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Play Me

Page 45

by Ivy Knight

"She played you good," I laugh as Dakota gives Alec a snarky smirk.

  "Yeah? Well, don't worry. I know how to get revenge," Alec smirks. "I'm sure she'll break within a week of no sex."

  "Baby," Dakota innocently smiles. Her chest on Alec's, she looks at him flirtatiously. "You know we're standing on the property of a high school full of horny guys. I'm sure a couple of them wouldn't mind having a night with me."

  "Yeah, well if they have any desire to live, they'll stay away from you," Alec warns. "You're mine and mine only, I shouldn't have to remind you that."

  "I just like hearing you say it," Dakota says before kissing him.

  "Wanna finish what we started last night?" Alec smirks.

  "Oh, hell no," both Amelia and I intervene.

  "We go to school to learn. Not to finish what we started last night," Amelia finishes.

  "You guys are so annoying," Dakota groans, rolling her eyes. "Just wait until one of you sneaks off. I will walk into the room and push him off of you if I have to."

  "Warning noted, now let’s go. I don't wanna be late on my first day," I grab Dakota and Amelia's hands.

  "Meet us in the cafeteria at lunch and don't go fucking around, literally and figuratively. I don't want your brothers to serve my head on a silver platter... I deserve gold."

  "We get it Cole! I'll keep that in mind when they kill you," the girls and I laugh as we walk inside the school.

  "So where are we going?" Dakota asks as we enter the school. The halls are full of students. The school is big and unless you personally know someone, everyone else in the school is a stranger so we don't stick out.

  "I don't know about you, but I have psychology," I inform.

  "I have calculus," Amelia says.

  "Me too," Dakota says. "Room three-oh-six."

  "Me too!" Amelia smiles.

  "Man, my rooms one ten," I frown. "First floor."

  "Oh, I think Kai's in that class."

  "Nice," I faintly smile. "Okay, well this is where we part."

  "Cafeteria at lunch," Amelia reminds us.

  "Yeah, oh, and if you meet a Donte Jackson, tell him you’re with me," I smirk.

  "Okay," Amelia smiles.

  "Bye," I walk down the hall as they walk up the stairs. The bell rings just as I walk into class and so I decide to take a seat in the second row.

  Once the class starts to pile in with students, the teacher begins with her lesson.

  "Welcome to Psychology twelve," she starts, but stops to wait until Kai walks in and finds a seat at the back of the class. "So, I'm Ms. Maxwell and I've been teaching here for the past three years. I don't teach any younger year students so I don't know any of you from before, but as per usual, I've been provided with personal information concerning each one of you."

  "I know no other teacher in the school touches base with your personal lives because we all understand that it is none of our business, but I am a psychology teacher, so I do use that to my advantage. If any of you think that you can't openly talk about what you do outside of the class, then you should consider switching into another class. Psychology is all about the study of the mind, but what most people don't understand when they hop onto the field, is that their biggest patient will always be themselves no matter what other cases they receive in their whole lifetime."

  "We'll get more into that later in the course, but today, I'd like to start with getting acquainted with everyone in the class. I've sorted everyone out into groups and I want each one of you to give your full names and list three things about yourselves. Two truths and one lie then everyone else in the group has to guess which one is the lie."

  "I'll start with myself. My name is Nancy Maxwell. I had two kids but one died of heart disease just a couple hours after birth, I have a German shepherd named KK and my husband works in the FBI. So, get together as a class and come to a consensus. Go," she urges.

  As other students get together at the far corner of the room, I follow them and try to listen into the conversation.

  "The one about her husband has to be a lie."

  "That's what I think too, the kids one is too detailed to be a lie and who lies about having a dog?"

  "No," I protest from the back. Everyone turns around to face me.

  "Sorry, who are you?"

  "What I meant to say was, why would one of her answers be so detailed and two not? It makes more sense that the kids one is a lie. If a mother doesn't show any emotion when talking about a kid dying, it's either not hers or she's lying."

  "Yeah, but why would she mention her husband is in the FBI? She knows who we are and knows our families. I mean, I haven't seen you before, so I'm sure you don't understand where we're coming from," a girl with brown hair says.

  "I wouldn't say that, she has a lot of people behind her," I hear Kai's deep voice warn. Everyone turns their gaze to him.


  "Yes, I'm Kai Black and she's with me, so you show us some respect. Feel free to talk behind our backs," he smiles taking a bite out a green apple in his hand.

  The girl clears her throat.

  "What I was gonna say was you're not allowed to eat in class, but thanks for introducing yourself. My names Alana by the way."

  "Alana Evans? Your father owns the Evan empire, doesn't he?"

  "That, he does," she smiles.

  "Are we ready or do you guys need a few more minutes?" Maxwell calls.

  "A few more minutes," I reply.

  "Uh- okay," she responds.

  "You guys can talk later," I huff as I make my way into the middle of the circle. I'm little irritated by the fact that he has exchanged more civil words with her than me at this point.

  "Okay, I know none of you know me, but we don't need to know each other to make a decision that's relatively clear. The kids one is the lie and I know why you think the husband one is a lie, but I'm positive it's not. She wants us to know that her husband is in the FBI to mess with our heads and make it harder for us to pass this class. I mean, she knows who we all are and how to play with our heads already and made sure to tell us this in advance, why? To make sure we know what we're getting ourselves into and the FBI is what we're getting ourselves into."

  "Okay, how about we vote?" another voice suggests.

  "Whoever thinks the kids one is a lie, put up your hands," a different voice orders. I put my hand up and a few others do as well but it's not enough.

  "Who thinks the FBI one is a lie?"

  Majority puts their hand up.

  "Time's up, return to your seats," Maxwell instructs. Once everyone is seated, she looks down at the class list in her hand. "Summer White, please tell me the decision the class has come up with."

  As soon as she says my name, a string of whispers is set off in the room.

  I look around the class. Everyone watches me, waiting to see what I'll say. As much as I want to say what I believe, I know that the class did not decide on that. She asked what majority of the class thinks, not my personal opinions.

  "Our class has come to the decision that your husband is not in the FBI."

  "Okay," she bobs her head. "Before I tell you if that's right or wrong, can someone explain the points your choice is based on?"

  "If your husband is in the FBI, we don't think you would want a bunch of kids, who work illegally, to know that."

  "That puts, not only your husband in danger, but you as well."

  "Your kid too," different students voice their thoughts. Maxwell's head drops as she lightly laughs.

  "Um, let me just warn you, that it's not in your best interest to threaten the wife of an FBI officer and to further disappointment the rest of you, my family only consists of the two of us."

  I sigh heavily and rest my back on the chair in disappointment.

  I knew the kids one is a lie.

  "Remember this exercise, because we'll discuss the purpose of it later on. Here's the list of the groups I've put you in. Try to be critical when you're guessing which one's the lie. I know some
times you think that the decision your making is coming from you mind, but most of the time, even your mind picks what it wants, and not what it knows is right."

  As she hands out the paper with the list of groups, I wait patiently.

  I think I'm actually going to enjoy and learn a lot in this class.


  "Whoa there," I gasp taking a big step forward and slapping Kai's hand away from my ass. "What do you think you're doing?"

  "Following your brother’s orders," he responds lazily walking next to me. After psychology, I had calculus and Kai's in the same class with me. The lesson was pretty easy and the two classes went by fast. Both of us, are now walking down to the cafeteria to meet up with everyone else.

  "My brothers told you to grab my ass in front everyone at school?" I deadpan.

  "No, they said to keep you from fucking people."

  "And why is that?"

  "I was given a task and I didn't think questioning it would help, so I didn't ask. I'm sure it won't be hard considering you'll be busy with homework, training and missions."

  "I don't need to make time for sex, it makes time for me," I smile. "And don't worry, when I am having sex, no one needs to know."

  "Just make sure I don't find out. That way we'll have a good thing going on."

  "So I shouldn't tell you because you'll tell my brothers or because it'll hurt you?"

  "I'm sure we're past that stage, Summer. If you think I still have any interest in you, then you're quite delirious," he responds stopping in his tracks.

  I look at him and see his mouth moving but I can't hear anything. All I can think about is: how much I need him, how much I want to be in his arms, how much I want his lips to be on mine, how much I want him to sleep in the same bed as me. I need him to be okay with me, but after what I said last night, I know he'll never forgive me.

  What I said hurt him, yet it also forced him to see that he needs to fight for what he wants.

  Unfortunately, what he wants has nothing to do with me.

  I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose feeling as if the weight of the world has settled on my shoulders.

  "I think I'm-"

  "Summer?" I hear a soft voice from behind me. The lightness of the voice is surprising to me, because I never thought that someone could have a voice as sweet as hers. All of a sudden, the memories of all the times I've teased her about her voice flash in front of my eyes forcing the ends of my lips to rise.

  I turn around and her red hair catches my attention right away.

  "Jackie?" I smile. Right when her name leaves my mouth, her face drops and a wave of pain takes over her hazel eyes making them shine in the light.

  Before I can even notice her hand rising, it meets the side of my cheek and the stinging sensation leaves my ears ringing. It takes me a few seconds to recognize the severity of the situation as I stand up and look her in the eyes again.


  "I hated you for dying on me and I hated your family for saying that my father was the reason why you died. But you're still here, and he's not," tears travel down her freckled cheeks as she blinks. "You should've stayed dead."

  "Jackie I-" before I can finish, she turns around and walks away leaving me guilty of yet another crime I had no say over.

  "Kai, go to the cafeteria and meet up with everyone else. I have family business to deal with."

  "You shouldn't-"

  "I'm not asking," I state. I pull out my phone and dial my father's number.


  "Call a meeting with Vincent, Anthony and Dean."

  "What's the matter?"

  "Call the meeting and you'll find out," I spit.

  "Sum-" I cut the call before he can continue.


  "What's this about?" Anthony walks in last. My brothers, my father and I all stand in a circle outside of my old room.

  "You killed Jackie's father blaming him for my kidnapping."

  My tone suggests it's more of an accusation than a question.

  "Yes, he was involved," my father answers.

  "How? And how did you not think of mentioning it to me sooner?"

  "He was working with Nick, at the time, behind our back. He was giving vital information to him and he was in the same area as you were in when you were taken."

  "You should've told me," I protest.

  "That would've made no difference," Vincent responds.

  "It changes a lot of things! I met Jackie today and she was devastated seeing me alive. We were best friends and knowing you, you probably made her watch as you tortured her father to death! She was fucking fifteen!"

  "You were a kid too!" Dean argues.

  "But I was his daughter and your sister! I was privileged with everything from the day I was born: money, protection and even love whether it was fake or real."

  "He ruined your life," Anthony says.

  "All of you ruined hers. And this family is what ruined mine, okay? It's not Jackie's father, Nick, Kai or anyone else you blame. It's this this family. Do you understand? I blame us for what happened to me and out of all of us, I blame myself the most," I reply. I try not to get worked up, but I can already feel my emotions starting to mesh together.

  "Summer, I think you need to calm down and think rationally. The man would've been punished even if he hadn't assisted in your kidnapping, he was still a traitor."

  "Yeah? Well why am I still alive? I'm a traitor too, I worked for Nick and even his younger brother for the most part of three years. I should be dead, so why am I still here?"

  "Because you're my daughter," my father keeps his voice low and stern.

  "I was hoping you'd say that because I'm not. I'm not the child you remember," I open the door to my room and walk in. The curtains drawn, brighten the room as the natural light of the sun is let in.

  It's exactly how I left it three years ago. My teddy bears, pictures and knives are all where I remembered them last.

  "This is not me," I tell them as they follow me in.

  "This teddy bear," I pick up the teddy bear I got for my second birthday from Dean. "It's a part of me, but it's not me. I'll always know that it's the first thing I ever remember Dean gifting me and I could never sleep without it, but now, I just – I don't care. The memory is there, but the emotions aren't."

  "And this picture," I point at the giant portrait of my mom holding me in the hospital on the day of my birth. "I know that's me. I know that's mom. I remember that I used to talk to this picture everyday hoping that she could hear me, but the thing is that, that's all there is. A memory. Everything in this house is a memory. Vincent, Anthony, Dean and you are all memories. I remember each one of you and I remember everything we've been through, but I don't feel anything and as much as that disappoints you, it's the truth. I know you're never going to say this, but I need to make it clear, I can't be your sister and I can't be your daughter. My name is Summer White, but I am not the person who once owned this room. I am not her."

  "You are my daughter, do you understand? I've been tolerating your foolish behavior since the minute you've been able to carry yourself, but I will no longer tolerate it. You are my daughter. You have our protection and our love no matter how many times you throw it back in our faces. Nick showed you the weakness of love, but that is not what this family goes by."

  "Your child died three years ago! Do you understand? I have no promises I need to keep, and no legacy to fulfill. You're not my family, I work for you, so start acting like my boss. Not my fath-" I feel the sharp sting of my father's slap on my cheek.

  My eyes open and I spot Vincent standing next to my father. His face holds no expression, but I can see the joy off of his eyes. I gulp as I stand up and turn my attention towards my father.

  My cheek still hot, I want nothing more than to cry in his arms and let him cradle me like he did when I was a kid.

  But you are not his daughter anymore, Summer.

  With that thought, I take a deep
breath and put on my best act yet letting out a cynical laugh.

  "I'm not your daughter. You would never lay a hand on your daughter," my voice cracks at the end as I realize what just happened. A tear slips down my right eye and I wipe it away. I turn around to walk away, but he pulls me back around.

  "You do not walk away from me."

  "Because you're my boss or my father?" I question. His brown eyes dilate in rage as his hold on my arm increases in strength.

  "Because I am your father before I'm your boss."

  "You left me."

  "I did not."

  "You did. That was your decision, so let me make mine."

  "Let her do what she wants. Like she said, she's not a part of the family, so she has the right to make decisions for herself. She's been fine for the last three years, she'll be fine for the rest," everyone eyes Vincent angrily.

  "She's our sister, we can't just abandon her," Anthony argues.

  "It wasn't our choice to abandon her. She was ripped away and now that we've found her, she's the one who feels lost."

  "That's not fair," Dean defends.

  "I say we give her what she wants," Vincent replies. "If an employee is all she wants to be, then that's how she'll be treated."

  "Are you crazy? She's our sister and that's how she'll be treated. She might not know it now, but a family is what she needs. I agree with father," Anthony replies.

  "What she needs is people not to dictate her life. Nick controlled every aspect of her for months on end and she's still trying to escape from that feeling. Stop babying her and let her learn what's good for her on her own," Vincent explains.

  "I know my opinion doesn't seem to weigh much in your eyes, but on my behalf, you're free to do whatever you'd like as long as it doesn't effect this family as a business," Vincent says to me. "If this is all, I'd like to leave. I have a meeting in thirty minutes."

  "That's all," I reply. He nods. His eyes roam the room before he heads out.

  "Well, I'm heading out too, I have to talk to Jackie and make up for whatever you guys did."

  "Before you head out, you should know that Alessio will be arriving soon," my father words. "Giuliano heard the news of you returning and he wants you and Alessio to get engaged. Since you're just an employee, you have no choice in the matter because we need you to do what's beneficial for the future of this gang. As far as your relationships with anyone else goes, you can discuss that with Alessio once he arrives, but I'm sure he's not a man who shares his belongings."


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