Play Me

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Play Me Page 50

by Ivy Knight

  "Well, you'll wish we weren't," I say just as I bring my knee up between his legs. His grip falls and I take a step back, landing a punch right on his temple.

  He groans heavily but the sound is blurred by the guns going off.

  The smoke still thick, I hear grunts and I blindly take steps towards the sound leaving August somewhere behind.

  "Cole, I fucking can't see shit! Is Amelia out?"

  "She is, and the pressure is decreasing. The smoke will clear up within a couple seconds," he makes known.

  "Fuck," I groan as someone pulls me around and punches me in the eyes. I stumble back and they take the opportunity to throw another punch to my gut making me fall onto my knees.

  My eyes on the ground, I see the person's feet accelerating towards me. Just as I look up, I barely move away fast enough to escape another blow.

  My ears still ringing from their previous hit, I shake my head as I get on my knees and try to spot my opponent but he's no longer there.

  As I stand scanning my surrounding, I start to finally see people. The smoke clears up and all around, there's people fighting.

  I swear there weren't these many people before.

  Just when I'm about to move forward, someone comes up from behind wrapping their arm around my throat and chocking me while their other hand comes in with a knife to my stomach, but I stop it using my right hand.

  The person is strong as he keeps pushing the knife down towards me. With the lack of oxygen, I can feel my strength fading. Instead of trying to loosen the man's grip around my throat, I try to elbow him in the head but it doesn't bother him one bit.

  I don't know how long it takes, but when I know I'm going to run out air, I take both my hands forcing the knife further away from me and twist his arm. Screaming in pain as I twist his arm dislocating it, he lets go of me.

  On his knees, holding onto his arm, I kick him square in the face knocking him out. My eyes teary, I wipe them clear and look around at the various fights going on around me.

  In most of them, The White Dragons seem to be winning, but when I find Kai up against August and three other men, I decide to go help him out.

  On my way there, I find a broken pole lying on the ground and grab it. As I approach, one of them notices me. His bleeding face displaying confidence, I flash a small, sarcastic smile before I take the pole and try to hit him in the head. He blocks it holding it tight in his grip.

  He tugs the pole, making me tumble forward but I catch the pole and turn a full three sixty and end it off by bringing my foot up to the man's gut. The air blown out of his lungs, he hunches forward letting go of the pole. I drive the pole forward through the man's left side.

  "AHH!" he screams in agony, but I ignore it moving past his figure now hunched on the ground.

  "Summer," Kai breathes as I stand next to him facing August and two others. "You need to get to safety."

  "You need help."

  "I'm doing - " he's interrupted by one of the men who tries to attack but fails as Kai dodges and snaps the guys neck, "just fine."

  "I can see that," I word. "Watch out!"

  But I'm too late, one of the men comes in from behind Kai pinning him to the ground. Before I can jump in to help, August blocks my way.

  "Fuck off, August," I breathe heavily.

  "You can't help him and why would you even want to? I mean, after all he put you through. He's the reason you're here today."

  "Are you fucking done? I'm not fifteen anymore, you can't brainwash me to think what you want me to," I state.

  "Look around, Summer. You're losing," he says extending his arms out. I look around and to my displease, he's right. My team is outnumbered.

  "Congratulations, August but if you think I'll go down without a fight, you're very much mistaken."

  "Never," August words as he lands a round house kick to my stomach.

  "Fuck," I take a few steps to the side clenching my stomach. When I look up, I spot his fist coming towards me and block it with my forearm just in time. The blow to my forearm makes me grunt and falter in my stance. I respond by throwing a punch to his neck.

  "You fucking bitch," he grunts holding his neck. I go in to kick him, but he catches my legs and turns it around making me lose my balance, making me land on the ground onto my hands.

  I turn around only to be greeted with August's fist to my face. My ears ringing, I fall back like dead meat. My eyes still open, I widen them to see if they'll focus, but everything starts to get dizzy. The sound of gunshots and grunts starts to fade and soon, the light goes out.


  "Can't believe I got knocked out by August last night," I huff.

  It's six am and the gang and me are on our way to the safe house. Last night, after I got a minor concussion, I was told that our backup arrived just in time, outnumbering The Black Killers. Most of them fled once they noticed they were losing and August just so happened to be one of them.

  Amelia's truck was turned over and the supply ended up being scattered all over a street. For some reason, their main goal wasn't to take the supply, just to destroy it. We salvaged as much as we could, but it's still not enough for what we ended up paying the Chinese for.

  Father isn't disappointed or seems to be too angry about it, so everyone's quite content with the outcome. Even after the attack, most of us only have minor injuries and no one on our side lost their life. Unfortunately, we can't say the same about The Black Killers.

  After everyone escaped or ran, there were dozens of bodies that our gang had to get rid of before they could call it a night. While all that was happening, apparently, I was being taken to safety.

  "You're so lucky, you're even alive. No one except Kai saw August almost kill you," Cole says. "I was fucking yelling through the speaker, but it fucking stopped working."

  "Kai saved me?"

  "Yeah, he fucked him up pretty well. Once more people arrived, August fucking ran for his life," Dakota explains.

  "Shit, well I'll thank him once he wakes up," I say looking at Kai who's sleeping across the three seats at the back.

  "Honestly, so ready for this three-day weekend. Can't wait to eat, drink and sleep," Amelia sighs heavily.

  "Same," Dakota agrees.


  "Since everyone's finally awake, I was thinking we should go into the woods. There's a small waterfall there," Amelia says.

  When we arrived at the safe house, everyone took a room and decided to go to bed. After almost seven hours, we're all up. We just finished eating dinner and now we're deciding what we want to do.

  "Swimming? Why not," Cole says.

  "I'm down," Kai says.

  "I'll come along, but I'm not in the mood to swim," I say.

  "Okay, so let’s meet down here in five minutes and then we'll go," Dakota says.

  "Ight," Alec says taking Amelia up with him. I get up from my seat and head up to my room where I grab my book off the nightstand and grab an extra jacket just in case it gets cold.

  On my way down to the door, my phone rings and I pick it up.


  "How are you, Summer?"

  "Alessio," I smile. "I'm great, how are you?"

  "I'm doing just as fine," I can hear the truth in his voice.

  "That's good, how's Elenora?"

  "She's... she's so fucking good," he says heavily. "I don't deserve her. I mean I'm making her go through hell right now and she has no problem as long as she knows I'm by her side."

  "And maybe that's what love is. Sometimes you have to be willing to lose yourself to become whole with the person you love."

  "For God’s sake, I don't even deserve you. This is literally all because of you."

  "Don't worry, I already know. I'm a great friend," I smile.

  "Yeah yeah, we all get it, but what are you up to?"

  "Cole, Amelia, Dakota, Alec and I are all on a three-day vacation at a safe house. We're about to head out and go for a swim right now," I speak as I follow ev
eryone out of the house.

  "You're finally having fun, nice."

  "I guess, I'm just ready to sleep for three whole days."

  "Life. Father's been on my ass to get some shit with this rival mafia done with, and I haven't been able to sleep in the last three days."

  "Yeah, well I'm pretty sure your dad isn't the one to blame for your lack of sleep as much as Elenora is," I joke making sure I'm far enough from everyone else, so that they don't hear me.

  "Can't believe you're okay with this," he says.

  "I don't care as long no one else finds out. We're getting married, it's not a fucking death sentence," I word.

  "Yeah, so have you chosen the colour theme for our wedding?"

  "Nope, I've given all that to Amelia. She volunteered to be the wedding planner. We're trying on dresses next week and you'll know the theme once she decides to tell everyone," I inform.

  "Okay. She's not going too overboard with it, is she?"

  "I don't know. I told her not to, but you never know with this chick," I laugh.

  "Yeah, she's really sweet though. She's with Graham, isn't she?"

  "She is? I have no idea, she hasn't said anything to us, or me at least. They have some history through the business though."

  "That doesn't sound so good."

  "It wasn't but who knows now. Hey, I gotta go. I'll talk to you in a couple of days?"

  "Okay, bye. Be safe."

  "I'll try. Bye," I end the call.

  "That was long," Dakota says once I catch up to her. "Alessio?"


  "How's he doing?"

  "Good, he's really busy though."

  "Probably," Dakota says.

  As we continue walking, the sound of the fall is heard first. A few seconds later, we see the fall and Amelia drops her stuff down on the edge before stripping out of her clothes and leaving herself in a bikini.

  "I'm gonna sit here and read," I tell Dakota.

  "Okay," she smiles before heading down to everyone else.

  Looking at the ground, I choose a clean spot and take a seat leaning my back against a tree. Bringing my knees up, I rest the book on my thighs as I start reading.

  Half an hour later, my focus is averted by everyone's laughter and I lift my head watching Cole throw Amelia in the water. Everyone starts to laugh and a smile grows on my face as Amelia's head bobs up from the water joining in on the laughter.

  Cole doesn't see it, but Dakota sneaks up behind him pushing him in sending us all into another fit of laughter.

  "Hey, Summer! Join us!" Amelia says climbing out of the water.

  "No thanks, I'm good right here!" I yell back.

  I put my head down, but hear footsteps approaching me. The person pulls the book out of my hands and I look up finding Kai.

  His hair soaking wet and dripping with water, he pushes his hair out of his eyes.

  "Come," he says.

  "I'm good right here," I protest.

  "Stop being a downer and have some fun with us."

  "Kai, I'm not in the mood."

  "Boo! Just bring her here!" Alec yells.

  "Yeah!" Dakota and Amelia both yell.

  "Kai, don't," I warn.

  He looks down at me smirking devilishly. Leaning down, his arm extends around me and I try to back away but the stupid tree stops me.

  "Kai, don't don't don't don't - fuck," I groan when he pulls me over his shoulder. "Kai, put me down, please!"

  I hear him laugh as I struggle trying to keep my balance on his shoulder. His hand behind my knees, keeps in place and I rest my hands on his hard back trying to keep my back up.

  "Kai, don't throw me in the water. Please, Kai!"

  "Wooo!" everyone else promotes Kai to do it.

  "I swear to god I will kill you all," I deadpan.

  "Kai, no. Kai! Kai! Fuck!" I yell as he throws me into the water. My body rips through the surface of the water and I open my eyes underwater. Darkness all around me, I look up at the light coming through the surface and swim up.

  Ripping through the surface of the water, I gasp for air and tread the water trying to keep my body up. I wipe the water from my eyes and stare at everyone as they laugh in amusement.

  "You guys are so mean!"

  "Incoming!" Cole yells as he jumps from top of the waterfall.

  "Dude!" I yell swimming away, but the water ripples pulling me under.


  "You're crazy," I laugh shaking my head. I swim to shore and start to tremble feeling cold.

  "Come on, Summer we're jumping in," Amelia says.

  "You go. I'll swim in just let me take off my clothes."

  "Okay," I watch them disappear behind the trail up to the waterfall before I take off my clothes leaving myself in my bra and thong. Luckily, they're a matching set of royal blue.

  "Watch out!" they yell after a few minutes and I look up at them standing completely naked. They both jump off just missing Alec and Cole.

  "Whoa! Amelia, wear some fucking clothes!" Alec yells facing away from both the girls, one being his girlfriend.

  "Calm down. Yo, Summer! Throw me your shirt!" Amelia yells.

  "Here!" I ball it up and throw it to her as close as I can. She catches it and slips it on.

  "There, now you can look," she says.

  "Are you sure?" Alec questions.

  "Yeah, man. You can't see anything anyway," Kai assures Alec.

  "Okay," Alec turns around smiling, his attention focused mostly on Dakota.

  "It's your turn, Summer!"

  "Yeah, to do what?" I laugh.

  "Strip!" Dakota yells.

  "Hell no!"

  "Strip! Strip! Strip! Strip! Strip!" they all chant.

  "You're high as a kite if you think Imma strip for ya'll," I deadpan. "So I'm gonna just head up to the house before I catch a cold."

  I start to walk backwards.

  "Boo! Summer, come back!"

  "Nope!" I turn around and run up grabbing my extra jacket off the ground and running into the woods.

  "You're not going anywhere!"

  "Oh my god, Alec!" I scream when his arms wrap around my waist pulling me back and making me drop my jacket. He turns around walking back to the waterfall.

  "Alec! Holy fuck! Please! I'm not stripping for you guys!"

  "Don't, at least swim with us," he says laughing. Approaching the water, I hold my breath as he drops me in.

  "I hate you all," I word as I bob back up and we all start to laugh.

  For the rest of the night we swim a little more before we go back into the house and start a campfire outside.

  "Wait, what happened after that?" Dakota questions Alec who's telling us a scary story.

  "He killed everyone that came into sight and his prey all had one thing in common, they were all girls."


  "Ah!" Dakota screams turning around and swinging her fist to hit Cole behind her, but he dodges. "Fuck you, Cole!"

  Everyone starts laughing as Dakota's face flushes bright red.

  "You too, Alec," she huffs.

  "Come on baby, it was just for fun," he speaks light heartedly. "I'm sworry."

  "You're not forgiven," she says getting up and heading inside.

  "And that's my cue, night guys," Alec says following her.

  "I'm gonna head up too," Amelia says.

  "Me too," Cole says followed by a yawn.

  "Bye," I smile as I continue eating my chocolate. Sitting across the fire, I smile thinking of all the fun I've had all day. I don't even remember the last time I laughed this much.

  When the song in the radio changes, it catches my attention and I stand turning it up.

  Lost it by Oh Wonder (Jerry Folk remix) plays loudly.

  "Dance with me," I extend my hand out to Kai. He looks at my hand and then back at me and decides on taking my gesture.

  I pull him over to the grass where he puts his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders.

  "This is my favour
ite song," I tell him.

  "Yeah, I think I've heard you hum it before," he says. As our bodies move in sync, he changes it up by pushing me back. Catching my hands in his, he swings me around and my back meets his front. I smile as he spins me around again meeting in our starting position.

  "Where'd you learn how to dance?" I question.

  "My parents loved ball room dancing, my mom put me into lessons when I was two."

  "That's cute," I laugh.

  "I don't think I've ever seen you smile like that before," he words. I look up into his eyes. His irises a deep grey, his pupils dilate.

  And in that moment, I get onto my tip toes, and kiss him.

  His lips soft, he kisses me back passionately. The kiss doesn't last long, but it's everything I could ever wish for in this moment.

  Passionate and full of innocence.

  Our lips part, both of us out of breath. The song continues to play in the background as I look him in the eyes and say the simplest three words in history.

  "I love you."

  So simple, yet so dangerous. So wrong, yet so right.

  But these are only words that can be manipulated, rehearsed and portrayed flawlessly if one knows how to do it right.

  But how do we do it right?

  Well, that's just it.

  In order to mean what you say, you must feel every emotion that comes along with it.

  So, to tell someone you love them, you have to fall in love.

  I love him.

  Chapter 57

  "If only your words could fix everything wrong with us, then maybe, just maybe, they'd mean more to us than they do at this moment," Kai speaks. His eyes looking down at me with a despising coldness.

  As I look into his eyes and process his words, I feel my heart drop and in this moment, I realize I've never felt pain so revealing before. Not being able to comprehend the feeling, I lower my head as it heavies.

  From day one, I've learned to keep everything to myself whether it's my thoughts, my feelings or even objects that I own. If I need it to not destroy me in the end, I need to keep it to myself and myself only. I don't know how, but recently, I've been exposing myself more than I'd like to.

  Maybe it's the anticipation or surprise of what's gonna come after, or just the exhilaration of taking a risk, but until today, I never knew why it was so important to keep things to yourself.


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