Sara's Choice

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Sara's Choice Page 14

by Patty Schramm

  Sara didn’t understand the fierce look in Grace’s eyes. It was scary. “What do you mean?”

  “Next time she might get physical. Not just a slap like last summer, but really physical. Yelling, pushing, shoving—she might hurt you. You need to file a police report, Sara. Let them know she’s harassing you.”

  “It’s my word against hers, Gracie. And I haven’t answered any calls, so how is she harassing me? I ignore her and move on. I blocked her number from texting me, but she calls from an unknown number to my office. I can’t block those types of calls. The one time I did pick it up, I realized it was her and slammed the phone down.”

  “It’s still harassment. Please, take it to the police. You have to make sure they know what she’s doing.”

  Sara felt at a crossroads right then. Her friend was right, but she also had to protect her job at the bank. “If she keeps it up, I will.”



  The commitment seemed to satisfy Grace. She finished her drink and got up. “I’ll stop pushing, for now. I need to get to work to finish some paperwork regarding my work visa.” She tossed some money on the table and gave Sara a heartfelt hug. “Call me if you need to talk, okay?”

  “I will,” Sara said, never happier that Grace had become such a good friend. “See you on Sunday.”


  February brought more snow and a new tradition for Sara. Sunday dinner with Liv and Grace was fast becoming a regular thing, and she normally looked forward to it. Until today. With Bren. She was all kinds of nervous and gripped Bren’s hand a little too tightly as they meandered from her place to Liv’s.

  “Um, Sara, are you worried I’m going to run away?” Bren asked.

  “No. Why?”

  “Because you’re holding my hand like you think I’m leaving you.”

  “Sorry.” She released Bren’s hand, but Bren took hers back right away. “I’m nervous is all.”

  “About what? It’s just dinner.”

  “You don’t know Liv. I mean, you’ve met her once, but you don’t know her like I do.”

  Bren stopped their progress and placed a gentle kiss on Sara’s lips. “I’m sure I can handle whatever she’s got planned. From the look on your face, I’m guessing I’m in for a question and answer session?”

  “More like the Spanish Inquisition.”

  Bren shrugged as they started walking again. “No worries. I got this.”

  “I hope so,” Sara muttered.

  They reached Liv’s house and stepped in after Sara knocked once. She figured if they walked in on Liv and Grace it would serve them right. But this time they were in opposite parts of the house, getting things ready.

  Her friends welcomed Bren, and it wasn’t long before they were seated at the table enjoying Grace’s lovely home cooking.

  Bren took a bite of the melt-in-your-mouth roast beef and sighed. “This is amazing. I wish my mom cooked like this.”

  “It’s nothing,” Grace said. “One good Instant Pot and you’re all set. Does everything for you.”

  “I disagree,” Bren said around another bite. “A good cook puts a lot of effort into the meal. Heart and soul kind of stuff. The Instant Pot is the tool, but you’re the one making the art.”

  Grace laughed softly. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say it quite that way before.”

  “Thanks. I have a way with words and a passion for food.” Bren was already going for seconds.

  Liv nudged Sara while Bren refilled her plate. “I think you two are good for each other. She eats almost as much as you do.”

  Sara kicked Liv under the table. “Asshat. She’s a growing woman with a decent appetite. Besides, she’ll need the energy for later.” Sara nearly spit her drink out at the shocked look on Liv’s face. “What? You know damn well I’m sleeping with her.”

  “I did—or do,” Liv stammered. “Just didn’t expect you to say so with her sitting next to you at the table is all.”

  Sara leaned over to Bren and said, “Liv is a bit prudish sometimes. Pay no attention to her.”

  Bren saluted her with her glass of tea. “Noted.”

  “Hey,” Liv said in her best put-out voice. “I’m not a prude.”

  “Yes you are,” Sara and Grace chorused the comment and did a fist bump across the table. Bren looked back and forth between them, a bemused smile on her face.

  Liv slumped slightly in her chair. “You people suck.”

  “I wasn’t going to—” Sara grinned when Bren covered her mouth to stop her smart comment coming out. She kissed Bren’s palm before pulling it away. “You asked for it.”

  “Did not.”

  “Did, too.”

  Grace sighed dramatically. “Bren, as you can see, when these two are together they revert to adolescence. Sometimes infancy.”

  “I think they’re cute.”

  “Sometimes,” Grace said. “Until you’ve seen it for the hundredth time. Then, not so much.”

  “I’m not cute?” Liv asked her, batting her eyelashes at Grace.

  “You know you are, honey.” Grace kissed her on the cheek. “Now behave. We do have a guest, you know.”

  “Yes, right.” Liv sat up straighter. “I hear you’re working at the elementary school. How’s it going?”

  Bren shrugged. “It’s okay. I think I’d rather be around the slightly older kids, maybe pre-teens. But it’s good experience if nothing else.”

  “You’re young enough that you have time to choose your career,” Grace said. “I went through a couple myself. It’s hard to settle on one thing, and I’m not sure you even have to.”

  “I do if I want to retire young enough to enjoy it,” Bren said. “That’s the idea anyway. My parents retired last year, and they’ve been traveling and loving every minute of it.”

  “Retired?” Sara asked. “They can’t be much into their fifties. How’d they manage that?”

  “You’re not the only one who’s good at math. They put every penny away possible since they were nineteen. That’s when they got married. Despite having me and paying for my education, they saved enough that they won’t have to worry about anything. And they’re gearing up for a big trip to Hawaii. My mom says it’s their second honeymoon.”

  “Make sure they talk to Dana Smith,” Sara said. “She’s amazing and the best travel agent in the city. Tell her I sent them. and she’ll give them a good deal.”

  “Cool. Is there anyone in the city you don’t know?”

  “No,” Liv replied for Sara. “She’s probably dated half of the women. Including Dana. Hell, I think Dana lasted a couple of months, right, Sara?”

  Sara felt the heat of the blush creep up her neck to her cheeks and tried to kick Liv, but her idiot friend dodged her. “Gracie, you sure you want to marry this one? She’s a pain in the ass, you know?”

  “I know, but she’s my pain in the ass.” Grace gave Liv a kiss and said to Bren, “She’s a big brat and horrible at making a good first impression. You’ll have to ignore her.”

  “It’s cool. I suck at first impressions, too.” Bren ran her hand through her blue hair. “People see the hair and think I’m just some punk who doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together. I’m still shocked I got the job at the school. I was sure they’d turn me down since I made it clear I’m not changing my appearance for anyone.”

  Liv raised her glass in salute to Bren. “Good for you. I’d hire you. I like that attitude.”

  “Oh? Hire me for what?”

  “Nope. Not happening,” Sara said. “Trust me, you don’t want to work for her. She’s mean.”

  “I’m not mean,” Liv said. “I’m a good boss, and I run a huge company. Have you heard of TNT?”

  “Of course. I’ve lived here my whole life. How could I not? Wait, you’re a Templeton?”

  “Yep. And I run the company. Okay, we’re not huge, but we’re pretty damn big. You need a
job, come to me. I’ll hook you up.”


  “Of course. Why not?”

  “I—okay. I’ll do that if the teaching thing goes bust. Thanks.”

  “Sure.” Liv got up and began the process of clearing the table. “Anyone want a beer?”

  Sara also got up and nudged Bren to do so as well. “No, thanks. I think I’d like to take off and give Bren a break from Livvy.”

  “I’m not that bad,” Liv protested even as she escorted them to the closet for their coats. “But I’m serious, Bren. Come to me if you need work.”

  “Thanks, Liv. I will. I had fun tonight. Thanks for inviting me.”

  Liv and Grace said their goodbyes, and Sara happily tugged Bren out of the house and toward home. “Congrats. You survived,” she said when they were outside.

  “It was fun. I like those two. Especially Grace. She’s super sweet.”

  “She is.”

  “Hey.” Bren stopped her and took Sara’s hands in hers. “Thanks for tonight.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “You brought me to meet your closest friends in the world. That’s huge.”

  “If you and I are going to be friends, it only makes sense you’d know Liv and Grace. They’re family to me.”

  Bren kissed her soundly. “Like I said. Thanks.”

  “Bren, I—”

  “Don’t.” She placed a finger over Sara’s lips. “I know we’re casual. Friend dating and all. I get that. But I can’t help if I feel something, Sara. Just let me, okay?”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” She kissed Sara, and this time, Sara felt the emotion in Bren’s words. “You can’t.”

  “I probably will.”

  “Then I’ll deal with it.”

  “Bren, it’s not fair to you. If you feel something for me, and I’m over here saying it’s a casual thing…what’s that make me?”



  “I’d rather you be honest with me than tell me you feel something you don’t.” Bren smiled her sweet smile, and Sara’s heart constricted. “Promise you’ll always be honest with me. It’s the only thing I need.”

  “I can do that,” Sara said around the lump in her throat.

  “Good. Now let’s get to your house before we freeze to death.”

  The sound of tires squealing caused them both to stop and look toward the street. A green Jaguar sped by, sliding on an icy patch as it passed. The driver righted the vehicle and increased speed until disappearing a few blocks away.

  Sara knew that car, and her stomach clenched at the thought of who was driving it.

  “Someone you know?” Bren asked.


  “The bitch that dumped you out on Highway 1? That Angel?”

  “That Angel.”

  Bren stared in the direction Angel went, and Sara wondered what was going through her mind. She squeezed Bren’s hand. “Hey, I thought we were heading to my house to get warm?”

  “Sorry.” Bren strolled ahead and maneuvered herself to be between Sara and the street. “That was a damn fancy sports car. Can’t miss that one coming.”

  “No. She owns a realty agency, Harrison’s.”

  “I’ve heard of it. I think my folks bought their house from them.”

  “Most of Whitehorse has at one time or another. Anyway, she thinks her money gives her special privileges. Like getting whatever woman she wants.”

  “Not this time.”

  “Nope.” Sara bumped shoulders with Bren. “Just steer clear of her if you see her, okay? I wouldn’t put it past her to cause trouble.”

  “I think Izzy’s told me a bit about her. She’s not known for being the nicest person ever.”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “Why’d you go out with her?” Bren asked. “She hardly seems like your type from what you’ve told me.”

  “That’s a long story.”

  Bren stole a kiss as they turned onto Sara’s street. “I got time.”

  “I’d rather spend it doing something else.”

  “Depends on what you have in mind.”

  “It’s a surprise.” Sara enjoyed teasing her, and when they reached her doorstep, Bren pressed her body against Sara’s, making it difficult to unlock the door.

  “Bet I can guess what it is.” Bren nibbled on her lobe and sent pleasant tingles along Sara’s body. “Do I get a prize if I do?”

  “Yes. Oh yes.”


  “I like Bren, but she’s not right for Sara,” Liv said as she cleared the dishes from the table. “I mean, she’s sweet and all.”

  “But she’s not Terry?” Grace said. “Honey, Terry broke Sara’s heart. You can’t expect her to get back together with her, and don’t tell me that’s not what’s going on in that adorable head of yours.”

  “It is and I think she’s still in love with Terry. And, I think the feeling is mutual. Just need to get them to see that.”

  “And getting them to talk to each other has worked so well that you think it’s going to happen?” Grace took the plates from Liv, set them on the counter, and took hold of her hands. “You’re a good friend, but this is one time you need to butt out. Let Sara deal with this on her own.”

  “That’s just it. She’s not dealing with it at all. She’s going around with Bren and pretending like she’s not hurting. All the while I see her looking at Bren, I can tell she’s wishing it was Terry.”

  “You can’t know that, Olivia. You’re not psychic.”

  Liv let go of Grace’s hands and returned to her cleaning. “I am when it comes to Sara. You don’t know her like I do, Gracie. Trust me, she’s heading down the wrong path right now. The longer she stays with Bren, the harder it’ll be when she has to break it off.”

  “What if she doesn’t break it off? Maybe she’s planning to stick with Bren for a while. I can’t blame her if she did. Bren’s a lot of fun, and I think she’s good for Sara.”

  “It’ll hurt Sara more than it will Bren when she stops seeing her.” Liv was insistent. She really needed Grace to understand. “Sara looks at Bren like a friend. Nothing more. Bren, however, looks at Sara like she’s found her soulmate.”

  “You’re exaggerating, as usual.” Grace flicked a tea towel at her. “Honey, Bren’s young and maybe she is falling for Sara, but there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”

  “And that’s where you’re wrong.”

  “No, that’s where I’m right.” Grace stepped in front of Liv and stopped her going into the kitchen. Her eyes cut right through Liv. Instantly she knew trouble was coming. “You are not trying to get Terry and Sara back together. This can’t be one of your little matchmaker schemes.”

  “Matchmaker schemes? Seriously? I don’t do that.”

  “Bullshit. I think Emma and Gail would disagree.”

  Liv rolled her eyes. “Those two were making me crazy just sitting around pining for each other. I had to do something.”

  “No, you really didn’t. Sometimes you need to let people come together naturally.”

  “Those two weren’t going to do it naturally. They needed a push.”

  “You literally shoved them together!” Grace took over the dishes while Liv packed up the leftovers. “I thought poor Emma would break her ankle when you bumped her into Gail. You have a serious problem, my dear. You’re worse than Izzy with her gossip.”

  “Oh no. No one is worse than Izzy and her gossip.” Liv laughed, recalling the moment Emma literally fell into Gail’s arms. It was like something out of a romance novel, and it still made her smile.

  “That’s the look I’m afraid of,” Grace said, pointing at her. “The smile that says you’re good at your matchmaking so you’re moving forward with it.”

  “I did convince you to give me a chance, right?” Liv kissed her as she walked past. “That’s
gotta count for something.”

  “It does. I just don’t know that you should be messing with Sara. It’s been hard on her.”

  “Exactly why I’m doing this. I have a meeting set up with Terry next week. I’m heading to her office early to talk to her.”

  “Just do one thing for me,” Grace asked, pausing until Liv looked at her. “Promise me you’ll not go to Sara. If you insist on talking to Terry, fine. But don’t bring it up to Sara. Let her be happy for now, okay? If that’s with Bren, then so be it. I really think she needs more time to think things through. Besides, I’m already trying to get her to talk to Terry and get some closure, one way or the other. Sara will talk to her in her own time. Don’t push her.”

  Liv carefully considered Grace’s request. She’d been wanting to talk to Sara, but Grace was right. That would probably end up in Sara either crying or yelling at her. Neither of those options were pleasant. But that didn’t stop her from wanting to do something.

  “I promise. I’ll only talk to Terry.”

  “Good. Now, let’s get this finished up so you can help me knock off a few names from our guest list.”

  “How many is a few?” Liv asked.

  “At least half.”


  “Yes. We can’t have the whole city at our wedding. It’s too many people. Don’t you remember how we talked about having a nice, small gathering of family and friends?”

  “Of course, but my list is just family and friends.”

  Grace bit her lower lip, a sure sign she was carefully thinking about her reply. Liv waited uncomfortably for her to continue. “I know you have a big family and a lot of friends, but can’t we find a compromise here? I don’t think I can handle a big crowd.”

  Liv saw the genuine look of concern on Grace’s features and dropped what she was doing to pull her into a warm hug. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”

  “Why would you? You’re excited, same as me. It’s just that when you get excited, you go overboard a little bit.” Grace rested her head on Liv’s shoulder. “We’ve got way too many people, honey. Still. I’m serious about cutting the list in half. If it means family only, then okay. Let’s do that. I want to marry you in the worst way but not in front of so many people.”


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