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BBW: The Biker Bad Boy: BBW Romance Erotica (Bad Boy MC Short Story)

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by Jolie Day

  That night in the bar the two sat with the others and everybody spoke. This was the first time he’d really learned anything about his mysterious passenger - Lucy.

  “Yeah, we met in college, didn’t we, Lucy?” Georgina announced, balancing on the lap of Marius now, although she’d been riding all day with Jakob. “Lucy’s going to be a vet and me? Well, I’m a jack-of-all-trades.” The confident redhead looked across the table suggestively at Jakob. “I’ll try anything.”

  “A vet, huh?” Tyler questioned Lucy as the conversation continued around them. “You’re into saving little kittens and budgies and all that?”

  “Are you disappointed?” Lucy laughed lightly. “I suppose you thought I just always hopped on the back of bikes, going from town to town?”

  “I’m not disappointed. I’ve slept with a lot of women who drift from town to town. They’re drifting ‘cause they don’t know what they want. But you, ‘Lucy-Lu’, I get the feeling you know what you want.”

  Lucy blushed. She noticed the way he’d made a point of saying he’d slept with a lot of women rather than saying he’d met a lot of women. She also blushed to hear him pick up on Georgina’s nickname for her and use it to tease her. She laughed lightly again and took a gulp of whiskey, trying not to wince at its sharp taste.

  “I do know what I want,” she agreed, “but a few surprises along the way never hurt anyone. So, Ty, have you always been a biker, out on the road?”

  Tyler nodded. “A lot of people spend their lives trying to get from point A to point B. They put pressure on themselves and get disappointed and frustrated, caught up in trying to get the biggest house and catch a good husband or wife. But me? I live for the journey between A and B. Hell, I’ve never had a destination in mind. I just see where the road takes me and life’s pretty good that way. My folks hate it, but you only live once.”

  She sighed wistfully to hear his words. “That sounds amazing,” she agreed. “Completely free.”

  “Good company, too,” Tyler said, nodding towards the others at the table. “You hear some incredible stories from people who live life on the road like we do. The places they’ve been, the things they’ve seen, the people they’ve met...Never a dull day.”

  The other bikers had no plan to leave the bar that night, but Lucy and Tyler had a desire burning so greatly between them that talking and drinking was not what they needed. They ran off together to the nearest B&B and rented a room. Lucy suspected that Tyler didn’t usually pay for rooms to sleep in each night, but she appreciated that he didn’t expect her to put out in a dingy bar bathroom.

  This place was different to the motel. It had old-fashioned floral wallpaper and bed sheets and a sickly pink carpet. Lucy laughed out loud at the expression on Tyler’s face when he saw what he’d purchased.

  “Not your usual style?” she teased.

  Then she approached him. Her confidence was increasing after two days on the road with him. Yes, he was the sexiest man she’d ever met, but she felt that he was more than that, too. He had stories to tell. He’d been places…and, above all, he was a thrill seeker too. It made Lucy wildly attracted to him and she felt safe in his company. This time she didn’t wait for him to undress her, but let him watch as she slowly, teasingly unzipped her leather jacket and threw it down. He responded by pulling off his own jacket. As soon as Lucy saw the sculpt of his strong shoulders and the top of a tattoo just creeping over from his back she felt her muscles clench with frenzied anticipation and she unzipped her trousers. They were so tight that she had to lie down on the bed and wait for Tyler to peel them off. He did so one leg at a time, reveling in the sight of her flesh slowly appearing from under the soft leather, his eyes tracing their way down from thigh to ankle. He ran a hand up the inside of one leg and let his fingertips brush gently over the material of her panties, but did no more. Teasing, always teasing.

  Lucy lifted herself up to pull Tyler’s top over his head, exposing his muscles once again. He pulled her up in one savage motion and pushed his warm tongue into her mouth. Her red lips parted and pressed against his stubble. She was drowning in his kiss. She already felt so full and satisfied just from her body close to his and his lips on her mouth that she knew sex was going to blow her mind completely.

  She reached into his trousers and a satisfied smile came to her lips when she found him ready for her.

  “Little wildcat...” Tyler breathed, but his voice was impressed and needing. He knelt over her and let her rub her hand slowly up and down the length of him. He rubbed his thumb against her through her panties and she arched her hips into his hand. She felt desperate to have him inside her again. Her whole body felt tense with desire; so ready to explode, already burning.

  “Touch me,” she begged him. “Don’t stop...”

  Her words spurred him on and Tyler pulled her panties off her body and stroked her again. She began to moan and didn’t care how loud she was being. She was in paradise. She sat up and pulled off her vest and bra as Tyler kicked off his trousers and boxers.

  Completely naked, his body was sensational. Lucy’s eyes traced the broad strength in his shoulders, the perfect six-pack of his stomach and the strong muscles above his pelvis leading down to his groin. She reached for him again, stroking up and down and making him groan in pleasure.


  He pulled her hands away from him so that he could enter her. Lucy moved her legs apart eagerly and when he thrust into her it was the most exquisite sensation and she began to moan immediately; not faking or exaggerating her pleasure, but simply voicing it. Tyler began to thrust back and forth. He was in control now. Fast and hard he kept up an incredible pace, filling her completely with his deep motions. Lucy ran her fingers through his messy dark hair and threw her own head back, gasping from pleasure as his body moved above her, back and forth. She thrust her hips back into him in return. Faster and harder still, Tyler pushed into her again and again until she was screaming out in the throes of an intense orgasm. He held her there, suspended in that moment for five or six more thrusts until he, too, let out a final moan and his body rested on top of hers, his lips kissing her neck once more.


  The next morning, Tyler didn’t try to act nonchalant, but turned onto his side and smiled at her lying there in bed. Her hair was spread out over the pillow behind her, her bare body was half-covered by the bed sheets and on her lips still remained the faint remnants of crimson lipstick. She smiled back at him. Tyler lifted himself on one elbow to look at her tenderly.

  “When do you go back to school?”


  He grinned at her answer. “Well, you know, we’re going to be travelling this route until the end of August and then who knows? I could maybe make a trip to your college, drop you off...”

  “Are you asking me to ride with you this summer?”

  “It’d be a shame to waste those leathers. You’d go home and hang them up in the back of your wardrobe. Where’s the sense in that when we both know how damn sexy you are in those things?”

  Lucy lay back against the pillow with a happy smile at the ceiling. She knew what Georgina would say. She’d laugh and smile and her spontaneous nature would say ‘Sure, let’s ride!’ Even if she didn’t want to come along, Lucy knew that Georgina would be alright on her own and hold no hard feelings if Lucy stayed with the bikers. Thrill seekers seek thrills. They understood each other that way.

  “Where’s next?”

  “Blue Ridge Parkway and then when we’re done with West Virginia, on to South Dakota. Beautiful scenery, good company, a fast ride. What d’you say?”

  “Yes!” Lucy laughed even as she said it and rolled over to plant a happy kiss on his mouth. “Let’s ride.”


  Book Sample

  Here is a sample from another story that you may enjoy:


  Jade Hamilton was no stranger to living a rough life. She was all about one adventure or another and was
often considered the tomboy of the group of friends she found herself in. She glanced around and smiled at the guys who had all taken her under their wing when her brother had died two years past. They were very much her family now, and pretty much all she had. When she was 10 both of her parents had been killed in an accident, leaving her and her brother Paul to fend for themselves, under her aunt’s thumb, in the inner-city streets. As soon as they could, they had moved on from there never to look back.

  Paul was a biker and a well-known badass. She was always his protected little sister, despite being just as covered in grease as he when they fixed his bike, or one of his friends’. After Paul’s death, Jade had learned to adapt and survive, but deep down she was still innocent to the world, sheltered as she was in the folds of the gang. She never much thought about the guys as…well, guys. To her they were her brothers, all except for Drake. She had been half in love with him for the last five years. He’d bought himself a mansion on the coast and lived there now, but would pop in and out and lately he was around all the time. She would do her best to get under his skin as often as she could, for no other reason than to get him to talk to her.


  Drake felt the blood rush to his head as he looked over at the woman. He shouldn’t feel the way he did about Jade. The rest of the guys looked at her as their kid sister, which is what he should think of her as, but there was no way that the bulge in the front of his pants was brotherly. No way. He wanted her, which is why he stayed as far away from her as he could. He was not the guy for her. There was so much about him that she didn’t know and no matter how much she crossed his mind, there was no way he would let anything happen to her. Drake came from the wrong side of the tracks and he knew no matter how filthy rich he was, nothing could change that. Her brother had been a good friend and when he had died a part of him died with him. He glanced over the group now gathered in the garage. They were as wild as they come and as reckless too. A group of misfits from the streets that the club had saved. They all had their own stories and reasons for being there. They were working off time. Time, they had decided, was better spent for the good of their friends and newfound family, than behind bars. What only a few knew was that all the founding members had some kind of military background. The sergeant had been given a job to find the best men he could find for the jobs they needed help in. They were undercover. Deep undercover, meaning that if caught doing the things they were doing, the government would turn and give them their backs. There was no back up except the 11 of them left. There was no calling to verify who they were. No one knew who they were. When their files had been taken to do their time with the sergeant, their identities had been wiped clean. Everyone from their past was now dead to them.

  Drake remembered the first day he came to the compound. At that time he didn’t ride a motorcycle and although he still had Baby (his 1967 fire red Camaro), he liked to feel Shirley between his legs more often than not. Shirley, of course, was his 2012 Harley Davidson XL 1200N Nightster. He loved to hear her purr as he brought her to life. He was one of the only men who had been recruited that didn’t already own a bike. Drake was from a broken home back in New Orleans. He remembered when the hurricane had hit. It had been 10 years since that awful day and he remembered standing where his house had been. The devastation that not only he but also everyone he had known had suffered could be seen all around the town. The worst wasn’t the hurricane, however. It was what happened afterwards. The corruption and vandalism of what was left. The theft of everything people could get a hold of and the anger. There were some in New Orleans that held such anger over what happened that they had turned against one another in hate and fury. It had been a time when people needed to come together and instead they had turned their backs on one another. Shaking his head, he redirected his attention to the problem at hand.

  Jade smiled his way across the bar and started to saunter over to them. She had a way of swinging her hips that would make any man drool. She was the only girl in their group and had just turned 23 and was always around. She thought the “outings” were fun and often rode along, clueless that it was all something bigger.

  “Hey guys. Didn’t think I’d see you here tonight.”

  “Yeah, but we’re done now. Besides, there’s another one coming up again. Needed a little break before then,” Lewis’ voice was deep and gruff. He had an accident overseas that damaged his vocal box and instead of the deep timber voice he had before, he now had a response to it, but Jade had said it was hot which made him smile.

  “Yep. I know. I’m on the next one apparently. I’m so excited,” she smiled and directed her attention to Drake. “You on the next one, too?”

  “Yeah, kid. I’m going on the next one, too. Good thing, too. Keep you all in line.”

  “Always the drill sergeant. You would think you were in charge. Don’t you ever just have fun, Drake? You know, let loos,e or is that the problem?”

  “You don’t know everything about me, kid. Leave it at that.”

  She leaned forward to emphasize her point. “I think you just need to have fun. I plan on doing just that tonight, maybe you should let go. You might even be a little happier if you did.” Leaning back up, she touched her fingers to her head and smiled at the rest of them. She gave him a blank stare before turning and sauntering away.

  “Hey? You there, man?” Lewis smiled a knowing smile at him.

  “What?” his voice was gruff.

  “I said you wanna play pool?”

  “Nah. I think I’m gonna head back.”

  “Suit yourself, but she’s probably right. Getting a piece before the mission just might be what we need.”

  He looked over to see where Lewis’ attention was drawn. A pretty little blonde smiled at Lewis shyly. With a grunt Drake slid off the barstool and plopped a ten-dollar bill on the table. “Thanks Roxy.” He waved at the woman behind the bar. She would have been his next choice if Jade hadn’t come along. Roxy was a knock-out and at one time had been part of their group. She was as smart as she was beautiful. Her long red curls went halfway down her back and she had almond-shaped green eyes. He had tried when he first got there, but it didn’t take long to see that she had eyes only for the sergeant. Something happened between the two and she left shortly after. Now she ran the bar down the street with her boyfriend John. Since then the sergeant had never stepped foot through the door again.

  He made his way outside and heard the noise instantly. He knew her voice from a mile away.

  “Look buddy, I said no. Now go on somewhere before you make me mad.”

  “Aw, come on, babe. You got all the right curves to fit mine. Let’s have a go at it. I can just imagine what you look like.”

  Drake turned the corner to see a guy standing there blocking Jade from her bike.

  “I’m warning you.” The guy grabbed her by the arm.

  “Look, lady. You been flauntin’ in front of me all night. Bout’ time you give it up. I’m tired of playin’ games.”

  “I suggest you take your hands off her,” Drake’s deep voice was loud as he spoke.

  The man turned and seemed to size Drake up, then realized there was no way he could beat him. “I ain’t got no quarrel with you, brother.”

  “Well, if you touch her then you do.”

  Jade’s eyes met his and he quickly looked away.

  “This your woman?”

  “No, kid sister.” He refused to see the hurt in Jade’s cauaed by his words, but it was there. Suddenly, he flipped around and had the man’s arm behind his back turning it.

  “Go back inside, buddy. The answer’s no.” He pushed him forward in the dirt and turned to walk away. The man stood and went to go after her until Drake walked toward him and then he scrambled back inside. Drake made his way quickly to her.

  “You ok?”

  When she wouldn’t answer, he grabbed her arm and spun her around to look at him. Her eyes were full of hurt as she looked at him. “Don’t worry, the kid sister is
fine. Go away, Drake. Go find yourself a woman or something but leave me the hell alone.”

  “Come here, Jade.”

  She gulped as she heard the finality in his voice.


  She felt her legs turn to jelly as she did as he asked her to. He looked down at her, his eyes steely flint.

  “Stop teasing these men, Jade, nothing good will come of it.”

  “What the hell? Who do you think I am? I’m not stupid, Drake, even if you don’t believe it.” She pulled away from him and she felt the grip on her elbow as he roughly pulled her towards him. She gritted her teeth, but felt the heat of his mouth on hers and immediately melted into his touch. He was all fire and felt right kissing her the way he was. All of her anger flew out the window. Finally, he saw her differently. Abruptly he let her go.

  “One day, Jade, some guy isn’t gonna stop like I did.”

  She felt the words like a stabbing pain. “So that was you teaching me a lesson I guess? Well, if you don’t want me, then fine. But I will be damned if I leave my home for anyone, including you. If I’m not good enough for you, then I’ll find someone else to bring home. Maybe the guy that was just out here.” She jerked from him to walk inside until he grabbed her arm again.

  “I never said you weren’t good enough. I never said I didn’t want you.”

  “Then prove it.”


  She stepped closer so that they were touching body to body and raised her hand to twine in his hair. “Prove it.”

  He quickly stepped back and turned to walk away. He needed to get away or he was going to take her right there on the dirt. She didn’t know how bad he wanted her at that moment and he knew that it was something that he could never give in to.

  “That’s what I thought, chicken. You say one thing but mean another.” She began walking back to her bike shaking her head until she was spun around. His lips dropped to hers to kiss her deeply once more. He pushed forward until she walked backwards and was finally against the wall of the building.


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