Play Me

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Play Me Page 17

by Ivy Knight

  "We did not," I state.

  "Oh, we did Summer. And you wanna know the most shocking part of it all?" I take slow steps back trying to keep distance. The universe isn't in my favour as I feel the wall behind me. Not taking any chances, Kai's arms fly up caging me in them.

  I'm trapped.

  "What's wrong, Summer? Do you not wanna hear how you begged me to make you cum last night or how loud you were yelling my name when you did? You enjoyed every second of it, Summer." His index finger makes its way to my chin and he forces me to look up into his eyes. "What's wrong? Did you just realize your mistake? That you had sex with the guy who ruined your life? The guy who wiped your family's existence off the globe?"

  He's lying. He has to be. He would never fuck me and I would never fuck him. I know it. There's no way what he's saying is true. There's just no fucking way. I don't believe him.

  "You wouldn't fuck me," I state. "Not in a million years. I don't know why you're saying what you are, but one thing I know for damn sure is that you would not fuck me."

  A slight chuckle escapes his lips. His eyes close in defeat, "You caught me, we never had sex."

  "Then why did you say that we did?" My anger is awakened. He just loves playing with my emotions, doesn't he?

  "The look on your face was too priceless to give up. But you know what I find so weird, how your emotions never seem to make their way through your eyes. It's haunting in way, I've never crossed paths with someone who possess such a skill."

  I'm not sure if I should be scared or happy at his compliment. He's been too inquisitive lately, sending me on the edge.

  "If only that were the subject, I'd actually say thank you," I reply. "Tell me what happened last night?"

  "What do you think happened?" he questions and then answers, "I already know, so never mind. I'll tell you what happened on one condition only. No further questions are asked about it."

  I nod.

  "Good," he moves back and I finally take a deep breath. All though I liked him not being in my space, I still miss the warm feeling that came with being so close. "You got drunk, wanted to go skinny dipping, pulled me into the damn ocean with you, got really horny and then went to bed after I bathed you."

  He turns around to face me with no emotion on his face, "Now get ready, I have a problem I'm handing over to you today."

  With that, he walks out.

  What the actual fuck.


  It's just Kai and I alone in a car. After the whole charade in the morning, we didn't see each other until an hour ago when he came to my room telling me it was time to go.

  The whole day was boring to say the least. I did nothing but read a book. It was interesting, but I'd rather be doing something more exciting. I guess I'm just used to the adrenaline.

  Cole and Alec were also not seen the whole day. I even searched throughout the house for them, but they never came in sight. I wonder what they were up to. Unlike Kai, I feel like Alec would tell me if we see each other tomorrow.

  The car comes to a gradual stop pulling me back to reality. Kai exits the car and I do the same walking into a house which looks normal from the outside.

  Inside, is a whole other story. We enter, greeted by a dark hallway with a dozen doors. Each room has a dirty mattress, ripped blanket and a boarded window.

  The smell is the worst. It smells like cunt mixed with smoke and liquor. I wipe my eyes as the stench made them watery.

  "What the fuck are we doing here?" I question. I groan when I hit Kai's hard back. I swear, I'm going to have enough of it one day and just keep feeding him sugary food just so his skin can get soft.

  "This," he points out to a bunch of girls in the living room. All of them are dressed in fancy dresses that covered nothing but their boobs and asses - barely.

  "What about them?"

  "They were a part of our business. They have nowhere to go now that it's shutdown," Kai explains.

  "And where do I come into this?"

  "This is all because of you, so you deal with them."

  I roll my eyes at his stupid excuse. As if getting ready to give a speech, I clear my throat and clap my hands together, "Okay everyone, listen up. I'm not introducing myself because that's not important, what's important is the fact that all of you are free. You can do what you dreamed of doing before you were forced into this shit. If your family doesn't want you, then you don't need them, find yourselves a decent job and make yourselves independent. Show all the men out there that you're not an easy fuck, that you are not who you were, but someone better. All of you have the potential to do so, and I know it's scary because you probably haven't been out much, but I will tell you from personal experience, that it is so worth it. Give yourselves the chance you know you deserved much longer than a day ago. I beg you to do it for yourselves."

  I end off with a big sigh. My eyes travel across the various girls. It's sad to see that all of them once had a brighter future that they would've done anything for, but are too scared to even try to go for it today.

  "Please live your lives. If you go out today and you see me around in the future and you tell me how wonderful your life is, then maybe I'll live my life in those few moments. I was never given the chance you guys are being given, and I'll never get it either, that's just me. You have something I'll never get, so please don't make the mistake of turning it down."

  "We want to go," a girl speaks. "But we don't have money. The little we earned is not enough."

  "Then I'll help you out. I have some extra money laying around and I've never known what to do with it, I can give it to you guys in under one condition: use it for a good cause, not drugs or men."

  "We promise," her voice held a longing sorrow. All of the girls smile as a thank you.

  I smile back, "Get your things ready, I'll transfer some money into an account and hand you the information."

  I turn around and find Kai leaning in the doorway with a hint of awe in his eyes. My lips stretch at an unwanted smile.

  Is Kai actually impressed?

  I shake my head. He would never admit it. We start walking to the car, "Where'd you get money from, Verano?"

  My eyebrows raise in question. What did he just call me? I take a seat in the passenger's seat.

  "What did you just call me?"

  "Verano," the word rolls out perfectly on his tongue. I haven't come across it much, but I could tell the word was pronounced with a Spanish accent. I never knew the Knight's know Spanish, it's probably just Kai.

  "What does that mean?"

  "There's no fun if you know," his childish reply is much more annoying than I let on.

  "Fine then. My adoptive parents had a savings account for me," I lie. The money is actually from my real father. I've never used it, but hopefully it has money in it or else I'm screwed.

  In less than half an hour, we're at the bank. Kai decides to wait outside and I internally thank him for his decision before heading in. Luckily, Alice had packed my license in my suitcase so I have my ID.

  I go up to the clerk, "Can I transfer some money into another account?"

  "Yeah," he smiles. "Do you have your card?"

  "Yeah," I say handing him the card.


  His eyes traces over the screen and he types some things in before he asks, "How much would you like to transfer Ms. White?"

  "Twenty five percent," I reply.

  "Ohkay," he seems shocked. I wonder how much money that actually is.

  "Which account would you like to transfer it into?"

  I tell him the number to the account my adoptive parents opened for me. After a few more minutes, he hands me a receipt.

  "Thank you."

  "Have a good day," he replies. I exit the building and check the receipt which stated that two point five million dollars had been transferred over.

  I scrunch it up and throw it in the recycling before heading to Kai's car.

  "Done?" he asks.


/>   ...♛...

  I handed the card to the girls and they've decided to move into two separate basements around town.

  I was quite happy to know that I could help. Even then, it's only because Kai let me.


  "For what?" Kai questions as he drives. It's only around eleven pm and the roads were almost empty.

  "For letting me help them. I kind of expected you to just have thrown them out," I admit.

  "I only did it because I thought you were going to get annoyed and not handle the situation as smoothly as you did."

  God, can he not take a damn thank you?

  "A simple 'you're welcome' would suffice."

  "Maybe you should stop trying to turn me into a hero," he suggests.

  "I'm n-" Kai cuts me off.

  "You are. Stop being an optimist. I'm not good and neither is your life. The sooner you understand that, the better." I'm not given a chance to reply as Kai roughly steps on the breaks. The car skids forward and I yelp in surprise when my forehead meets the dash board.

  "Fuck, you better have a good explanation for doing that," I groan. My fingers gently tap the sore spot and I'm happy to know there's no bleeding.

  Unfocused, a tap on my window makes me jump out of my seat. When I look out, I find myself facing a new face. Confused, I look at the road in front of us. There's a bunch of men blocking the road. Many of which hide guns under their waist bands and look like they belong to a well-known gang.

  "Step out, Kai Black. We need to have a chat," the man speaks.

  I look back at Kai. His expression is hidden under the sky's darkness.

  "Do as you're told and keep your mouth shut," he warns me.

  What are we getting ourselves into?

  Chapter 22

  Dark and quiet, the night sky is full of millions of stars carrying wasteful wishes. This could be a perfect scene in the movies when the main leads, in this case Kai and I, get in trouble, and Kai becomes a hero and saves the day.

  But like Kai explained, he's not a hero and neither am I. So, if we survive this, what would we be?

  Villains or heroes?

  I'm only a few inches behind Kai when I'm stopped by one of the men. His face is full of scars sending a foreign feeling through me. All the things men do for their leaders, yet the second a leader had to choose between their men and themselves, they'll always choose themselves.

  "Yes?" I question the man. He's much taller than me, almost the same height as Kai.

  "You're going to stay here while they talk," I nod knowingly. Like Kai said, 'do as you're told and keep your mouth shut'.

  The man finds a comfortable spot behind me as I watch Kai confidently approaches the man who was at my window a few minutes ago. I wonder what this is about? A man who wants power takes it without being so bland.

  The murderous aura surrounding him makes one thing clear; that he is also a leader. Judging by the selective amounts of white hair, this man has to be in his late forties at least, making him more experienced than any one of us here right now.

  "What gang are you from?" I question the man stalking behind me.

  "Michigan Warriors," he replies.

  Michigan Warriors? I don't remember much about them. When I was a child, my family didn't really talk about other gangs in front of me and ever since I've been out, I haven't been paying attention to anything that's been going on.

  I avert my attention back to the heated conversation. They're stood under the street lamp as I watch. Kai seems to be calm, but stiff as the other man continues speaking. The man looks aggravated with his hands flying everywhere and the redness creeping up on his face. Having enough of Kai's silence, the man grabs onto Kai's collar.

  I close my eyes stopping myself from walking in to help Kai. For some reason, I want to go up to them and rip him off of Kai. Something about the whole situation feels off and my inner voice tells me I need to do something.

  My eyes open and I watch as Kai gently pulls the man's hands off himself. I can't tell if Kai is talking, but the satisfaction on the man's face tells me that he is.

  With a sinister smile, the old man's eyes fall on me. He nods and I look back as the man that was standing behind me, pushes me to walk forward.

  Without any hesitation, I make my way over to them. Sneaking a glance towards Kai, I watch as he tries to hide his helplessness under a straight face.

  "Sorry for the intrusion, but let me introduce myself," the old man says. His face closer up, seems much more familiar.

  He extends his hand out and I take his gesture, "George Neverson."

  I nod in response. The man takes his rough hands back and stands there waiting for me to introduce myself.

  "I don't find any importance in names," I state. The least people know, the better. Even when using a fake name, you reveal a lot about yourself.

  "Well then," he replies. "Let's get onto business, I'm here for one, and one thing only."

  "You," he says looking dead into my eyes. I stand there confused.

  Do I even know this man?

  "Excuse me?"

  "Oh, I apologize. I'm the father of the man you so effortlessly killed at the gang ball," he says. Oh, so that's why he seemed familiar. Well, this is great.

  "I kill many people as a living, I'd just like to apologize that you had to stick with him for such a long time. I should've gotten to him much earlier. A lot of people would have appreciated it," I say with a slight edge to my tone.

  "Nice sense of humor, but it's a shame I don't find it amusing."

  "Not that hard to believe, happens a lot."

  "Can both of you stop bickering and get onto some business?" Kai interrupts.

  "I don't deal," I answer trying to keep my anger buried. I'm a part of his gang and he's throwing me under the bus. What the fuck is wrong with him?

  "You have no option," he replies with cold eyes.

  "Okay, then what do you want from me?" I ask the old man. His blue eyes glint in excitement.

  "Frankly, everything I want, you have, and that's you," he clarifies.

  "Is this some kind of joke? I'm not for sale old man."

  "Disrespect doesn't suit you well."

  "And trying to get a girl that's half your age doesn't suit you well either."

  "It's either I kill you right here and now, or you come with me," he threatens.

  "And what makes you think I'll let you do either?"

  "Don't test my patience young lady," he warns.

  I take a step closer to him and the reeking smell of alcohol hits my nostrils. Too many memories have been washed away because of alcohol, and all I wish is that I could go back to last night and remember what happened.

  "You'll have do to more than just stand there if you want me to come with you," his hand finds a grip on my hair and he pulls my head back.

  "Maybe the first thing I'll do is cut your tongue out when I drag you along with me," he tries to scare me. His finger traces my jaw as I clench my teeth helpless.

  Why is Kai just standing there?

  As his eyes travel across every feature sculpted on my face, his eyes widen on the right side of my face. In shock, his grip loosens and I back away.

  "Who are you?" he questions, almost sounding scared.

  My fingers slide across the back of my ear, along the lines of my tattoo.

  He saw.

  Immediately, my jaw clenches. If he walks away tonight, he'll know more than anyone had known about me in a while. Thinking isn't an option at this point, so my legs do their own thing as they make their way closer to the man.

  My fist comes up meeting his temple and in his moment of weakness, I grab the gun from under his belt and point it directly at him. Seconds later, all the men have their guns pointed at me while Kai stands behind me pointing his own gun at the men.

  "All guns down or he dies!" I yell. The man's eyes travel me up and stop just before meeting my eyes.

  Why is he all of a sudden so scared of me?

nbsp; He nods, a gesture telling his men to listen to us. The men put their guns down, one by one, and kick them towards us.

  "Kai, deal with them. I don't care what you do, but I need a talk with this man," I instruct. I can feel Kai's heated gaze behind me, outraged at how I even had the courage to instruct a leader especially in front of everyone.

  "Please," I add. I hear him crack his neck before he yells at everyone to follow him down another street.

  "Who are you?" the man asks once we're alone.

  "Why does it matter to you?"

  "You're a part of the White Dragons. They're planning something big, aren't they?"

  "How do you know about them? They were demolished almost years ago," I state.

  "I've had men lurking around them, they're not so easy to knock down. When someone does something like kill their youngest, they don't rest until they do something worse in return," he says.

  "Their youngest is still alive."

  "Don't try to fool me, child. You and I both know their youngest was a girl who had a tattoo just like yours."

  "That doesn't prove anything," I stand still trying not to give away my nervousness.

  "Please save the bullshit for someone who actually believes it," he stands tall.

  "Okay. Then maybe I am who you're insinuating I am, then what?"

  "Then you kill me."

  "You have a lot of courage, I must say."

  "I've never met a girl like you during my whole career, most likely, no one ever has. Whatever they did to you, could never be endured by another woman in a million lifetimes and for what you've survived, I applaud you," he says.

  "Thank you," I thank him genuinely.

  With my finger firmly on the trigger, I'm about to pull it when Kai stops me.

  "Don't do it, Summer."

  I don't look back to where his voice is coming from. This man is an obstacle I need to erase for good and no one can tell me otherwise. So, with a blink of an eye, I pull the trigger.

  "Kill them," the man says. His blood splatters across the front half of my body and I close my eyes as I hear his body drop to the ground.

  "No!" Kai yells running towards me. His clothes full of blood stains just like mine.


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