Book Read Free

Just like Grey

Page 7

by Jessie Cooke

  “Jesus Izzy,” he said in a breathless voice. “You feel fucking amazing.”

  She didn't correct him this time. “So do you,” she breathed out. “Don't stop. Fuck me harder, Alex.” He complied, slamming into her repeatedly until she felt herself getting close. She wrapped her arms all the way around his shoulders and pulled herself all the way up off the bed, using him as leverage so that she could move her own hips faster. He cried out her name just as she plunged over the edge and she felt him grow even larger and harder inside of her before the rush of her own warm fluids flooded the space between them. Alex grunted loudly, cried out her name again. His body went rigid for several seconds and then it relaxed into hers, almost crushing her into the bed. She liked it and when he tried to move off her, she held him on top of her for a few more seconds. When she finally let him roll off, he pulled her into an embrace and kissed the side of her face, sliding his lips to her ear and whispering,

  “That was amazing.” She didn't say anything, just nuzzled her face into his chest. He felt good and she found herself wondering if there was something wrong with her. Here she was with this grossly rich, incredibly hot, sexy man and she felt like she needed more. Maybe that was what was so wrong with her life. Maybe, she needed to learn to be satisfied with what she had instead of always wanting more. “Isabelle?”


  Alex pulled his head up and looked down at her. “Was it good for you?”

  Isabelle's curse in life was honesty. She could be tactful, but she could not outright tell a lie. She looked into those sexy green eyes and said, “It was fine.” Judging by the look on his face, she may as well have kicked him in the balls.


  “Alex? What the hell is wrong with you today?” Alex looked up at his attorney and good friend, Levi. He was sitting across the table from him at the health club, playing with his salad with his fork and thinking about Izzy. More to the point, he was thinking about her saying their sex was “fine.” Fine! What the fuck was that?

  “I'm sorry,” he said to Levi. “Did you say something?”

  “I said what the hell is wrong with you? Where is your head today? That was the worst game of racquetball I've ever seen you play and for the last ten minutes you've been playing with that lettuce in your bowl and not listening to a word I've said.”

  “Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Is it Kelly? Are you still upset over the breakup?”

  “No. It doesn't have anything to do with Kelly. Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, anything.” Levi and Alex had been friends since college. He was the one friend Alex had that he knew for sure wasn't just hanging around with him for his money. Levi wasn't a billionaire, but he came from a wealthy family and he had a lucrative law practice now. Alex trusted him, but still, talking about his sex life wasn't something he was used to.

  “Never mind.”

  “Jesus, what is going on with you? Just ask me already. This is me, man.”

  Alex sighed. “Have you ever had sex with a woman that you really wanted…I mean, really, really wanted?” Levi nodded, and Alex said, “I wasn't finished. Have you ever had sex with a hot, sexy woman and you thought it was pretty good, but afterwards she…” He stopped there. His self-confidence had taken a big hit when Izzy said the sex was “fine.” He wasn't sure it would survive if he repeated it out loud.

  “Afterwards she…what? She cried? She proposed marriage? She told you she loved you? What?”

  “She said it was fine.”

  Levi actually laughed. Fucker. “Fine? She said it was fine?”

  “Yes, and say it a little louder, I don't think the kitchen help heard you.”

  His best friend was practically biting down on his bottom lip to hold back another round of laughter. He looked like he was trying to compose himself as he said, “I'm sorry. You know you've always been my hero when it came to the ladies, man. I mean shit…you've been with some of the hottest babes I've ever had the pleasure of looking at. I've spent a big part of my life jealous of you. I was sure you must be an animal in the bedroom. I mean let's use Kelly as an example man…she's a fucking eleven on a scale of one to ten. She could have any man in the world and she wanted you. Fuck, I saw her yesterday man, she still wants you.”

  Alex frowned. Kelly still wants him? He and Levi would have to talk about that more at another time. But for now, he sighed again and said, “Do you think you can control the laughter a little bit and help me out here? This woman…I've never met anyone like her, and I want to see her again, and again. But if the sex was only just ‘fine’…”

  “Was it just ‘fine’ for you?”

  “No. It was, incredible.”

  “Did she act like she wanted you as much as you did her?”

  “She jumped my bones. Seriously, climbed up in my lap and then took me to her bedroom. I wasn't expecting it, but damn I was happy…until she said it was ‘fine.’ I hate that fucking word now.”

  Levi smiled again, and Alex shot him a look. “I'm sorry.” He chuckled. “Is this girl like a supermodel or what?”

  Alex chuckled too. “No, she's hotter than any model I've ever been with. She's real…flesh and blood and no plastic, and just the sight of her even fully clothed drives me crazy. I haven't slept through the night in over a week without waking up at least once with a full hard-on, thinking about her. Then I finally get the chance to make love to her and I screw it up.”

  “Make love?” Levi said, popping a radish in his mouth.

  Alex rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”


  Alex frowned again. “No, I don't want to think about it like that with her. She's different.”

  Levi threw his head back and laughed. Alex glared at him until he regained control and then he said, “I'm sorry,” again.

  “Just never mind.”

  “No, I'm sorry, really. But maybe that was the problem.”


  “We've both been with some really classy ladies, right? But when the lights go down and the door to the bedroom closes…I mean, you got freaky with Kelly, right?”

  Alex was raised to be respectful of women and he'd never been one to engage in “locker room” talk with other guys about his women, especially with someone he was in a serious relationship with. He'd never told Levi how boring the sex was with Kelly…how she'd lie there and stare at the ceiling and get up right away and check to make sure he hadn't ruined her makeup. “Kelly wasn't, the ‘getting freaky’ type.”

  “You guys never tried anything, you know, different?”

  “Different? Like what?”

  Levi was trying hard not to laugh again. Alex wanted to throw something at him. The waiter saved him, bringing their entrees. When he left Levi said, “Like anything other than straight sex. Everybody has their thing, right? This one girl I was with couldn't get off unless I talked really dirty to her. And you remember that older babe I saw for a while? Lisa? Man, she loved talking about doing it with another woman. I think if things would have lasted, I could have actually talked her into going through with a threesome. I got this one guy in my office who says his woman gets off on him sucking her toes…” Alex made a face and Levi laughed again. “My point is that maybe you need to ask her what rocks her boat.” Alex was thirty-five years old and he'd been with his fair share of women. But most of those women he'd been in relationships with and since he'd been paying all the bills, most of them were more than willing to let him take charge in the bedroom. Now that he thought about it, all of them had. None of them ever complained and none of them ever told him it was just “fine.”

  “How do you have that conversation?” Levi stopped cutting his steak and looked up at his friend.

  “You just ask her. I mean, you've been naked with her already, right? So, talking about sex shouldn't be a problem.”

  “So…you would just say, by the way, what gets you off?”

  “Yep.” Levi popped a pie
ce of steak in his mouth and smiled around it. When he swallowed it he said, “I always knew you didn't like talking about the women you were,” he chuckled, “making love to, but I would have never guessed that you had a problem talking to them. Fuck man, you're the most confident guy I know. Hell, some of the interrogations you do before you invest in a company make me think you should have been the attorney and not me.”

  “That's different. That's business.”

  “And if you piss them off and they walk away, you lose the deal, right?”


  “But you don't care because number one you're pretty damned sure they're not going to walk away and two because you know that if they do, you'll just move on to the next one.”

  “I don't want this one to walk away though…”

  “Then give her what she wants.”

  Alex thought about what he saw in her closet the day he'd reached in looking for a robe. She had a dildo that was bigger than his cock in a box on the shelf. There were some other things in there too…things that looked like kinky sex toys, but he wouldn't have any idea what to do with them. Maybe that's what she's into. She was reading that book…the one about BDSM, and she'd asked him about it. She wanted him to bite her, which had confused him. The other women he'd been with had all wanted him to be gentle…or maybe they'd just put up with him being gentle because he was paying the bills. That was the hard part about being so fucking rich…you never knew who was being real and who wasn't. Izzy was real though, he could see it, he could sense it and he could see it in how hard it was for her to accept his help. Maybe she wanted to be dominated.

  “Hey Levi, have you ever been with a woman who was into BDSM?”

  Levi raised both his eyebrows and smiled. “You think that's what she wants? Like whips and chains and shit? That's hot man.”

  “No, it's really not. I don't think I could ever hurt her.”

  “Even if it's what she wanted? If it's what turns her on?”

  Alex couldn't imagine hurting her. But maybe there was more to it than pain. Maybe he should read those books she was into. He put his fork down on his untouched steak and took out his wallet. “I'm sorry man, but I'm going to have to run.” He put a hundred-dollar bill down on the table.

  “Seriously? You're ditching me in the middle of lunch?”

  “Hi Alex.” The men looked up. A gorgeous redhead in a short tennis skirt was standing at the edge of the table. Her name was “Tabby,” which annoyed Alex. He knew she couldn't help what her parents named her…but it sounded as fake to him as her double “D” breasts looked. Speaking of which, Levi was staring right at them.

  “Hi Tabby.”

  “I was hoping to run into someone I knew. My tennis partner had to take off and I hate to eat alone.” Alex kept the smile pasted to his face and forced his eyes not to roll. Alex and Tabby dated for a while in high school and then went their separate ways in college. The next time he saw her after that, she was married with two kids. Then six months later he saw her again and she was divorced. He was with Kelly by then and happily told her when she came on to him, that he was in a relationship. From then on, every time he saw her when he wasn't with Kelly, she'd flirt with him almost to the point of embarrassing herself. He was embarrassed for her sometimes. She just seemed too desperate. Judging from the hungry look in her eyes at the moment, she had heard about his and Kelly's breakup.

  “I'm sorry Tabby, I was just leaving.”

  She looked down at his plate. “But, you didn't eat your steak.”

  “You're welcome to it. I'm sure Levi wouldn't mind the company.”

  Levi spoke almost too quickly. “Not at all. Please, join me. I'll buy you lunch.”

  Alex stood up and gave his friend a thankful look. Levi was still looking at Tabby's boobs. Alex smiled and said, “I'll see you Friday afternoon, Levi.”

  “Sure, yeah. See you.” Levi was finished with him and imagining his face in Tabby's tits already, Alex was sure.

  “It was good to see you, Tabby. You two enjoy.” Tabby was still looking at him like she couldn't believe he would just get up and walk away. He smiled at her and then left the club as quickly as he could. When he got to his car, he called Candace. “Hey, I'm on my way back to the office I just have to make one quick stop. Can you pull the Hinton file for me and make sure the financials are all there?”

  “Of course.” Alex planned on looking it up himself, but since he had her on the phone anyways he said,

  “Hey, where is the closest bookstore between the club and the office.” He'd taken to driving himself around lately, much to the chagrin of his newly hired security detail. Something about meeting Isabelle had suddenly made him realize that he was tired of living such a sheltered life.

  “Book store?”

  “Yes Candace, you know, where they sell books.”

  “I'm sorry…I just can't picture you in a bookstore.”

  “You think I don't read?” he said, offended.

  “No. Of course not. I just thought you ordered your books online.”

  “I do, usually. But I need one today and I don't have time to wait for it. It's fine, I'll just look bookstores up…”

  “There's a Barnes and Noble in the mall.”

  He hadn't been to the mall in years…like, since he was a teenager. His sheltered life had practically snowballed out of control to the point of him having no contact at all with “ordinary” people. Besides his drivers and security details he also had people that did all of his shopping for him. He'd almost forgotten how to take care of himself. With an almost childlike sense of excitement he said, “Thanks. I'll see you soon.” He ended the call and drove about six blocks to the mall. He found a parking space between two minivans while the black SUV pulled in and stopped behind him. The tinted window was rolled down and Alex knew his bodyguard wanted him to give him some direction, but he ignored him and headed toward the elevator that would take him from the parking structure into the mall. Those doors opened up right outside of the bookstore and he made his way through the crowds of busy shoppers into the two-story castle of books. He stopped just inside the door and looked around at all the shelves and tables of books…knowing right away that this wasn't going to be easy.

  “Can I help you sir?” The girl that approached him couldn't be over nineteen years old. She had dark purple hair and a tiny little diamond stud in her nose. No fucking way was he asking her where the BDSM section was.

  “Just browsing,” he said. She smiled and told him to let her know if he needed anything. He thanked her and once she left him alone, he began to actually browse. It didn't take him long to find a section where the entire series of the book Izzy had been reading was on display. He stood there looking at all five of them and wondering which one to buy…or should he just buy them all? He picked up the first one in the series and skimmed through a few pages of it. It seemed to be about some mousy little virgin. That was definitely not his Izzy. He put that one down and picked up the next one. That one was about the same people, but when he found the first sex scene, he could tell the woman was no longer a virgin. She was strapped down with leather restraints and the man was slapping her bare skin with a little leather strap. He flinched at the thought of leaving a mark on Izzy's beautiful body. Surely that's not what she wanted. He sighed. He would just buy them all, maybe there was more to it than that. He'd seen a movie once where they used feathers and things to tease each other. Maybe if this was what she was into, they could start small.

  He gathered up all five books and started for the checkout. He got a few glances from women that were milling about the store, but he didn't make eye contact with any of them. He took his place in line behind several people at the checkout and waited, the entire time wondering if he should have sent his assistant to do this. What if he saw someone he knew? That was unlikely, and he told himself so, but he was nervous all the way up to the counter. The girl with the purple hair was at the register and he was sure she was amused by the ch
oices he'd made as she rang up the books. She left them sitting on the counter while she ran his card and tried to sell him on their book club. Then she asked if he wanted to buy a book to donate to children, while still leaving the books out where everyone who walked by could see them. At last, she gave him the receipt to sign and started putting them into a bag. She'd just picked up the last one when Alex heard the sound of a voice he would have never expected to find in a book store, in a mall of all places.

  “Alex? That is you! What on earth are you doing here?” It was Kelly. He looked at her and then quickly back at the clerk who was putting the last book into the bag. He grabbed it without even thanking the clerk and then looked back at Kelly and said,


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