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Mind Guest (Diana Santee Book 1)

Page 20

by Sharon Green

  "As for the last of our newest slaves, the matter is somewhat different," he said, smiling faintly as he met my eyes. "Your father dared to attempt elevating you to a position which was not meant to be yours, therefore must another position be given you. In your instance discovery is, to a small extent, possible, and yet for you discovery would undoubtedly mean ultimate destruction. One who was enslaved, even for a brief time, would be totally unacceptable for the marriage you were pledged to, and the insult of your presence might well bring about war between your father and the father of your intended husband. Your father, surely as well aware of the point as any, would either have your life taken as quickly as you were found, else would you be sent to a far-distant retreat, there to live out your life in unrelieved solitude. As a slave, you will be spared both of those consequences."

  The shock Bellna was feeling brought a shudder to me, silencing me as effectively as the other two girls had been silenced. Everything the man in yellow had said to the girl he thought of as the Princess Bellna was true, and the cruelty of that truth was worse than a flogging. I felt abandoned and alone and helpless and betrayed and completely destroyed, all of it at once and all of it overwhelming. "I" was lost beneath the onslaught, and I sank to a sitting position on the floor, only peripherally aware of the fact that the other two girls had done the same thing before me.

  "And now it is time to truly begin," the man in yellow announced briskly, as though he were getting more than dull, uncomprehending attention from his three victims. "Two of you are as yet virginly untouched, the third used so little that there is scarcely a difference. We will begin by teaching you the truth concerning your bodies, yet first must another matter be seen to."

  He gestured in the direction of the slave female he had brought with him, and she immediately hurried with the package she carried to the two men in golden yellow shirts, who had been standing behind the line formed by the other two girls and myself. The third man in golden yellow, the one who had held the flap open for the man in light yellow, followed the slave to join the other two behind us, but Bellna's upset left me nothing in the way of curiosity as to what they were doing.

  I sat in an envelope of misery, one palm against the scratchy mat to lean on, both legs and their ankle chain to the other side, beyond even the thought of trying to escape. Because of that, I found myself crying out in pained surprise with the other two girls when a big hand tangled in my hair and forced me to my knees.

  "Slaves are not permitted a sitting position save they be ordered to it by their master," the man in light yellow said mildly, looking from one to the other of us. "You will now be fitted with a device to remind you of this stricture, and also to remind you of the matter of punishment. You may proceed."

  The last was for the men around us, and proceed they did. One of the armed, whip-carrying men circled the male slave, crossed to the girl on the far left, then took a fistful of her hair when the man behind her released his grip.

  The whip man waited while the other took the girl's wrist chain, pulled it out between the two rings, wrapped it several times around the two rings, then used the metal tongue on her chain belt to hold the whole arrangement in place. The girl's wrists were then tight to her waist, having no motion-room at all, and the girl was even more frightened than she had been. She struggled in an attempt to free her wrists, getting nowhere of course, and then the whip man bent her low to the floor mat, her forehead not far from her knees. She was ready to be done, and it didn't take long.

  The man from behind her had thrust something into his belt while he was securing her wrist chain, and once he was through and behind her again he pulled the thing out of his belt. The something was T shaped and about two and a half or three inches long, of polished wood, as thick around as my little finger, and tapering slightly toward the uncrossed end. The cross-bar itself was less than an inch in length, and had a thin strip of leather running through a small hole in the center of the bar, where it met the body of the T.

  The man went down to one knee behind the girl, pushed the six inches of her poncho skirt out of his way, then brought the wooden something to her bottom. She screamed at the first touch of it, a lot more fear than pain in the sound, and again tried to struggle, but it was still a waste of time. The thing was slowly forced into her to the cross-bar, and then one end of the leather strip was tied to a similar thin strip already knotted around her waist under the cloth poncho.

  At a nod from the man behind the girl, the armed man straightened her to kneeling again so that the other end of the leather strip could be tied snugly in front. The girl was wild with fright and panting hard just short of hysterics, but she wasn't struggling any longer. The man in the golden-yellow shirt brushed her tiny skirt back down, the armed man released her hair, and then the two of them came toward the second girl and me.

  At that point struggling was no more than strength-wasting, but I couldn't tell the Bellna presence that. Because of her I struggled to keep my wrists from being secured to my waist, struggled to keep from being bent forward, and struggled and screamed when that wooden thing was pushed inside me. It was one of the most uncomfortable things ever done to me, but Bellna felt shattered by it. I was able to get most of the way back to control then, but I wasn't entirely sure that I wanted control.

  Every one of us had screamed and struggled, and slaves weren't usually allowed the luxury of emoting as they pleased. The man behind me was the one who had spoken to me when he and the second had first arrived, and he smoothed my skirt down once the front leather tie had been secured, and then looked at me with a faint grin. None of us would be getting away with anything, that grin said, and Bellna's tremor of fear sent a shiver through me.

  "You will now give me your attention, slaves," the man in the light yellow shirt said, drawing our eyes to him. The men who had put those wooden things in us continued to stand right next to us as we knelt on the floor mat, but we were no longer supposed to pay attention to them. "The devices placed within you are for the dual purpose of teaching and punishment, and will be withdrawn when your lessons have been adequately learned. Should those devices be allowed to slip from your body before that time, you will be beaten and the device will be reinserted, to be kept within you for many, many more days. Therefore are you to be alert, for there will be no exceptions to the additional punishment."

  The man paused to let his threat sink in, and the small girl next to me whimpered in misery, voicing what all three of us felt. The … device we'd been fitted with allowed some small degree of movement despite the leather holding it in place, only we didn't know how far it could go before it slipped out altogether. Under those circumstances the only thing we could do was use our legs or heels to push it back in, even though all we wanted was to be rid of the filthy things. We'd been put in the position of having to make sure our own punishment continued.

  "Now to the matter of your bodies," the man went on, gesturing at the same time. The pretty blond slave hurried to him and knelt where he indicated, showing nothing but absolute obedience and an eagerness to please. The man tugged her green poncho loose and pulled it off over her head, then smiled faintly at the gasps of embarrassment from his captive audience.

  "As you see, a slave shift is easily removed from a slave, allowing her master access to her body," he lectured, running his hands lightly over the girl's body. "The body of a slave is the property of her master, his to do with as he wishes, just as he wishes. The slave may not deny him, just as you will not deny the men who own you - or any man who stands as master to you. You are no longer high born and untouchable, no longer the owners of your own bodies. The sooner you accept this, the less punishment you will find."

  There were gasps again as the man in the yellow shirt began to deliberately arouse the slave under his hands, making her writhe and moan where she knelt. Her chains clinked faintly as she moved involuntarily, her eyes closed and her head went back, her nipples hardened and her knees spread wide, his hands taking the very so
ul from her. In no more than a minute or two she was more than ready to do anything asked of her, but the man wasn't there to ask.

  "Slave arousal is easily achieved by a master," the man said in his casual way, ignoring the sobs coming from the slave he gave no rest to. "Are you able to feel the touches on your own body, the warmth beginning deep in the center of you? Do your breasts tighten with the desire to be touched as I touch this one? Heed the voices of the stirrings within you, for you, too, will be required to respond in such a way."

  I could hear the heavier breathing of the girls to my left, knowing they were beginning to be aroused just as Bellna was. I tried to fight the feelings but it was impossible, and moving in discomfort did no more than shift that device around. The insert was starting to make me feel strange, somehow, and that was helping to distract me from control.

  "Now you must see one of those things designed to give you relief," the man said, still working the girl as be turned his head to nod at the two armed men. One of them drew his sword and placed it in the middle of the male slave's back while the other gave his attention to the faded green cloth around the man's loins. One tug, one strong pull, and the cloth was gone to another, deeper set of grasps. The slave was hung like a vair stallion, and even I found myself impressed.

  "This slave is well equipped to use any female given him yet he, himself, is not aroused," the man said, finally taking his hands away from the girl. "Should this slave wish to be given that which she so desperately needs, she must give that one whatever pleasure he desires. Slave, go to the other slave and beg to please him."

  The girl whimpered at the command, clearly afraid of the big male slave, but she was too far gone in need and also even more afraid of disobeying. She struggled to her feet with difficulty, hurried to the male slave, put her arms around his body, then moved against him.

  "Master, I beg to be allowed to please you," she whispered, kissing at the hard male body she rubbed against. "Ask me anything, anything! so long as I am allowed to serve you."

  "You may assume that he has commanded you to waken his body," the man in the light yellow shirt told her. "Accompany him to the mat, and then obey his command."

  The male slave didn't seem to be in a very coopera­tive mood, but he couldn't have had access to women in his state of confinement, and the pretty blond slave was very eager to please him. He hesitated a long minute, but finally put himself down on the floor mat. The girl followed him down, moved to his far side so as not to block our view, then went to work on him with hands, lips and mouth.

  "Oh, look!" gasped the small girl to my left, horror and fascination in her tone. "He grows larger yet! Never have I seen such a thing!"

  "Rest assured that it is a thing you will see much of from now on," chuckled the man in the light yellow shirt, watching us rather than the two slaves. "You will come to think of the sight as the most glorious thing you are able to accomplish, and will strive with all of your being to accomplish it as often as possible. In no other way will you find any measure of happiness."

  What a great life, I thought as I watched the girl slave work on her chain brother. Live and work for no other purpose than to be thrown to your back and raped. The slave propaganda made it sound like the ultimate aim of the universe, but in order to believe it you had to be a slave. Or maybe a slave had to believe it to survive, which seemed to be the name of the game no matter what position you held in life.

  Not long after the girl started on the male slave, the man in the golden-yellow shirt who had been standing next to me walked away for a minute, then came back with a thick mat and fat pillows like the ones the man in the light yellow shirt used. The mat and pillows were put down next to me, to my left, and then the man was next to me, making himself comfortable.

  My knees and legs hurt from kneeling, my arms were beginning to numb up from being chained in one place, and my bottom was still protesting the invasion, but the man who had done it all was making himself comfortable. He leaned on one arm facing me, the back of his head toward the two performing slaves, the look in his eyes too direct to meet. He wasn't there by accident, I knew, and I wasn't overly anxious to learn the reason for his presence.

  "I think it would be best if you now learned more of the feelings of a female slave," the man in light yellow told us, drawing our attention to him again. "You will then understand the slave's eagerness to please, and may then imagine the priceless gift she is given."

  A hand came to slide along my thigh, and then it moved around to my buttocks, stroking briefly before patting twice. I gasped and rose up off my heels to the sensations brought about by being patted on that device, but golden-shirt's hand followed after me and touched me again. Bellna flared inside my mind and her lack of control with her, responding to what was being done to me with bewildered desperation.

  A burning had begun between my thighs, deep in that place which was my womanhood, a burning more intense than any I had ever experienced. The brute beside me touched the device which had been inserted within my body and caused it to vibrate softly but terribly, and though I strained away from him I could not escape the intrusion of his touch. Farther and farther I strained away, the burning growing higher and more intense - and then his other hand was at my thighs, his fingers touching my womanhood!

  "To serve!" said the one of higher breeding who sat before us as my body was caught in the indescribable sensations of that touch. "You will live to serve and serve well, you will beg to serve and serve well, you will fall into a frenzy of need if you are not allowed to serve! Down to your heels now, and do not rise from them again. Merely look upon the ecstasy you may be given."

  The touch which had sent flares through my body was suddenly gone, leaving the burning and desire unrelieved. With a whimper I lowered myself to my heels, fearful that disobedience would bring me - I knew not what. For me there would be no rescue, no return to the life I had known. I, of higher birth than any of these others, was now no more than the lowest of slaves, captured and chained and touched as none before them had dared.

  Oh, how unfair to do me so, as though I were of no worth whatsoever! To leave me so terribly aburn! Were I free of those chains, I would happily take the lives of all of them, for daring to do such things to me! I hated them all, fiercely, and yet what would be done to me if I were to disobey?

  "See how the slave is urged on to greater effort," said the high-born one, indicating the manner in which the male slave touched the female tending him. His hand moved between her thighs as she moaned over his manhood, the burning in her clear to one who burned as she did. And yet she was touched while I was not, which brought involuntary movement to my hips - which in turn brought new awareness of that device and of my burning need. They were sure to take my use; why had they not yet done so?

  "You may now take the slave who has aroused you," said the high-born one to the male slave. "Take her fully, yet must you take her slowly. You may begin."

  The hands of the male slave went to the waist of the female, lifted her across his body, then put her to her back beside him upon the mat. She lay trembling as he rose up above her, so deeply in need that she seemed to have no fear of that terrible weapon of his body. Her breathing quickened as he spread her thighs and approached her more closely, and clearly could we see her greater agitation when his manhood merely touched her womanhood.

  "Please, master, enter me now!" she begged in a whisper, twisting about and attempting to draw him to her. "I must serve you, else I shall die!"

  "Slowly," cautioned the high-born one, speaking to the male slave. "She has not yet reached a true frenzy. The longer you delay, the greater will be your pleasure - and hers."

  "Should I delay too long, she will lose a good measure of arousal," growled the male slave, speaking for the first time. His manhood touched the woman beneath him more deeply yet, and the woman screamed and attempted to impale herself.

  "Take me now!" she screamed, struggling against the hands on her thighs which held her in plac
e upon the mat. "Now, now, you must take me now, and quickly!"

  "Slowly," repeated the other, and the male slave, a glance for those who wore swords and carried whips, obeyed the command of the high-born one. Slowly, slowly did his manhood enter her, she screaming and thrashing about, and when at last he was fully within and began using her, I thought it likely that I would soon be senseless. My head whirled dizzily to the throbbing burn of my body, and I yearned desperately for my wrists to be freed. As though from a distance I heard the whimpers and moans from those who stood in capture with me, and knew that they, too, were taken as I.

  "Should you wish to be touched, you must beg it," came a soft voice from beside me, the brute who had touched me earlier speaking so that only I might hear. "Beg that I give you that which only a master might give."

  I turned my head to look upon him, seeing the amusement in his eyes, yet also suddenly seized by the knowledge that my torment might be ended. My body flamed high with the realization that his touch might be forthcoming, and I could not halt the sudden trembling which took me.

  "Touch me," I whispered so that only he might hear such terrible words. "I beg that you touch me! Please! Quickly!"

  "There is scarcely so great a rush, slave child," the brute chuckled, placing one large hand upon my thigh. "Your knees must be more widely separated, else I shall be unable to reach you."

  The embarrassment of doing such a thing was great, yet what else was I to do? In dire haste I opened my knees as widely as I was able, and again the brute chuckled.

  "You are truly well made for a child of your years," said he, raising one hand to the cloth which covered my breasts. The cloth upon my left breast was moved aside with the smallest of efforts, yet he did no more than gaze upon the breast.

  "Please!" I whispered, slowly growing frantic. "I have begged for the touch, and you must give it to me!"


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