Book Read Free

Up A Notch

Page 6

by Breanna Hayse

  “Let me guess. Dry suits,” she moaned, seeing him nod.

  “Why, yes. How did you know?”

  “I wish I could honestly say it was deductive reasoning, but Michael just told me.”

  “He what? How?”

  She tapped the side of her head. “We’re linked. It’s freaking him out big time. He can only get my feelings, but I’m starting to get glimpse of images. It’s really cool.” Her father stared at her with his mouth hanging open. She was so casual about it! She leaned across the table to pat his hand. “Don’t worry. I know we aren’t supposed to talk about work during meals, but this is incredible. Of course, it’s not happening exactly the way that Michael thinks it is, which makes it so much more fun.”


  Michael grabbed his uncle’s arm, stopping in his tracks as they walked along the shoreline of Shelter Island towards the Seal unit.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “She is in my head! I’m not even wearing the band. Damn it! “

  “How do you know? Talk to me.”

  “She’s feeling very satisfied with herself right now, and is laughing about something. She’s also feeling very peaceful.”

  “That’s good to know. So she’s having a nice time, what’s the problem?”

  “Scott, I don’t want to experience her feelings, or for her to feel mine. What if I meet a girl and…” he trailed off.

  “Oh. That would not be good.”

  “You think? We need to cut this off before it gets stronger! Oh man, I think she’s drunk!”


  “You’ve had enough wine, honey. Now tell me the details. It’s not the band?” his eyes widened, seeing nothing around her throat and first realizing she had summoned the dolphins without it.

  “No, it’s the dolphins,” she explained, feeling a little light-headed after two glasses of wine. “They are fascinated by all of our feelings, experiences, textures, color, and flavors. Each time they tap into one of us, they go to the other one to rate the response before processing the things back and forth. The convergence doesn’t work if either of us is too far away from the water. Mike is really freaking out now, by the way. He must be close to a pod for this to be that strong.”

  “And you have your brother believing that you two are starting to mind meld? Young lady, that’s really mean,” he scolded. However, his eyes told her that he was just as eager to keep the secret going as she was. That was a nice surprise. Usually it was Scott who was in on the pranks!

  “Are you going to make me tell him?”

  “Oh no, that’s up to you.”

  “And Scott?”

  “I really don’t want to interfere too much with the dolphin’s learning curve. I think it would be safe to keep this quiet for a while longer. As a biologist, I’m sure you understand the import of non-inference,” he snickered, sipping his wine.

  “Cool. They both know enough about the band that they could figure it out eventually. But then, again, they’re physicists.”

  “How true, my dear. Would you like some lavender-honey ice cream?”

  “Oh yum!”

  Father and daughter entered the house later that evening, holding hands and looking very relaxed. Scott looked up from the TV. “Hey! How was your date?”

  “Perfect, Uncle Scott. How was yours?” she asked with an evil smile directed towards her father.

  “I would have much rather preferred female companionship. Something strange happened, though. Were you aware that Mike thinks he can sense your feelings from a distance? He believes the bands are causing you to experience what the other one is feeling and even doing.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” Dr. Quimby said, sitting next to his friend after taking off his jacket and tie.

  “Not really, Joe. I’ve seen it. Today, out on the boat, just before you came over to cuddle him, he said he was going to try to summon you over,” Scott said to his niece.

  “That’s a little coincidental, don’t you think? I always sit on his lap and snuggle when I’m sad or confused. I knew it was time and I felt safe, that’s all. He just knows me too well. Plus, I’m not even wearing the band. Was he?”

  “She’s got a point, Scott. I mean, you and I can accurately predict how either one of the kids would respond to each other at any given time. Where’s Mike now?”

  “He went to bed. It was too much for him to process. Would you believe,” Scott chuckled, “he was afraid of you two joining minds and what would happen if he met a girl and had sex?”

  “Yuck. Not gonna happen in my mind, thank you.”

  “And I would hope my son would exercise some self-control as a gentleman and date her for a while,” Dr. Quimby added gruffly.

  Scott just shook his head. “Whatever. It just seemed weird. He thought it was real. Going to bed?”

  “Yeah. Come on, Samantha, I’ll tuck you in. Good-night, old man, we’ll see you in the morning. Are you taking the boat back?” Dr. Quimby asked.

  “Yes. Sam, do you want to try the sonar run in the morning? You can swim in.”

  “I would, thanks. Good-night, Uncle Scott,” she said with a hug and kiss.

  “Night, love bug. Sleep well.”

  Holding her father’s hand, the two walked quietly upstairs and into her room. Dr. Quimby closed the door behind him and joined her on the bed, face muffled in the mattress, laughing hilariously. It took them 15 minutes to calm down and try to control the sporadic bouts of snickering mirth. Finally, out of breath, they both rolled over and looked at the ceiling.

  “I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard. It was a good night.” Dr. Quimby said, squeezing his daughter’s hand as he wiped an eye.

  “Thank you again, Daddy. And thanks for protecting my secret.”

  “Just don’t think I’m going to protect that little bottom once he finds out. He’s gonna get you good for this.”

  “Some things are worth it. Don’t you agree?” she looked at him.

  He wrinkled his nose before sitting up. “What kind of mature, responsible father would I be if I said yes?”

  “An honest one,” she sat up as well.

  He kissed her with a strong hug. “Yes, I agree. Now go to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”


  “Are you telling me that it doesn’t bother you in the least bit?” Michael asked as they called up references to Scott on the way to work the next morning.

  Sam did a flip, kicking off the side of a rock. “Not at all. But then, I have the ability to tune you out. See? All those years of ignoring your lectures paid off.”

  “This is serious! We have to find a way to stop it.”

  “Why? I thought you liked knowing where I was and what I was doing?”

  “I do, but…” Mike didn’t finish.

  “But you don’t like me knowing the same. I get it. That’s double standards. Race you to the bottom!”

  “Get back here!” he yelled as she zoomed straight down.

  She was calling in readings when he found her. “Mike, stop worrying. Let’s finish this for the blind dives then we can talk. Or I can just read your mind, if you like,” she giggled, taking off again.

  Frustrated, Michael went to the surface and pulled himself onto the slow moving boat.

  Scott cut off the motor. “Is everything all right?”

  “I want to strangle her. She’s treating this whole thing like it’s a joke.”

  “Maybe you’re being too serious. Give it a rest for a couple of days if you can, then talk with her again. In the meantime, keep that band off if possible. Sam? Scott here,” he said into the radio. “Let’s wrap this up. Do you want to board or swim to base?”

  “Swim, please.”

  “Ok, be careful. We’ll see you in a few. Let’s convene in my office after chow to compare notes.”

  “Yes, Sir, see you then. And tell Michael to stop rubbing his neck. I’ll work on it when we get to the lab.”

  Scott and Michael stared at each othe
r. Michael’s hand was frozen on the back of his neck. Scott looked at the sonar, she was 65 feet below them. How…?

  With a playful snort, a young bottlenose dove deep and clicked happily as Sam stroked him. The pod was now in on the game. Dolphins loved to pull pranks, almost as much as little sisters!


  “What’s wrong with Mike?” Nick whispered in Sam’s ear as they sat at a table working on some charts.

  She shrugged. “I dunno. He’s moody this morning.”

  “I’d like to stay out of his way, if it’s okay with you. I thought he was going to take my head off when I asked him what thoughts were swimming in his mind today.”

  “Interesting choice of words,” the girl smiled, glancing at him.

  Nick shrugged. “I ask him that every day. It usually gives me an idea of where we might go.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure everything’s fine. I certainly don’t sense anything unusual.”

  She watched her brother walk across the room, glowering. Standing, she announced she was going to the mess hall for a snack. “Would anyone like to join me?” she asked. Four of the men jumped quickly to accompany her and escape their other commander’s foul mood. Good! These would be the ones she would let in on the little prank.

  “Okay guys, I need your help. You are not to say one word of this to anyone, especially Mike or my uncle.”

  “What about your father?” Nick frowned suspiciously.

  She patted his arm. “I’m not in trouble, for once. He knows about it, but won’t be directly involved. Now listen…” By the time she finished her story, the four men were laughing so hard they were holding their stomachs with pain. One even started choking.

  “He is going to kill you when he finds out.” Nick said, smacking the back of the snorting man next to him.

  “You don’t seem surprised, Nick. Is this something you’ve done before?” Kevin, a tech, asked while wiping his eyes. The other two men also looked at Nick. He was the only one from the Allegro crew who had followed her.

  Nick nodded. “I caution you, gentlemen, that if you get caught up in this girl’s pranks on her brother, life might be a little difficult for you if he finds out. He’s a great guy, but is too serious. His sense of humor leaves something to be desired.”

  “Now, Nick, be reasonable. Mike’s got a great sense of humor, unless he’s the victim. And yes, I know darn well that if he finds out, I’m dead meat. But, like I told my Dad, some things are so worth it. Are you with me?”

  “Yes ma’am!”

  Sam excused herself early to head to Scott’s office which, incidentally, required walking along the dock to the main building. She pretended to trip and sprain her ankle. Whistling, and with a graceful leap out of the smooth water, the on-looking bottlenose sent an image of a broken flipper with agonizing pain. She mouthed thanks and rubbed her feigned injury, waiting to hear her brother’s pounding steps. Sure enough, he came running.

  “Are you all right? Oh, wow, it must hurt terribly. Let me carry you,” Michael said, scooping her up. “No, please don’t cry.”

  “Take me to Daddy, please,” she whimpered. Looking over his shoulder, she waved to her crew and gave them a hasty thumb up as he carried her away. Dr. Quimby examined her foot and declared her unharmed as he wrapped it before any swelling could begin. She winked at him, tilting her head towards her brother. The dolphin was sending messages of shooting pain. It was evident in his face.

  “Mike, I’ll be okay. Daddy gave me some vicodin. Don’t look so worried, it doesn’t hurt.”

  “Don’t lie to me, I can FEEL it! I mean, not really feel it, but sense how bad… what can I do?”

  “Give the meds a few minutes to work and calm down. It’s not the first time I’ve twisted my ankle.”

  Michael received calm thoughts and decreased pain.

  Dr. Quimby pinched his daughter’s thigh. “Be nice. You are torturing him!” he whispered as his son walked out to get some coffee.

  She giggled. “That little dolphin is doing a lot of it on his own. I told them what I was doing and they are in on it.”

  “You’re kidding me!”

  “Nope, they like to tease and pull tricks. Almost a human trait, don’t you think?”

  “You never cease to amaze me. And I’m guessing you coerced some of the crew to help you with this little scheme of yours?”

  “Yes, Sir. Nick tried to warn them, but they were sucked in,” she snickered.

  He patted her leg. “And this?”

  “All a ruse. Just don’t over-react if you hear anything, uh, out of character for me, okay?”

  “What do you mean?” he whispered, making sure Michael wasn’t listening.

  She hugged him and whispered back into his ear. “Let’s just say that my brother’s biggest fear of brain invasion is going to happen pretty soon. I need you to play along, though. If he asks you about something, the answer is yes.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he assured her. He saw his son approaching. “Feeling a little better, honey?”

  “Much, thanks. I need to get to Scott’s.”

  “I’ll carry her. Thanks, Dad. Up you go, little one.”

  As he easily carried her to Scott’s office, she leaned against his shoulder with a tiny smile on her face. Michael noticed it. “What are you grinning about? Having a private pack-mule?”

  “No. I just have a little secret.”

  “Really? Since when do you keep secrets from me?” he asked, gently setting her in a chair and propping her foot.

  The smile broadened. “There’s a boy I like.”

  “No way, you’re too young.”

  “I’m eighteen, and very worldly.”

  “Oh really? And what do you think Dad is going to say about it?”

  “He’s already told me okay. So there.”

  “He did not! Has he met this kid?”

  “He’s not exactly a kid. He’s a G6 civilian who works transport.” She kept a straight face. Impossible to pin down, no access to civilian records or information, this would certainly drive her overprotective sibling bonkers!

  “That would make him at least 25!” Michael frowned. “Dad can’t possibly know this! He would never allow it.”

  “Go ask him if you don’t believe me. He was very specific though, about not involving Scott. Go on.”

  Michael just stared at her, wondering if she was calling his bluff. She shrugged, picking up the phone. She put it on speaker.


  “Daddy, it’s me. Michael doesn’t believe that you said it was okay for me to see that guy from transport, the G6.” She was, in fact seeing him… seeing him drive the hauler. Nothing wrong with that!

  “He doesn’t? Why not?”

  “Dad, that means he’d be at least 25! And she said you didn’t want Scott to know. Why not?” Michael looked panicked.

  “Well, yes, more probably closer to 30 . And, yes, please leave Scott out of this. He doesn’t need to be involved right now. He’s got enough to think about.”

  True, he probably was closer to 30. Why would Scott care about that? He had a command to run, not be concerned about a delivery man that his niece saw drive by.

  “Who are you and what have you done with my father?”

  “Son, she’s not a baby. You need to lighten up a bit. She’s going to meet boys.”

  True again.

  “He’s not a boy! He’s older than I am!”

  “Is that a problem? Listen, kids, I have work to do. Please don’t get so upset. She can handle her own. I’ll talk to you later. Bye,” Dr. Quimby said, hanging up before he slipped. A replica of his daughter’s mischievous smile spread over his face. They scammed without actually lying.

  Michael landed heavily in the chair, his world felt like it was crashing around him. Sam restrained her laugh. Good for Daddy! Scott came in and fussed over her foot before they settled to work. When they were done, Michael carried his sister back to the lab where he deposi
ted her at her desk and left on an impossible quest to find her a specific brand of root beer she was craving. She beckoned to her co-conspirators and updated them on her story regarding the delivery guy. Each had seen him now and then when he hauled away old machinery that had prior clearances. They reassured her that Michael had no idea who he was, so there was no chance of the elder brother getting in anyone’s face.

  He returned an hour later. “I found it. Can I get you anything else?”

  “Thanks so much. No, I’m good. I’m just going to do some entries. What are you doing?”

  “Um, just running some tests on the floor. Call if you need me,” he said, kissing her head before going to the main frame. He paused to speak with the crew and was answered with either a nod or a shake of the head as he attempted to gain information about the mysterious man who caught his baby sister’s eye. Frustrated with a lack of information, Michael started punching keys on the computer and slammed his hand on the table when it came up void. Nick winked at the girl as he walked by her office. Now, just one more thing….

  Chapter 6

  “Dad, do you know where Sam is?” Michael asked the following afternoon. His sister had left the lab with a strange smile on her face. He was starting to get an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach. What was she up to?

  “I haven’t a clue, son. Why?”

  “I’m just… Oh shit! Dad, we need to find her! Now!” Michael’s face was red as he grabbed his father’s wrist.

  “Michael Scott, control yourself. What is the problem?” the man remained calm.

  “She’s involved with someone. Please help me find her. Oh shit,” he said again.

  “Involved how? My boy, are you feeling all right? I know you think you have this twin thing with her, but it sounds like you are being a bit over-reactive.”

  “I certainly am not! I can feel what’s she’s doing and, believe me, it isn’t playing poker. She’s too young to be doing this. Especially with someone she barely knows!”

  “Doing what, Michael?” Sam asked, casually walking into the office.


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