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Her Cowboy Daddy

Page 13

by Cathy Gillen Thacker

  The gentle eroticism of her lovemaking flowed through him, fulfilling every fantasy he’d ever had. The need to possess her built to a fierce, unquenchable ache. Determined to make this as good for her as it was for him, he swiftly traded places with her, kissing and loving every feminine inch of her, not stopping until she was calling his name, coming apart in his hands.

  With satisfaction roaring through him as strongly as his need, Jeb moved upward once again. He kissed her fully, deeply, until their bodies took up a primitive rhythm all on their own and there was no doubting how much they wanted to mesh. Stretching over her, he slid his palms beneath her and lifted her in his hands. With a wild cry, she arched against him, opened herself up to him. His heart pounding, his spirits soaring, he dived into slick, hot velvet, to the welcoming warmth inside, knowing she was everything he had ever wanted in a woman and more. And then he was pressing into her as deeply as he could go, discovering their pleasure, taking her to incredible heights with him, again and again. After the last shuddering spasm finally passed, they clung to each other in sheer contentment and lay cocooned in one another’s arms.

  THE LAST THING Cady wanted after making love with Jeb the second time was to leave his bed. But she knew, for all their sakes, she had to go.

  With a sigh, she disentangled herself from the warm seduction of his arms and sat up.

  “The boys can’t find us together like this,” she told him reluctantly. “I have to go back to my own room.”

  Jeb squeezed her hand. “You’re right,” he agreed, with a sigh of regret and another brief, tender kiss. “It would be too confusing for them. But as soon as this babysitting gig is over—” he winked, reluctantly letting her go “—you owe me a full night in my arms.”

  The image he conjured up brought forth another wave of desire.

  Aware she was getting in too deep, too fast, she chose to misunderstand the reason behind the offer by teasing. “That wasn’t the payoff for our bet.” Cady rose and slipped on her undies. “Which, I’m pained to admit, given the staying power you have exhibited in the substitute-daddy department, you are likely to win.”

  Jeb got up and assisted with the clasp of her bra. “Forget the payoff, Cady.” He shifted her hair and bent to kiss her nape. Hands on her shoulders, he turned her to face him. “And forget the bet.” He cupped her face and regarded her tenderly. “And just think about us. The way we are right now. I can’t get enough of you, Cady.” He kissed her again. “And the way things are going, I don’t think I ever will.”

  His words stayed with her as she fell asleep. They were still with her as she awakened six hours later, when Micah toddled sleepily into her room and crawled in bed with her. Two minutes later, a rambunctious Finn and Dalton followed, with a sluggish, sexy-looking Jeb on their heels.

  Cady sat up, aware that beneath her cotton pj’s, she felt very well loved. Emotionally, well, she felt adored. She sat up against the headboard and held out her arms for the usual exuberant hugs. “Good morning, guys!”

  “Mornin’, Aunt Cady!” Micah commandeered Cady’s lap, while Finn and Dalton snuggled at her sides. Jeb grinned at the cozy scene and sat on the end of the bed, looking every bit as content as Cady felt.

  “So what’s on the schedule for today?” he asked with a grin.

  Thanks to the time given her the day before, Cady was all caught up on her work. She doubted the same could be said of Jeb. “I know you must have a lot to do at your ranch. Why don’t you go ahead and see to that? I’ll watch the boys today. We’ll meet up later, when you’re done.”

  “That would be great.” He stood and surveyed the bed like a king looking over his kingdom. “How about dinner at my place again tonight?”

  The boys cheered. “Will the bouncy castle still be there?” Finn demanded.

  Jeb nodded. “The crew won’t be back to get it until tomorrow.”

  “So we can play on it again?”

  He nodded. “For one more day.”


  Because he had so much to do, Jeb dressed, said goodbye to everyone and took off.

  Cady fixed the boys breakfast and then settled them in the family room, in front of their favorite video. She figured they wouldn’t get into trouble in the ten minutes it would take her to shower and dress. And happily, when she had finished, they were just as she had left them, immersed in the TV.

  Cady took the opportunity to check her email.

  For once, things at work seemed okay.

  A new spokesmodel had been found and put under contract. Cady’s proposed marketing plan had been approved by her bosses and the Hanover Horseshoes VPs.

  It was the email from Tina she found puzzling—and to be honest, a little unnerving.

  Cady studied the pregnant teen’s request a little while longer before she replied, wondering what Jeb would make of it….

  “YOU’RE A HARD MAN to track down.”

  Jeb turned at the sound of his father’s voice. Shane McCabe was standing at the pasture gate.

  “Hey, Dad.” He finished pounding in the loose fence post, then picked up his toolbox and walked to the next one. “What brings you here?”

  “A couple of things.” Shane fell into step beside him. “First, I wanted to see if you had decided whether to purchase a bull or go the IVF route to expand your breeding operation.”

  Jeb imagined his dad had lots of opinions on that, but this was something he wanted to decide himself. “I haven’t had time to think about it yet.”

  Disapproval shone on Shane’s face, as if he felt Jeb was letting his work slide.

  “Second, Avalynne Stone’s mother came to see your mom and me.”

  Jeb scowled. “Let me guess—she told you something illicit is going on between Avalynne and me.”

  Shane’s eyebrows rose. “Is it?”

  Jeb straightened the fence post, and gave it a hard whack. “What do you think?”

  His dad stepped back. “That’s not an answer.”

  Jeb glared at him. “I shouldn’t have to answer that.”

  Shane folded his arms. “Need I remind you that you hurt Avalynne and her family enough, years ago, when you called off the wedding?”

  Jeb resumed pounding, then moved to check out the next post. It seemed sturdy enough, but he gave it a couple hard whacks anyway, driving it farther into the ground. “I have no intention of hurting her again.”

  “Mrs. Stone is convinced otherwise. Particularly since you’re now involved with Cady Keilor, too.”

  Jeb tensed. He wiped the sweat dripping down his brow with the sleeve of his shirt. “Where did you hear that?”

  Shane tipped up the brim of his hat. “Everyone in town is talking about the fact you’ve been sleeping over with Cady and her nephews.”

  So what? “I’m helping out,” Jeb stated calmly.

  “And trying to win a bet and God knows what else.”

  Jeb had done nothing to warrant being treated like a randy teenager. He swaggered on to the next post. “If this is leading up to a sex talk, I think we had that years ago.”

  His dad followed. “Do we need to have it again now?”

  Aware he was about to lose his temper, Jeb tightened his grip on his toolbox and headed back to the barn. “You know I don’t discuss my private affairs. Period.”

  “And normally,” Shane agreed, keeping pace, “I would not ask you to, but these are both local women with continuing ties to the community. Avalynne doesn’t live in Texas anymore, but Cady does, and she especially stands to be hurt if…”

  “If what, Dad?” Jeb asked, knowing the actions of his family were fodder for gossip statewide. They stalked into the shadowy barn and back to the tool and tack room. “If she hooks up with one of the legendary Texas McCabes and it doesn’t work out, then people will blame me and think less of me than they already do?” He took off his gloves and went over to wash his hands in the sink.

  “If you lead Cady Keilor to think whatever this is could turn into somet
hing else, and then bail on her, the way you have every other woman in your life,” Shane corrected, shadowing him every step of the way, “then yes, Cady stands to be hurt.”

  Jeb grabbed a paper towel. “Wow, Dad. You don’t pull any punches, do you?”

  “Your mother and I have made no secret of the fact that we think it’s past time you stop sowing your wild oats and settle down. Because let’s face it, marrying—for life—is the only way you will ever repair your reputation.”

  His back to the door, Jeb faced his father skeptically. “And who am I supposed to do this with—Avalynne?”

  “No. With Cady. It’s clear she’s in love with you. She would be the kind of loyal, steadfast and caring wife you need.”

  “Whoa,” Jeb interrupted, resenting the presumption. “Who said anything about love?” Cady certainly hadn’t! “Don’t you think you’re rushing things a bit?” Not to mention interfering! Although his dad was right about one thing, Jeb admitted reluctantly. Cady was a wonderful woman, and exactly what he wanted and needed in a lifelong partner….

  “I know this.” Shane’s lips tightened in mounting disapproval. “If you don’t honor Cady with the attention and commitment she deserves, you will lose her, the way you’ve lost every other good woman who has come your way. And that would be—”

  Shane stopped speaking abruptly.

  Jeb looked at the chagrined expression on his face, then turned in the direction of the older man’s gaze.

  And swore silently to himself. Of all the people to be standing within earshot!

  A pink-cheeked Cady lifted an apologetic hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I just wanted to tell you that the boys and I are here a lot earlier than you probably expected.”

  Several hours, in fact, Jeb noted. Glad for the disruption, he asked, “Where are they?”

  Cady flashed a smile that did not reach her pretty eyes. “In the bouncy castle. They’ve been begging me nonstop all morning, since they know it’s only going to be here for one more day, so I thought I would let them enjoy it. But—” she raised her slender hand again, already backing off “—if this is a bad time, I can round them up and take them to the park instead.”

  “Actually, it’s not—I was just leaving,” Shane smiled back, tipping his hat in respect. “Nice to see you, Cady.”

  She flushed, and this time her smile did reach her eyes. “Nice to see you, Mr. McCabe,” she said shyly.

  Cady waited until Shane had left, then turned back to Jeb. “I am sorry for interrupting.”

  “How much did you overhear?”

  “Enough to know that your parents think you need to settle down and get serious about a woman, pronto, as a way of repairing your reputation. They’re worried about you breaking my heart or leading me on—”

  “I’m not going to do that,” Jeb interrupted.

  “But, given a choice, they’d prefer to see you end up with me, or maybe someone like me, rather than Avalynne,” Cady continued quietly, her uncertainty apparent.

  He stepped closer, so their bodies were only an inch apart, and regarded her for a long, thoughtful moment. “First of all, as you well know, I’ve already made my choice.”

  “Have you, now?”

  “I have.” He met her level, challenging look. “And I made it even before we made love. You’re the woman I want, Cady. The only woman.” Cupping her shoulders, he paused to let his words sink in. “And I hope I’m the only man for you, too.”

  Her eyes softened in sweet surrender. “We’re talking…?”

  Jeb’s pulse pounded as he recalled the uninhibited way she had given herself to him. “Becoming exclusive. Up till now, I guess I took it for granted—”

  “Yes.” Cady cut in with a grin before he even had a chance to finish the question.

  He wrapped his arms around her, brought her close and kissed her tenderly, aware he was one step closer to having everything he wanted in his grasp. “I’m glad you agree.”

  Cady sighed contentedly. “Me, too.” She splayed her hands across his chest, holding him at bay, the uncertainty back in her pretty amber eyes. “But there’s another reason I came over so early, Jeb.” She paused and bit her lip. “I have yet another favor to ask you. Tina emailed me a little while ago. She wants to videoconference at 1:00 p.m. And she’d like us both to be in on the chat.”

  TO CADY’S RELIEF, Jeb was happy to help her out. “Relax,” he said as the two of them walked inside the ranch house. “I’m sure it will be fine.”

  Cady nodded, still trying to convince herself. “I’m sure you’re right. It’s no big deal.” And even if it is, with you by my side, we’ll handle it.

  Cady got her laptop out of her briefcase. They set it up on the screened in back porch, in plain view of the bouncy castle, where the boys were still romping happily.

  Short minutes later, they were connected via video to the Stork Agency.

  The counselor said hello to them, then Tina stepped into view and pulled up a chair.

  It had been a little over a week since Cady had last seen her, but in that time Tina’s teenage body had blossomed into full-blown pregnancy. The seventeen-year-old looked tired—as if she wasn’t sleeping much—and seemed physically uncomfortable as she tried to settle her bulky form into the straight-backed library chair.

  Tina looked at them through her own camera-equipped computer screen. “Hi, Cady. Jeb. I’m really glad you could both talk to me today.”

  Cady smiled and feigned an inner ease she couldn’t begin to feel in this situation. “What’s up?” she asked in a tone she hoped would inspire confidence.

  Tina bit her lip. “I’ve been thinking about my dad a lot lately, about how—up until now—he has always been there for me.”

  Not sure she was following, Cady said cautiously, “And now he’s not…because of your pregnancy?”

  Tina conceded this was so with a brief dip of her head. “I won’t lie to you. It hurts, not having him around. My mom tries to make up for it, but…” She turned tortured eyes to them. “I miss him, you know?”

  Cady and Jeb nodded sympathetically. Feeling in need of some support herself, Cady reached over and took his hand. “Do you think it will be better between you and your dad once the baby is born?” she asked gently.

  “I hope so.” Tina leaned forward earnestly. “I don’t want to go the rest of my life without having a dad there for me. And that started me thinking about baby Zoe….”

  Uh-oh, Cady thought, with a sinking feeling in her gut. Here came the inevitable reservation about letting a single mom adopt on her own….

  “…and I really want my little girl to have a man in her life when she is growing up. Which is where,” Tina said slowly and deliberately, “you come in, Jeb.”

  “YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO SAY yes so swiftly,” Cady told Jeb as soon as the call ended and the computer was shut off.

  Surprised by her criticism, he turned to her. “Sure I did.”

  Cady concentrated on unplugging her computer and putting it back in its case. “Tina and I both would have understood if you’d needed time to think about it.”

  Jeb could feel her defenses going back up. He drew a calming breath and worked to contain his frustration. “I want to be there for you and baby Zoe, Cady. Tina’s suggestion that I do so as Zoe’s godfather makes perfect sense. Because Tina is right, every little girl needs both male and female influences in their life.”

  Cady’s slim fingers worried the handle of the case. “What if…” She paused, upset, and shook her head. “What if this exclusive relationship we’re having doesn’t work out?” With effort, she pivoted to look at him directly. “I know it feels great now, and it is, but in two or five years from now, we might not be so happy. One—or both—of us might grow bored or want to go back to being just friends again. It could get really awkward.” She swallowed. “Then what?”

  I won’t want out, Jeb thought. And I sure as hell won’t ever be bored.

  But sensing tha
t was not what Cady needed to hear at this moment, when she had so little faith in his ability to stick it out for the long haul, Jeb gestured offhandedly instead. “Then we will wish each other well and go on with our lives,” he promised, vowing to do whatever he needed to do to gain her trust and faith in him.

  In the meantime… “I’ll still be Zoe’s godfather—and the guy who dotes on her and has since the moment she was born.” He caught Cady’s hand in his and squeezed companionably. “We’ll make it work, and we’ll do it because it will be what little Zoe needs.”

  “THAT WAS SOME princess birthday party you had,” Suki told Cady, when her three boys had finished their conversation with their parents and handed the phone back.

  “It was.” Cady smiled reminiscingly while Jeb took her nephews outside for one last playtime before their baths. “Jeb and the boys went all out. They even gave me a bouncy castle.”

  Suki laughed. “Sounds like someone sure is sweet on you.”

  Cady flushed at her older sister’s teasing. She still did not want to tempt fate. “Stop it, Suki.”

  “Okay. I’ll let it go for now. So—what did you think of our gift to you?”

  Cady gasped. “Can you believe I put it away and forgot to open it?”

  “Then do it now,” Suki urged. “While we’re talking.”

  Cady went to get it. “Oh Suki…” She stared in wonderment at the beautiful white summer dress and cardigan for her, and the crocheted white layette set and silk-edged blanket for little Zoe.

  “I gather you like it?”

  Cady clapped a hand over her heart. “It’s gorgeous. Thank you, so much!”

  “I thought you and the baby both needed a coming-home-from-the-hospital outfit.” Her sister’s voice was rife with tenderness.

  Cady put the lid back on the gift box. “So you approve of what I’m doing?” Finally?

  “Hermann made me see that it doesn’t matter how you come by your family, as long as you have one, and I’m very glad you are getting your own.”


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