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Hitman's Lust: a Dark Mafia Romance

Page 35

by Sophia Hampton

  “So you’re saying that you wanted your daughter to marry someone from your organization? That may make him Italian, but he would be no better than me… or you for that matter.”

  Antonio sat up in his chair and glared at Aidan. It was good that the man could hear an insult when it was distributed. Aidan just hoped the man could see that he could match wits with the best of them because he was definitely outnumbered.

  “We buried my right hand man and Lorna’s cousin last week, and here you stand wanting more from me and my family?” The man was having a hard time keeping his cool, and that was understandable; Aidan just hoped that he could keep it together enough to really hear what he was saying.

  The man wanted a fight, and Aidan could understand him being angry. A good fight always worked some of the tension out, but the man had to know this wasn’t his fight.

  “Sir, I understand that you’re upset, but I was trying hard to work out another alternative for this situation.”

  “I’m aware of all you tried to do, boy, but it didn’t work, and the result is the same as if you just walked in and killed Lucca. You think you’re forgiven? You turned my daughter against me and took Lucca… I should have your balls cut off as we speak.” Antonio looked away like he couldn’t stand the sight of him any longer.

  Aidan knew that there was a possibility that he’d never see the light of day again. He’d come to terms with that as he was frisked by the door by a man who had more visible guns on his person than a regular gun closet would hold.

  “With all respect, I didn’t mean to come in here and upset you. I only want to talk to your daughter for a few minutes and give her back her bracelet. I’ve gone by her house and her store, and both seemed to be closed down. I really didn’t want to come here, but I had no choice.”

  “We all have choices to make. Sometimes you make the right ones… and other times you don’t.” Antonio still didn’t look his way, but he took in a deep breath and let it out with a loud sigh. “She’s getting married within the month to someone more suitable than you. Keep the trinket. Her new husband will get her another one.”

  Aidan had been dismissed. He’d known about that possibility as well, but he had to try.

  “In case you didn’t realize, that was me telling you to fuck off,” Antonio said as he stood by his chair.

  Aidan wouldn’t ever let a man like that see how much something he said or the fact that he was withholding his daughter hurt because once you showed your belly to the enemy, you should just hand over the knife to gut you as well. Aidan backed toward the door noticing that it was now opened and three armed men surrounded it.

  “What do you want us to do with him, boss?” asked the man with the thick neck and gun drawn already. These men were blood thirsty; it must have been a slow week or maybe they were just wanting to get some revenge on the guy who was sent there to kill Lucca.

  “Just get him the fuck out of here and onto his dirty little bike…” Antonio looked Aidan up and down like he was trying to come to grips with something, and the room was filled with silence that was pregnant with anticipation. “…and let him go. Unharmed.”

  The man with the gun drawn had a smile on his face that made Aidan wonder if this was the guy who was going to get the unreleased wrath that was bubbling under the surface. Aidan would be happy with a good fight.

  “Hey!” barked Antonio, “Unharmed, untouched, unpunched. Walk him out and leave him out there without a scratch… you hear me?”

  “Yes, boss,” said the guy who looked hungry to fight.

  Aidan should have been happy that he’d live to see another day but he was a bit perturbed that one, Lorna may be getting married, two, he wasn’t any closer to seeing her than he was before he decided on this dumbass idea, and three he really wanted to fuck one of these losers up. They were all bad asses when they had a gun, but Aidan was born and raised in the street. Fighting was a way of life, and he loved to use his skills, especially when he had so much rage and nowhere for it to go. He walked out the door, but he turned around to see a weird look on the man’s face. It wasn’t like he had time to figure it out before hungry guy told him to move. He walked out of the establishment thinking about his next move.


  His cell phone vibrated, and he frowned at it. Who would be texting him at this time of night? He’d kept the throw away phone in case Lorna wanted to call him, but it had been about 3 weeks since he’d visited Antonio and a month since he’d seen Lorna, so getting something from her now on a random Thursday seemed unlikely. It was probably the company telling him that his minutes were up or he had to renew something. Rolling over in bed, he picked up the cell and saw that he indeed had a text.

  889-555-4256 - You are a low down dirty asshole. I wish I’d never met you. Not only did you kill my cousin, but you stole from me. Was anything that you said to me true? There is no honor among thieves. My Papa told me that, but I believed in you more. I just wanted to take a minute to tell you that you suck and karma is a bitch. I hope all the bitches you’re fucking give you all kinds of STD’s. Fuck you.

  He sold drugs for a while in the beginning of his time here at the club and he could never understand how these people craved and hungered for something so desperately. Unfortunately, now he knew. Aidan hungered for Lorna like a drug addict. That had to be the case when this nasty text calling him names and wishing diseases on him made him happier than a druggie that scored a free duffle bag full dope. The fact that she was mad and thinking about other women pissed her off even more gave him hope. Wow. What a sick fuck he was.

  He looked at the text over and over again, even sitting up in bed to make sure that he was awake. There were so many things that he’d wanted to address with her, like the fact that he’d been holding her bracelet the whole time because he wanted to return it to her personally. It was like Lorna just fell off the face of the earth, and after he talked to her dad, he still couldn’t find hide nor hair of her. Her house still wasn’t lived in, and her shop was still closed down. Maybe the father was telling the truth about the wedding too.

  Aidan - Did you finalized the plans for your wedding?

  Lorna - What wedding? Don’t think I don’t know how this whole change the subject thing goes. That is my number one tactic. Try again dick face.

  Aidan – I’m going to call you. Pick up.

  Lorna – You’d better not call me. I’ll ask the questions. You just want to get me all wound up but that magic cock you’ve been spreading all over town won’t work for me.

  Aidan wondered what she’d heard about him and he also wondered what made her text him today.

  Aidan – I understand that you’re upset, but you didn’t hear me out about Lucca. I didn’t kill him.

  Aidan sat there like a junkie watching his phone and waiting for the next text, but it never came. Hours passed, and he held on to the phone like he was an idiot. What if something were wrong with her, and he didn’t check. He wasn’t going to call because she asked him not to, but it was hard just sitting here. Placing the phone back down, he tried to get comfortable on the bed.

  “Fuck that,” he said to the empty room. If he wanted to see what was going on he was going to have to return to her town. Maverick was setting up shop so they could do business in the urban area where Lorna lived. Apparently it had a lot of untapped resources that the guys had found while doing intel for the job he didn’t quite finish. He picked up his other cell, the one he used regularly, and called Maverick.

  Of course, the man didn’t say anything when he called as was the way of the Devil’s Stepbrothers, you let the caller make the first move.

  “Mav?” Aidan said with impatience. The man was going to make him go off and then he’d look like the lunatic he felt like. There was a reason he tried to keep himself calm, cool, and collected. When you were out of control, you didn’t think well, and you sounded irrational. That wasn’t what he wanted. Taking a deep breath, he tried to settle himself before he sounded crazy.r />
  “Dude, what the fuck are you calling me so early in the morning for? It’s…” There was a short pause while Maverick checked the time. “4 o’clock in the morning.”

  “Yeah, I know, sorry about that. Look I want to be part of the new group going to Leesville.” Aidan knew that it really wasn’t a good time to ask this since part of the calm, cool, and collected is acting rationally. Calling at this time in the morning with a question that could have waited until morning wasn’t a good way to come across.

  “You woke me up at this time of night to tell me some shit like this? Why couldn’t this wait until the morning?” Maverick grumped.

  “It is morning.” Aidan knew he was being a smart ass, but it was the first time in the last few weeks that he’d even felt like making a joke, so he was damn well going to make one.

  “That’s where the princess lives… that’s why you want to go there, right?” Mav was waking up, and Aidan could tell that he was going to be dishing up his own kind of justice since he’d been disturbed.

  “Don’t call her that… and yes she lives there.”

  “I don’t know if I want you going with us. Her father Antonio is a hard ass, and we’re going to be in his spot. I know he doesn’t know us well, but with you with us, we may not even get a running start.”

  “If you don’t want me to come with you I understand that, but I will be going. I don’t have a problem leaving the crew and going out there solo.” Aidan didn’t want to give ultimatums, but this was a fact. He didn’t want Mav to think he was just going to leave him behind without telling him that he would still be there, but just not under The Devil’s Stepbrother’s jurisdiction.

  “Sounds serious. Let me get back to you.” The phone hung up, and Aidan wondered if he would even remember this conversation when he woke up at his regular time.

  Aidan was just sitting there, waiting. It had been a few hours, and he decided to take a shower. That would pass some time and maybe chill him out.

  He’d thought about turning the water to cold, but decided there was no need to add more misery to the piles that he’d been accumulating for what seemed like forever.

  The warm water hit him and felt like tiny fingers all over his body. He didn’t know if it was the text that he’d gotten from Lorna or what, but his cock was harder than it had been in a while. What started off as him wanting to relax had moved on to something else.

  After squeezing some liquid soap into his hand he grabbed his cock and pumped quickly. He wasn’t one for masturbation as he liked to get pleasure from a pussy, mouth, or someone else’s hand, but he’d not been in the mood to get anything from anyone else. It wasn’t like the ladies hadn’t tried, but he just wasn’t interested. His cock was interested now, and fuck did it feel like heaven.

  He dipped to tug on his nuts a few times just to remind himself of Lorna and how she liked that little detour every once in a while. All he could hear was the water from the shower, but his imagination could conjure up Lorna’s sweet husky voice from memory. That she loved to suck his cock made how she worked him even better. She hummed and moaned so much when she took him between his lips like he was her very favorite flavor and damn if that didn’t make him come even harder.

  He liked to work his cock right under the head a few times between stroking his entire length it held him off a bit and got his anticipation higher. Putting his head back against the wall of the shower he polished his knob until there was a froth of bubbles that he’d created with this friction. It had started with him using his hand to stroke his cock, but now it was more like him fucking his hand. His head was back, and it felt like every muscle in his body was bowed with tension. He wanted it to last almost as he wanted to explode all over his shower wall. Looking down at the frothy bubbles almost gave him a moment’s reprieve, but it was short lived. He was on a very short leash.

  The slick bubbles had nothing on Lorna, but for the moment it was pretty good. His balls had drawn up so tight it was almost painful, but the release almost hit the opposite wall under the showerhead. “Lorna!” He yelled and his voice ricocheted against the walls filling his ears with her name as his balls emptied into the air. This orgasm didn’t feel like it was ever going to end, and by the time it did, he was feeling like he should have eaten more than he’d had that day. That woman made him crazy.

  After such a powerful release, he decided that he should have taken a cool shower, but the wash up portion of the shower wasn’t going to take long anyway. Now that he was at least partially satiated, he was back to wondering if Lorna was going to respond to his last text or if he was going to have to find out where her father lived and risk losing his life.

  Walking back to the bed, he picked up the phone to see if he had missed any text messages since he’d been in the shower, but he saw the blank screen telling him it was almost the time he normally got up. It was late enough or early enough to actually be sleepy, and with the edge taken off, he hoped that he’d be able to get a bit of sleep before going in to help count the money that had been made overnight with The Devil’s Stepbrother’s other entrepreneurial ventures.

  Climbing into bed, he could feel that something was brewing in his life. It had always happened when there was going to be a big change. He just hoped the change would be a good one.


  Lorna woke up slowly to the intense pain in her head. She looked around the room that was disheveled and found her mother looking at her from the couch she had insisted be brought from her house. It was a small request, but since she felt so bad and sorry about what she’d inadvertently caused, she didn’t want to ask for too much.

  “You don’t eat… you don’t talk… I’m worried about you.”

  Lorna looked at her mother and knew that the woman probably only wanted the best for her, but this was one of the things she missed about being on her own. There was no one that came into her room and stared at her. Usually she really wouldn’t care, but right now it felt like a train was going through her head.

  “I’ve brought you a little something,” her mother said as she pointed to the night stand.

  The water and what looked like aspirin may go quite a way with the headache and pain for betrayal. It was enough that she was able to sit on the side of the bed and take the medication, but she knew that her mother was going to be ready to talk about whatever she had on her mind, and she wasn’t in the mood for that right now.

  “Mom?” Lorna said after she waited for her mother to either say something or get up and walk out. They all knew she was the mother of the year, and she was as patient as the statue in the backyard, but she was just not ready.

  “Yes, princess,” her mother said gently like she thought a confession or a long monologue was going to come out of her daughter’s mouth.

  “I’m not really ready to talk yet, but when I am you’ll be the first to know.” Lorna wondered how long she was going to have to lay here and not say anything.

  Lorna heard the sigh and knew that her mother was going to give her a break. Her mother was nothing if not consistent. She always thought that is how the rest of the family got by with her father’s sporadic behavior and limited interactions. Her gentle and quiet mother was always here and ready to try and pick up the pieces.

  “I guess that has to be good enough. You’re just like your father. If you aren’t ready for something, then it’s just not going to happen. You two are so much alike I don’t think you even realize it. Don’t scrunch up your face… it’s true.” Her mother walked to the door but stood there and waited for her to look up at her before she walked into the hallway and closed the door.

  Hmmp… passive aggressive much?

  She had a lot to drink last night and into this morning, but that didn’t make what she saw on the DVD her brother had given her any less guilt producing. Her father had told her he knew for a fact that Aidan had shot Lucca himself even though Aidan himself had told her that he didn’t. She’d been mocked and ridiculed for believ
ing a common criminal over her flesh and blood, but the truth had somehow been taped, and she had witnessed with her own eyes that her lover had been telling the truth and her father had lied. She felt like she was in some alternate universe. Her father had always preached that you had to tell the truth to those you loved, and she’d always believed what he’d told her because of that, but either something was wrong with the system or he didn’t love her anymore.

  Taking a big breath, she picked up her phone and called the number she’d only texted up until now. This shouldn’t be this hard. They’d spent time together, and she’d wanted to stay with him in that little cabin forever, but that was before she lost her cousin and her whole world turned to shit.

  “Hello,” Aidan answered like he’d been sleeping. His deep sexy voice always made her feel so many things, aroused, safe, and happy, but in the last month she’d been trying to reprogram herself away from him. It hadn’t been working, but she’d been making a very strong effort. Now that she had him on the phone, she was really nervous, and there were so many things she wanted to get out but she was at a loss of what to say… how to start this conversation that really needed to be had.


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