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Just like Grey

Page 10

by Jessie Cooke

  After that night Isabelle never saw either of them again, except in a courtroom. She was sure if she ever followed up with the psychiatrists she was referred to that they would tell her all of that was where her control issues came from. But she didn't want anyone examining her head. She had pushed forward with her life and ended up with Darryl. Darryl led her to believe he thought of her as an equal partner at first, but in the end, she realized he'd been manipulating and dominating her all along. She promised herself that would never happen again, and as soon as she discovered how rich Alex was, she'd just assumed he was one of those men…the kind that always had to be in charge. The kind who was looking for a mate that was willing to lose herself to make sure he ended up with whatever he wanted. She knew it wasn't fair to make assumptions, but she was gun shy. Now Levi was telling her what she'd already begun to suspect and that was Alex was a man with a good heart who was willing to look for changes he could make to himself in order to make her happy. Sadly however, Isabelle had just sold her soul to the devil in exchange for never getting to know any more about him than that.

  “I didn't know about his parents,” she told Levi, “but I do believe you’re right and he has a good heart. He has been nothing but good to me since we've met. The reasons I'm not willing to see him go way beyond that, and they're personal. So, although I think Alex is probably lucky to have such a good friend, there's really no way you can convince me to change my mind about this.”

  “He thinks you're into BDSM and he's going to a sex club tomorrow night…to try to learn how to please you.” Levi spit that out in one, long, run-on sentence, before she could hang up on him.

  Isabelle's mouth went dry. Alex was going to “learn” the lifestyle, because he wanted to “please” her? That was definitely a game-changer. It was something no man in her mother's life, or hers thus far, would have ever done for them. She closed her eyes and let the thoughts play ping pong in her brain…until she was brought out of it by Levi, still on the other end of the phone.

  “Hey, did I scare you away?”

  Isabelle chuckled, “Hardly. I'm not sure what your endgame was when you called me Levi, but I have an idea I'd like to run by you…”


  “Maybe this was a bad idea,” Alex whispered to Levi.

  “Nah, it's a great idea, buddy. Don't back out on me now.”

  “I just…man, I haven't been able to get excited over anything, except Izzy since I met her. What if…”

  Levi chuckled. “What if you can't get it up?”

  Alex glared at his friend, but the truth was, that was what he was thinking. Of all the embarrassing scenarios this night might bring, that was the first one on his list at the moment. They'd gone in Levi's car so Alex didn't worry about his being spotted, or his driver talking out of school. They'd parked in a private, underground garage and taken a private elevator up to the lobby of the club. It was well lit and tastefully decorated and there was a “normal” looking woman at the front desk. All of that had calmed his nerves about getting caught in a place like this, somewhat, but there was still that. What if, he couldn't get an erection? What if this didn't turn him on at all?

  “You'll be fine, trust me,” Levi said. “I gave them very specific instructions. They're professionals here, you'll be well taken care of. Besides, you told me that you didn't want to have actual intercourse with any woman that wasn't Isabelle, so I made sure they were aware of that, the woman on the phone told me they don't do that here anyways,” Levi rolled his eyes like, “Yeah, right,” and then went on to say, “You can leave at any time if you don't like it. You'll have safe words. This is all about fun and pleasure so don't get all uptight and ruin it for yourself.”

  “What other instructions did you give them?”

  Levi chuckled again. “You'll see, and you'll like it all, trust me.”

  Alex had always trusted his friend, but tonight, he wasn't so sure that was the best idea. While Alex was with his “hostess,” as they referred to them, Levi was going to be in another area of the club, having drinks and getting a massage. Maybe that's what he should do…it wasn't like he was going to have sex, and what if he did all of this and Izzy kept avoiding him? He sighed. He almost wished he could go back to the days when he was apathetic about both women, and sex. All his life he'd struggled toward one goal…being successful and taking care of his parents in their old age. He was so focused on that, that everything else had just faded to the background. But not Izzy…no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get her off his mind. He knew that coming to a place like this was extreme, but that was what he did. He set his sights on what he wanted and he did whatever work it took to get there. Sometimes he went the wrong direction out the gate, but he always found his way in the end and he looked at “getting lost” on the way as life experience. That might be what he had to chalk this up to as well…but Levi was right, he was here, he may as well give it a shot.

  They sat on the comfortable couch in the quiet lobby with soft jazz playing in the background for a good fifteen or twenty minutes before a young woman, maybe twenty-five, if that, approached them.

  “Mr. Romaletti?” She had on what looked like a see-through robe with nothing but a skimpy bra and panties underneath. On her feet were a pair of black stilettos and she had a heart tattooed on her ankle just above the strap of the right one. Her hair was blonde, long, and lay straight to her waist. Alex was disappointed right off the bat. She was very pretty, but he'd been hoping for one that resembled Izzy a little more…at least a brunette. He had told Levi that, now he really wondered what “specific instructions” his friend had given them.

  “Yes,” he finally said when he felt Levi's elbow in his ribs. “I'm Alex.”

  The girl smiled. “Welcome. Are you ready to meet your mistress?”

  Alex furrowed his brow. Mistress? Everything he'd read said that the woman called her dominant man a “master.” He looked at Levi who was still sitting on the couch. Levi smiled again and said, “Trust me, man.”

  At least there was still hope that he got one who looked a little like Isabelle. He stood up and tried to smile but the butterflies from his stomach had flown up into his throat and he felt like he was choking on them. He walked into boardrooms on a daily basis and informed people he was taking over their companies…some that had been in families for generations, without even breaking a sweat. But this…this was making him feel sick and he hadn't even gotten started. He told himself to suck it up and followed the woman down a long hall until they came to the end. There they turned right and went down another long hall before making another right and doing the same thing. It was like a maze and he couldn't have found his way out if he'd had to. He did wonder about the amount of traffic they must get in a place this size. Levi had paid for his visit tonight, but Alex knew it had cost him five hundred dollars for his part. The “session” was an hour long. That was two hundred and fifty an hour. He was more comfortable using the business side of his brain, so he concentrated on multiplying the number of rooms he'd seen by that amount and then multiplying it by the twelve hours a day the place was open. He made a mental note when he was finished to have one of his “scouts” look into the cost-effectiveness of buying this type of business. If nothing else, he could always resell it at a significant profit.

  The woman finally stopped in front of room number thirty and turned to Alex. “Once you step in here, your Mistress is in charge. You belong to her. You will address her only as Mistress unless she tells you otherwise. Your limits were noted upon your arrival, if there's anything else anything else you're heartily opposed to, you can let us know now…otherwise, she'll supply you with a safe word and once you've used it, the session ends. Do you understand?”

  Alex didn't understand. Wouldn't the sub need a safe word? “I'm sorry…I'm confused. You keep saying “Mistress,” but shouldn't it be “Master.”

  The woman lifted an eyebrow and said, “You wanted a male dom? This kind of mistake never happens.”

  “Male dom? No! No…” Alex started to explain that he thought he was going to be the dom, but a tickle of lust at the thought of being tied up crept into his core once again. As long as he was here…he could give it a try… “I'm sorry,” he said. “Just a little nervous. They did note that I wanted no actual sexual activity, right?”

  “That's not even an option,” she said. “Are you ready sir?”

  With a dry mouth he said, “Yes. I'm ready.” He expected her to open the door, but instead, another woman appeared from seemingly nowhere. This one was dressed similarly in lingerie and stilettos. She was carrying some kind of contraption in her hands. She handed it to the first woman and turned and left. The woman looked at Alex and said,

  “You can remove your clothes now.”

  He almost protested, but again, told himself that it was just an experience and one that he might be able to take away some positives from. As the strange woman watched with as much clinical interest as his doctor, he took off his clothes. When he was completely naked, she placed a soft collar around his neck, and asked him if it was too tight. He was speechless, so he just shook his head from side to side. She snapped a leather leash onto it and then looked him over again, with nothing in her eyes. It made him think of Kelly. It was one of the reasons that he'd finally called off their relationship. He got so tired of seeing that detached look in her eyes when they had sex…or did anything that didn't involve spending his money for that matter. It was like she was making a grocery list in her head…which of course was silly, since she'd probably never been inside of a grocery store in her life.

  “Okay, I think we're ready.” She took the leash in her hand and opened the door to room thirty, leading him inside. The room was huge, with a polished white marble floor and bright lights that were tinted red. She led him across the cold floor and his eyes took in the rest of the room. Thick, red curtains covered one wall…or the windows, and the rest of the walls and the ceiling were mirrored. He could see images of himself from every angle. It was odd, and exciting at the same time. She led him to the center of the room where a contraption hung from the ceiling. It looked like the bar he used to do pull ups on in his gym, only it was adorned with what looked like a selection of leather straps and chains hanging from it.

  The woman led Alex underneath it and then removed the collar and leash. Once that was done…without saying another word, she left. He was left naked and alone…looking at himself in one of the mirrors and wondering what happened next. He even wondered if he should take his cue from the blonde woman and make for the door. Just about the time he was seriously considering that option, he heard the sound of a door opening behind him. He started to turn around and a female voice said,

  “Don't. Eyes on the floor.” Her voice was commanding, and at the same time, familiar. He did as she asked…or ordered as she came up behind him. He felt her brush up against his back and for the first time since he'd entered this place, his cock gave a little twitch, maybe just to let him know he was still alive. He inhaled the scent of her. She smelled fresh, and clean…no harsh perfumes like the ones that Kelly practically bathed in. He liked that. She smelled like…



  “Don't talk,” she said. He felt a blindfold being fitted around his face and over his eyes and the brush of her smooth body against his as she adjusted it. With her mouth right next to his ear this time, she whispered, “Lift your arms straight up in the air.”

  “Izzy?” he said, again. It was her voice, he knew it was…but that didn't make sense. He was pondering that when he felt a harsh slap to his backside. She'd used the palm of her hand, and his cock twitched again. No one had ever slapped his ass before…it was kind of hot.

  “My name is Mistress Darkness and you'll address me as Mistress, do you understand?” When Alex hesitated, she slapped his ass again, hard. “You'll answer when you're spoken to.”

  “Yes,” he said, at last.

  Another smack. “Yes what?”

  “Yes…Mistress.” He was tempted to say Izzy again. He was sure it was her. It sounded like her and smelled like her…but he had to be imagining it. Maybe he just wanted her so badly that his head was playing tricks on him.

  “Good. Now raise your arms above your head like I told you to.” Alex did as she asked, and he heard sounds above him and then felt a strap being placed around first one wrist and then the other. Her body was completely pressed into his as she worked, and Alex could feel the blood rushing to his cock then. No worries about the hardon, he supposed. He was disappointed when she stepped away from him and for a few seconds when he didn't hear any sounds at all, he was afraid she left him alone again. He was brought back around to reality when he felt the straps holding his arms upright being tightened. They were being pulled or wound around something and his muscles began to ache as sweat ran slowly down his naked body. He knew that he shouldn't like this. His entire adult life had been one comfort after the other…maybe that's why he suddenly felt exhilarated…alive. His cock was getting harder by the second and he was torn between feelings of lust and desire for the woman he'd convinced himself was Izzy…and feeling like a freak for enjoying this so much.

  “Your safe word is simply ‘stop.’ If you want me to stop anything I'm doing at any time, you use it, okay?”


  “What's your name?” If it were Izzy, she would know the answer to that question. But…she had him blindfolded. She obviously didn't want him to know who she was, maybe that was because she was Izzy…his head was full of chaos, his body full of adrenaline and his cock getting harder with the blood that should be in his brain, so he wasn't thinking clearly.

  “Alex,” he said, finally.

  This time the slap to his ass wasn't with the palm of her hand, it felt like a whip, and it stung, badly. “Alex, you will answer me immediately when I ask you a question, understand?”


  “Yes what?”

  “Yes Mistress,” he said, guessing. He only knew he got it right when she didn't whip him again and she said,

  “Better. You're teachable.” He heard the click of her heels on the cold floor as she walked around him in a circle. He was still picturing Isabelle in his head, practically naked and in a pair of sexy shoes. He shuddered and his cock surged again. It practically exploded when he felt her palms suddenly pressed into his chest. They were covered in some kind of fragrant oil and she was running them in circles all over the front side of his torso, pausing to feel every line. She began to rub them across his nipples and the harder she rubbed, the harder they became. He'd never had a woman play with his nipples and he was surprised and how good it felt when she took one of the between her thumb and forefinger and began to roll it. He was beginning to really get into it, moaning and wishing he could reach down and touch his own cock when suddenly her gentle rolling turned into a harsh pinch and he let out a little yelp.

  “Did that hurt…Alex?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Did you like it?”

  “Yes,” he said, surprising himself again. It did hurt, but just for a second, and now as she spoke to him she was rubbing it again, massaging it gently and that felt amazing.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No Mistress.” He would have never guessed that pain could be such a turn-on, or the humiliation of being tied up and giving someone else complete control would cause his cock to stand at attention.

  “Mm, good answer,” she said, before suddenly he felt a pair of lips around the outside of his nipple and then her teeth, scraping at it gently. She sucked on it for a second and then nipped at it. It felt slightly raw and when she pulled her warm mouth away and it hit the cold air, it stung…but it was hot. He'd heard the saying about the fine line between pleasure and pain so many times…but this was the first time he'd ever experienced it. “Do you like that?” she whispered.

  “Oh yes, Mistress, very much.” His body convulsed as she ran her finge
rnails down his chest, across his abs and then very gently, down the length of his cock.

  “Good. Have you ever experienced anything like this before?”

  “No Mistress.”



  “So what have you experienced?” He heard the slap of leather against skin, like she was slapping the whip against her palm. He wondered if she was aching to use it on him…and he felt the tip of his cock ooze with excitement at the thought.

  “Just normal sex, Mistress.” She chuckled, and he shivered. “I'm sorry Mistress…but please tell me if you're Izzy.”

  “You don't ask the questions here, Alex, remember? You're not in charge here. This is my dungeon, do you understand?”

  “But…” Before he got the next word out, he felt the whip bite into the skin of his upper thigh. “I'm sorry, I just…” He felt it sting his chest and stomach, just above his cock. Then she walked around behind him and he felt the sting on his ass cheeks, and then across his back and back down to his cheeks. He grunted with each strike and bit down on his bottom lip to keep from crying out. Strangely enough however, the pain was still tempered by the image he had in his head of Izzy…gloriously naked and cracking a leather riding whip against his body. But the best was yet to come. When she finished with her assault he heard the whip hit the floor…and then he felt the softness of her hands back on his body, massaging and caressing every part of his body that she'd just slapped with the whip.


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