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Her Sir

Page 11

by Megan Slayer

  “You’re the only woman in my life.” He tucked a loose few strands of her hair behind her ear, then tipped her gaze again. “You’re precious to me.” He hadn’t gotten through to her. He held her left hand. “This is my grandmother’s ring. No one else in the family wanted it, so I took it. Lucy thought I should give it to her when I proposed. I didn’t offer it to her or propose because I wasn’t sure the relationship would last. I knew down to my soul the person and timing weren’t right. Then you came along. I kept thinking the ring would be perfect—and that was before you demanded to know how I felt. We’ve had our bumps, but we’re still here together.”

  “We are.” Her eyes watered. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “When the election is over, we’re flying to Vegas to get married for real.” Like, the moment he could get away, they’d leave.

  “Sir?” Her lips parted, and she squeezed his hand.

  “I’d get down on one knee, but you’re on my lap. Will you marry me for real?” he asked. “Andi?”

  “Yes.” Tears slipped down her cheeks. “I will.” She laughed, despite the tears. “I told you I’d get you to love me.”

  “No getting about it. I did all along.” He tucked her against his chest. “Besides, you’re wearing my shirt way better than I ever have. I might have to keep you in my dress shirts.”

  “Sir.” She kissed him, tangling her tongue with his.

  The tension within him evaporated, and he relaxed. He had the girl, the love, he’d always wanted and the sub of his dreams. He couldn’t ask for more and wouldn’t have to now that she was in his arms for good.

  His phone rang, interrupting the moment. Dean ignored the incessant ringing. Fuck it. He wanted to be with his girl.

  Andi broke the kiss. “It’s the desk.”

  “I’m busy.” He buried his face against her neck. “Don’t feel like talking to the desk.”

  “This is the second call, and … Opal’s calling again.” Andi picked up the phone. “Answer. It could be important.”

  She had a point. He kept his arm around her, but answered the phone. “Opal.”

  “Mr. Meyer? You have a visitor,” Opal said. “Lucy.”

  His blood chilled. Why did life have to kick him in the ass just when things went his way? “Are you sure?”

  “Very,” Opal said. “She barged past my desk and used her pass key. I thought we’d deactivated it, but it worked. I couldn’t stop her, and she charmed Randy.”

  God damn it. He’d have to have a talk with his security specialist and issue new cards for everyone—except Lucy. “I’ll handle it.” He put the phone down. “I need you to get dressed.”

  Andi scrambled off his lap. “Why?”

  “Lucy’s here.” He changed into his jeans and a pullover. “She’s got lousy timing.”

  “Answer the door. I’ll be down in a second.” Andi kissed him. “It’ll be okay.”

  He wished he could be so confident. He didn’t trust Lucy—not any longer. He padded down to the living room. The doorbell rang. Despite his better judgment, he opened the door for his ex-girlfriend. “Hello.”

  “Darling.” She hugged him. “I haven’t seen you in ages.” She swept into the penthouse. “I see little’s changed.”

  “I’m not much of a decorator.” He closed the door. “What brings you by?”

  “I needed to get away. Life at home isn’t great. Nathan is always gone, and I’m frazzled.” She faced him. “I needed to see you.”

  “Well, you’ve seen me.” Where was Andi?

  “I hear you’ve moved on.” She stood in the middle of the living room. “I didn’t think you would.”

  “Crazy things happen.” His patience wore thin. Two people could drive him nuts—Andi and Lucy.

  “They do.” She glanced about the room. “Is she here? Or tied up somewhere?” She laughed, then crossed over to him. “Or have you given that up?”

  “She’s changing.”

  “Ah. Into something acceptable for public viewing.” Lucy cocked her hip and stared at him. “Am I right?”

  “She was working and is now getting cleaned up.” He held his hand up. “She’s an artist and was painting.”


  “Your sister comes to the Underground and happens to be Andi’s best friend. I’d think you be nicer about your appraisal of them,” he said. “But I see you’re still catty.”

  Lucy smiled. Lines formed around her eyes and her dark roots were visible, but she still looked amazing—not like a woman who’d born three children. “Look, she’s not around and neither is Mary.”

  “Andi is here.” He held his ground. “What’s your point?”

  “I came here for you. One last chance.” She smoothed her palms over his chest. “One more time to realize we’re meant for each other.”

  “You’re married, and so am I.” He put space between them. “I don’t do married chicks unless she’s my wife.”

  “We’re separating.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “He had a fling,” Lucy said. “Now I’m going to have one with you. Your wifey won’t know, and my husband can see how it feels to hurt.”

  “I’m not interested, and I don’t want to cheat on Andi.” He nudged her away again.

  “You are, too. I know you. You never could tell me no.” Lucy snorted. “Now come here. We’ve got to make up for lost time.”


  She narrowed her eyes. “Some girl who likes your … treatment is better than me? You love me. You might have married her, but I know you. Do you love her? Did you tell her about the tattoo on your back that was done for me?”

  “I didn’t.” He spotted Andi on the steps. She’d donned a pale blue sundress. She managed to steal his breath. But Lucy was still there. He gritted his teeth to hide his frustration. “Andi.”

  “Dean.” She held her hand out to Lucy. “You must be the famous Lucy. I’m Andi.”

  “Charming,” Lucy said. “You’re earthier than I’d imagined.”

  “Thank you.” Andi beamed. “What brings you by?”

  “Just seeing an old friend.” Lucy rested her hands on her hips. “Dean, did you tell her about that tattoo? The one you got for me? You never answered me.”

  “No, he hasn’t.” Andi’s smile never wavered. “It’s beautiful. I’m glad you encouraged him to get the ink.”

  “Oh.” Lucy blanched. “You’re welcome.” She turned her attention back to him. “Then you never got rid of it?”

  “No, but I had the design modified,” Dean said. The added color had hurt like a bitch, but he wanted to remove any sign of her on his body. “Your name isn’t there. It’s been replaced by a geometric design.”

  “What?” Lucy paled.

  Andi shrugged. “It happens, but I like the design.”

  “He won’t put your name on his skin,” Lucy snapped.

  So losing her one piece of control over him bothered Lucy that much. He draped his arm around Andi’s shoulders.

  “I wouldn’t expect him to,” Andi said. “He gave me his last name. That’s enough.”

  He patted Andi’s shoulder. Damn, she made him proud.

  “What?” Lucy’s voice cracked. “You got married?”

  “I told you that,” Dean said. “You either weren’t paying attention or just didn’t care.”

  “To her?” Lucy asked. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes.” He kept Andi close. “I collared her, too.”

  “Oh, so you’re his … lackey. Okay.” Lucy switched her attention to Dean. “We can still fuck. I read about how those relationships work. She’s your fuck doll, but you’re not monogamous with her.”

  “I’m not interested in being with you or cheating on her, like I said.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry you came here for nothing, but I’m glad we’re both getting closure.”

  “What does she have that I don’t?” Lucy’s voice rose an octave. “You loved me.”

  Andi stepped between Dean and
Lucy. “I don’t have your money, looks, or past with Dean. I’ll never be rich or beautiful the way you are, but I can’t change the past, either. What I can do is embrace the now and my future with my husband.”

  Lucy narrowed her eyes again. “I recognize you. You’re the chick the guy on the television fucked. The girl who cheated on him. Right?”

  “He cheated on me.” Andi stood tall. “You can scream and carry on, but you don’t scare me and you can’t bully me. I know who I am and who loves me. If you’ve got a problem with that, find someone who cares. I’m not interested.”

  “Dean?” Lucy asked. “Are you going to let her talk to me that way?”

  “She’s right. I love my wife, and I won’t change my mind.” In the past, he’d almost considered going back to Lucy a time or two, but not now. He loved Andi more than he’d ever loved Lucy.

  “You really love her?” Lucy crinkled her lip in a sneer. “I know you. The only thing you love is the club. Will she stick around when she realizes you’re married to that club? Will she stay with you when she finds out you’re a politician, too?” She turned to Andi. “Yeah. He’s a politician. Are you going to screw around on him the way you did on your last boyfriend?”

  “Enough,” Dean said. His patience broke. “Jesus. Whatever she did before we got together has nothing to do with our right now.”

  “You still love me,” Lucy said. “You wouldn’t be angry and arguing if you didn’t.”

  “No, I don’t. I stopped the day you walked out. I’m tired of being your safe harbor when your life goes to pot. You married Nathan. He’s a good guy, even if he stumbled. Maybe he screwed up, but that’s for the two of you to sort out. Not me.” He strode over to the door. “If you would, please leave.”

  “But…” Lucy paled. “This isn’t you.”

  “I’m not going to let you malign Andi any longer. You’re not welcome here or in the Underground.” He’d had enough of her bullshit. “Go.”

  “So that’s it?” Lucy threw her key card at him. “I hope you’re happy together. You deserve each other.” She turned on her heel and marched out of the penthouse. “Don’t ever call me.”

  “Hadn’t planned on it.” He escorted Lucy to the elevator, then glanced back at Andi. “I’ll be right back.”

  Andi waved. “Nice to have met you.”

  Andi’s poise impressed him, but he had to focus on Lucy. He waited until the elevator opened, and he stepped inside with Lucy before he spoke. Lucy didn’t intimidate him, and he had a few things he needed to say. “You were out of line.”

  “I thought you’d want me back.” Lucy didn’t look at him as the car descended to the ground floor. “You did before.”

  “That was before.”

  “You really love her.” She faced him. “And you’re really over me.”

  “I do love her, and I am over you.” The doors opened, and he ushered her into the foyer. “I love her more than I thought possible. The chapter of my life involving you has closed, though.” He walked her through the building to the parking lot. “I’m sorry you’re having a rough time with Nathan.”

  “You hated him.” She clutched her purse. “Detested him.”

  “At one time. Back then, I thought I should’ve been in his place, but not any longer. I’m tired of living in the past and for someone who doesn’t love me. You can say you did all along, but that’s not the truth. You loved what you thought I might become, but not the man I am. I need someone who can handle my ragged edges and not be disgusted by my oddities. That’s not you.” He stood by her sports car. “Good luck, Lucy. I hope you get what you want.”

  “Andi’s a lucky woman.” She hesitated, then nodded. “Yeah. Goodbye, Dean.”

  “Bye.” He waited until she climbed behind the wheel of her car, then drove away before he went back inside. He’d expected a twinge of regret, but it never came. He could move on—correction, he had moved on. He sighed and headed back inside. Good riddance.

  Opal crept out from behind the desk and stopped him in the foyer. “Mr. Meyer? I asked Mr. Nichols to deactivate her cards.”

  Good old Justin. What a guy. “Did he?”

  “Yes. He says she can’t get in beyond the front desk, and he made sure to take her off Aldus’s list.” Opal cleared her throat. “No more Lucy?”

  “Nope. No more.”

  “But yes to Andi?” Opal folded her arms. Her words came out tense.

  “Yes.” He couldn’t wait to get back upstairs to Andi.

  “Good. I’m relieved. She’s better for you.” Opal patted his arm. “I love her paintings, too.”

  “You’ve seen them?” He paused at the door. “I never would’ve pegged you as an artsy kind of person.”

  Opal nodded. “At Gallery X. I almost bought one of her abstracts, but someone else beat me to the purchase. I’m saving money back specifically so I can buy one at the next show.”

  “I hope you do. She’ll love that.” He winked. “I’m headed back to the penthouse. If you need me, call.”

  “But don’t need you.” She saluted. “Got it.”

  “Thanks.” He waved, then went to the elevator. The weight on his mind and the tension in his body disappeared. His spirit was whole because of Andi. The elevator didn’t go fast enough to get him upstairs. He wanted to discover if she had anything on under that sundress. He strode into the penthouse. “Andi?”

  She strolled out of the kitchen with two glasses of red wine. “Sir?”

  “What’s this for?” He accepted one of the goblets. “Sweetheart?”

  “To celebrate and toast our union.” She clinked glasses with him. “To us.”

  “To us,” he said, echoing her words. He sipped the wine. “I’m glad you did this.”

  “What?” She slipped her hand into his and led him to the couch. When he sat down, she straddled his lap. The strap of her dress slipped off her shoulder and exposed the upper swell of her breast.

  His mouth watered and not for the wine. “I meant the drink, your gumption, and you being here. Nothing else matters.”

  “You did help me forget the election.” She drank some of her wine and wriggled on his thighs. “Is everything okay with Lucy?”

  “Yes. She left.” He put the glass down, then moved the other strap to expose her breasts. Her nipples tightened. “You make concentrating impossible.”


  “I want to bury myself in you all over again.” He slid his hand over her ass.

  “You can do whatever you want.” She pushed her breasts together. “I am yours.”

  “You are.” He finished his wine. “Are you ready?”

  “For what? Another scene? Already?” Her voice cracked, but she yanked her skirt up and rubbed her bare pussy on the bulge in his jeans. “Sir?”

  “I meant to start our life together officially.” He took the glass from her. “You’re a brat and keep me on my toes. I love you, and I’m guessing your ass has to hurt by now.” He eased his hands under her dress. “We’ll wait until tomorrow for another scene.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” She scooted closer to him and draped her arms around his neck. “I love you, too.”

  He spanked her ass hard. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to fuck you. Race you upstairs?”

  “Ooh.” Her eyes sparkled. “And if I win?”

  He winked. “If I told you, you wouldn’t be surprised.”

  “Yes.” She whipped the dress over her head, then left his lap. She raced naked up the stairs and out of sight.

  He left the glasses on the side table. Life with Andi would never be boring. He had the love of a lifetime with her. Damn, he was a lucky man.

  Chapter Ten

  Two weeks later

  Andi sat between Sir’s feet and rested her head on his knee. He petted her hair but said nothing. She watched the scene taking place in front of them, but her mind wandered. She hadn’t thought she’d embrace her new role at the Underground. The other subs kept away from her and Sir.
Like they were in a bubble. She didn’t mind. Not having to share Sir and being able to watch the other subs was fun. Sir seemed to know how to encourage her to explore her exhibitionistic side while preserving her dignity. Her relationship with Master Justin, Kel, and Delana was still evolving, but they tended to keep their distance from her.

  Not tonight.

  Master Justin sat on the armchair to Sir’s left. Kel sat between his knees, matching Andi’s position with Sir. Delana had joined them and reclined on the settee. Her boy-of-the-moment stood behind her. Mary sat at Delana’s feet. Andi enjoyed being part of the group. She belonged and without judgment.

  Sir stroked Andi’s hair in time with the Dom spanking the two subs cuffed to the bondage table. Andi wished she could be on display and receiving the same treatment, but from Sir. She could almost feel his crop on her backside. Her ass stung in anticipation.

  She rested her hands on her lap. Being on display had its perks. Everyone focused on her and the rest of the group—probably because the other subs wanted to belong to the Masters. Maybe they got off watching… She didn’t know and didn’t care. She resisted the urge to look at Kel and Mary. Were they naked like her? She flattened her hands on her lap, then glanced at Mary. Her friend wore a corset, black pumps, plus wrist and ankle cuffs. For one of the few times in her life, Andi wished she had something on instead of being nude, save for her silver collar and knee-high boots. She wanted to have the leather collar on, too, but Sir hadn’t wanted to use it.

  When she turned her attention back to the scene, the players were gone. She tensed. No one was in the common area or the bar. Where was everyone? The Underground usually served as a hub of activity. The silence unnerved her. Only their group of seven remained in the large room. Quaint, but scary, too.

  “Well, that was stimulating,” Delana said. “Those women enjoyed themselves. I doubt they’ll be able to sit tomorrow.”

  “Agreed,” Justin said. He tugged on Kel’s ponytail, tipping her head back. “Did you enjoy yourself, my sweet voyeur?”

  Kel nodded. “I did, Sir. Thank you.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her. “Would you like the same treatment?”

  Kel shivered. The bells on her nipple clips jingled. “Yes, I would, Sir. Thank you.” She balled her hands. “Do you want me to assume the position?”


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