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Red Angel

Page 14

by C. R. Daems

"That's good advice, Adrian, for me too." Kris smiled. Just then Wilber walked in.

  "I love it. Congratulations, Lieutenant Paulus. Now that’s what I call being on a fast track."

  "Okay, team," Adrian said, and waited to get everyone's attention. "The meeting with the captains is in Admiral Rawls’s conference room at nine hundred hours. This afternoon, I've arranged for some simulation time on a standard communications panel at the academy. Lieutenant Paulus will be our instructor. And tomorrow, a Commander Tanaka will demonstrate the WavCom equipment we will be using. They hope to have the equipment installed within the next four days. On day five, we will be given our assigned areas and depart."

  At a few minutes to nine, we made our way to Admiral Rawls's conference room and found the three captains already there—no one with any career aspirations was late for a meeting with an admiral. We had no sooner entered the room when Stauffer and Rawls arrived.

  "Attention," Rawls’s aide shouted, and everyone rose to attention.

  "At ease. Good morning. Before I start, would each of you introduce yourself." Rawls sat and nodded to the captain on her left.

  The short broad-built man next to Rawls scanned the room without smiling.

  "Captain Choi, commanding the cruiser Scylla."

  "Swartz, captain of the Romulus," said a middle-aged and slightly over-weight man, frowning as he looked around the table and his gaze settled on me. He looked to be the oldest captain there. His hair was mostly grey, and it was receding at the forehead.

  A woman looked at me like a hungry hawk spotting a plump rabbit. "Captain Sharat of the Tityus." Her narrow face accentuated the feeling. She was a tall woman with an athletic build and long curly reddish hair tied back in a ponytail.

  "Lieutenant Shrader, NIA Agent, Project Smuggler."

  "Lieutenant Weiss, NIA Agent, Project Smuggler."

  "Lieutenant Sinclair, NIA Agent, Project Smuggler."

  "Lieutenant Paulus, NIA Agent, Project Smuggler," I said, and I felt an explosion of emotions: amusement from Stauffer and my fellow team members, Swartz’s anger, Sharat’s disbelief, Choi’s curiosity, and resignation from Rawls. Feeling like a never-before-seen bug under an electron microscope, I stroked Red, who was inside my jacket.

  "Commander Stauffer, Project Smuggler Leader."

  "Thank you. Project Smuggler was formed about a year ago, and its members selected by Admiral Lulltrel from NIA agents around the Alliance. Its objective is to reduce the flow of contraband, especially illegal drugs and technology. This team has proven even more effective than we had hoped, and being admirals, our expectations were high." That elicited smiles and snorts. "They've identified six Alliance merchants that are working with one or both of the other empires in what appears to be a well-organized smuggling enterprise." When Rawls paused, Swartz spoke.

  "Have they been arrested?"

  "Only one, the Wheeler, and that's where you come in. We’ve decided there is a chance of catching their suppliers if we let the other five continue as if we were unaware of their illegal activities. It was a significant risk, since it relied on the project team discovering their method of communications. Last week they did just that. The smugglers communicate via coded messages to the crew."

  "If they've cracked the code, then why do we need NIA personnel on board?" Swartz again—like a guard dog defending his turf.

  "Because our smugglers are well-organized and not stupid. They use missiles to exchange contraband."

  "Seems complicated?" Sharat said, eyes downcast as if thinking.

  "Yes, and clever. Each missile is programmed for a specific location and has a beacon which can be activated by sending a coded signal at a specific frequency."

  "So the area changes and we need the NIA to determine the drop-off and pickup areas for each of the five merchants," Choi said, nodding as if agreeing with himself.

  "Exactly. Currently we only know the Wheeler's area. The other five will have messages we must find and decode before you can know the best area to hunt." Rawls sat back.

  "So what happens now?" Sharat asked with her eyes on me.

  "Right now, NIA personal are installing special equipment on each of your Bridges that will allow the agent with you to search the WavCom for messages to each of the five merchants. That should be completed in four days. In the interim, the agents have to be checked out on the NIA and Bridge communication equipment, since only one member is currently qualified for Bridge duty. On day five, you will be given your assignments."

  Swartz leaned forward. "Do we get to choose?"

  "No," Admiral Rawls said, firmly.

  "I would be uncomfortable with anyone on the Bridge who isn't qualified to be there," Swartz persisted.

  "I would imagine your concern is Lieutenant Paulus, who ironically is the one person qualified to be on the Bridge. She is an Academy graduate." She paused to enjoy the moment.

  Swartz shook his head in obvious disbelief, Sharat stared wide-eyed, and Choi nodded and smiled.

  Rawls rose. "Each captain here was either selected or approved by Admiral Webb. Each person on the NIA team was either selected or approved by Admiral Lulltrel and subsequently approved by Admiral Webb. I must therefore conclude you are not only equally qualified in the capacity you were selected, but you are the best we have and can be assigned anywhere with equal success. For now, you are free for the next four days. The information you've learned today is restricted until you are on your way to your assigned area." Rawls turned on her heel and strode briskly from the room.

  Sharat immediately walked over to me.

  "Lieutenant Paulus, you are as young as you look, aren't you?"

  "I might look even younger than I am. I'm eighteen."

  "You're right." She snorted. "I'd be interested in hearing your story. You're too young to be a lieutenant, an NIA agent, or picked to be on a high priority NIA project. Yet, you are all three. Well, another time perhaps." She nodded and walked off.

  Kris nodded in approval. "That was a good response. I find it's best to address the issue straight on. If she has an issue, it's hers not yours."

  "But she's a captain, and I'm a lieutenant."

  "But you aren't in her chain of command, so her authority is very limited. Not that it's good to antagonize anyone, especially a captain." Kris gave me a wry grin. "Come, you have a class to conduct."

  I flew the team to the academy and spent a fun afternoon going over the communications panel installed on the latest cruisers and the standard functions of a communications officer on the Bridge.

  "Thank you, Anna. That was a good session, but I for one would like another session or two," Adrian said to nodding heads. "We have Commander Tanaka tomorrow. What about the following day back here?"

  Everyone agreed, and I dropped them back at the office before heading home with Kris.

  "I wonder how the selections will be made and who we will get," Kris said, frowning. "Don't think I'd like Swartz. Appears to have some very definite opinions about who should be on the Bridge, and I don't think any of us qualify. Rawls had his number right. I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing."

  "Choi has my number. He wasn't surprised when Rawls said it was me."

  "I think he'd be all right. Not sure about Sharat. She's direct, which I like, but I’m not sure what she thinks about prodigies," Kris said looking at me. I had received mixed emotions from Sharat.

  "I think she's a very competitive person and may be combative."

  "Agreed. What's for dinner tonight?"

  "I've no idea. Joetta just makes whatever she wants, although she undoubtedly knows what Alexa likes and doesn't like."

  "What about you?"

  "I just eat whatever she makes. I like some things better than others, but they're all okay."

  "When I have kids, I hope my daughter will be as easy to please as you are."

  * * *

  I spent most of the next couple of days at the academy. Commander Tanaka spent a half-day demonstrating how the eq
uipment worked and another day and a half giving us problems to solve in a special simulator. I used the rest of the time discussing the communications officer's duties with the team. The last day, I stayed home and Alexa took the day off. We did some last-minute shopping, ate out, and spent a quiet evening reminiscing.

  I was excited and worried on the way to the office. The thought of being on a cruiser hunting smugglers was exciting, but I worried about how the assignments would be made. I was as sure I wouldn't like to be on the Romulus as I was sure Captain Swartz didn't want me there. That left the Scylla and the Tityus. I didn't know what to think about Captain Choi. He was quick-witted but kept his feelings to himself. On the other hand, Captain Sharat seemed competitive and possibly combative. In the end, I would have no control over the assignments and resolved to keep my head down and let Kris be the visible partner. Keeping a low profile usually worked pretty well for me. Surprisingly, when I arrived everyone was already there. I guessed I wasn't the only one nervous about the assignments.

  Adrian was first to speak. "I've collected the messages for the past twelve months from the five merchants we will be monitoring. If we're lucky, they are using the same or similar coded messages to pass information. If not, we will have to find new keys. Consider it homework while the captain gets us to his or her assigned area. I'd like a weekly update. Send it to me, but copy everyone else."

  "Good idea. That will help keep the captains informed of any overlap in drop-off or pick up areas and provide better coverage," Wilber said. "It wouldn't hurt to have two cruisers if we find the smugglers and they won't come peacefully."

  "I don’t think we will have a choice, but does anyone have a preference?" Kris asked.

  "I don't think choice is in the military dictionary," Wilber snorted. "Just like I doubt Captain Swartz is going to be happy having any of us on his Bridge—just not cricket."

  Smiles of agreement greeted Wilber's remark. Adrian might be the best match for Swartz, I thought, but wasn't sure about Wilber, maybe Sharat.

  Just then Stauffer opened the door. "Admiral Rawls's conference room, in fifteen minutes. This show is about to go on the road. I've worked with Admiral Rawls to make the best pairings we could, based on what I know about you and what she knows about the captains. That's the best we can do. I'll let her announce them, since they are not open to discussion."

  We followed him upstairs to the conference room, where the captains waited. Rawls entered only minutes after we arrived.

  "Attention," her aid barked, and everyone braced to attention, since no one was seated.

  "At ease. I'm informed that the new equipment is installed, the NIA Agents have been briefed on their operation, and the cruisers are operational and ready to depart." She scanned the room before continuing. "Captain Swartz, the Romulus will proceed to Zespa and from there to Amend, New Zheng, and Stone Ring. Lieutenant Shrader will be your NIA Agent." She paused to review her CPC, and I could feel Wilber’s and Kris's relief. Long ago I had learned not to wish for things. It resulted in less disappointment when you didn't get them. I got the feeling Captain Sharat would have preferred Adrian.

  "Captain Choi, the Scylla will proceed to Eastar and from there to Black Water, Holy Star and Oxax. Lieutenant Weiss will be your NIA Agent." She stopped again, and I felt Wilber's relief. Sharat's eyes locked onto me, although her face remained neutral.

  "And Captain Sharat, the Tityus will proceed to Westar and from there to Shadows Rest, Safe Harbor, and Truth Star. Lieutenants Sinclair and Paulus will be your NIA Agents."

  "Why two, ma'am?" Sharat asked.

  "Because Admiral Webb, the Secretary of the Navy, approved it and I thought it a good idea. Don't you agree, Captain?"

  "Yes, ma'am, an excellent idea." She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

  "All right. You are free to change the order of your systems and even the area based on new information your NIA Agents might discover. And I may send you new orders if necessary. Good hunting. Captain Sharat and agents Sinclair and Paulus, stay." Rawls remained seated while the others left.

  Here comes the really interesting part, I mused.

  "Sharat," she waved for her to move closer. "Agent Paulus has a rare disorder which requires regular ... injections. Without them, her dormant Coaca Virus becomes active." She held up a hand to stop Sharat for interrupting. "Anna."

  My cue. I reached into my blouse and grabbed Red, pulled him out, and held up my arm, which he twisted around. Sharat froze, mouth open, eyes narrowed.

  "It stays in her room, locked up in something." Her voice sharp and demanding.

  "No, Sharat. The doctors aren't sure why, but the krait and Anna have a symbiotic relationship. That krait has never left Anna's body since it attached itself to her some fourteen years ago when she was dying of the fever. It’s worth more than a hundred thousand credits on the black market. If it were lost, killed, or stolen, then she would be contagious in a day or two, and dead in less than a week. And before you ask, Admirals Webb and Lulltrel are aware of her condition," Rawls said, watching Sharat. "The krait is poisonous but has only bitten four people. Each time, the person was attempting to forcibly remove it from Anna. She has the antivenin should it happen again. Good hunting." Rawls stood, waved a half salute, and left the room.

  Sharat stood glaring at me, her jaw muscles hard. "So you're her chaperone?" she asked, looking to Sinclair. I remained quiet, since she wasn't talking to me.

  "Perhaps you weren't listening, Captain. Lieutenant Paulus is the only one on the Smuggler Project who graduated the academy and qualified to be assigned to the Bridge. And as NIA Agents, we are equal ... except in age." She looked Sharat in the eye. "Don't short change her. Anna discovered the missiles we're chasing, and like you, we want to be the ones to discover the smugglers first."

  Sharat surprised me by laughing. "Yes, you understand me. I like it: the women against the men. All right, we've given them enough of a head start." She turned and headed for the door with us following.

  "Unless you have a shuttle or taxi, Agent Paulus has a skimmer," Kris said, and I could feel her amusement.

  "Why not?" Sharat shook her head in disbelief.

  * * *

  When we reached the Tityus, Sharat went straight for the Bridge.

  "Captain on the Bridge," someone shouted.

  "I have the watch." She waved to the two new seats. "XO, are we ready to leave?"

  "Yes, Captain," a commander said after a quick check of each station.

  "Let's be off then. I'll do the introductions and mission briefing later. Nav, a course to Westar." Ten minutes later we were moving away from the station. Sharat smiled, I suspect because the Romulus and Scylla were still docked. "XO, call the second shift to replace the first. We'll meet in my conference room in an hour. Lieutenants Sinclair and Paulus, you're with me." She exited the Bridge and entered her conference room. "Help yourself to something to drink, and sit." When Kris and I sat, Sharat smiled. "All right, let's hear your story, Lieutenant Paulus."

  I sat quietly for a few moments debating where to start, knowing this might well determine our relationship for the entire voyage.

  "My family and I came down with the Coaca Virus when I was four ..." I took my time, making sure I covered the main points—the homes I was in, schools I attended, the attempts to steal Red—while leaving out the day-to-day details. When I finished, Sharat sat staring off into the distance saying nothing for a long time.

  "You've had a tough life, and it isn't going to get any easier as you get older. You got lucky being adopted by Captain Bellona. I never served under her, but I've heard lots of stories. If she adopted you with all your baggage, I owe you a shot. Sinclair, tell me about the Smuggler Project." She turned her attention on Kris. It was now her turn to get in Sharat's acceptable graces. Kris went on to explain our efforts from day one, giving me credit for finding the missile cache and breaking the Wheeler's code and then explaining in detail what we knew about the Wheeler's activities.
  "Sounds like I got the best NIA agents. Good." Her smile was devilish. "May the best women win." She looked up at a knock at the door. "Come."

  "Captain," a security guard said from a partially opened door. "Your Bridge crew is here."

  "Let them in, Petty Officer." She waved them to seats and waited. "Our mission, with the help of the NIA agents who have identified the merchants working with them and have decoded their method of communicating, is to find the cruisers who have been smuggling contraband into the Alliance. The agents are going to be monitoring their communications in the hope of determining their drop-off and pick up locations. When they do, it will be our job to bring them in—dead or alive. Let me introduce NIA Agents Sinclair and Paulus. Don't let Agent Paulus's age fool you. She's as young as she looks, but she's an Academy graduate and a fully qualified member of the NIA. Paulus."

  Understanding what she wanted, I stood and pulled out Red. "The poison from Red-headed kraits has been found to keep the Coaca Virus in remission. The krait and I have a symbiotic relationship—it feeds off me and in the process injects me with a poison that keeps the virus in check. It never leaves me, so you will always know where it is." I said, and felt a sense of relief.

  "So it is not a pet and shouldn't be petted. Lieutenant Paulus has the antivenin just in case, but I understand the bill is several days of pain. This is not to be discussed outside of the Bridge. It turns out the krait is worth more than a hundred thousand credits to the right individuals. Let's not tempt anyone."

  "Captain, we are short one communications officer."

  "Lieutenant Paulus is qualified and will fill one of those slots. Do you have a preference, Agent Paulus?"

  "No, ma'am. Whenever you would prefer."

  "Put her on first shift for now. Lieutenants Sinclair and Paulus are authorized to be on the Bridge at any time. Any questions?" Sharat asked. We spent an hour answering general questions, although Kris and I were careful not to divulge details which if leaked could alert the smugglers and cause them to change their operating methods. Afterward, Sharat had a petty officer show us to our rooms.


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