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TONY: Slow Burn (Raging Fire Book 1)

Page 35

by Kallypso Masters

  Whenever Tony spotted Nick talking with Carm across the room, they seemed almost conspiratorial. She’d laughed about something Nick had said. Once, Tony had locked gazes with her, and she’d acted as if she’d been caught in the act of doing something she was embarrassed about. He surveyed the room just now but couldn’t find either one of them.


  Tony couldn’t believe it, but he was jealous. Not wanting to be that guy, he shook off the unfamiliar feeling. Nick seemed like a good guy and probably only came here to help her with her fundraiser, just as Tony had.

  That the proceeds would go to the local fire department made it worth it. More people should step up and support the men and women who gave so much of themselves to keep their communities safe. Carmella was a hero to him for taking the time to do this. And from what he could tell, this event would raise lots of money. She had a way of getting shit done when she put her mind to it.

  Of course, he’d have been here to support Carm no matter what cause she championed. The woman had taken up permanent residence in his heart.

  Maybe you need to prove it.

  The dive shop had closed for the season, so work with his budding dive team had moved to indoor lectures and swimming pool practices mostly. Several of the team had talked about taking a trip to the Caribbean to get in more dive time.

  Tony didn’t want to think about returning to the islands without Carmella. He vowed to spend more of his days off with her—at least until the ski season kicked off, which was only a couple of weeks away.

  Even after that, he could come to Aspen and prepare her some nice meals so she could relax and avoid the crowds after a long day’s work. He enjoyed cooking with her.

  “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for joining us tonight and for supporting such a good cause.” Tony’s gaze moved to the stage where Sandro had drawn everyone’s attention. “As most of you know, my sister has been working tirelessly for the past two months on this gala. Let’s give Carmella D’Alessio a round of applause in appreciation for all she’s done!” The room erupted with clapping and shouts of praise, and Tony’s chest swelled. He was so proud of her. She truly was amazing. He scanned the room again, but still couldn’t find her.

  Or Nick.

  “I want to remind you that the silent auction will continue in that corner of the ballroom for another hour or so.” He pointed to the area to Tony’s right. “If you haven’t placed your bids yet, be sure to lock them in soon. But don’t worry! We’ll give you one last chance to contribute to the cause after the bachelor auction ends.”

  Tony would be glad to have that over.

  “Before we move on to that portion of the evening’s festivities, though, I’d like to invite Carmella up to tell you more about why this cause is so important.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of red and turned to watch Carm approach the stage. The formfitting dress hugged her body like a second skin, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her during their first dance tonight—not to mention help her get out of that dress later on.

  Sandro placed a kiss on Carm’s cheek, and she laughed at something he said then turned toward the audience. Her gaze scanned the room until she found Tony, then she locked her eyes with him momentarily and smiled. His heart beat a little faster, anticipating the night ahead.

  Her attention returned to the others in the room. “As many of you know, our brother Marc is an EMT training to be a paramedic with a nearby fire station. This past June, Marc married into a family of firefighters. All four of my sister-in-law’s brothers went into the fire service to give back to their community and inspired by and to honor their papa, who, unfortunately, made the ultimate sacrifice more than nine years ago while a member of the Aspen Corners Fire Department’s search-and-rescue team.”

  Tony wasn’t sure why she focused on his family, although all who served in their fire departments were part of the larger firefighting family.

  “In June, the Aspen Corners station had a tragic call involving the loss of a mother and child in a swift-water accident. One of the firefighters involved has made it his mission to start a dive team for the department that may one day lead to a water-rescue squad. And that’s what brings us here tonight—to raise money to help this new dive team.”

  Tony’s heart thudded to a stop before pounding again. This was a fundraiser for his dive team? How’d she kept this a secret? God, he didn’t think he could love this woman more, then she went and did something like this.

  Again, the word love had crept into his thoughts about Carmella, but this time he refused to deny what he felt. He did love her, even if he hadn’t told her yet. Perhaps he needed to remedy that—and soon.

  Carmella met his gaze, wrapping him up in her cocoon. While she spoke to the crowd, he felt as if he were the only person in the room. “I think if we all bid high enough tonight, we will be able to fund the diving equipment and training needed, which so many of the men and women on the team have been paying out of their own pockets until now.”

  A buzz burst out across the room and, from the looks on people’s faces, they weren’t aware how much firefighters and others spent of their own money to train to keep them and their communities safe.

  “And if you dig even deeper,” Carm continued, “they can purchase their first boat and all the high-end, specialized apparatus needed—like sonar and a bigger boat—for a full-blown water-rescue squad.”

  Tony couldn’t believe his ears. He’d never said a word to her about his ultimate dream to go beyond the diving team. Of course, she’d been with the other firefighters at the restaurant on Provo when they’d been talking to him about what would be involved to outfit a complete water-rescue squad.

  Tony mouthed a lame thank you, and she beamed back at him before turning her focus back to the room at large. Having a squad that could answer to all kinds of water emergencies, including swift-water ones like that bad call in June, would be huge.

  “Please be generous as we start auctioning off the Colorado firefighters and other bachelors who have generously donated their services tonight. Before we get to our firefighters, though, we’re going to start off with Nick London from New York City. When he heard this was a fundraiser for a fire department, he immediately volunteered. I’m going to let him say a few words before he goes on the auction block.”

  The man Tony had been more than a little jealous of earlier made his way to the podium. Impeccable in his tuxedo—probably not a rental like Tony’s—he exuded confidence and strength. Shawana, the young woman standing next to him, whistled under her breath. When Tony looked over at the woman he’d first met on Capitol Peak during the rescue in June, he could see the admiration and, quite frankly, lust in her expression. No doubt she’d be placing the first bid.

  Carm made her way to the back of the room where Tony stood.

  “If there weren’t so many eyes on us, I’d kiss you right now.” They hadn’t told anyone that they’d been dating yet. He wasn’t sure she wanted a public reveal with so many family members watching them. “But mere words can’t express how grateful I am for what you’re doing here tonight, Carmella.”

  “Don’t thank me until we see how the auction goes.”

  “Principessa, these women are chomping at the bit to spend loads of money tonight. How’d you manage to keep this a secret? Did Rafe or Marc know what was up?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I didn’t want you to find out prematurely, so I remained vague with everyone except the deputy chief of operations in your department who promised to keep it a secret.”

  That explained why the deputy chief was here tonight. Tony had wondered.

  “When the bidding starts for me, don’t let me down. I can’t imagine anyone else I’d rather spend the evening with than you.”

  Carm’s eyes smoldered with unspoken promise. This evening wouldn’t end with dancing here at her resort. He couldn’t wait to get her alone. Maybe he could spirit her away a little early. Regardless,
he’d switched shifts with one of the married guys who hadn’t come to be part of the auction, so he didn’t have to be at the station to work until Monday.

  “Thank you, Carmella,” Nick began from the stage, “for putting this event together.”

  Tony took her by the elbow and turned her toward the front of the room.

  “Having lost a younger brother in the Towers on 9/11, supporting first responders in anything they set their minds to do has been a major priority for me.”

  His words slammed into Tony, who felt ashamed for his earlier thoughts about the guy. Clearly, he understood losing a family member in the line of duty. “I’d like to make a ten-thousand dollar donation to tonight’s cause.”

  A round of applause rang out at his generosity. Tony was blown away.

  Nick turned his attention to the women in the audience, scanning the room as if looking for someone. “Let the fun begin. And whoever is the highest bidder, look me up when you’re in New York City, and I’ll give you a second date and show off the town I love in a way no tour guide ever would.”

  Several women in the audience oohed and aahed at his offer. He knew how to whip up interest.

  “Who will start the bidding for Mr. London?” Sandro asked.

  “Two thousand!” Shawana shouted. Nick focused his attention in her direction, and his eyes opened wider before he grinned.

  “Dang, Shawana.” Carm said to her. “You go, girlfriend!”

  “Now that I no longer work with him, I figured he’s fair game as a date. I’ve silently lusted after him for so many years, it’s time.”

  Carm laughed and, as the bidding rose higher, leaned over to whisper in Tony’s ear, “Shawana recently moved here from New York to start a new life at a slower pace.”

  When the bidding between at least six women was over, Tony remained silent, stunned at how much the man had gone for. That would be enough to send several team members to the Caribbean for more dive time.

  Sandro thanked the woman with the highest bid, then checked his list on the podium and called Franco up. His second-oldest brother looked even less comfortable in his tux than Tony. Or maybe it was not knowing who would win his company for the evening.

  Franco didn’t date much, as far as Tony could tell. Pretty much the loner of the family, lately he’d been talking about moving to Denver to train to become an arson investigator with the state. Franco had always loved the excitement of a city over small-town life.

  Once again, the bidding quickly rose. Even Franco seemed to squirm a little less. Had he expected no one to bid for him?

  “Franco Giardano is sold to number forty-seven!” Sandro announced the final bid.

  Holy shit! Again, the amount staggered Tony. He leaned down to whisper in Carm’s ear. “I know who to come to in the future if I ever need to raise money fast.”

  “I’m your girl!” She laughed, her eyes sparkling. She was clearly in her element. Of course, Carmella was comfortable wherever she was—mountains, beaches, black-tie affairs. The woman continued to amaze him.

  But there was no way she’d ever give up working at her family’s resort. That thought put a damper on his mood, because Tony couldn’t give up living and working where he did, either, especially after all the work he’d put in to start the dive team.

  Could the two of them ever work out the logistical problems of being together? Hell, they weren’t even dating on a regular basis yet, and here he was already thinking about who should uproot his or her life for the other.

  Get a grip, man.

  “Thank you, ma’am, for your generous bid,” Sandro said to the patron before turning to Franco, “and thank you, Franco, for your contribution to the cause.” Sandro focused on the audience again.

  “We’re off to a great start, ladies, but we still have plenty more bachelors in the wings, including more smoking hot firefighters, so keep those wallets open and give generously.”

  Matt, Rafe, Michael, and several other firefighters from the area were auctioned off next. Tony would be able to fund winter dives without the help of the dive shop with the amount of money being pledged.

  Just before Tony, who had been kept for last for some reason, came Paul Janowski, a battalion chief from Breckenridge Mama had been seeing all year. Tony searched out Mama in the crowd. She’d been the one to invite Paul to join in tonight’s charity gala. Had she known what Carm had planned for the proceeds? Probably not. Knowing his mother, she’d have helped no matter which fire department would benefit.

  Surprisingly, within minutes of the bidding starting, Janowski exceeded what those prior to him had brought in. Mama kept outbidding all takers. How could she keep up financially with these rich women? One enthusiastic bid from the back of the room floored Tony. Shit. Janowski had that silver-fox look going for him, apparently, and most of the women bidding were closer to his age than that of the other bachelors.

  Each time another woman in the ballroom bid, Mama raised her own bid by as much as five hundred dollars. As much as Tony loved this cause—and this vigorous level of bidding meant more money for apparatus, equipment, and training—he didn’t want Mama to outspend her means.

  He turned toward Carm. “I know Mama wants to help us out, but I need to talk to her before this gets even more out of hand. I think she’s too caught up in the moment.”

  Carm grabbed onto his arm and held him back. She shook her head. “Let her do what she wants. She’s a grown woman. Besides, judging by Rafe’s expression, if anybody’s going to say something to her, it will be your oldest brother.”

  Tony searched the room, and sure enough, Rafe glared at Janowski as if this was his fault, but Rafe made a beeline to Mama. The older man paid Rafe no mind. Janowski’s gaze and smile remained steadfastly on Mama, who increased her bid again just about when Rafe made it to her side.

  With difficulty—and some annoyance—she tore her gaze away from the man on the stage when Rafe spoke to her. Mama brushed Rafe away as if afraid she’d miss a bid and focused on the stage again. She asked Sandro what the latest bid was and who had made it. Hearing she was the losing bidder again, Paul gave her a nod, and she raised it again by shouting an astronomical counterbid. What was she thinking? She didn’t have that kind of money to burn.

  Shit, Mama. Had she and Janowski worked out a plan to cover any bid to ensure she would be his date tonight? Tony hoped so but hadn’t made a similar offer to Carm. The five hundred he’d promised wouldn’t touch the prices these bachelors had gone for. But he was tapped out with all his diving classes and equipment purchases lately. He started to worry about who he’d be dancing with later.

  When Mama was declared the winner, she squealed. Paul came off the stage and walked right up to her. Ignoring Rafe completely, he lifted Mama into his arms and twirled her around before giving her a resounding kiss to a room full of cheers.

  Tony wished he’d been able to show Carmella that kind of affection tonight. Maybe it was time for the two of them to stop hiding from their family members and let them know that the two of them were interested in seeing more of each other.

  But Rafe looked fit to be tied.

  “You’re up next, Tony!” Carm told him, breaking into his thoughts.

  “Don’t fail me now, dolcezza,” he whispered for her ears only.

  “I’ll do my best, but don’t expect any heroics like your mama’s.” She laughed as she took him by the arm and propelled him toward the stage.

  He felt a sea of eyes on him, scrutinizing him. Maybe this was what had rattled Franco, although his brother was introverted, unlike Tony. Carm started the bidding at five hundred. He didn’t intend on competing with Janowski’s bid. Maybe Carm should have made him the final bachelor of the night rather than Tony.

  When he heard the woman who’d been bidding against Mama double Carm’s latest bid, he started to worry. He hoped Carm wouldn’t bid more than she could afford.

  After several more back-and-forth bids, two other women entered the bidding war. As much
as he loved the amount of money being raised, no way did he want to have Carmella lose, because he’d lose too.

  But when the last bid had been made, Carm had come through for him. Not as much as Mama paid for Janowski, but a respectable amount that would go a long way. In the bachelor auction alone, tens of thousands of dollars had rolled in and they hadn’t even finished the silent auction yet.

  Tony walked back to where Carm stood waiting. “Come with me.” He took her hand and led her out of the ballroom and away from prying eyes. While he didn’t care who knew that he wanted to kiss Carm, she wasn’t ready for her family to know, and he’d respect that.

  The hallway was empty except for waitstaff going in and out of the ballroom. Tony pressed her up against the wall with his body, leaned in, and kissed her—long and slow and deep. She moaned and his cock stirred to life. He couldn’t wait for this evening to be over so he could take her to bed.

  When the kiss ended, they stared into each other’s eyes a moment. She blinked a few times and looked like she was ready to say something but changed her mind.

  “Excuse me, but duty calls. I’ll be right back after I share the grand total of what we’ve raised at the bachelor auction tonight. Then you and I will have dinner and dancing ahead of us for the next few hours.”

  Tony wished they could leave now, but she was in charge and wouldn’t abandon her duties. Good thing they had the rest of the night and into the morning to make love.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  When her assistant handed her the tally for the night’s fundraising activities and donations, Carm was shocked to see how much they’d raised. She hurried to where Tony waited for her at their table.


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