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Another Mazzy Monday

Page 12

by Savannah Young

  “Whenever you’re ready, I’ll take you back,” I promise. “And maybe we’d better get dressed before I lose all self-control and ravage you again.”

  She bats her long lashes at me. “I certainly wouldn’t want you to ravish me again,” she teases.

  I give her a quick kiss. “Don’t tempt me.”

  We both hop out of the bed and sort through the clothes that are scattered about until we find our own.

  After we’re dressed I take a quick glance at Mazzy. She’s still glowing. And I don’t mean sweating either. She’s radiant. “You look too happy and too content,” I tell her. “We’re never going to hide our tumultuous affair when you look like that.”

  She gives me a playful smack on the arm. “Maybe if you were heartless and bad in bed that would help.”

  I grin. “There may have been a few times when I’ve been accused of being heartless, but no one has ever complained that I was bad in bed.”

  When she places a quick kiss on my cheek my heart skips a few beats. I don’t want to tell Mazzy that the only thing that would ever make me treat her heartlessly is if she broke my heart. And she could do it too because she’s stolen it right out of my chest. I don’t know how she managed it, but it’s in her hands right now.

  We both double check all of the candles to make sure they’ve all been blown out and I use a poker on the fire to make sure it’s completely extinguished. Then I grab Mazzy’s hand and lead her out of the cabin and back out into the cold evening air.

  “We really do need to get you a leather jacket,” I state when I see that she’s shivering. “Wear mine for now.”

  She shakes her head as I remove my jacket, but I won’t take no for an answer. She’s trembling.

  “You’ll be freezing,” she protests as I place my jacket over her shoulders. She looks like she’s swimming in the thing it’s so big on her, but at least she’s stopped shivering.

  “I’ll be fine,” I lie. I’ll probably freeze my ass off in the thin cotton shirt I’m wearing, but I’d rather be cold than to have Mazzy freeze.

  I place the helmet on her and we both hop onto my bike. This time I don’t have to coax her to grab a hold of me. She puts her arms around my waist and nestles close to me.

  By the time we get back to the lake house it’s nearly dark, but I still notice my dad’s dark blue Mercedes sitting in the middle of the driveway.

  My mind races trying to think of all the reasons that he could possibly be here and none of them are good.

  As I turn off the engine I swallow the lump that’s starting to form in my throat. Once we’re both off the bike I help Mazzy remove the helmet. I’m sure my dad will notice that she’s wearing my jacket, but I’m not going to make her take it off. That will make me look like a complete jack ass. And I kind of like the idea of her wearing it.

  “Whose car is that?” She points to the Mercedes.

  “My dad’s.”

  She raises an eyebrow and I shrug in response.

  “I have no idea why he’s here,” I tell her.

  She cringes. “This could be bad.”

  “Let’s not jump to conclusions. Let’s see what he wants.”

  I instinctively grab her hand without thinking and luckily she’s quick enough to pull away right before my dad opens the front door.

  Mazzy and I hurry inside and I try not to look like I’ve got something to hide. When I glance at Mazzy she’s got a strange smile plastered on her face. It’s almost like she’s not sure what to say or do so she’s just smiling for no reason.

  My dad looks back and forth between the two of us before his bushy eyebrows squish together in confusion. “What’s going on?”

  Mazzy’s eyes grow wide and then she looks over at me. I take the cue and reply, “I picked Mazzy up from a baby shower in town. George had the evening off and she needed a ride.”

  My dad bites his bottom lip as if he’s giving the matter some thought. Then he says, “Drew needs to buy you a car, Mazzy. You can’t be roving around town on the back of a motorcycle like some kind of outlaw. That’s not the impression we want to give voters of the next First Lady of New Jersey.”

  Mazzy nods, but I can tell she’s not herself. That awkward smile is still plastered on her face and her eyes are wide and wild, like a caged animal’s.

  “Where is Drew anyway? I was a little surprised to show up here and find the place completely deserted.”

  “Drew had to work,” Mazzy mutters unsurely.

  My dad shakes his head. “He’s always working. Nose to the grindstone.” Then he turns his attention to me. “You could learn a thing or two from your brother’s work ethic.”

  I take in a deep breath to stop myself from saying something I’ll regret. Something like: Drew is working about as hard as I was. Only while I was fucking his fiancée I’m willing to bet money he was fucking his boyfriend.

  But I refrain. I’ll let my dad continue to have his delusions.

  “I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m here,” my dad continues.

  “It has crossed my mind,” I reply.

  He removes a newspaper from the pocket of his overcoat, shakes it out, and then turns it around so I can see the headline and lead article. There’s a large photo that was taken at the engagement party, only it’s not of Drew and Mazzy, as nearly every mainstream paper featured. This one is a photo of me and Mazzy, and it’s captured the two of us looking at each other and looking very much like we want to do exactly what we just did in the cabin. The headline reads: Does Drew Graham’s Fiancée Have Eyes for His Younger Brother?

  “This is a rag,” I say dismissively. “No one reads this crap. They like to refer to themselves as an alternative news source, but it’s mostly celebrity gossip and entertainment information. Those so-called exposés they publish are nothing but sensationalism to sell ads. The mainstream news would never touch something like that because it’s nothing but a fabrication.”

  My dad narrows his eyes at me, seemingly unconvinced. Then he points a finger in my face. “Just watch yourself, okay. Since the engagement announcement your brother has moved ahead in the polls. I don’t want anything to screw this up.”

  I throw up my hands in mock surrender. “I get it. I’m just helping Mazzy out when Drew’s not around. I know he’s got a lot on his plate.”

  My dad nods, but his eyes are still narrowed. He gives me one final cold stare before he snaps the newspaper shut and folds it up again.

  I think he might leave, but he turns back around to me. “Just stay out of the news completely. The focus needs to be on Drew right now.” As almost an afterthought he glances at Mazzy. “And his lovely fiancée, of course.”

  My temples are starting to pound. All I want is for my dad to leave, but he snaps his fingers and points to Mazzy. “I almost forgot. Your future mother-in-law, my lovely wife, would like for you to accompany her for lunch tomorrow. I believe she would also like to do a little shopping. She always wanted a girl, but we had two sons, so she’s thrilled that you’ll be joining our family.”

  And with that he finally strolls out the door.

  Mazzy and I are both frozen in place until we hear my dad’s car engine start and then pull away. It’s almost like we’re both counting down the seconds before we feel comfortable enough to exhale the breath we’re holding.

  “Oh, my God,” Mazzy exclaims when she finally looks at me.

  “A little tense?” I joke.

  “My heart feels like it’s going to pound right out of my chest.”

  I want to take her into my arms and hold her, but I also don’t want to risk getting caught right out here in the foyer. Especially after being greeted by my dad standing right on the threshold. That was a little too close for comfort.

  “Sounds like you’ll be spending the day with my mom tomorrow.”

  A pained expression spreads over Mazzy’s face, almost like I just slapped her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Your mother terrifies me,”
she admits.

  I don’t want to laugh at her because she looks like she’s about ready to cry, so I say, “My mother terrifies everyone. Join the club.”

  “Come with me,” she pleads.

  As much as her appeal is tugging at my heartstrings I’d rather have my fingernails pulled out one by one while I’m forced to stand on hot coals than spend an afternoon with my mother.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” I say as gently as possible. “I don’t want to arouse any more suspicion, especially now that we know the slime sucking, lowlife paparazzi are sniffing around for a story.”

  “Slime sucking? Really?”

  “At least I got you to smile,” I reply.

  “I’m not even sure what to talk to your mother about.”

  “You don’t have to worry about it. My mother will talk enough for the two of you. Just smile and nod. That’s all you’ll be required to do.”

  “She wants to start shopping for a wedding dress. There isn’t going to be a wedding.” I notice her voice gets much higher pitched when she’s nervous or upset. Right now it’s about two octaves higher than normal.

  Even though I know I shouldn’t, I take Mazzy into my arms. She practically melts into me and I can feel the tension release from her body. We stay wrapped in each other arms for a few minutes, neither one of us saying a word.

  Being so close to her, feeling her body next to mine, smelling the fragrance of her sweet shampoo as her hair tickles my nose—it’s all a little too intoxicating.

  I let my guard down even more and kiss her.

  She doesn’t protest or push me away. She’s right there with me. And when she lets out a small moan of pleasure it fuels my desire even more.

  I deepen the kiss and she allows my tongue to explore her mouth.

  It doesn’t take long for my body to respond and for my dick to swell. I pull her closer so she can feel how hard she makes me.

  We both nearly jump out of our skins when the front door pushes open and Drew enters.

  Luckily we were startled apart far enough that we’re no longer in a completely compromising position, but I have to push my hands deep into the pockets of my jeans to tame my raging hard-on.

  Drew looks back and forth between the two of us like he’s trying to see something that only Mazzy and I can see.

  “I came home early to see if you wanted to get dinner,” Drew says to Mazzy.

  She quickly nods. She still looks a little shell shocked from being interrupted right in the middle of our make-out session.

  “What are you doing for dinner?” Drew has now turned his attention to me. The question sounds strange and I’m not sure if he’s inviting me to come along or warning me that I should stay. I don’t know how to respond so I just shrug.

  “I can make a reservation at Herman’s.”

  Mazzy is still nodding. She hasn’t actually stopped.

  “Have you ever been there before?” Drew asks.

  That finally stops her head from bobbing. “No. Never.”

  He smiles. “You’ll love it. It’s not formal, but it’s not causal either. Maybe that black silk dress and heels.”

  “Okay,” Mazzy agrees.

  Drew just stares at her for a few moments until he finally says, “Is thirty minutes enough time to get ready?”

  “Yes, sure.” She hurries upstairs.

  Once she’s out of earshot my brother glares at me. “What’s going on, Austin?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “I can’t believe you’re going to stand there and lie to my face.”

  I laugh. “As if you’re not the king of liars. You’re living a lie.”

  He frowns. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You know exactly what I mean.”

  He shakes his head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “You and Mazzy aren’t real, Andrew. I hope you’re not starting to believe your own lies.”

  His mouth is now a thin, angry line. I don’t care that he’s mad. I push him even harder. “All your lies are like a house of cards. They’re all going to come falling down. I just don’t want Mazzy to get hurt when that happens.”

  “And why do you care so much about her?” As he cocks his head it’s like a realization comes over his face. “Are you falling for her?”

  “Don’t hurt her,” I repeat a little more forcefully.

  “She’s being well compensated for her efforts,” my brother reminds me.

  Before I have a chance to reply Mazzy hurries back down the stairs. The short black dress she’s wearing hugs her body in all the right places. And her heels make her legs look a mile long.

  “I’m going with you,” I announce.

  “I don’t remember inviting you,” he fires back.

  “Try and stop me.” We both glare at each other. But I know my brother will back down because when push comes to shove he’s no fighter. He’s a politician. He lives for negotiation and using his words instead of his fists.

  “Fine.” He heaves a small sigh of defeat. “Is that what you’re going to wear?” He eyes my black shirt and jeans.

  “This is what I’m going to wear.”

  I hate the fact that Mazzy stands next to Drew instead of me and it takes every ounce of self-restraint I have not to grab her hand and pull her close.

  “Ready to go?” Drew asks Mazzy.

  She nods.

  “You look great,” I tell her.

  She gives me a quick smile in return.

  As if he’s suddenly realized he’s supposed to say something, Drew says, “You look nice, Mazzy.”

  Isn’t that just like my brother? He always does exactly what he’s supposed to do for no other reason than he’s supposed to do it.

  Standing at Drew’s car is awkward. Mazzy and I aren’t sure which of us should sit in the front with Drew and which of us should sit in the back. Mazzy finally offers to get into the back seat and I take the front passenger’s side.

  The car ride is completely silent. I can hear myself breathing it’s so quiet. Finally when I can’t take the silence one moment longer I say, “What do you like about Herman’s?”

  I know it’s an expensive restaurant, but I generally don’t frequent places that don’t have at least a few motorcycles parked out front. Something tells me the parking lot of Herman’s will be crowded with the most expensive luxury vehicles.

  “It’s quiet.” I’m a little surprised by Drew’s response. He usually likes to frequent places where he can be the center of attention and the star of the show.

  Herman’s is everything I would expect in a place my brother would select, from the stuffy décor to the score of old money patrons that pack the place.

  When Drew takes Mazzy’s hand to help her out of the car I’m taken aback by the surge of jealously that rushes through my body. I take in a deep breath and try to control my urge to rip my brother’s hand from Mazzy’s.

  We’re seated at a small table tucked away from the main dining area. Very private and very quiet.

  Mazzy is seated between Drew and I and I’m right across from my brother. I could easily touch Mazzy’s leg without my brother seeing, and I’m tempted. Seeing Mazzy sitting there, looking absolutely gorgeous, and not being able to touch her, is nearly killing me.

  When the waiter arrives my brother orders a bottle of wine for the table without even bothering to ask what anyone wants to drink.

  After spending so much time so far away from my family I had forgotten that my brother is used to being in charge of situations and getting his own way. I think he sees most people as tools that he can use in one way or another to achieve his goal. He’s certainly using Mazzy that way, although she’s getting paid and is a willing participant. I probably couldn’t stand by and watch the charade if he was using some girl who wasn’t completely aware of the situation.

  When we pick up our menus, Drew says, “The salmon is excellent. I highly recommend it.” />
  I know that’s his way of saying that’s what we’re to order, because in his world everyone needs to do exactly what he wants. I debate whether I should play along or if it’s worth the energy to give him a little push back.

  I decide to push back just for the fun of it. “Steak,” I announce as I close my menu. “Rare and bloody.”

  My brother tries to hide his disgust, but I can see a flash of it on his face. He’s never been a red meat eater. It’s much too crude and uncivilized a food for his refined palate.

  We both glance over at Mazzy and her eyes are wide like she’s confused. She looks back and forth between the two of us and then says, “Just a salad, I guess.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want steak?” I tempt her.

  She licks her lips and I can see she’s considering it, but when she glances at Drew he has a scowl on his face that clearly says he’s not in favor of the steak at all.

  When she turns to me her big, blue eyes search mine and time stands still for a few brief moments. I realize that I want to be the one to take Mazzy out to any restaurant she likes. And hold her hand and kiss her, and even feed her bites of my food, without anyone giving us a second look.

  But I can’t. Not now anyway. And maybe not ever. Who knows what the future holds if my brother actually wins the election? If they do break up quietly post-election how would it look to the press for the two of us to suddenly be a couple?

  I try to push all those thoughts out of my mind. For right now I have Mazzy, even if it is in secret, in the shadows, behind closed doors. At least it’s better than not having her at all.

  The three of us are quiet as we eat our meals. Mazzy is basically just picking at her salad. I’ve seen her eat, when she’s cooked her own food, so I know she’s not one of those girls who seem to live on air because you never actually see them put food in their mouths. Mazzy can eat like a champ when she wants to.

  Her entire body looks tense like she’s extremely uncomfortable. Not that I blame her. I’m not that comfortable either.

  At least the steak is decent.

  Once our plates are cleared we all just stare at each other. Drew being at a loss for words is something I’m not used to. But he seems a little off tonight. I’m not sure why.


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