Book Read Free

Just a Little Junk

Page 6

by Stylo Fantome

  “I promise, I will invite you next time.”

  “Are they always like this?”

  “No,” he shook his head, then he took a long chug from his water bottle.

  “Why is this one different?” she asked.

  “Because we’re high as fuck,” he replied, and she burst out laughing again.

  “High on life! High on love! I love this place. I love these people,” she told him, gesturing to the dancing crowd in front of them. “And I love you, Archer. I really do.”

  “You’re fucking beautiful, Jojo,” he laughed.

  She wanted to tell him that he was beautiful. That she had thought he was beautiful ten years ago, and now he’d graduated into full blown Greek god status. That she wanted to memorize his heart beat and become an actual adult for him and be the reason he got up in the morning. She would try, goddammit, she would try her hardest. Because he deserved so many great things.

  Before she could say any of that, though, someone else crash landed on the couch. Her dancing friend from earlier, the man who’d given her the glow stick jewelry. She shrieked as Archer’s water bottle flew through the air, soaking her shirt in an instant. Then she laughed as dancing guy started doing a back stroke on top of them.

  “C’mon, up up up,” Archer said as he jumped off the sofa. She managed to wiggle out from under the couch crasher and she knelt on the arm rest.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “For a ride, hop on.”

  She chuckled as he turned his back to her and she climbed onto the piggyback he was offering. After he had his arms locked around her thighs, he galloped off, skirting the crowd.

  “I feel like we’re forgetting something,” she yelled.

  “What did you say?” he asked.

  “I think we’re forgetting something!”

  “I can’t hear you, it’s too loud!”


  She burst out laughing, which turned into screams when he spun them in a tight circle. The glowing lights kaleidoscoped in front of her eyes, making starbursts and patterns in her brain.

  “Seriously, what?” Archer yelled when he stopped spinning. She hugged him tightly and leaned close to his ear.

  “It’s too loud! My brain can only hear music!” she told him.

  “Ah! Hold on!”

  They wound their way through the crowd. She was given several more glowing necklaces, and Archer received a kiss on the cheek from a girl wearing green lipstick, before they reached the other side of the room. He skipped down a long hallway, causing Jo to lurch up and down on his back. She was apoplectic with laughter when they came upon an open doorway, and he turned inside it. They could still hear the music, but the distance and multiple walls cut the sound in half, easily.

  “My heart,” she gasped when Archer finally let her down. “I don’t think it knows how to beat without the music.”

  He leaned down and pressed his ear to the top of her chest.

  “Still beating. Sounds fine. What were you saying?” he asked, standing upright again.

  “I think … I forgot what I was saying,” she said, glancing around the room. There was a desk on one side, and across from it was a mattress with what looked like a drop cloth on it. Graffiti covered all the walls, making her feel like she was actually inside a painting.

  “Maybe if you think about what you forgot, you’ll remember what you were forgetting,” he suggested.

  “You’re so smart, Archer. I just -”

  She was going to launch into her love and beauty speech, but they were interrupted once again. A group of five or six girls in matching fur bikinis burst into the room, all giggling and laughing.

  “Can we chill in here with you?” several of them yelled.

  “No, no, no, no chill in here, sorry,” Archer explained, ushering them back out the door.

  “The opposite of chill,” Jo agreed, hurrying to the other side and grabbing the door knob. “You should try the other hall. Ask for the guy with the top hat.”

  “Top hat?” one of the girls asked.

  “Yeah. He’s the ring leader. Have fun!”

  Before they could ask anymore questions, Arched backed out of the way and Jo swung the door shut. It slammed closed, and both of them braced themselves against it, as if to hold fast against a marauding group of raving fur babies. The girls didn’t try to break in, though, and they listened as the group cackled and giggled their way further down the hall.

  “How come you don’t ever wear a fur bikini?” Archer asked, turning to face her.

  “Oh, I do. All the time. You’re just never around,” she laughed. His eyes wandered down to her chest and she followed his gaze. She hadn’t realized it, but her white tank top had been rendered almost completely sheer from the water he’d doused her in. Her black bra was completely visible.

  “That is so unfair, Jojo. If I owned fur underwear, I’d wear it in front of you,” he offered, and she laughed harder.

  “Please, god, don’t ever, ever do that,” she begged.

  “You would love it.”

  He started laughing as well and they stood still for a moment, looking at each other and laughing. Smiling. Being in the moment and loving every single atom that was in the air. Happiness. That’s what she was feeling. Pure, unfiltered, raw happiness. That’s what Archer made her feel, every time she was with him.

  “You make me happy, Archer,” she told him, smiling big.

  He stared at her for a moment longer, and she could feel her heart beating in between her ears. Would swear she could actually see his pulse beating in his pupils. She licked her lips and held her breath and waited for time to start moving again.

  It was like he fell into her. The same sensation as standing under a waterfall, he just crashed over her. His lips touched hers and all other feelings were erased. He was the oxygen in the room, the blood in her veins, the beat in her heart.

  He also literally fell on her, all of his weight slamming against her and pressing her into the door. She moaned into his mouth, working her tongue against his as she ran her hands under the back of his shirt. His hands were on her head, his fingers pressing hard into her skull.

  “God,” he groaned as she kissed her way across the side of his face. “Did you always taste this good?”


  “It’s like … jesus, it’s like skittles and sunshine.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And your skin. I can feel what you’re feeling,” he gasped, dragging his fingertips down her neck. When his right hand reached her tank top, he shoved at the material, pushing the strap over her shoulder.



  “Shut up,” she growled, and she bit down on his bottom lip.

  It seemed to wake him up. His hands moved to her ass and he squeezed hard, lifting at the same time. She wrapped her legs around his waist and giggled as he carried her across the room. Jo was skinny and lanky, but tall – around five foot nine – and had lots of tits and ass. She knew she was cumbersome, but he carried her like she was a feather.

  As they shuffled across the room, she managed to pull off her wet tank top. His face immediately went to her chest, his tongue working its way across her right breast. They rammed into the old desk, and though it creaked and moaned like it wanted to collapse, it didn’t. It held her weight as he sat her on it and went about taking off his own shirt.

  “Oh my god, this is amazing,” she sighed, trailing her fingertips over his abs. She marveled at his body. At a work of art honed by years worked in hard labor. “I want to worship you.”

  “You have no idea how often I’ve thought about this,” he breathed, cupping her breasts and kissing the top of each one.

  “My breasts?” she asked as she worked to take off his belt.


  “How often?”

  “In the shower,” he groaned, sliding both his hands up her chest. “In the mornings. Any time I’m with you. During

  “Jesus, Archer. Why didn’t you ever say anything? My breasts think about you all the time.”

  “Because,” he whispered, his hands coming to rest around the bottom of her neck. “You’re too perfect. I couldn’t ruin you.”

  Any other time, and she would’ve been blown away by that statement. She felt like a failure about ninety percent of the time – how could he think she was perfect? How could they have gone so long without telling each other how they felt? Why hadn’t they been doing this years ago?

  But right that moment, she had finally ripped his belt free from his pants and was millimeters away from the one part of him she hadn’t ever been properly introduced to – she was not going to spoil the moment with a silly thing like her heart.

  He hissed through his teeth when she shoved her hand down his pants. When she wrapped her fingers around the base of his dick, his own hands squeezed tight around her throat for a moment.

  “Holy shit, Archer,” she gasped, looking down between them. “You have seriously been holding out on me.”



  “Now it’s your turn to shut up.”

  All the sweetness and cute words were gone. His tongue was back in her mouth, moving in time with the hand she had on his cock. He let go of her neck, pulling off her glow stick jewelry as he moved. The lights scattered across the room, creating pools of neon green and electric blue around them.

  “Wait, wait, wait,” she panted, pulling back from him. He didn’t stop, though, just continued licking and biting along the side of her neck.

  “I’m warning you, if you stop,” he growled, “I will literally die.”

  “We have to move,” she insisted. She really didn’t want to, but she pulled her hand away from him and put it against his chest, shoving him away.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he demanded as she hopped down from the desk.

  “Too slow,” she grunted, unbuttoning her pants. “I need to be naked with you.”

  He didn’t need anymore encouragement. She was surprised as he abruptly spun her around, then gasped when he shoved her over. She was bent in half over the desk with one of his hands in the center of her back, forcing her flat. He kept her like that for a second, then moved both his hands to her waist. Her pants were pushed over her hips and shoved down her legs. She hopped up and down on each foot, toeing off her shoes so he could pull the material free from her.

  “You have the most incredible body,” he whispered, and she moaned as he kissed his way up the back of her thigh.

  “Oh my god,” she sighed, letting her head drop forward. He wasn’t having it, though, and she felt him coil her ponytail into his fist and jerk back. She was forced to stand upright and he pressed himself up against her from behind.

  “I feel like everything is in fast forward,” he breathed, wrapping an arm around her waist and walking them backwards.

  “It is. Everything is spinning. Colors, everywhere,” she groaned.

  Her feet got caught in something and they tripped, falling hard onto the mattress. They rolled around, arms and legs everywhere, but finally he was on top of her, settling his weight between her thighs.

  “No going back from this, Jojo,” he warned her. She nodded her head and used her feet to work his pants down his legs.

  “I was already gone,” she explained while he wiggled his hands under her back, unhooking her bra.

  “You’ll be a part of me,” he said, kissing his way down her stomach while she tossed the lace and cotton across the room.

  “I’ve always been a part of you. You just never noticed.”

  “Always. You wear too much underwear,” he complained, biting at the top of her panties.

  “You didn’t wear any,” she pointed out, smoothing her feet up and down the backs of his thighs.

  “Good thing, too. I’m getting rid of this,” he said, moving onto his knees and pulling her underwear over her hips. Her legs were too long and awkward, though, he had trouble getting the material down them. Finally, he let out a shout and started yanking. She laughed as he finally jerked them free of her feet and then laid back down on top of her.

  “I cannot believe this is happening,” she groaned, rubbing her hands across his shoulder blades.

  “I can’t believe how good your body feels,” he replied, and it felt like his hands were everywhere. Pressing down on her breasts, smoothing over her stomach. He leaned away again, propping himself up on one arm. She tried to follow him, to put her elbows under herself, but he pressed her flat and bent his head down, kissing her deeply.

  “Archer,” she whispered when he let her go. “Please, I want -”

  She choked on the last word and she swore her eyes actually crossed as she felt him slide a finger inside her. No warning, no working up to it, just bam. Archer Calhoun and his body parts, making themselves at home inside of her.

  Awesome weekend.

  She moaned and writhed around underneath him, raking her nails down his chest. Crying out when he clamped his teeth around a nipple, groaning as he dragged his tongue along the length of her neck. All the while, his hand kept moving against her, another finger joining the first as it pumped in and out of her. She was panting and begging, her hands hooked onto his shoulders, when he started kissing the side of her face.

  “You are so amazing, Jojo,” he sighed, dragging his teeth against her jaw. “So fucking sweet.”

  “More,” she gasped, turning to look at him. “I want more. I want all of you.”

  She meant that in more ways than one. In all the ways it could possibly be meant. She wanted to be young and stupid with him forever, to just live in that moment and never leave that room.

  But then he was moving between her legs and her hand was back around his dick, guiding him home. They both shuddered and groaned when he made contact, and he lowered his head so he could watch as his cock disappeared inside of her.

  “Fuck, Jo,” he growled, dropping his forehead to her breastbone. “Goddamn. You feel … fucking perfect.”

  She wanted to respond, but she couldn’t even breathe, let alone find her words. She wasn’t some innocent virgin, but she also hadn’t slept with a lot of people, and not anyone in the last six months. Her body didn’t quite know how to respond to the suddenly almost-too-big presence that had been introduced. She squirmed around, trying to adjust to his size, trying to make room.

  Then he pulled his hips back and she was table to take a deep breath, but it ended in a cry as he slammed into her. They both moaned swear words and he did it again. And again and again, picking up speed with each thrust. Her body eventually got used to his size, but his intensity shocked her.

  “Oh my god, Archer,” she gasped, arching her back. He took the opportunity to trap a nipple between his lips and he sucked hard. “This is … you are … I can’t …”

  He’d actually fucked her vocabulary away. A couple more minutes, and she’d be reduced to only grunts and moans.

  “I love this,” he moved to whisper in her ear. One of his hands was in the hair on the back of her head, pulling tight enough to sting. “I love hearing you moan my name. Love seeing you naked under me. Panting, begging. Fuck, do it again.”

  “I don’t know -” she started, then groaned when he yanked hard on her hair, forcing her head back.

  “Beg me.”

  He bit down on the side of her neck, where it met her shoulder, making her cry out again. Her whole body felt like it was burning up. Like all the glowing colors in the room were racing into her veins and setting her on fire. An explosion was imminent, she could tell.

  “Please, Archer,” she begged, clawing her nails down his back and making him hiss again. “Harder. Faster. Everything. Do this again. Always.”

  She was speaking gibberish, but he still managed to comply, slamming into her even harder. He forced the air from her lungs with each thrust, made her shriek every time he pulled back. He finally let go of her hair and move
d his hand to her thigh, scratching and squeezing before tugging at her leg. He pulled and pushed until it was flush with her chest, the back of her thigh resting against his shoulder.

  It allowed his dick to reach places inside her even she hadn’t known existed. Her eyes rolled so far back in her head, she swore she could look into the past, present, and future.

  “Fuck, babe, I’m gonna come,” he warned her, his hand sliding down her leg and smacking her on the ass.

  “God, yes. Me, too. Me, too,” she assured him.

  “Jesus, the lights. Everywhere, and the music. Can you feel it?” he moaned.

  “I feel it. I feel all of it.”

  “Come with me, please,” he begged. “Do it, Jojo. Come for me.”

  “Archer …” she cried his name. “I’m … god, please, yes … I’m … I’m …”

  “Fuck, I can feel it. Do it, do it, do it,” he chanted.

  “Oh my god, Archer. Oh my god.”

  She screamed as the orgasm ripped through her body. The room exploded in light, then strobed all around her. Pulsed in time to her orgasm, intensifying it. She sobbed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding on as he dove into her once, twice, a third time hard enough to shove their bodies up the mattress, then he growled. She shuddered and struggled to breathe, locked in the orgasm, coming even as he came inside her, both of them spurning each other on.

  “I’m gonna die,” he whispered, all of his muscles locking up, his fingers digging into her leg. “I’m dead, I’m dead, I died.”

  “Me, too,” she panted, her arms dropping heavily to the mattress.

  “Did you see that? The strobe light?” he asked before collapsing on top of her.

  “Yeah,” she breathed. “Yeah, I saw it.”

  “You did that,” he told her, kissing along the edge of her ear. “All you. You’re light and air and magic.”

  “I am?” she asked, staring at the ceiling. Waves of color were radiating out from a broken light fixture.

  “You’re everything,” he said.

  “I never knew,” she replied. He chuckled, and then she felt his teeth on her earlobe.


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