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A Very Alpha Christmas

Page 76

by Anthology

He snorted and blew his lips. “Pshaw! Little thing like you?”

  “I can tell I make you nervous,” she said, grinning impishly.

  “I’m starving. That’s all. Jax’s house is just up there.”

  “If you say so. I think it’s cute.”

  Adolpho frowned. “Men like me aren’t cute. Babes are cute.” He stopped. “Look at this mug and tell me with a straight face.” They’d left most of the noise and crowds behind. His stomach grumbled, and he clutched it with his free hand to stifle the noise. The snow and wind had died down, leaving a stillness in the air that accentuated every sound. Watching her try to keep a straight face in the quiet, he could almost forget anyone else existed in that moment.

  Smiling, she bent and scooped up a handful of snow. Instinctively, he stepped backward and dodged her incoming snowball.

  “You’re faster than you look!” she said, making another ball. “But still a big target!”

  He spun and gathered his own giant snowball. As he stood, she hit the bare skin on the back of his head. Ice melted and trickled down his neck. He growled and whirled, swiping the wetness and launching an attack. Star hopped out of the way, laughing maniacally as she sidestepped his enormous snowball. She scooped snow and threw handfuls as he laughed and lunged, catching her in a hold that took them into the soft blanket of snow. Ice crystals burst around them with their mingled laughter.

  She was looking up at him, twinkling eyes and lips so lusciously full he couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away. “You ought not to hit a man while his back is turned.”

  “They say all is fair in love and war. This was war.”

  “We see who came out on top,” he said with a quiet, sensual growl that she recognized if her shiver was any indication. Of course, it could be the snow.

  “Aye, you did. You’re heavy,” she muttered, wriggling beneath him and breathing fast and shallow. Did she fail to realize her groin connected with his and her movements invited that beast betwixt his legs to come to attention?

  He closed his eyes briefly, stifling a moan as he regained his composure. “I can’t see how. My belly’s empty and famished. Been starving for sustenance all day,” he said, dropping his head closer. “Been starving for more than food, if you want ta know the truth. And I think you owe me for that shot to my noggin. My head is still cold.”

  “You should have worn a hat if the cold bothered you.” Star subdued her struggles, but her breasts brushed against his chest with her rough breathing. Layers of cloth between them and he swore he could feel her nipples digging into his chest.

  “Should I give it a kiss to make it better?” she asked coyly.

  “That’d be a good start,” he said in a gruff tone.

  “Perhaps some rubbing is in order too,” she whispered.

  “Aye. I could use a bit of that all over,” he said, shifting atop her with emphasis on his hips.

  She lowered her lashes, tilting her head back in the snow. “Petting. Heavily or I’ll have none of it.”

  He grinned hungrily. “That’s more the way of it. My wolf approves of a good stroking.”

  “Who said anything about your wolf? Pussies need petting too,” she said huskily.

  “I’m good with my hands. I can show you if you’ll let me.” He leaned on his elbow, giving her room to inhale deeply while he grazed her full, ripe bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.

  “You might convince me,” she said on a sharp inhalation.

  Her shuddering response to his touch and her unwillingness to break their locked gaze stirred his blood. His beast sensed his weakness, unfurling with sensual hunger as he imagined her short, lithe legs wrapped around his hips. He’d seen enough of her to titillate his imagination with the color of her nipples and what she’d do when he sank his rigid cock into that dark, honeyed hole.

  As if reading his mind, she bit his thumb—just hard enough to draw him out of his lascivious fantasies. She sucked the tip, and he groaned as vivid images of her sucking something lower rose to the forefront. She knew what she was doing to his fragile control.

  “What are you two doing in the snow?” Jaxon called from his front stoop, effectively dowsing Adolpho’s desire like a bucket of ice water.

  Adolpho jumped to his feet and helped Star up—who showed no signs of embarrassment or regret, only smiles and twinkling, crinkled eyes. Heat rose from his cheeks as he looked guiltily at his friend.

  The bastard hadn’t missed the show that much was certain. Jaxon smirked, rubbing his chin as he looked them both up and down. “I could leave you two to it, but Mali would be disappointed she’d fixed so much extra.”

  “I just forgot my age for a moment there,” Adolpho said, annoyed and grumbling under his breath. Rutting fool. Little taste of something sweet and he forgot all his senses.

  “Women have a way of doing that to us,” Jaxon said, grinning like a jackass. His big chin and white teeth silently urged Adolpho’s fist to clench with the urge to knock the grin down his throat. At least then he could cover himself and save face.

  Hell, why should it bother him anyway? He shouldn’t be ashamed of wanting a woman. They were both grown, but he couldn’t escape the sensation he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t.

  Mali stood inside, setting forks on the temporary table constructed of split timbers over rough-hewn logs nailed together in large Xs for support. Matching benches on each side held her parents, Barnardo and Abba, and a pair of young women with their hair braided and twisted behind their heads and simple, cotton dresses that showed off their caramel, youthful complexion.

  Mali greeted them with a warm smile and hugs. “Who is this?” she asked.

  The smaller gathering was more acceptable to Star—she disliked the larger crowds in the town. Here, with people who looked much like her, she felt more at ease. Her throat didn’t close up on her from nerves. “I’m Star,” she said softly.

  “Mali. These are my parents, Barnardo and Abba, and my cousins, Corinne and Talia. They’ve never been to town for the holidays.”

  “You can sit here.” Barnardo patted the seat beside him while Adolpho was forced between the two pretty young cousins. He immediately looked uncomfortable with his arms tight at his sides to avoid accidentally touching the women.

  “Your first?” Star asked Mali, looking at her full, round belly.

  Jaxon came up behind her in a hug, rubbing the sides of her stomach. “The first of many,” he said, winking. Mali smacked his knuckles playfully and moved to pass out trenchers.

  “Let’s get the first one born before we go talkin’ about having more,” Mali said.

  Jaxon released her. “I can’t help I want pack of young’uns with your pretty curls. Three boys and three girls. Twins would do in a pinch. I’m an old man. I have to move fast if I want to have my own pack before I die.”

  Mali blew a raspberry at Jax.

  “You’ve got your work cut out for you, gel,” Adolpho said with a laugh. “We old men have a lot to prove.”

  “You don’t look so old to me.” Corinne batted her lashes and smiled at Adolpho.

  Adolpho laughed uncomfortably, and the feelings of like grew in her.

  It was obvious to Star that the girl liked the big man’s looks, but he seemed oblivious and more interested in her. This had to be why he was still unmated—he simply didn’t notice women’s attention, or it didn’t occur to him that they wanted him. He seemed confident enough, so what was it? Did he truly dislike playing their little games? Star’s repertoire with flirtation was sadly lacking. She found herself overwhelmed by the intimate gathering almost as much as being in the larger crowds. Here most everyone knew each other, and she was the stranger amongst them. She couldn’t participate in their shared stories. She wasn’t even their clan. Star didn’t realize how much she could feel out of place until now.

  Loud giggles accompanied Adolpho’s jokes, and it began to grate on Star’s nerves. She knew she had no reason to feel jealousy, and yet she did. That alo
ne was enough to make her want to leave town as soon as she could—maybe on the morrow. Getting attached wasn’t part of her plan. Adolpho’s grin and the looks he gave her made her insides wiggle and flutter—that couldn’t be normal. Perhaps the food in her trencher was to blame—anything but herself.

  “You’re quiet,” Barnardo said.

  Star glanced away from Adolpho sandwiched between the cousins. Barnardo had a kind, dark face, with salt and pepper hair and the weathered crinkles and lines that bespoke of someone who’d spent their life outside doing hard work. His plump wife, Abba, looked much like her daughter, Mali, but she kept her hair cut short like Star’s—shorter. They were low maintenance people, with simple dress—country folk. Her kind of people. Adolpho could be her kind of people too.

  “I’m just hungry,” she finally said, plopping a gravy-sodden chunk of bread into her mouth to chew instead of adding to the conversation.

  Barnardo leaned closer. “We tend to keep to ourselves too. Not everyone likes the crowds and city life.”

  “Mmm,” she said, grunting and nodding and trying to ignore the cousins playing with their hair and practicing coy with Adolpho.

  “Can you cut this meat for me? Pretty please?” Corinne said, holding up a knife backwards as if she’d never cut anything in her life.

  “Mine too!” Talia echoed.

  He turned red, glancing at Star as if silently begging for forgiveness or some way out of there.

  Star had had enough. She stood suddenly. “I’m so sorry, but I’ve had a long day and I need to get my room at the inn before they fill up. I had a lovely time, everyone. The food was delicious.”

  Mali frowned. “We hate to see you go so soon. Won’t you stay for tea?”

  “It’s just so late. I don’t want to miss getting a room if there’s one to be had. Mauve said she’d hold one, but...” Star shrugged apologetically and Jaxon saw her to the door. Adolpho extricated himself from the cousins and caught her as she headed out. “I’ll see you back.” He closed the door and breathed in relief.

  “I don’t need help walking back. I’m perfectly capable,” she said.

  “I’m glad for the chance to leave. Those two were smothering me.”

  She pursed her lips. “You seemed to be enjoying the attention. Most men would.”

  He frowned. “I’m not most men.” He clamped his mouth shut, as if he considered the stupidity of denying the enjoyment of their attention. “I mean…that is—wait. I think I detect jealousy.” His chest puffed up and his shoulders turned back as he strutted beside her.

  Star rolled her eyes and quickened her step. With the sun set and lacking her lynx fur, she was cold and ready to turn in for the night. “I’ve never been jealous of anyone.”

  Grinning, he refused to allow her to outrun him. “Don’t make me chase you to get the truth. Don’t you know we wolves enjoy rounding little cats up the trees?”

  One look at his slow, erotic smile sent a shot of heat through her center. He looked perfectly capable of eating her alive, and she realized a wholly new craving for him to do so. She could never be just friends with Adolpho, she realized. Star laughed. “I don’t think you could get as high as me. And I’m telling the truth.” Even so, she increased her pace to nearly a run and pulled ahead of him. There was an inherent sexual tone in his voice that made little shivers trickle down her spine and made her feet take flight.

  “Run, Star. Show me how fast you can go.” He growled, spurring her alarm into a full-blown run. She couldn’t help the frightened yelps and giggles escaping her as she ducked around the trees and crashed through the snow. Drifts slowed her pace, and his long legs ate the distance, allowing him to grasp her shoulder. Despite his size, he was agile.

  Her heart thumped around in her chest. Holy hell he could move fast. She’d underestimated him. She ducked around his hand grasping for her shoulder, switching directions and using the trees as cover to slow him down.

  Exhilaration and desire warred within his gut. Adolpho dragged in a chilled breath, inhaling the scent of her body’s response to him, even with the distance. His beast had never been so close to the surface, so hungry to taste a woman. He enjoyed the primal response and refused to question his instincts any longer. He wanted her. She wanted him. That was enough for now.

  She leapt over a fallen log, catching her cloak on a broken branch, pausing just long enough to tear loose. He lengthened his stride and charged, jumping after her. He caught her around the waist and twisted, taking her to the ground and rolling on top of her with a fluid motion that made her eyes widen and her breath catch in her throat. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, and her eyes glittered with lust.

  “You’re too quick. Why am I not surprised you’ve hidden talents?” she said breathlessly, arching against him as he settled on top of her. She was so hot after her run, she couldn’t feel the cold seeping through her cloak and dress but she could see the puffs in the night like smoke.

  “I think you like catching me,” she said.

  “Aye. I’ll keep finding reasons to fall atop you too. May as well give in, gel,” he said in a gruff voice.

  “I should, hmm? I seem to remember you saying you’d eat me if I got caught.”

  He laughed. “I did not. You’re only spelling out your fantasies to me now. I’m happy to oblige, however. I didn’t come close to satisfying my hunger at Jaxon’s.”

  His hard breathing stilled as he closed the distance separating their mouths in a smoldering kiss. The strength seeped from her body like a sieve. She only thought herself hot before. With him kissing her, her skin felt close to ignition. Heat melded their mouths together. He snaked a hand in her short hair, angling her head for better penetration with his sandpapery, rough tongue. She raked her teeth across his tongue, and he growled into her mouth, thrusting his erection against her mound. Large and thick, she couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel inside her. Gods help her, she wanted him and didn’t want to deny it any longer. Nature and fate had brought them together for a reason—who was she to question her powerful response?

  She whimpered and he tore free, nibbling her chin and lips, her throat. Everywhere he kissed felt branded. “I need you,” he whispered hotly into her ear, then bit the lobe, sucking it lightly before releasing it to cool in the air. “I know you need me. You let me catch you.”

  Star shivered. He ground against her, weakening her resolve. He lifted his head, staring down at her. The mating heat was strong, stronger than willpower and sense. How much was her body fighting to mate and how much was it true attraction? Would it be so wrong to give in just this once?

  As if the mere thought of mating heat had summoned him, Taj appear behind Adolpho. Desire wilted to fear. Star screamed.


  Star’s scream rumbled through Adolpho’s ears, punching through the fog of desire holding him enthralled. He winced and raised his head, sluggish with lust, but when the talons pierced the cloak and shirt into the meaty flesh of his shoulder, his reaction was instant and merciless.

  Using his weight and bulky muscles to his advantage, he pushed off his beefy forearms and rolled, pinning his attacker beneath his back and slamming the man into the ground with the full weight of his body. Air whooshed from the other man in a stunned grunt. The juicy pop of a dislocated shoulder reverberated through Adolpho’s heightened perception, and he grimaced with primitive satisfaction. Lifting his elbow, he slammed the hard point backward full force into his head, gratified to feel the jaw knock askew from the blow.

  His blood pumped furiously, fueling his movements rapidly and without pause.

  Jumping to his feet, the claws popped free of his back, and he whirled to face the coward who’d jumped him from behind. The long, lean blond slowly stood, holding his dislocated arm with grim determination etched onto his handsome face. His full, golden locks hung in his eyes and matted against the side of his head where Adolpho had crushed him into the snow.

  “Who the hell are you jumping on me like
that?” he asked the stranger, but sniffing the air, he knew it had to be the man who Star had escaped. His sharp senses recognized the cat pheromones.

  “Taj—Star’s mate. She’s mine,” he hissed through gritted teeth and curled lips. Saliva frothed on his mouth, making him look rabid. “I’ve been patient until her mating heat came, but I’ll not see some bloated dog rutting what is rightly mine to take,” Taj said, leaning forward as he popped his shoulder back into place. He hissed and rolled his shoulders back, cracking his neck on both sides.

  Even had the bastard not attacked him, Taj wasn’t someone Adolpho would have liked. The coward needed to be ground into the dirt and smeared until that handsome face ceased sneering.

  Taj’s words ignited Star’s fury. She seethed, held back by Adolpho’s hand on her bicep. She was strong as hell, threatening to break his hold. “I never gave you mating rights you sick bastard! You would have held me prisoner until I lost control!”

  “It’s nature! You don’t belong with the wolves or bears or anyone else. You belong with me!” Taj yelled.

  Their raised voices and commotion had caught the attention of the nearby dwellings. Members of the wolf clan began walking up to see what had happened, hanging back but close enough to give aid should it be required.

  Adolpho fought to contain his raw emotions. He wasn’t opposed to straight out killing a rival, but he didn’t want to unless he had to. Adolpho inhaled a calming breath through his flared nostrils, forcing the situation to slow down. “You heard her. She don’t want you.”

  “I don’t care what she says she wants. We cats belong to each other. We aren’t like you. We take as many mates as we want. When I’m done—”

  “You speaking from experience? You a she-cat now and know all about taking on mates?”

  “You’re twisting my words!” Taj growled in fury and lunged with his claws extended. The wolf clan surged forward—men grabbing the cat shifter’s arms before he could do any real damage to Adolpho or Star.

  “Let me go! He insulted my manhood,” Taj screamed, fighting to get loose from the grim-faced men who held him. He was lean and injured and in no way could he fight so many of the pack.


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