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Play Me

Page 40

by Ivy Knight

  "Father wanted me to tell you that your room has been cleaned out, he said that you can sleep there if you please to do so," Dean speaks in a formal tone.

  "I'm fine staying here just as long as Kai regains consciousness, but even then, I'll stay in one of the guest bedrooms," I make known. Dean nods in response. His eyes keep moving around, avoiding my gaze. "And next time, don't be so formal with me. I'm your sister and the girl you almost killed. Don't show me your regret, show me that the redemption is true."

  "Summer, I-"

  "Not today though," I cut him off. His lips seal and he nods understanding. As he walks out, I add, "I'll make dinner for Alec, Cole and I tonight, so don't bother sending up food."

  My wounds have been healing nicely and surprisingly fast, so I've been able to walk around easily since yesterday and I plan on taking full advantage of that.


  Standing in the kitchen, I stir the vegetables while humming along with The Weeknd's new song Starboy.

  "I didn't know Xavier got a new cook," my head snaps to the door where a bunch of men walk in. From the top of my head, I name each of them as they walk in.

  Felix, Lane, Calliste, Graham and Anthony.

  All of them take a seat at the small dining table except for Lane who walks in and stands across from me. His eyes take in my appearance and linger longer at my breasts.

  "Up here, buddy," I tell him. Probably baffled at how a servant talked to him like I did, his thick brows furrow.

  "I wonder where he picked you up from," he comments as he walks to the edge and around towards me. I feel his breath on my shoulder before he walks around turning on the tap for some water.

  "Can you pass us some drinks," Calliste is the one with the request.

  "Not your servant, Calliste," I roll my eyes as I reply. I turn off the gas to the rice and transfer them into a bigger bowl.

  "If you're not the servant, then you must be one of Dean's one nights," Felix comes to a conclusion.

  My lips part to correct him, but Lane butts in, "Whoever you are, we're hungry and you're cooking."

  "God, you pigs. Your food is out on the main dining table, this is for me and my friends and I'm not Dean's fucking one night stand, I'm his sister!"

  "Dean's sister, ha," Lane laughs taking a spoon full of my rice. "Wai- wha?"


  Everyone turns their attention towards him as they come to a conclusion in their minds.

  Anthony gets up and looks at me. His six foot four figure covered with a maroon suit, he buttons up his coat. As he stares at me, my eyebrows rise.

  "My sister died two years ago," he speaks.

  "No, I'm standing right here," I bob my head. "I guess no one told you. I was actually wondering why I haven't seen you yet."

  "Wait, what? Summer's dead," he words.

  "Denial, huh? Didn't serve me so nicely," I show him the bandages on my stomach.

  His eyes open wide and his mouth drops open.

  "What?" he seems lost as he turns around and ruffles the hair on his head. "Am I drunk? Did someone put something in my drink tonight?"

  "No one put anything in your drink, Anthony. We all hear what she's saying," Graham says.

  "Wait so... what's happening?"

  "Why don't you sort it out with father first, I'm sure he'll enjoy telling you how I came here and ended up with these lovely stitches," I grab the big tray that holds all my food. "By the way, your reaction has been the best by far. Vince and Dean almost killed me."


  "And that is my cue to leave, vale!"

  With that, I take my tray heading out and up to the hospital wing.

  "I brought dinner!" I announce as I enter Cole and Alec's room. Since both of them are conscious, I got them put into the same room so they can keep each other company.

  "Oh my god, please tell me it's homemade!"

  "By yours truly," I smile as I put some food into two plates and hand them both one. I sit down on a stool and watch them devour their food.

  "Did you talk to Dakota and Amelia?" I question Alec.

  "Yes, I did. I told them about everything that happened and they're going to come down in a couple of days," he acknowledges.

  "Well, the more the merrier," I laugh. "How are you guys feeling by the way?"

  "Nothing we're not use to," Cole answers. "What about Kai?"

  "He hasn't woken up since," I tell them. "The doctor's coming to check on him tomorrow."

  "That's good, he'll be fine," Alec says in an effort to lighten my tension.

  "I'm sure he will," I smile.

  "So, I know we're mad at you and all, but I have to ask: how are you?" Cole questions sincerely.

  I clear my throat and think for a second about what to say. Not really coming to a consensus with myself, I speak out of the top of my head.

  "I just returned home after two years of letting my family believe I was dead and was almost killed by two of my brothers. The guy that I potentially wanted a relationship with hates me because I took his son away from him, lied to him about my whole existence and to top it all off, my oldest brother used him as a fucking punching bag. I'm devoured in guilt and full of resentment for the person I am, so thanks for asking Cole, I'm feeling just fine."

  Alec clears his throat.

  "Glad to see you're doing good."

  "I'm surprised actually," I get up from the stool. "I'm gonna go and take a walk."

  "You sure?"

  "Yeah, I could use some fresh air," I tell them before heading out. I don't wander around much and take the path down to the backyard.

  Once I'm outside, I walk to the end of the lawn and into the small forest. I jump over a small stream towards my mother's headstone. When I see a second headstone next to hers, I walk closer to it and read off the writing.

  In memory of a beautiful human being, Summer White.

  I shake my head and ignore the stone.

  "Hey mom," I take a seat right in front of her stone. I look at the flowers lying on both mine and mom's stones.

  Dad must have visited on the fourteenth.

  "I think I should start by apologizing for not visiting you for two years, I'm sorry," I clear my throat as I feel words get caught in my throat. "Has much changed around here? I've changed a lot. How do you like the blonde hair? I think the blue eyes are my favourite or maybe the scars, but I couldn't possibly choose one. There's just too many," I laugh.

  "Uh- I should tell you about Alice. She was my sister. I don't know where she is now. I kind of ruined her life, but hey, at least that's not new. She was a great person though. Always kept me in check and helped me through my emotions. Her parents – no sorry, actually they were my parents too, but they were murdered. Again, because of me. I'm sure you've met them up there and thanked them or something. They were great to me, you know? Better than Vince, was. Dad tried of course, but work always came first. Micheal and Melissa cared and taught me a lot about what it means to be a part of a family."

  I clear my throat again.

  "Nick uh- let's not even talk about him. I'm sure you've seen it all. Let's talk about Kai. He – he's something alright. I could describe him in many words, but the way he makes me feel is something I just can't put together and it terrifies me to say that out loud. It drives me crazy knowing that his feelings, his words and his actions mean so much to me and affect me in ways I don't want them to. He's breaking every wall I've ever put up without even trying to."

  "And the point of me telling you all of this, is to tell you that I wish you were here. There hasn't been a single day in the past where I haven't thought about you. I think about you every day and wonder how life would be for everyone else if I was never born. Don't get me wrong, I'm not disrespecting your decision to choose my life over yours, but maybe knowing why you did, would help me fight better or even sleep at night. I know you probably had your reasons and maybe that's why I've made it this far, but sometimes I just wish you were here to guide me thr
ough it."

  "All these men around me, it's tiring. I don't know how to deal with them. I can't deal with Nick, Kai, Vince, Ant, Dean, father or even any guy that has ever set foot in my life. I just want to be normal, mom. Go to school and worry about who my date to prom will be instead of worrying about when I'll be attacked next. I want normal injuries that people get from papers, playing sports or slipping at work for not wearing non-slip shoes. I don't want these stupid gunshot wounds, knife scars and toxic chemical poisoning because someone is trying to kill me. I want you here so that I don't have to celebrate my next birthday while knowing that it is the same day you died. I just want you here, so that I can put my head in your lap and hear you say that everything will be okay."

  "Look at me mom, I'm a fucking mess," I say as I wipe my tears away. "I'm sorry, you're probably so disappointed in me."

  I get up and look at her tombstone.

  "I've never met you, but I've never missed anyone as much as I miss you every single day. I'm standing on the ground that people say is my home, but every time I enter that house, it feels far from it. I love you mom and I wish you were here," I take the back of my sleeve and wipe away the tears. Sighing heavily, I turn around to go back inside the house.

  Chapter 46

  "His blood pressure and everything seems normal, he should be waking up soon," the doctor informs me.

  "That's what you said two days ago. When should I start worrying?"

  "Give him at least twenty-four hours. If he doesn't wake up, you can contact me and our next step will be to admit him into the hospital to run further tests."

  "Okay, uh- thank you," I shake his hand.

  "You're welcome and do you mind handing these over to Xavier for me?" he hands an envelope of papers.

  "Sorry, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are these for?"

  "The results to your DNA test," he says.

  "Oh, okay. I'll pass them along," I smile. I walk him out before heading upstairs to my father's office.

  "Is he in there?" I question the guard standing watch outside the door. He nods in response so I knock on the door.

  "Come in," I hear my father's voice. Taking the knob in my hand, I twist it. The door opens and I take a step in, closing the door behind me.

  The office is exactly how remember it. All the walls are still lined with bookshelves, a small coffee table with two seats on the right side of the room and his personalized wooden desk right in front of the large window. From the window, the whole city can be seen and my eyes hold their gaze at the view.

  Once I take it all in, my eyes drop to my father. Sat on his large seat and wearing another one of his suits, I walk up to his desk dropping the file in front of him.

  "The results to the DNA test," I make known. He looks at the sealed envelope and then back up at me.

  "I didn't do it for me. I did it to prove it your brothers. I hope you're aware of that."

  "If I cared why you did it, I would've asked," I look him in the eyes as he speaks. His light brown eyes are something I never got from him.

  "Would you like to discuss why you've come home? I'm sure it's important," he says.

  "As soon as my friend is off his death bed, I'd love to share details."

  "He has the blood of The Black Knights running through his veins. I'm sure you're rational enough to understand why Vince did what he did."

  "He's a grown man. I'm sure Vincent doesn't need anyone advocating for him and I'm also sure, that you and I both know why he did what he did."

  "You've matured a lot in the last two years," he says as his face holds a faint look of approval.

  "The world does that to you," I retort. His lips form a small smile defining his wrinkles and once I feel there's nothing left to talk about, I turn around to leave.

  "There's a celebration at Uncle Eric's place tonight, I'd like you to come with us," he tells me as I make my way to the exit. "And it's not an option."

  "Good, I don't need an option to say no."

  "Bring your friends if you must, but you're going out with us tonight."

  "I don't want to meet people from the family. I'm not ready," I insist facing him.

  "It's a good thing no one's asking you to be ready then. We're leaving at seven," he says before dropping his eyes down on the paper in front of him.

  I open my mouth to say something, but close it right back up. There's no use in arguing with him. If he's demanding, it'll happen with or without my consent so I take a step back, exiting the room.

  Everywhere I go, people are just waiting to order me around and dictate what I should do or shouldn't do. He's going easy on me right now. He knows if he pushes too hard, that I'm capable of walking away again. I hope that fear stays with him, I don't wanna walk away. At least not yet.

  "Hey, so I'm going to a party at my uncle's place tonight. I need you guys to keep an eye on Kai," I say walking into Cole and Alec's room.

  "Meeting with the family so soon?" Alec inquires.

  "Trust me, it wasn't my idea to go."

  "Your dad?" I nod letting him know his guess is right on.

  "I'd invite you guys, but I'm sure you don't wanna come and I also need someone to watch over Kai. The doctor said he'll wake up soon."

  "You don't wanna stay and be here when he does?"

  "Of course I do, but I don't think I'll be the first person he wants to see and I have no other choice, I have to go," I notify. "Dakota and Amelia are landing soon, right?"

  "Yeah, their flight lands at two."

  "Okay. I'll go and tell one of the drivers to go pick them up."

  I'm under the door frame when I remember something, "There's leftovers in the fridge from last night; I don't think I'll have time to cook today. And if anything happens or if Kai wakes up, call me. I put my number into the new phones I gave you."

  "Gotcha, anything else?"

  "I'm gonna take Dakota and Amelia to the party with me if I can convince them. I'll definitely need some help tonight."

  "Sounds like a plan," Cole says.

  "Okay, bye."

  "Bye, stay safe."

  "I'll try," I laugh and head out. I make my way down to the main floor where I find Lane.

  "Hey, Lane?" I stop him in his tracks. He takes a bite out of the apple he's eating and looks at me. His eyebrows rise, questioning me as I walk towards him.

  "Do you know if any of the drivers are free? I need someone to pick up my friends from the airport."

  "I know you claim to be Summer, but until it's proven, you can't boss anyone around."

  "Lane, just answer my question," I roll my eyes.

  He sighs, "Nope."

  "Fine, are you busy?"

  "Yes," he replies without thinking. I cross my arms and look at him accusingly.

  "Doing what?"

  "Eating this apple, clearly."

  "Lane, will you just do me this favour? I can't leave the house or I'd do it myself."

  "I have actual work to do woman. I can't be your chauffeur," he breathes taking another bite of his apple.

  "Fine, I'll just go to Ant and tell him how rude you're being."

  "He won't care," he replies nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders.

  "Lane! Fine, if you won't do it then I'll just sneak out of the house and do it myself. Once I get caught, I'll be more than happy to tell my father about our little conversation," I start to walk away.

  "Fuck, wait!" his voice stops me. "I'll do it."

  "Great, you're picking up two girls named Amelia and Dakota. Their flight lands at two. One is brunette and the other is blonde. Don't be late."

  "God, you're just as annoying as Summer was," he mutters under his breath.

  "Maybe because I am her, idiot. Oh, and thanks!" I wave at him as I make my way into the kitchen.

  Now that, that is complete, I head into the kitchen and grab myself an orange. I take a small bowl and sit down at the round dining table then start to peel it.

  As I'm peeling it, Graham walk
s in. Instead of wearing a suit like all the men in the house usually do, he's wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt.

  "I didn't know you were home," I comment. His hazel eyes take a quick glance in my direction before he heads to one of the cupboards dismissing my words.

  Since my back is to him, I can only hear the rattling of cutlery and cereal pouring into a bowl.

  Graham is one of Anthony's best friends. He's strong, but knows how to keep his anger under control. He's not one to show off his skills as far as I can remember. When I was a kid, him and Anthony used to never let guys at school be around me. I was young then, so I didn't really notice the difference. I just stayed with a lot of the girls and that was enough for me.

  I hear the screeching of a chair and jolt back into reality. Graham takes a seat across from me and starts to munch on his cereal.

  "You remember me?" he questions.

  "Yeah. Why wouldn't I? You and Ant ruined any relationships I could've had with all the boys at school."

  "Not my fault all the guys wanted to get in your pants."

  "I was in grade six. I was still figuring out what sex even was," I protest.

  "Not like the guys cared. They even bet on who would take your virginity first," he complains.

  "Oh, my God, Gram. I was twelve!"

  "Doesn't change the fact that guys are always horny."

  "I'm sure not all of them wanted to have sex with me."

  "Maybe not, but it wasn't worth taking the risk," he shrugs, shoving a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

  "I hate you, you know?" I laugh as I eat my orange.

  "So, did you go back to school in the past two years?"

  "I did, it's my last year."

  "It is?" his voice a bit higher displaying his surprise.

  "Yeah. I caught up to whatever I missed and I continued on; though, I don't think I'll graduate with everything going on," I admit.

  "I'm sure after everything is sorted out, Xavier will let you live as we used to."

  "I hope so," I smile. I eat the last piece of orange. "So, tell me about yourself, how's life been?"

  "After we heard the news about you dying, things got a little hectic. No one really knew how to react so after the funeral, we kind of just pretended like it never happened."


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