kitchen. So, I opened the fridge as Ryder pulled his jeans up over his body.

  I was standing stark naked in my kitchen and glanced over my shoulder to him. “Modest?”

  “You never know.”

  His strange answer perplexed me for a second, but I thought nothing of it. I smiled and turned my attention back on the refrigerator.

  We decided on making sandwiches as we snuggled on the couch to watch t.v. It was weird having him beside me, and I almost felt odd. But his body was wrapped around me the moment we cleaned our plates from the food we devoured.

  He fell asleep on my chest, and I didn’t want to wake him. So I snuck out from underneath him and made my way to the bedroom.

  Pulling the pillows up to the top of the bed, I grabbed the covers from the floor, and sank into the bed for a good night’s sleep, or what was left of the night.

  I couldn’t get Ryder’s intense gaze as we had sex on my bed out of my mind. The look of pure fire is one I would never forget, and as I tried to squeeze my eyes shut, I remembered how amazing tonight was for me.

  Chapter Six


  The next morning, I expected to wake up and find Ryder in my living room passed out on the couch. Nope, no such luck. He was gone, like a thief in the night taking with him a piece of my heart.

  Deal was five orgasms and he could stay with me for a month, I’d only had four. So, I was feeling a little high on life, but not really. I almost felt depressed he was gone. Maybe depression wasn’t the right term, but there was a sadness.

  I continued throughout my day as I watched a little t.v after showering my sex-induced sweat off my body. Just before noon there was a knock on my door.

  Answering it, I saw Ryder standing there with a huge smile. He had two bags in his hands, and looked yummy enough to eat.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I’m moving in for the month, remember?”

  I stopped him from entering and shook my head, eyes wide. “No, deal was five orgasms. I only had four, sorry.” I giggled slightly as he pushed his way inside.

  “No, actually the deal was I could make you come four or more times in one night and I stay here for a month.”

  What was he jabbering on about?

  I almost wished I had a stenographer handy, as I remember him saying five. “No, I don’t think so.”

  “I know so.” And he walked in like he owned the place a
nd set his bags down.

  I shut the door, unsure of what to do and felt like this guy was certifiably crazy. Of course, I wanted to have sex with him again, who wouldn’t…but I needed to keep those thoughts and actions to myself.

  “Whatever, what is wrong with you?”

  “I don’t want to be this way anymore. I don’t want to have sex with random girls, so I need somewhere to stay and figured this was my best option.” He moved over to the couch and sat his sexy ass down as I followed after him.

  “What about Mark?”

  “Nah, I like it here more.”

  “You’re crazy.” I shook my head at him and he laughed. A full, deep belly laugh which in turn made me crack up.

  So, we watched a little television, nothing too serious and then I made some lunch for the two of us. I was nervous at first about what would be expected of me, I mean did he want sex again? I wasn’t too sure, but after a while it became all too comfortable.

  My phone dinged in the middle of Desperate Housewives, yeah get a load of that, Ryder was on my couch watching reality t.v.

  I moved into the kitchen to check my phone and saw a missed text from Grant. I blew out a breath, a loud one, like loud enough for Ryder to hear and he turned his head.

  “Everything okay in there?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” I glanced at the text again and read it over again.

  Can I come over tonight?

  Isn’t it funny how you can be totally alone, no men in your life and then all of sudden you have too many to count. Okay, two isn’t too many to count, but it was so unlike me. I guess when it rains it pours. I decided to ignore the message hoping Grant would get the hint, and went back into the living room with Ryder.

  We watched t.v. well into the night, and after a while I grew tired. Ryder and I kissed, and then I made my way into my bedroom.

  The kiss, of course it was hot. Hot enough to melt my panties, but when he pulled back it almost appeared he was afraid. So I didn’t question it and just said ‘Goodnight’ and walked to my room.

  Oh, I still hadn’t asked him anything about why he said my name when he was having sex with that hooker. Right, she wasn’t a hooker, but I mean she looked and acted like one, except for the whole taking money thing. Whatever, in my mind she was trash.

  Tossing and fighting with my covers like they were the hooker, I finally fell asleep.


  When I awoke in the morning, Ryder was gone…again. And, for the next three days every morning when I woke up he was nowhere to be found.

  When he would come back, he was always a little distant.

  “Hey,” I said when he came back from wherever he went in the mornings.

  “Hey, yourself. Do you work tonight?”

  “Yeah, you?”

  “Yep,” he said.

  “Can I ask you where you went this morning?” And every morning.

  His sexy eyes met mine, and he laughed. Oh no more laughter, anytime I’d ask him something he would laugh it off.

  “I went home.” He walked into the kitchen where I was enjoying some shredded oats and took a seat in a stool next to me.

  “Oh no please don’t tell me you’re married.” This was it. The only explanation. He had a family he was neglecting.

  “No, not married. I went home to water my plants.”

  Seriously? Who does this? And, most importantly why weren’t we having sex anymore?

  We had the one night, and I wanted him more and more, but he never made a move on me. I glanced down to my shredded oats and dropped my spoon in the bowl.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, fine.”

  He hopped off the stool as I sat there like a dummy. I didn’t know what to say to him. I wanted to know so much more about him, I wanted to know where he lived, and why he wasn’t staying there.

  There was an idea brewing in my mind, and by this time tomorrow I would have some answers.

  We went off to work later in the evening, and work went by in a rush. Ryder flirted with every woman around, and my jealousy was off the charts. Was he trying to make me jealous?

  When the night was almost over I saw Waverly standing near the bar and rushed over to him.

  “What are you doing here, hot stud?” I asked.

  “Checking out the fine piece of ass behind the bar.”

  For a split second the image of just how fine Ryder’s ass was flashed through my mind. I shook my head quickly, trying to erase the image like an etch-a-sketch.

  “Oh, well I’m glad to see you. He’s actually staying with me.” I don’t know why I offered up that information, maybe I was proud, or wanted Waverly to be jealous. God dammit, I wanted to make someone jealous tonight. Ryder hadn’t even glanced my way all night, not once.

  “What?” Oh, I had Waverly’s attention now. All of his muscles went rigid as he stood there looking at me as if I had two heads, or maybe three.

  “Yeah, he needed a place to stay.”

  “And? Are you and he an item? Grant says you haven’t called him in a few days.”

  I scrunched my face at him as I thought about Grant. “Ugh, don’t remind me.”

  “Girl, there’s something going on with you. You’d better spill it,” Waverly said.

  At that moment, I saw one of my tables being sat and was thankful for the reprieve. “Hate to drop a bomb and run, but I have to get their drink order. Don’t leave we will catch up.”

  I walked away from Waverly as I went over to the booth and had to deal with an already intoxicated rowdy bunch.

  At the end of the night, Waverly must have left because I didn’t see him anywhere. When I got to the lockers, Marissa cornered me.

  “Hey, Helena. I’m going to invite Ryder over tonight.” She was brimming with a cheery disposition I found nauseating.

  My brain was banging inside of my head, begging to be freed. I couldn’t think anymore about anything. Sensory overload, or something like that. I just wanted to take a bath, and curl up and read a book. Although, I’d never read a book completely in my life. It was something I was willing to do though to get away from all of the stress everyone was causing me.

  “That’s great.” I smiled and pushed my way past her.

  When I walked out of the break room, I slammed the bathroom door in and walked in pissed off. I clamped my finger at the bridge of my nose, and wanted a nice shot of something liquid. Something that would make my brain swim, and my blood become intoxicated. Does that make sense? Well, it made sense in my mind, and luckily that’s where we were right now.

  Lost in deep thought in my fucked up mind, images slammed in my vision of Ryder’s mouth on my breasts, Ryder’s tongue on my vagina. Why couldn’t I think straight?

  When I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Marissa and Ryder chatting away like two eighty-year-old women, red hats and all.

  They weren’t wearing red hats, but that’s all I saw….RED!

  I trudged through the back door, and took in the balmy air. Spring was so close to making its presence known in New York, and I rushed to the subway entrance when I heard footsteps behind me. I didn’t turn around, and tried to remember these ninja skills I said I had. Okay, maybe I didn’t have ninja skills per se, but I’d watched a few kung fu movies to understand the gist of it. I reached in the bag and wrapped my fingers around the pepper spray. The footsteps drew closer, and I pulled it out.

  A hand touched my shoulder, heart pounding, I whipped around and sprayed the aerosol can at my attacker.

  “What the fuck, Helena,” Ryder screamed.

  He knelt over with both hands rubbing his eyes. I thought he had hung back at the bar with Marissa, my ex-friend.

  “Oh my God, Ryder. I’m so sorry.” I leaned over and patted his back, sure it doesn’t do anything for pepper spray directly to the eye, but I felt bad enough.

  He stood, after coughing uncontrollably for a minute or two and his
eyes were so red, I felt bad.

  “Shit, I’m so sorry.”

  “Remind me not to sneak up on you ever again,” he said, rubbing his eyes.

  “Why did you? Why didn’t you call out my name?”

  “I didn’t think you would try to kill me.”

  “I didn’t try to kill you, such a drama queen,” I said with a small smile.

  Even after being pepper sprayed the man was still gorgeous. It just wasn’t fair to other men. His eyes ran over me like a marathon runner aiming for the gold medal as I sucked in a breath.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “What do you mean, I’m headed home.”

  “Well, I’m going with you. I thought we would go together.”

  I turned on my heel to continue my walk as he rushed to catch up. My foul mood dissipated some after I realized I hurt him with the pepper spray, but still something was off about him. I didn’t know if I had the energy to even figure out what it was anymore.

  We made it to my apartment without incident, and after I showered and put on fresh clothes, Ryder stood by my door, watching me. No, not while I dressed. He came to my door once I was all finished….geeze.

  His piercing eyes well they fucking pierced right through me, and I couldn’t catch my breath. I wanted him, again but didn’t know if it was wise to make a move.

  Well, lucky for me it didn’t matter what I thought because Ryder pounced on me like a Sumo wrestler attacking his opponent.

  My hands flew to my mouth when Ryder yanked my pants down my legs, and the force he was controlling me with was such a turn on. I didn’t have time to react, or think even. His body owned me, and when he brought his lips to mine, fireworks exploded. Maybe not fireworks, but something shifted between us, and my heart pounded against my chest.

  Ryder climbed on top of me and his hand ran down my sides landing on the juncture of my thighs. His warm breath skated across my ear as he let out a low moan. God, what was he doing to me?


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