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Play Me

Page 7

by Ivy Knight

  I haven't been hit this hard for a while, so as painful as it is, I still can't help but smile. Though, the cut on my right ribcage snatches that smile away. I take deep breaths and blink several times to get rid of my teary eyes. I look up at Kai, "That was a good one."

  Kai raises his right eyebrow in question, but I shrug it off climbing back onto my feet. I pull on my jacket to hide my cut and turn around to face Alec, "You owe me fifty - thousand."

  "In your dreams, Sweetheart," Alec's eyes twinkle mischievously.

  "No Sweetheart, it's in your dreams if you think I'll let this go," I take a deep breath at the end. The cut is effecting my breathing and it's getting harder to hide it.

  "Do you hear that?" Alice questions. Capturing our attention, we all quiet down and listen. It's difficult to hear, but with a lot of focus, something like a river sounds in the distance.

  "It sounds like a river," Cole is the first to say it out aloud.

  "Is it the same river that runs near the campground?" Alice questions, more than states.

  "Let's check it out," Kai says. Everyone nods in response except for me. I start walking with Alice and Cole.

  "Can you walk slower?" Alice annoyingly asks Cole.

  "Will you walk faster?"



  "Because I said so, why can't you walk slower?"

  "Because I said so, now shut up before I make you."

  "Yeah? Well, touch me and I'll kill you."

  "I've touched you several times and I'm still alive. I think I'll take my chances," Cole responds.

  "The next one to talk is getting their throat slit by me and right now, I don't give a fuck who it is," I warn, exhausted by their childish arguments. With every step I take, the harder it becomes not to touch my cut and their stupid voices are just getting really annoying.

  About twenty minutes into walking, we reach the loud river.

  "Let's follow it back to camp," Kai announces.

  Nobody says anything as he doesn't wait for a response, and starts following the rivers flow.

  "Summer, keep up," Alec says, looking back at me. I give him a small nod and try to take faster steps, but as my speed increases, so does the pain. Just when I'm about to tell everyone I need a break, we reach a waterfall. Not just any waterfall, but almost a seventy feet tall waterfall.

  "We can't survive that. Not unless the water down there is at least as deep as the fall," I state looking down over the edge with Kai.

  "I know, but look here," I look down at the rock ledge about twenty feet below. "We can climb down using the rocks and jump from there to make the landing easier. We have no other option aside from this river."

  I turn around and slowly walk away from the fall. I can't jump right now, not with an open cut at least. "It's getting late, how about we spend the night here and jump early morning. There's a long walk after the jump too."

  "I agree with Summer," Alice responds first. The guys have, yet again, another silent conversation.

  A few seconds later, "Sounds good."

  Alec is the one to break the silence.

  "Okay then, uh– you guys do something. I need a word with Alice, alone."

  "She's with me," Cole says. "That means I come along."

  "No, your arms with her so technically only your arm needs to come with her. Now, I don't mind breaking it off, so it's up to you."

  "You're bleeding," my head snaps towards Kai.


  "You're bleeding."

  Everyone looks at me and I look down at my white shirt now stained with blood.

  "I'll be fine," I try to brush everyone off, but Kai makes his way over to me like a winner to his trophy that's about to get stolen.

  "Take it off," he demands.

  "No," I firmly say looking directly into his eyes. The bruise around his eye now getting more visible. For moments, I swear I hear my own heartbeat aggressively thumping against my chest. No one speaks. My heartbeat getting louder and the water rushing down the river becoming more audible to my ears.

  Does he actually think I will take off my shirt for him?

  "Take it off, Summer."

  "No," my first reply remains.

  "What the fuck!" Alice hisses. I turn around and see her clutching her arm that is now dripping with blood. In Cole's hand, is the knife used to cut Alice's arm.

  "Really? This, again? You know what? Don't answer that, I'll just take it off." I take off my flannel followed by my white tank top leaving me with my white sports bra and jean shorts.

  I look down at myself. First comes insight the forming bruise on my abdomen, then comes insight the dry blood covering most of my side. To clean it up, I take my tank top and gently dab at the wound. In the end, I'm left with a deep cut that stretches around my side.

  "You need stitches."

  "Oh really?" I sarcastically reply to Kai's conclusion.

  "Cole, stitch up Alice's wound and find a safe spot to spend the night in the woods. Alec, search for some dry wood to start a fire and you, stay with me," Kai instructs.

  "Let's go, Cupcake," Cole and Alice disappear into the woods along with Alec leaving Kai and I alone.

  "Sit on that rock over there," Kai points out to a large rock next to the river. I roll my eyes and walk over to it taking a seat. A few seconds later, Kai takes a seat next to me.

  "Lay down." I look at him holding out a flask and mentally cringe at the thought of how much pain is about to come my way. Slowly, I lean my back down against the rock. The clear sky fills my vision. There are no clouds or birds in view; just a plain, blue sky.

  "Fuck!" I sit up feeling the burning sensation, "The least you can do is warn a girl."

  "Here," he holds out the flask. "I'm about to stitch it up."

  "You being generous?"

  "Are you testing me?"

  "Nope," I take the flask from him and take a sip.

  "Fuck you, Cole!" I hear Alice's voice from deep in the woods. At least I'm holding out better than her.

  "Put your arm on my shoulder." I lift up my right arm and settle it on his left shoulder. Within a second, he enters a needle into my flesh causing me to take another sip of alcohol.

  "Why did you jump off? For all you know, I could've been dead," I try to get him to talk while he's distracted. "Why are you so interested in my box? The things in there could be no use to you."

  "Then why don't you open it and let us be the judge of that."

  "Oh, so now you talk?" I take another sip from the flask. I haven't experienced this much pain in a while and it's taking a lot of energy to not yell at the top of my lungs.

  "This is all I could find," Alec announces from behind. I turn my head and face Kai. As he looks at Alec, his body shifts and the inside of his jacket is revealed. My brain immediately recognizes the pack of cigarettes he stole from me. Nervously, I lick my lips wanting the cigarette to be in between them.

  To fill it's craving, I take another sip of the alcohol.

  "Find Cole and start a fire. Let me finish up here and then we'll help."

  "Okay." With Alec's reply, Kai continues to stitch me up.

  "Just so we're clear, I'm stitching up your face after this."

  "I can stitch it up myself," he responds calmly.

  "Whatever floats your boat," I reply taking another sip of alcohol. Anything is better than arguing with him right now.

  "There," he says almost five minutes later.

  "Thanks," I look at the ten stitches. I hand him the flask still half full, "You'll need it for your face."

  He nods and takes it from me. I pick up my blood stained t-shirt and cringe. I can't wear that and if I wear my cotton flannel, it'll get caught on the stitches. I ball up my shirts and decide to stay in my sports bra for the time being.

  I get up and start walking towards the woods, "Where are you going?"

  "To find everyone."

  "Dressed like that?" I turn around and look back at Kai.

  "No," he says, throwing a shirt towards me. "Wear that."

  I roll my eyes and pick up his grey shirt off the ground.

  "Wear it now," once again, I roll my eyes before slipping it on. The shirt ends mid-thigh and reeks with his cologne. For once, I'm actually thankful for it. I need something toxic.

  Chapter 10

  "Alice is sleeping with Cole, Alec is sleeping alone and you're sleeping with me," Kai commands.

  Not in the mood to argue, I walk around the fire to where he's sitting and take a seat next to him. It's around nine and we just finished having fish that the boys caught and Alice cooked.

  "Is anyone watching?" I question.

  "No, there's no need for that. The bears are probably hibernating right now," Alec responds. His response sends a wave of relief throughout me. If no one's awake during the night, then the only thing I have to wait for is for everyone to be asleep until I can steal my pack of cigarettes from Kai.

  "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm extremely tired and gonna go to sleep." I scoot over, closer to Kai, and snuggle underneath his blanket. I lean my back against the rigid tree trunk and lift my knees up hiding my head in them pretending to sleep.

  "Does she usually sleep this early?" Cole asks. I can't help but smile at his confusion.

  "Yup," Alice simply replies. "And I'm going to sleep too."

  "Whoa whoa whoa, what the hell do you think you're doing?" I hear Cole's voice again.


  "No, sleep over there. I'm not a pillow."

  "I'm literally tied to you, so I can't. Either my head goes on your shoulder or your lap, your choice."

  For a few seconds there's no reply, but a sigh eventually escapes Cole's lips, "Fine, head on my lap. At least more of your body will be on the ground."

  "You suck."

  "You swallow."

  "Kai looks angry. Oh wait, never mind, it's just his face." I stifle my laughter at her comment and take heavy breaths.

  "Alice?" Kai asks from only inches beside me.


  "Do you like being so ignorant and childish?"


  "Mm," is Kai's only response. This response is ceaseless. It has multiple meanings all that suggest Kai has plans that involve Alice. Plans that I'm sure I won't like, so I have to talk to Brody and arrange for her to be out of the house on Monday.

  I'm still confused as to what my plan is when I get to Kai's. Yes, for a couple of days I will be endlessly tortured, but after that, I need information on why Kai left Nick. The only way I will get any information like that is if I become close to Kai. I have to become a part of his gang.

  Tired of sitting in the same position, I lift up my head and spot everyone asleep. Nothing but the crackle of the fire fills the air. Slowly, I stand up making sure not to wake up Kai. I dust myself off and stand right in front of Kai. Even in his sleep, he looks ready to kill.

  Get the damn box, Summer.

  I scowl at myself before I squat down and slowly reach for his jacket's opening. I pull on it slightly and reach in for the box with my other hand. Once it's safely out, I walk over to our bag and take out my contacts. My eyes need a break and I can slip them back on early morning.

  After taking out my contacts, I walk over to the river. It's cold, freezing at that. My whole body is full of goosebumps and my teeth are chattering, but I know the second I inhale the smoke into my lungs, a calming numbness will take over.

  I take a seat on the same rock I sat on earlier and open the box. I take out a cigarette and put the rest on the side. Pulling out the lighter, I stashed in my bra, I light up the cigarette.

  With one inhale, I feel my whole body calm down. My mind stops thinking about the time to come. Instead, it focuses on the time that's slipping away at this exact moment by thinking about how the moonlight is shining so bright making the water sparkle.

  With another inhale, I feel the pain on my right-side drift away. Easing into the affect, I look around at the forest.

  What if I wasn't born in a gang leader's family? Would my life be different? Is it easier to go outside every day and not have to worry about getting ambushed or kidnapped? Is it easier to not have to worry about one day having to live up to your family's legacy? Is life easier when you're thinking about how many kids you're gonna have, or what you got on the math test?

  My thoughts are interrupted by a familiar scent. This scent has been lingering around me all day, but it's stronger now meaning he, himself is close.

  "Here to ruin my night?"

  No response. I don't turn around to see whether he's actually there or not, because my question is answered when he takes a seat next to me.

  "You have to stop."

  "I have to do nothing," I reply.

  "It'll hurt."

  "What will?"

  "What I have planned for you."


  "There's going to be no alcohol, no pills and no cigarettes to take your pain away. Just you and your thoughts," his voice isn't even groggy. It's as heavy as usual telling me he was never asleep.

  "I don't smoke because I'm in pain."

  "Then why do you smoke?"

  "Because I'm addicted."

  "Find a new addiction."

  "I feel like my new addiction will be a pain in the ass, so cigarettes will have to do."

  "What is it?" he asks. I close my eyes and deeply inhale his scent.

  "Something I hope you'll never find out." I take another inhale from the cigarette before rubbing it out.


  "Very," my reply simple. "Can we sleep here for the night? The fire's annoying me."

  "Are you asking?"

  "If the answer is yes, then I am."

  "Sure," he replies. Unsure of what Kai will think, I move closer to him. I put my head on his shoulder and he curls his arm around my side.

  "Ss." I hiss when he touches my stitches. He gently shifts back leaving a gap between him and me so he doesn't rub against my stitches. His body, sending waves of warmth towards me, before I know it, I fall into a deep sleep.


  My eyes remain closed, but my body tells me to wake up. Still in Kai's arms, I decide to get in a few more minutes of sleep but that's ruined when I hear a wolf whistle, "It seems like someone slept peacefully last night."

  "What are you talking about?" I hear Alice's voice. "Oh, hell no."

  "Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to sleep," my voice groggier than ever.

  "You're awake and still in his arms?" Alice sounds shocked.

  Before I can reply, Kai clears his throat. I look up by slightly tilting my head. His face lighter than usual but still fresh, his eyebrow rises displaying a stern look. Sore and tired, I sit up onto the rock.

  "You have a fever," Kai declares.

  "I don't feel well either," I respond. I'm full of sweat and my arms are dangerously pale.

  "You don't look well," Alice adds.

  "Okay, I think I get it. Can we please just jump off this damn river and call it a day?" I ask, irritated, sore and tired.

  "Yes, we can," Alec replies. "The sooner we jump, the sooner we can get back to camp."


  "Here, drink some water," Alice pulls Cole behind her and hands me my water. I take it with a thank you. As I drink the water, Alice remains standing there, staring.

  "What?" I whisper. She discreetly points to her eyes and I realize that my contacts are in my bag. I can't wear them until after I jump. My luck sucks.

  "Let's jump," I announce.

  I climb off the rock and strip out of my clothes leaving me only in my bra and shirts. I throw my boots and shirt down on the banks of the river.

  I turn around and watch as everyone else does the same. Alice unhooked from Cole, at last, gives me an opportunity to talk to her. I start walking towards her but get yanked back by someone. Angry, I turn around and spot Kai shirtless, fucking shirtless with a six pack on full display.

/>   The lines are heavily defined, but the most intriguing part of his abdomen is the emblem of his gang tattooed onto it; it's a black knight tied in heavy metal chains sitting in its throne.

  A black knight.

  "That's your brother," the words escape my lips on impulse.

  "Excuse me?" wrinkles form on Kai's forehead.

  "Your tattoo, uh- it's cool. Black Killers makes sense." I try to come up with an excuse. Waiting for his response, I look around at the other two guys with the same tattoo.

  "To most, it makes no sense," he says.

  "Then most don't know you as well as I do." I keep my head low keeping my eyes out of his sight.

  "Mm. Well, back to why I stopped you, just because Alice is not attached to Cole anymore, doesn't mean you get to talk to her alone. As long as we're lost, you two stay away," Kai deadpans. I can't do anything. I can't talk back to him because without eye contact that's just meaningless and hitting him would only anger him further so instead, I take a step to the side and walk away.

  "I'm jumping first," I state. Without waiting, I take a step down the rock wall leading my way down to the small edge. The wind is strong today causing my hair to constantly blur my vision.

  "Summer, slow down!" I don't look up but I can tell it's Cole. With every firm grip, I lower myself and eventually, my feet meet the surface of the rocky edge. Right after me, lands Kai. He takes more like five seconds compared to me, who took about thirty seconds.

  I need to work on a lot physically.

  "Tie this around the stitches." Kai hands me another one of his shirts, "It'll prevent them from opening."

  I take the shirt and wrap it around my side. "I don't think I'll ever get the chance to do this again, so I'm just going to do this."

  "Do what?" Kai asks. Just when I'm about to push Kai off the edge, he turns around and grabs my wrists pulling me down with him.


  I open my eyes and my mouth fills with salt water. I cough out the water filling my lungs and gas for air. Everything is a blur. One second I'm falling off the edge, and the next, I black out.

  "Ahh!" I scream when Kai purposely spills liquor on my side.

  "The stitches opened."

  "I can see that," I speak through gritted teeth. Painfully slow, Kai re-stitches the wound as the rest of the crew jumps off.


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