Book Read Free


Page 25

by Sarah J. Pepper

  “That sucks,” Bree said, pausing from the passage she read. “I was hoping superman really did exist.”

  “I guess you have to settle for the Hulk since superman is MIA,” I said.

  “Nope, all bit the bullet when the sisters died,” Bree said. “Or they were killed by the Hunters.”

  It was said that the Fate sister with the unseeing eye was their true leader and commanded the nameless Scavengers – the Chronicler. She was able to change the course of a human’s or deity’s fate by manipulating their thread of life.

  Chaos and greed would flourish, as predicted by the mute sister – the Prophet. She preferred to play with the fate of groups, rather than individuals. She determined the length of life, not only for her people but of all races.

  The sister, who ends all life, would eventually sacrifice her own – the Cutter. She was thought to live on after her two sisters died, hopping from body to body. She confides with guardian angels, if such a thing even exists.

  “It says that if the unseeing sister is captured,” Bree read out loud, “She must grant her vanquisher what their heart most desires, but only if they are willing to kill her for it.”


  Martha set the phone on the table stand by the television. She informed me that a boy had called. I frowned. If any guy called, wouldn’t they try my cell first? I walked down the stairs.

  Elsie’s voice came through the phone’s speaker loud and clear. “–kiss was like?”

  Jace’s beautiful, deep laugh echoed through the phones speaker, causing my stomach to flutter. “She won’t let me kiss her.”

  “Elsie!” I yelled. “Get off the phone!”

  She gasped, and slammed her phone down onto whatever receiver she used. It rattled, but hadn’t disconnected. Jace chuckled when John’s voice came over the receiver to scold her for listening in on somebody else’s conversation – privacy violation. He was well into the lecture before noticing the phone wasn’t on the receiver.

  “You know you could have just called me on my cell phone, right?” I said, taking the phone upstairs with me.

  “Tried - but you didn’t pick up.”

  Rummaging through my pants, back pack, Max’s doggy bag, I thought of every possible place I could have lost it. “Looks like I’m disconnected until I can save up some dough. Guess I’ll be cleaning at KnockOuts again.”

  “Take mine,” Jace said.

  “Jace, I’m not going to take –”

  “You’re a priority for all of us,” he insisted. “Therefore, we need to be able to get a hold of you. Besides, I’ll just buy another.”

  “So you’ll give me your cell just because you’re afraid you won’t be able to get a hold of me?”

  Dial tone. I punched the redial button, but there was no answer. Within a half an hour, a tap came from my bedroom window. Jace’s silhouette hung in the tree – nothing like having a guy hanging outside a window to draw unwanted parental attention. I unlatched the window to let him in.

  “I’m not going to wear an electronic leash,” I said, blocking the window with my body. He wasn’t going to make a habit about swinging through my window to check up on me.

  “Glad we aren’t going to let our nighttime activities affect our affiliation with each other, because this love/hate relationship hasn’t been difficult to keep up with or anything.” He nudged me out of the way and then sat on the windowsill. He extended his hand, offering me his phone. “It’s not a choice. I’ve already programmed my new number into it.”

  He just went out and bought a new cell? How much money did he have to his name? “Not a choice, my butt,” I said, and paced around the room to keep myself from wanting to trace my finger down his chest or do something regrettable with his lips.

  He walked over and set the phone on my dresser. The wood groaned under his weight. “Lily was murdered because the Butcher thought she was the Chronicler, before you traded places. I’m not going to take chance your life; you’re going to take the phone. I can’t stay with you every night or monitor you every second. The sheer amount of time we would spend together would mostly likely end with you becoming an Addict; I promise you the Craves can be much more unpleasant than what you felt earlier.”

  “Why is everyone so sure I’ll become an Addict?”

  “Mankind is extremely susceptible to the Elysian flowing in our blood. It’s like a drug, and will affect every human on a subconscious level. It flows through us – attracting others by our beauty, how we sound, and even our very touch.”

  “That is the reason why you needed to build my tolerance?” I said, thinking out loud. “But I wasn’t attracted to you right away; I was sick.”

  Jace intercepted me while I made my third pass by the night stand. He held me from behind. His hands rested firmly on my arms, using just enough pressure to keep me from moving. “You didn’t act like you were a human who’d been exposed. You acted like you’d been around the Elysian your entire life and were immediately going through withdrawals. Marco’s theory is that your Elysian reacted so strongly to ours, that it physically overwhelmed you.”

  “My tolerance has improved, so why the concern that I’ll become an Addict?” I said, standing utterly still in his arms. What I’d give to snuggle in closer.

  Jace nuzzled his face in the nook between my neck and shoulder blade. He said my name like I was his saving grace. “Dearest, do you truly believe you wouldn’t begin to crave me, or that you haven’t started to already?”

  Point taken. “So, you’re saying you could make me want you, essentially stealing my freewill?”

  “I don’t want a mindless drone, Gwyneth, which is why you’re taking my cell,” he said, and then put some distance between us. “The Butcher nearly captured you – again. He smells like rain and is of mixed offspring between us and mankind. He grows young if pure blood – Elysian – is shed.”

  “Why is he searching for the Chronicler?”

  “There are many theories,” Jace said, walking toward the window. I could hardly hear his footsteps.

  “Humor me.”

  “He wants something only she can grant,” he said and sat on the windowsill. “If you allow me to heal you, we have to immediately look for the other sisters. If we break the Oath, we’ll find a fate amongst the dead. But since we’ve made an agreement about the investigation, I have no choice but to hunt the Butcher down, before I can heal your sight.”

  “And then what?”

  “Kill him.”


  As promised, Bree orchestrated a double-date; by the end of the week, I found myself in a tea-length dress, lacy sleeved gloves, and heels that Bree insisted were too short, but allowed me to wear. Steam punk gone classic chic, she called it. She’d vetoed nine other outfits before this one. When one didn’t make me look chubby, it made me look plain. If one actually made me look curvy, no shoes looked good. Since I couldn’t say I wasn’t interested in Jace, I was at her mercy. However, when she reached for my hairspray, I threw a fit any two-year-old would’ve been proud of.

  “I don’t want it to look like I tried too hard,” I insisted.

  Bree saw right through me; I was nervous and felt out of place, but mainly she knew I hated wearing lots of make-up and having my hair off my shoulders. We settled on flat-ironing, so it lay flat over of my shoulders, hiding the low back cut of the dress, but Bree went crazy with the eye-liner. She said she wanted to make my eyes look electric.

  Primping for my first official date was bad enough. However, I truly wanted to die as Martha grabbed the camera to take my picture when Jace and Ryker showed up at the front door. The four of us smiled for the camera; Elsie even got enough courage to peek around Martha’s leg to see what all the fuss was about.

  “Is this like the girl’s date you told me about?” Elsie asked.

  “You’ll have to see for yourself, but only if you get your grades up one letter grade before midterm,” Martha replied.

  Elsie bolted. Distan
tly I heard her ask John if he could check her math homework before school on Monday.

  “Is that still okay with you, Winnie?” Martha asked when Elsie was out of earshot.

  “Just as long as you’re paying,” I said with a smile.

  She agreed and insisted on one more “good picture” before freeing us. When she was finally satisfied with a good shot, she reminded us to buckle-up; to have a good time, but not to stay out too late. Curfew was midnight. She handed me Stella, and shut the door.

  I began to unfold my walking stick; Jace promptly took it from me, re-opened then front door, and then stuck it in the coat closet for safe keeping.

  “At least you have proof now that someone willingly dated you, Winnie. Martha holds the evidence,” Ryker whispered before Jace returned.

  Ryker left for Jace’s car, with Bree at his side, while I tried to think of some witty remark. I had nothing.

  “Don’t waste your breath, Gwyneth. He’s interested in you, but doesn’t know how to show it,” he said, offering his hand. A sliver of protectiveness mixed with spite, flowed through his comment.

  I burst out laughing. “In what world, would Ryker be –”

  “In what world wouldn’t he? You look like a goddess standing in that midnight blue dress. Your skin shimmers, even though you hide it under those white gloves. Stars twinkle in the sky, like the heavens are trying to capture your radiance,” Jace said, brushing my hair back behind my ear. “Your hair shines like golden strands were woven throughout it. Your eyes light up when you smile, threatening to stop my beating heart.”

  I.Couldn’t.Utter.A.Single.Syllable. I couldn’t form one, comprehensive word, after a poetic speech like that. My non-response must have been the reaction he was seeking, because a tingling sensation enwrapped me – his adoration trickling onto my soul.

  “And for the life of me, I can’t take my eyes off your lips.”

  I licked them without thinking. The tingling sensation amplified to the point where it was painfully pleasurable. When I finally found my words, all that would come out was that he was laying it on a little thick.

  “I’ve been trained to assess my competition years before we met,” he said, leading me to the car. “I’d have to be blind not to see Ryker’s true intentions. Or the effect he has on you. But if you’d wish I call you an ugly, old hag, using Ryker’s method, let me know.”

  Effect on me? I couldn’t stand Ryker!

  I bit my tongue instead of debating my relationship with Ryker to Jace. It was entirely too unbelievable. It’d be like saying that a booger was actually a delicacy. I dismissed the thought and slipped into the front seat. Jace shut the door behind me.

  Backing down the driveway, he rolled the windows down. The cool air hit my cheeks. I couldn’t bother to stifle my smile, knowing that he remembered I liked the feel of wind on my face. The engine roared as we sped away. I stuck my hand out the window and closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation.

  Waves crashed into the shore. The man engulfed in flames refused to look at me. I could feel his desire tickle my skin while it burned his flesh.

  “I fought for you, Chronicler.”

  “I need a healer, not a gladiator. I need someone who can heal my mortal wounds now that I am no longer ageless.” I wished he’d forgive himself of whatever past he refused to see. I was tempted to reach for the scar on his thumb and see his past memories for myself.

  “So you simply need my service?” he asked.

  He was a stunning mess of muscle, but there was more than mere good looks to his soul. He was honorable and loyal. Above all else, he was persistent, which is why he was perfect for me. The Prophet said that if chosen, he’d cause my demise but would serve as a loyal guardian until death bestowed me.

  “I’ll do your bidding, but I must know the truth, Chronicler. After all these years, do you simply seek my service?”

  I’d fallen in love with the sound of his voice years ago, even though I restrained myself from meddling in his life. I could make him fall for me; change his destiny forever – but I couldn’t bear to steal his freedom.

  “I need a healer” I confessed. My desire hung on my words. “Which is why I sought out the best, but I want you.”

  He towered over me. He could force me to my knees, demand anything in the world if he wanted; he was stronger than I, but he bowed his head as if I were more powerful than he. I stopped him; I’d never wanted a servant – I yearned for companionship. I took his hand in mine and laced my fingers around his. I closed my eyes and bathed in his hazy sight. His blue fiery blaze crawled onto my skin.

  “Consequences will be paid if we continue this path, Healer. My sister has seen it,” I said.

  I expected hesitation; however, I wasn’t given any. He immediately pulled me against him and led me into the ocean. He acted like I was the breathtaking one, not him. He muttered that even the ocean couldn’t compare to the beauty in my eyes. I didn’t believe him, but I didn’t care.

  “Your adoration is worth centuries of torment,” he promised.

  “They’re using you as bait?” Bree said in disbelief, jarring me from my fantastic vision with the man-on-fire.

  “I’m sorry. What did you ask?” I muttered, rubbing my arms. Jace noticed something was different about me; I felt it roll over my skin as a pin-prick. It wasn’t anger and definitely not lust; it felt like, curiosity.

  “To get Elsie’s grades up,” Bree said. “Your fosters are using you as bait, bribing her with an outing – a girl’s date?”

  “I guess so, but I’m totally cool with it. Elsie’s really taken to me, follows me around like your puppy-dog-boyfriend here does,” I said, hoping to get the point to Ryker that his comment about me having proof I was loveable hadn’t gone unnoticed and that I wasn’t particularly pleased. “It’s crazy that I’m the prize, though.”

  Jace took my hand that had been resting on the middle counsel. He stroked his thumb over mine. “Not really, dearest.”

  “So, where are you guys going on this fake-sister-date?” Ryker asked like the subject was irritating him on a personal level.

  “Maybe to that spa on the flyer you found, Bree,” I said, and then glanced over my shoulder. She was practically in Ryker’s lap.

  So much for seat-belts.

  “She’s been talking about a make-over ever since you brought over the flyer. Manicure, pedicure, hair, make-up – the works,” I said.

  “It’s risky, but effective,” Jace muttered.

  “What is?” I asked, unsure what he was referring to.

  “Using you as bait,” he whispered, as he contemplated his plan. “Get some sleep tonight; tomorrow night you’ll need it.”


  I’d never seen the soft, glowing light of the sun reflect off the Earth’s atmosphere, but witnessing twilight had to be unforgettable. I imagined the sunset’s colors painted across the sky, shimmering in the evening’s light. I closed my eyes and hugged the pillow. My bed sheets were chilled from the autumn’s breeze trickling in through the open window.

  Time slowed as I relaxed enough for sleep to take me. My thoughts ran rampant, the deeper I neared sleep. Visions of my sister’s death plagued my mind; my imagination played with those images and my memories. Elderly men growing young, and pictures of half-starved people – Scavengers – crawling out of the ground faded away when I felt his presence. My lucid imagination gave way to reality.

  Jace’s smoky figure was shaped perfectly in my sight even though my eyes were closed. I opened them. He sat on the windowsill, watching me. My skin immediately warmed when our gaze met. I loved it, and it scared me all the same. I wanted to ask him so many questions; I wanted to believe his answers, but I didn’t know if I was ready to hear the truth. Lies weren’t always easy to live, but they were tempting to hide in.

  “Tonight, we go fishing for Hunters. The others agree that using you as bait is worth the risk, as long as you’re willing,” he said solemnly. “It’s dangerous, but I promise I�
�ll keep you safe.”

  I sat up in my bed and walked over to my closet. I wasn’t going to hang around in my cotton shorts and t-shirt. I grabbed the first thing my fingers brushed across in my closet - a sweatshirt. I slipped it on and took a deep breath before turning around.

  “The dreams were real, weren’t they?” I asked, unable to deny what was right in front of me. “Fire truly consumes you, doesn’t it? Analee literally has a death grip, Zalen manipulates sound waves, and there’s nowhere in the world Marco can’t shift to.”


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