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Descent Into Darkness (Written Pictures #1)

Page 15

by H. A. Kotys

Even in her absence, Raven expertly tormented her. Her momentary compassion Katarina now knew was little more than a vehicle to drive her still closer to the precipice she feared she was already falling over. She shook her head furiously, as much to deny her capitulation as to dislodge the flies that found her lips so inviting.

  On and on it went and she fought bitterly to suppress the scream which welled up and nagged to be unleashed - the fear of the flies entering her mouth catalysing her resistance. Not previously a phobia, this would mark the start of one as they buzzed and tickled her sensitive lips that already tingled from being exposed to the direct sun.

  Her throat was parched and the world seemed a little more distant as Katarina edged toward dehydrated delirium. She may die here. The thought was vivid through the haze. At least the torment would stop and she would win with her final escape. A strange thought, a surprising thought and yet in it there was something that murmured its appeal.

  A shadow returned, removing the edge from the heat that filled the catsuit with her sweat. Though welcome, Katarina kept her eyes screwed tightly closed, fearing both the flies and whatever torture was in store for her next.

  She felt the waft of a hand waving away the flies and, for the first time in too long, inhaled deeply, ignoring the discomfort from her bruised side. The scent told her that the new visitor was a woman and as a stray strand of sweat-matted hair was carefully nudged aside, Katarina opened her eyes to look straight into those of Amber.

  Carefully, Katarina’s bonds were removed. Her arms were released from their stretched positions but, with legs still tightly bound together, thoughts of escape were irrelevant.

  “Sit up,” said the woman with a gentle guiding hand at the back of Katarina’s neck. Without further word, Katarina’s wrists were roped together, inescapable and yet not tight enough to turn her hands blue. Secure but not painful, it was the first time it had not been inflicted when a clear opportunity presented.

  Swivelling to sit on Katarina’s thighs, Amber cut away the ropes that ensnared Katarina’s ankles, knees and thighs. “Try to run and you’ll be hurt.” Katarina nodded and with a deep breath stilled the urge to bolt as gloved hands raised her onto unsteady legs.

  “The T-staking helps your muscles stretch out. It helps recovery from the circuits, Katarina.” It was the first time her name had been used since the hotel. The volumes it spoke and the smile that accompanied it filled Katarina with hope. “It was my suggestion.”

  For an all too brief moment, their eyes met, forging an understanding that needed no words. Raising Katarina to her feet, Amber led her back to the mansion. Eventually arriving at the washroom from the day before, Katarina peeled away the sucking latex catsuit on command and stood there, naked, as Amber looked on.

  The water would be welcome today, she needed it to cool down, maybe even catching handfuls to drink. With no Mela to protect and no bodily warmth to share, it immediately chilled her to the bone and Katarina staggered but then braced and stood. Special attention was again lavished on those sensitive areas she vainly protected and peering beyond the jet, the sight of the redhead wielding the hose was exactly as she had expected. The jet moved like a frosty masseuse. In a strange way it soothed as Katarina could feel it drive away the aches from her overworked muscles.

  CHAPTER XXVII – Into Evening

  They called it education and an education it certainly was. Bound naked to a chair Katarina could do nothing but watch the screen as a mechanical phallus slowly rose through a hole in the base, pushing inside her, then being lowered with equally deliberate speed. Over and over, but it wasn’t enough, it was never quite enough but it kept her primed. It would have been designed that way of course, to anchor the video by associating her training with the stimulation she received.

  The Anatomical Guide to Pleasuring a Man. The title had said it all really. The sordid documentary spooled through technique after technique. An hour, maybe more, slowly it drew Katarina in as the phallus continued without respite or respect. She watched. What harm could it do? When she got out of this place, better to take something tangible away. So Katarina watched and furthered her education.

  == ~ ==

  The video closed with a fade to show a still picture of Michael Immelmann. No real surprise there either, Katarina was learning their methods. Toned he certainly was. He was shown naked astride an equally naked woman, her face hidden behind a leather hood. It could have been anyone but the woman on screen had obviously been chosen for her resemblance in body to Katarina; the association was not lost on her.

  The image remained, burning itself indelibly into her memory as she sat, happy for the chance to snatch some rest, despite the constant cadence of her mechanical violator.

  A noise behind Katarina wrenched her away from the image and she turned to see Amber entering the room. Tall and lean in a less obvious way than Red, she strode with a confident purpose. “Dinner time,” she stated, flicking a switch on the back of the chair to still the phallus.

  Methodical as always, Amber worked to release Katarina’s arms, leaving her legs welded to the chair with a mesh of rope. Katarina trusted her. She wouldn’t have run but still nothing was left to chance and her wrists were roped together and rested back on her lap.

  Katarina, still naked, crept her hand between her legs, wanting to cover her modesty but when there found her fingers pressing against the legacy of her training. “Easy girl,” the warning snapped, accompanied by a light rap across her knuckles. Katarina frowned, damnit she needed that. Leather-gloved fingers squeezed together her pursed lips. “Quit pouting,” Amber admonished further.

  Katarina raised her gaze to be met with eyes that showed unfamiliar warmth. “That’s my job.” Amber’s hand squeezed over Katarina’s.

  == ~ ==

  Amber knew she was taking a chance but she had to. She couldn’t see the poor woman broken, she needed to give her something to hang her sanity onto. She would also enjoy it, in fact greatly so, and the danger of that thrilled her. Red was leaving her behind. It was better that way and perhaps fate had a hand. The woman was quite something and as Amber’s fingers began to play, the prospect of potential discovery filled her with frissons of excitement and the adrenalin of fear added to the cocktail.

  Looking down, Amber could see the girl wouldn’t take long as the pink-gloved fingers quickly found their target. Pink. God how she hated pink but it was yet another of Raven’s sick power trips, leaving daily instructions on the colour of leathers to be worn by both Amber and Red.

  They always had to match, but Amber cherished her individuality and knew that to Raven they were no more than twin tools to carry out her will. Raven also knew how she despised pink with its bubble gum girlie connotations and Raven took delight on playing with that.

  It wasn’t Amber’s style, not by any stretch of the imagination. Right from when she’d grown up on the farm with her brothers she’d had to be just as tough as they were, one of the boys. Even when glamming up though, pink hadn’t darkened her door, her preference laying rather with more dramatic reds and blacks that made her blonde hair stand out.

  Amber felt exploratory fingers lightly touch her and she instinctively took a half step away before catching herself. Why not? Amber reasoned, she could certainly do with it and, positioning herself between Katarina and the cameras, she stepped closer so the fingers could rejoin her.

  == ~ ==

  There was warmth there that drew her and Katarina reached out for it both metaphorically and physically, touching the pastel pink leather which quickly and disappointingly lurched away. Her eyes darted up to meet eyes that now questioned and reprimanded in equal measure.

  That split second of hesitation called out loudly. Yes, she wants it, confirming the suspicions that had seeded in her mind that morning. Katarina wanted to push open that door, perhaps it would lead to freedom, but her reasoning was already clouding behind attentive fingers. This was more than just use, more than just opportunity. This was something else
, something deliciously divine.

  CHAPTER XXVIII – Dinner Time

  The scene was certainly anachronistic to the way she was dressed. Undressed, Katarina quickly corrected herself for she sat there, legs curled to her left, wearing only a chain around her slender neck, having been left tethered there by Amber.

  Expensive silver cutlery was laid on the table, complimented by ornately crafted goblets. The table leg to which she was chained was carved with the artistic panache that only the most skilled craftsmen can display and it proved as sturdy as she feared when pulling on the chain to test it.

  The entrance of Mistress Raven was as dramatic as Katarina had come to expect, double doors swinging slowly inwards in invitation for her to sweep into the room. Katarina could only stare up at her as her two attendants fell into step behind and she glided forward, silky black hair shimmering.

  The echo of Raven’s heels was dulled by the elegant tapestries that hung along the stone walls, allowing the soft swish of her full length leather gown to add to the drama. Katarina turned her face away to hide any weakness - Raven’s arrival usually meant discomfort, but more likely pain.

  A heavy chair scraped back and told Katrina that, for now at least, other matters took Mistress Raven’s attention. She watched as lusciously long legs slid to cross at the knee, allowing a stilettoed foot to dangle and bob distractingly beneath the table.

  The tattooed raven depicted on her ankle seemed to dance up and down, attracting Katarina to a delicate ankle bone and sculpted calf. Sumptuous smells drifted down from the table. Katarina’s mouth watered and the rumble of her stomach gave her away.

  A plate was pushed before her on the floor. God she was hungry with nothing but cold slop to fill and fuel her. After the arduous exertions of the day she could have eaten anything but this was exquisite. Deliciously fragrant, the dish was visually presented with the care only top chefs aspire to. Katarina was so hungry. With no cutlery in sight, Katarina reached forward to sample the work of art laid before her.

  A harsh slap to her wrist arrested Katarina’s reach and she immediately snapped her hand away and back to her lap. “You will wait until your Mistress has finished, whore.” The eyes of Raven bore down, a flame of wicked amusement in dark alluring eyes.

  Time dragged leaden feet as Katarina’s stomach lurched in need. Mistress Raven feasted above her, occasionally trailing a hand down for a kiss. Finally, a clank from above and Katarina looked, eyes imploring. “You may begin.” With the urgency of acute hunger Katarina lunged at the now cold food in front of her, grabbing handfuls, the artistic presentation devoured.

  == ~ ==

  The day had been brutally hard. Pushed to the brink of utter exhaustion, Katarina had almost cracked. She had said words she never thought possible and it was only the realisation of Raven’s ongoing malice arriving on the wings of her insect visitors that had pulled her back from the brink.

  Even the second education video that Katarina sat through after dinner couldn’t be seen to be relaxing. No phallic intruder this time, she instead sat through the female version of that first anatomical lesson, this time concluding with the image of Mistress Raven.

  Katarina’s thoughts drifted to home. There was no one to miss her. She’d rushed to the plane and headed halfway across the world without thinking to tell anybody what she was doing and where. Still uneasy spending nights in the house she’d inherited, she’d been lodging with a friend but that hadn’t gone well and Katarina had often spent a week or more at her uncle’s; they were used to her dropping out of sight.

  She had just the basics in the room she rented and her friend might have talked her out of it had she known so Katarina had simply left, sports bag in hand as if heading to the gym, stopping by her house to pick up more things. If she was ever missed, they would likely be able to trace her flight, find where she had gone to at first. But if the cash payment for the long distance bus didn’t stop their search, the hotel on account of the shoot, surely would.

  Then there was the van and later the crated journey. Who could tell where they had taken her in that? All Katarina knew was that it was hotter than the place she left so she guessed they had moved her south. That didn’t really narrow it down. South to where? None of the staff spoke in her presence and the people she’d met hailed from all the cruel corners of the globe.

  The thought gained definition, she really was lost and alone. She was a toy taken on the whim of an obvious psychopath. She would have to get through it any way she could. Endure and survive first and foremost. Survive the warped pleasures of the woman who dominated the house with her seductively wrapped sadism. She held it oh so firmly in her manicured hands. Katarina visibly sagged, crawling forward with the encouragement of a boot to her ass.

  Curling into a cage by the bed, Katarina feared for the depths of her reserves. She was vulnerable to start with and it might not take much more. She’d willingly told Raven that she was her life while soaring on the wings of enticement. Too little rest, too little food had lowered her resistance and the constant pressure of punishment was taking her apart, piece by piece. She barely noticed the strutting entry of Raven as sleep already began to drag her into its fitful recesses.

  == ~ ==

  It was sumptuous. There was no word better fitting to her right now. All those years on the streets, battling and bludgeoning her way up had delivered this sweet reward. Silken negligee eased against silken sheets as Raven sprawled in the luxury of her position.

  A girl lay bundled in cages at either side, one willing with an unquenchable thirst for discipline, the other unwilling, here as her project with a strict deadline within which to break her down.

  It wasn’t enough though, it would never be enough to give her the satisfaction and security she craved to fill the gaping wound torn into her soul. Raven wanted more, she needed it all and, with realisation dawning before her, she knew what she had to do.

  CHAPTER XXIX – Workout Weak

  Familiarity of routine was the only comfort Katarina could draw from the next few days. How many, she could no longer tell as days slowly merged together to form an ongoing assault on her fortitude.

  Each day began with those first few stolen moments as Mela visited her cage. Sweet beyond words, that momentary touch of another human being, one of compassion and care, was becoming increasingly precious. It set Katarina up for the day and gave her strength when she had little of her own to still call on.

  The first day, she soon found, had set the pattern with a cruel work out being the first of the set plays. She thought they would get easier as her fitness levels increased but day by day, unbeknown to her, the resistance of the machines was raised a notch, placing her body always on the edge of implosion.

  The video proved an increasingly welcome distraction while Katarina slipped into the zone during each set. It helped to loose herself in the film that spooled continuously, better that than to focus on the inexorable countdown to reward or retribution.

  During the third day, Katarina first noticed the changes. Subtle but significant, skilled editing was slowly skewing the slant of the film. The focus, at first, had been on her seizure and how her hopeless struggles had still seen her taken and enslaved.

  Day by day it started to change. The focus shifted toward how she climaxed again and again, the voiceover reinforcing how she was both lucky and thankful to be chosen. It made no sense at first. She had been abducted and that was the fact of the matter. As the video looped though and the film evolved in its daily update, the first seeds of doubt broke the surface and peeked into her jaded mind.

  Had it really been so bad? Had she actually sub-consciously gone along with it to meet some need even she was unaware of at the time? It was difficult to tell now, everything was difficult. Perhaps it was what she really wanted, what she really needed. Sure, Raven was beyond her worst nightmare, predictable only in her unpredictability. She was dangerous but held a dark allure that drew others to her as a Siren drew sailors to their
destruction on their rocks.

  Katarina found herself mumbling along to the narration as it looped. One eye though was always cocked on the countdown until, again, she could reconfirm that Mistress Raven was her life and earn that precious extra time. The thrill in her loins was anticipated. After all, her body was simply following the verbal stimulus. The build-up and shot of adrenalin that began to accompany her statement of those words though was anchoring the phrase ever deeper.

  == ~ ==

  Midday feeding time was something Katarina particularly loathed, given as it was by Red. She was stone, without even the looks of Raven. With her it was all channelled aggression and ambition. Athletic in that plastic beach-Californian way, she physically manipulated the bound Katarina with ease. Yet it was formulaic, less naturally spontaneous than Raven and so Katarina learnt quickly.

  She learnt when to hold her breath, when to eat, when to drink and the point at which she should brace herself for the blow she knew would come. The routine soon settled, affording Katarina the opportunity to notice a little more of the unfolding dynamic between Red and the woman that accompanied her, Amber.


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