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Play Me

Page 10

by Ivy Knight

  "Summer, I-,"

  "No. I don't need your sympathy or words of wisdom either, because no one in this world can tell me that I'll be okay. I'm not. I was forced to watch my step-sister get raped by a guy that she, and maybe even I, trusted. No one in this world has the power to help me, not even god himself. You're nowhere near him so don't you even try," I speak on my last nerve and I can't be more clear about it.

  "Well then. I'll come check up on you later."

  "Don't," I say as she leaves.

  "My name's Lilly by the way," she says just before exiting. I pull the IV and along with any other wires attached to me, out. The irritating beeping turns off leaving me in silence. My breathing is deep, but I calm down and eventually the calmness sends into darkness.


  I wake up again, but this time with a bulging amount of pain in my stomach. The urge to puke makes me lean over the side of the bed and I puke out blood turning the white floor, red. My eyes fill with tears from the amount of pain running through me.

  The door slams open.


  It's Brody.

  "Lilly!" he yells. I cough desperately as I choke on my own blood.

  "What happened?!" Lilly questions.

  "I don't know, I was passing by when I saw her puking blood."

  "It's her allergy. She took off the IV and didn't take her meds for the past ten hours. Her body isn't strong enough to heal by itself. Summer, do you feel like you need to puke more?"

  I nod.

  "Okay. Uh- Brody, help her lay back down I'm going to put her back on the meds," he comes close to me and I push him away.

  "Touch me and I'll kill you," I deadpan. It starts to become even harder to breathe now.

  "Stop being stupid and let me help you," Brody says.

  "Fuck off! Ugh!"

  My hands grab my stomach as I grit trying not to scream in agony.

  "Help her Brody!" Lilly yells and Brody starts helping me onto my back.

  "No! Ugh- stop! Brody, it hurts! Ahh!" I scream. "I can't take it Lilly, just kill me! Please!"

  Begging is useless, I know they won't kill me but I know I can guilt them into giving me pain meds.

  "Ugh! Please!"

  "Give her the painkillers," Brody says. Besides my painful groaning, the room is silent, "I said, give her painkillers. I'll talk to Kai myself."

  I feel a pinch in my hand and in a few minutes, I'm out cold.


  I open my eyes. I'm still in the room I woke up in last, but now, in less pain. I dig out enough strength in me to help myself into a sitting position. The oxygen mask is now gone telling me the inflammation in my lungs is close to gone as well.

  I look around the room. Even though I'm alone now, I know that it won't last for long, so I take this as my chance to go into the bathroom considering that my foot is no longer attached to the bed.

  When I lift the blankets off of me, I first look at the clothes I'm wearing. It's one of the guys' shirt, I can tell by the size. Used to wearing men's clothing, I ignore it and walk over to another door I know isn't the exit.

  To my luck, it's the bathroom. I walk in, and lock the door behind me. I stop in front of the mirror, and mentally groan. My eyes are puffy red, dry tears make my skin look edgy, and the knots in my hair are cringe worthy.

  I haven't seen myself this broken since Nick had me. I guess it runs in the family, because Kai did somewhat break me. I turn on the tap and run the water to a cool temperature. When it's good enough, I splash some on my face waking myself up.

  I grab the towel hung behind the door to dry my face. After that, I look at myself through the mirror again. My eyes are still red, but the dry tears are gone. When I realize that I've had my contacts in for over a week, I take them out. It stings more than usual, but a few minutes later, they feel better.

  A knock on the door startles me. When the fact that I've dropped one of my contacts hits my brain, I drop down, onto my knees and look for it.

  "Summer?" It's Alec.

  "Wait a sec," I say. My hands hover over the ground in search for the lost contact. When I feel my contact, I internally thank god. I quickly wash the contact before wearing it. Tears fill my eyes. I try to blink them away, but they wouldn't budge, so I just open the door.

  Alec stands there, wearing a pair of light blue jeans and a red flannel shirt. In his hands, holds a maroon dress along with some girl essentials.

  "Lilly said that you'll be fine now. Kai wants you to clean yourself up and wear this to the dinner tonight."

  I walk past him. On the way to the bed, my hand secretly runs over the tray of medical instruments picking up a needle. I tuck it in between the waistband of my underwear as I turn to face Alec and take a seat on the bed.

  "What makes you think I'll do what he wants? He killed his own advantage."

  "You never do learn, do you?" Alec says, almost sounding amused.

  "I do learn, a lot actually. But that's not the point. If Kai wants me to come to the dinner tonight, he can come and talk to me himself. I don't know what Kai was thinking killing Alice, but now he has no upper hand. If he thinks I'll stay by choice, then he's wrong," I state.

  "You really think Kai will come and beg you to come to the dinner?"

  "Nope," I shrug. "But if he doesn't, then he'll lose me. I'll escape before the dinner."

  "You won't," he says.

  "How do you know?" I stand up and smirk when he hesitates to answer. My hand slides on top of the tray that holds the medical instruments once again. I discreetly slide a needle into my grip and walk towards Alec.

  "Even if you pass me, you'll have a hundred other men to get past here alone. Not to mention the other five hundred roaming around all of Chicago."

  "You wanna know a secret?" I whisper into Alec's right ear.

  "I don't care," and with that, I take a step back and swing my arm. Alec catches it and pulls me around. With my back against his front, he forces me to hold the needle to my neck with his hold around my right hand.

  "I've been training for years to be better than anyone. You really think you can outsmart me?" he taunts.

  I slip the needle out of my waistband using my left hand and inject the liquid into his thigh.

  "Fuck," he groans. I tighten my grip around the needle to my throat using my left hand and twist it around. Then, I grab onto his left arm and pull him over my shoulder making him land painfully onto his back.

  "Yes," I reply as I watch him being pulled into a deep sleep. When he's fully unconscious, I search through his pockets. I take out his access card and all the cash he's carrying which is around three hundred dollars.

  Chapter 13: Part Two

  "Yes," I reply as I watch him be pulled into a deep sleep. When he's fully unconscious, I search through his pockets. I take out his access card and all the cash he's carrying which is around three hundred dollars.

  Also, I strip him off of his flannel shirt and tie it around my waist. This makes my shirt look like a dress and in any case, it prevents my shirt from riding up and exposing anything.

  After that, using the access card, I exit the room. I take a right down the hall, but stop and hide around the corner when I see a guy approaching. A few seconds pass, before I make sure he's gone and run down the hall. There are cameras everywhere and there's no way I can avoid them, so I don't.

  Once I find the exit, I swipe Alec's card opening the door. On my way towards the parking lot, I throw the access card into one of the bushes as I pass by. There's no security outside which is odd, but ignoring that, I make it to the parking lot.

  To my luck, there are a bunch of cars. Searching for anything that can help me, I find a red Camaro with its windows down. Making my way over, I assess the car making sure that there's no alarm before I slip my arm through the space and unlock the door.

  I take a seat and immediately start searching for an extra key: under the seat, in the dashboard, between the seats. I look everywhere but don't
find an extra key.

  I hit the wheel aggressively when I can't think of anything else. I could try hot wiring the car, but it's a late model, meaning it would take me longer than usual. Thinking about it, I don't have much experience in hotwiring a car, either.

  I'm screwed.

  Right when I'm about to leave, the ringing of a phone stops me. I listen to the ringing carefully, and find my eyes lingering over a secret compartment under the steering wheel. Playing around with the cover, the compartment opens and a phone falls out. Once the phone is in my hands, I let it ring until it stops.

  It doesn't ring for long, only about a minute. I lift up the phone to the sun and try to spot the oil stains on the screen for the passcode. There are fingerprints on the numbers one, seven, three, five, nine, and zero.

  I try different combinations until I'm through on my third try.


  Without a second thought, I turn on the data to determine where I am. The map pinpoints me to a location just out of the city, close to the garage my car is at. The map shows the garage is only a ten-minute walk from here, so I decide to walk.

  As I'm putting the phone back into the compartment, I find a card.

  The Masquerade Gang Ball

  I take it out of the envelope and read the card.

  You are invited to the annual gang ball this year held by The Black Killer's, Chicago. It'll be held at their mansion, on three five two seven, Jefferson Street. The theme is masquerade, so remember to bring a mask on September nineteenth. Party starts at six.

  I tuck the card into my bra just before climbing out.

  By taking cautious shortcuts, I reach the garage quite fast. I walk in and wait at the desk until a man in his thirties comes out from the back. His hands covered in grease, he wipes them off on a dirty towel before standing behind the desk.

  "How can I help you?"

  "I came here two weeks ago. I left my car, a twenty fifteen Audi, it was involved in a car crash," I reply, hoping he remembers.

  "Oh, yes, you must be Summer," I smile back in response. "Your car is out back, follow me."

  I follow him to the back of the garage and spot my car. "Here it is. I fixed everything that needed to be fixed, so it should run just fine."

  "Thank you," I say as he hands me the keys,

  "And Kai Black will cover the bill. When he shows up, tell him he'll see me sooner than he thinks."

  Without another word, I sit down on the driver's seat and start the car. Adjusting the rearview mirror, I look at the bewildered look plastered on the man's face just before driving out of the garage.

  I set the GPS back to town.


  It's near five pm. I got into town about an hour ago and stopped at a local dress shop for a gown and mask to wear to the ball tonight.

  Now, I'm standing in Walmart trying to decide what gluten free snacks I should pack my trunk with. I end up buying a tray of gluten free muffins, some fruits, nuts, and milk along with some drugstore makeup.

  By five thirty, I have only fifty dollars left from the three hundred I stole from Alec. It doesn't really affect me because I'm not planning on staying hidden for too long.

  I carry my stuff to the car and eat before changing into the gown. The gown is pure black; a two-piece set made out of net.

  I then apply some dramatic makeup that includes smoky eyes and contour. It's off of my usual mascara and eyeliner look, but it still suits me. For my hair, I leave it down in its natural waves. The stitches on my arms are hidden under the netted sleeve, so I'm not too worried about being recognized from them.

  Finishing off the look, I put on a black mask and start driving to the venue.

  To be honest, I'm not quite sure what to expect. I've never really been to a party like this, but one thing I know for sure, is that someone from every gang, in the states, will be there.

  That includes The Black Knights and The White Dragons.

  Am I going to see my dad and brothers tonight? I don't know, but that's not the goal for tonight. The goal for tonight is to become a part of The Black Killers.


  I walk down a cement trail. I handed the invitation card to the usher and he let me in by instructing me to follow the concrete path until the house.

  It's six thirty, so I walk alone. Along the path, there are small lamps hung on the sides guiding the way and making the area a bit more visible. Goosebumps covering my once bare skin, is proof of the cold weather.

  Suck it up, Summer.

  I turn right and find myself staring at a large wooden door. The door itself is massive, almost seven feet high. I can only imagine how big the house is. Counting down from three, I sigh and push open the doors.

  In an instant, almost five hundred eyes fall on me and nothing but the music is audible. Castle by Halsey plays as I stand at the doorway. I take a few steps in, so I'm now stood right on top of the staircase descending down.

  The whole room is packed with elegantly dressed people. Their unique dresses, suits, or gowns don't hide their realities, though. Each branded clothing and jewelry they wear is earned from killing innocent people.

  Judging them isn't right of me, because I am one of them. But hoping that I'm not worse, is.

  Each and every person in the room, eyes me head to toe. Millions of questions visible through their eyes. The creasing foreheads and whispers are a sign of their bewilderment. At balls like these, everyone knows everyone, but when a person like me, who no one knows, shows up, fear is created. Not knowing, is considered a weakness in this industry. Me, being that unknown, makes me feel powerful. Confident, even.

  So with a mischievous smirk plastered on my face, my hands ball a bit of the dress' fabric as I make my way down the staircase. Once I'm on the main floor, my eyes first meet with an old lady's. She wears a maroon ball gown matched with a black mask. I don't recognize her from when I was little, so I avert my eyes in the direction of the bar and make my way through.

  People themselves move out of my way. This is a display of fear that most will regret later on.

  Mostly, everyone is unrecognizable except for some people have that knowing aura around them. The feeling that I knew them, like I've seen them before, but I can't conclude anything. Everything is a blur from the past and the present, and so I decide to stick to the moment in hand. This is my weakness, I don't know anyone, but I'm determined not to show it.

  When I reach the bar, I grab a glass of red wine off of the counter and turn around. I watch as everyone returns to their conversations. My eyes curiously roam around the crowd trying to spot anyone I recognize. No one comes in sight, but every now and then, I can tell some groups are talking about me.

  Some, even urging others to come my way and have a word with me. No one seems brave enough to do so, because even after twenty minutes, I stand alone glued in front of the bar. It's amusing to see them all feel so vulnerable due to one mystery girl.

  With another sip of my wine, the glass is left empty. I turn and put the glass down on the bar.

  "You know why six was afraid of seven?"

  "Because it ate its other half," I reply, turning around to a put a face to the familiar voice. A man dressed in a black tux wearing a simple black mask comes in view. The voice match with the dimples on his face and I know exactly who this is – Dean.

  "I was going to say seven ate nine, but I see you like it dirty," he replies. A vibrant smile appears on my face and I have to hold back the tears that threaten their way out. The seventeen-year-old guy I remember, is now a full-grown man standing in front of me.

  "Dean White," he says, taking my left hand and gently kissing the back of it. Meeting him now, is perfect, but him hitting on me and not knowing who I am, is a quite... awkward.

  "Nineteen and the third in line to run The White Dragons in Los Angeles," I state. Dean's eyebrows cock, impressed by my level of knowledge.

  "You know a lot," he says. "Miss..."

  "I do know a lot, but clea
rly, you don't know enough."

  "Are you usually this feisty or is just me?" he questions. I let out a small laugh. "You're not going to answer any of my questions, are you?"

  "I believe a person has to do more than just ask if he or she wants to know something," I reply.

  "Well, why don't we share the first dance of the night?" A cute smile appears on his lips and I can't help but say yes. As soon as the word leaves my mouth, he drags me to the dance floor.

  He finds a clearing on the floor, just before closing the distance between us by curling his right hand around my back and holding my right hand in his left. We move slowly to the rhythm of the music.

  I feel safe being in my brother's arms so after a few minutes, I rest my head on his shoulder as we continue dancing.

  "Your gangs been off the radar for a while," I state. "Do the Black Knights still have the upper hand?"

  "They lost their upper hand two years ago," he says. There is a dampness to his voice telling me I made him remember his sister – me. My eyes well with tears.

  "Can I tell you something?" I ask.


  "I'm the mystery girl of the night. Everyone here are killers. Some were born that way, others were modified, but none of them were brave enough to come up to me. That was their weakness. Even after tonight, I'll remain unknown, but become a target for everyone. The target on my back will be my weakness. Yours will be not recognizing who I am," I say as I spot a man dressed in all black making his over to us. Before Dean can reply, the guy reaches us.

  I back away from Dean as Kai speaks, "Can I have a turn with the mystery girl?"

  Dean's clenched jaw tells me he knows exactly who's speaking to him. He looks at me for an answer and I give him a slight nod.

  "Thanks for the dance," Dean says before leaving me with Kai.

  Kai and I close the distance between us by standing in the same position Dean and I were in before. He doesn't utter a word as we move to the beat of the music. I take this as my opportunity to take in his attire for tonight. It consists of an all-black suit, matched with black shoes and an expensive Armani watch.

  The all black clothing isn't what gives him away, but the smell of his cologne does. I can smell the spice of it from ten feet away.


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