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Orchestra of Shadows

Page 29

by Charles Nall

  Trevor smiled. “Hey babe.”

  Teresa glared at Trevor.

  “You just checking on us? Is that all?” Sharon asked.

  “Not completely. You do remember you guys agreed to help us on the mission to Aisu IV.”

  “Oh yeah, it's just been a little crazy lately,” Jacob said.

  “I'd still love to go to Aisu IV and find some aliens,” Trevor said.

  “Of course you would,” Teresa said. “Oh, sorry, by the way, I need to introduce you to my crew. I don't know if I have ever formally introduced you all: This handsome man to my left is Russell Jackman, engineer extraordinaire. This tiny firecracker is Switch Austrinus. Next is our pilot Rylan Ter, and the old man, Denys Tauran.”

  “Nice to meet you, I'm Jacob Carpenter and this is Sharon Rose Turner and Trevor Reynolds. I have two other companions, Arnold Lawrence and Elijah Shepherd, who are dealing with other matters at the moment.”

  Captain Oshiro bowed. “And I am Captain Oshiro of the Iriguchi. Welcome aboard.”


  February 25, 0270 AC – 10:22 Local Time

  Rapture, CFS Iriguchi

  Near Sol System, Orion Confederation Space

  The crew of Rapture were resting in the lounge discussing the current events. They all sat around the table in the middle of the lounge.

  “Teresa's crew is nice, it should be a great journey to Aisu IV with them,” Jacob said.

  Sharon nodded. “I agree. I know I have my second thoughts about Teresa, but her crew is nothing but professional and nice. They will be great allies.”

  “How far away is Aisu IV?” Jacob asked.

  “Thirty days from here, generally,” Arnold said.

  “Wow, this is really the long haul, isn't it?”

  “It's way out there on the fringe of colonized space. It's exciting, though. I wonder what's under that glacier!” Trevor said.

  “Before we do anything, we need to get Riko out of the brig. I'm going to go talk to Koizumi. I need to get that disc. Admiral Akeldamas is plotting to assassinate the President!” Arnold said. “He's using Iriguchi and other warships to attack the President's cruiser.”

  “Akeldamas? Huh.” Jacob said. “I think he's behind the destruction of Exodus. He was in the area when that tragedy happened.”

  “And he can somehow control people? He controlled dad to do his bidding?” Sharon asked.

  “Control people? Mind control? This is getting unbelievable.” Trevor laughed.

  Elijah nodded. “It's strange, yes. That thing that came out of Jun Souran; I think it is what is controlling people.”

  “What are they? Where did Akeldamas get it?” Sharon asked.

  “I don't know, I just know the data disc contains a file that shows Akeldamas chatting with Oshiro about the attack. The government of the Orion Confederation has no idea. We have to stop it, no matter the motive behind it or how he is getting this strange power,” Arnold said.

  “What is the motive?” Elijah asked.

  Trevor stood up and went to the small refrigerator on the counter. He opened the fridge and rummaged through it. “If Akeldamas is behind Exodus and this attempt on the President's life... Well, it demoralizes the Galactic Union a lot, for sure.”

  “There will be peace talks between Regent Mabus and President Eridanys. He wants to prevent the peace? Maybe?” Jacob said.

  Arnold pondered. “Or to cause the peace talks to go through. Hear me out: a common enemy between Galactic Union and Blood Dynasty will pretty much guarantee some sort of peace between the Union and vampires.”

  “But not peace toward the Confederation. A war will break out if the President is killed,” Elijah said.

  Sharon sighed. “Or even if the President is attacked by the Confederation, I imagine.”

  “No matter what, I think the Confederation is going to be the target of a new alliance. We can prove Akeldamas is behind it, but people will think the Confederation planted him. The Confederation can say it was a rogue group of warships, but people will want revenge.”

  “Jake, we have to prevent the tragedy the best we can,” Arnold said.

  “Who are the bad guys here? What should we do?” Trevor asked as he returned with a beer bottle.

  “I don't think there is any way one corvette can stop an entire group of warships. The best we can do is clear Riko's name, reveal the truth, and warn the Union of the attack. After that we present all of the evidence and hope the right thing happens,” Arnold said.

  “What is the right thing?” Jacob stared at the table and put his face in his palm. “Is true peace between the Blood Dynasty and Galactic Union at the cost of a war the right thing?”

  “Probably not,” Arnold said.

  “Akeldamas can't be acting alone,” pointed out Elijah.

  “Who is he working for?” Sharon asked.

  Arnold sighed. “I don't know. A shadow government inside the Union? Vampires? Someone else altogether?”

  Trevor took a sip from the bottle. “We're in the dark. Obviously the assassination is awful, but beyond that? What should happen if we somehow prevent that?”

  “Present all the evidence. Put it to a democratic vote. Hopefully the people decide the right thing to do. Something like that,” Jacob said.

  “Do you trust ‘the people’?” Sharon asked.

  “No, not really,” Jacob said. “We're just five crew members of a random corvette. We're not overly important. This thing is much bigger than us. We don't have all the answers. But we have to try to prevent loss of life.”

  “We’re all very important. Very,” Elijah said.

  “That may be true, but Jacob is right: we have no idea what the right move for the galaxy is. But we can't let the Confederation ambush the Galactic Union forces. Present the evidence, hope for the best,” Arnold said.

  “A war is close to breaking out right now. The attack would be the last straw, but it could happen anyways. I don't think we can prevent a war. Whoever is orchestrating this has already accomplished their goal– we just have to prevent as much loss of life as we possibly can,” Jacob said. “And hope that's enough.”

  Sharon sighed. “I hope there isn’t war.”

  Elijah closed his eyes. “It's already begun. The unseen war. Our actions will not change the spark of the great war, but we must follow the path. We must persevere. We are important.”

  “The war will eventually end due to the seeds we plant on this day,” Trevor said.

  “We need someone that can speak their language. I think they're saying something,” Sharon said.

  Arnold stood up. “We need to get that data disc and then get that information public. I'll go find Koizumi. We have to stop this madness.”


  “Yes, Sharon?”

  “Can we go somewhere private and talk?”


  Arnold and Sharon exited the lounge together and started walking down the hall.

  Sharon sighed, “Listen, I made a mistake.”

  Arnold nodded, “We made a mistake.”

  “I'm sorry, it was my fault.”

  “I see how you look at Jacob. I know what's going on. There's somebody for everyone. Maybe Riko is my somebody... I don't know. I don't hate Jacob, I just hate the fact he's with you. In my head I do want you... But then there’s Riko, there could be something there. This probably doesn't make any sense.”

  Arnold and Sharon walked out into the loading bay. They started walking across the catwalk running along the edge of the loading bay.

  “No, no, it makes sense.”

  Arnold leaned against the railing overlooking the cargo hold. “I have to save her. Even if we're not destined to be together, I can't see her be put to death.”

  Sharon rested against the railing. “You’ll save her. Arnie, you will always be one of my best friends, I just can't... well...”

  “I know,” Arnold said.

  “This has all just been so messed up. I've acted so stupidly,
” Sharon said.

  “You aren't stupid. The universe is.”

  Sharon peered out over the loading bay. “So is everything good between us?”

  Arnold smiled. “You bet.”

  “Okay. Go save Riko, Arnie.”

  February 25, 0270 AC - 14:02

  Bridge, CFS Iriguchi

  Near Sol System, Orion Confederation Space

  Lieutenant Yamato Koizumi's duty shift on the bridge of Iriguchi for the day had just ended. He gave a pep talk to the staff on the bridge. Captain Oshiro entered the bridge and relieved Koizumi of command. Koizumi saluted the captain and exited the bridge.

  Arnold Lawrence met Koizumi just outside the bridge. “Lieutenant Koizumi, sorry to bother you.”

  “Oh, you are not, I can chat for a little bit. How can I help you... Arnold? It's Arnold, right? Be forewarned I'm a bit preoccupied.”

  “Yes sir. I am concerned about Riko Maeda.”

  “I understand. That's an unfortunate situation. I wish I could help.”

  “I think you can. Riko told me you have her data disc. There is proof of Oshiro communicating with an admiral of the Galactic Union. There may be an attack on the President's life and we have to get this information out.”

  “Ah. I knew I should have backed it up.” Koizumi sighed in defeat.


  Koizumi looked back toward the bridge and the crew that were still working. “My quarters were ransacked last night. Everything seems to be in order, but the data disc is gone.”

  “Who would know you had that disc?”

  “I don't know. Something troubling is happening. Whoever got rid of that disc knew how to get around our security systems. The intruder was a skilled thief. It is possible it has something to do with the corvettes in our hangar bay. I'm not insinuating that you had anything to do with it, but perhaps someone you know. Perhaps the crew of the Madcat-2. I have heard that they are very skilled at breaking and entering.”

  “They wouldn't do that. How would they know?”

  “You have to ask yourself: What are they doing here? Don’t trust mercenaries.”

  “Teresa wanted to make sure we're okay and discuss a contract with us.”

  “Perhaps a cover story? I don't know.”

  “Riko claims that a man named Slade murdered the commander. He may have something to do with it.”

  “Perhaps, but we have followed all leads. We can't connect Slade to the murder. I'm trying, I really am. I will mourn for Riko as well. Please excuse me, I have a lot of work to do if I'm going to clear Riko's name and figure out who broke into my quarters.”

  Arnold nodded and Koizumi continued walking down the corridor away from the bridge. Arnold let out a frustrated groan.

  February 26, 0270 AC - 14:50

  Hangar, CFS Iriguchi

  Near Sol System, Orion Confederation Space

  Switch Austrinus and Sharon Rose Turner sat on the bottom of the loading ramp of Madcat-2. Switch Austrinus took a drag from her cigarette and blew it into the air. Switch had short spiked black hair. Her lithe body was covered with tattoos.

  “Care for a cig? I got plenty.”

  “No, thank you,” replied Sharon.

  “You sure? You seem down.”

  “A lot of things are going on lately. It's hard to make sense of anything. And I don't know if I like the mercenary business. I love my ship, though.”

  “It gets better. I hated it at first, too.”

  “What brought you to this line of work?”

  Switch smiled and sucked down some nicotine and then released a puff of smoke. “Lots of dumb decisions in my youth. Lots of hacking and cracking that got me on the run from the law. You?”

  “Just one big dumb decision. Sometimes I wish I would have went with dad to Exodus. I'd be dead, but I wouldn't have uncovered such troubling things. Ignorance is bliss. My life is ruined now.”

  “Life gets better if you let it.”

  Sharon leaned back onto the steel. “I'm not so sure about that.”

  “Listen, I'm not saying it will turn out your life was a happy story, but it's a better story than wishing you were dead all the time. Everyone dies at some point, try to make your life worth something. Live a little.”

  “I loved my dad. I just wish he was here.” Sharon sighed.

  “He is here. You remember him and the good times. Cherish those times. Don't despair. Live life a little bit.”



  “Give me one of those cigs.”

  February 26, 0270 AC - 15:35

  Hangar, CFS Iriguchi

  Near Sol System, Orion Confederation Space

  Trevor Reynolds, Elijah Shepherd, Denys Tauran, Russell Jackman, and Rylan Ter were walking past Rapture.

  Denys looked the ship over. “She looks good. I remember the first ship I flew in. It was ages ago but it feels like yesterday. You always remember your first time and you always remember your first ship.”

  “Not my first ship, but I have grown to love her,” Elijah said.

  Trevor looked at the corvette. “She's looking a lot better. The crew here know how to fix ships up.”

  “You guys still going to Aisu IV with us?” Russell asked.

  Trevor shrugged. “I think so. I hope we do.”

  Rylan smiled. “I've heard of your alien escapades.”

  Trevor laughed. “Anything good?”

  “Oh sure, yeah. Great stuff.”

  “I think you’re being sarcastic.”

  “You know, Trevor,” Elijah said, “there is a situation developing. We may not be able to go to Aisu IV, considering the stuff we have uncovered.”

  “What sort of stuff?” Rylan asked.

  “Pretty messed up stuff. Don't worry about it, though,” Trevor said.

  “Well, if you do come with us,” Russell said, “we're heading to a station near the edge of Dynasty space. We're going to meet up with a team of scientists and drillers and then take that machinery to Aisu IV, spinward to the edge of colonized space. We'll cut down to an artifact that is buried under a ton of ice. Hopefully it will be something exciting.”

  “Trust me, I want to go,” Trevor said.

  “If we don't go, I do know they have other mercenaries lined up for the job. We need to figure out if we are going and soon,” Denys said.

  February 26, 0270 AC - 15:45

  Rapture, CFS Iriguchi

  Near Sol System, Orion Confederation Space

  Jacob Carpenter and Teresa Day were chatting in the lounge of Rapture. The ship was cleaned up considerably and ready to fly again.

  “I don't know if we can go with you to Aisu IV, Teresa,” Jacob said.

  “Why is that? That's partly why we came to find you! Well, that and the fact I genuinely care about you guys. I'm basically the reason you guys got into this business. I have to look after you,” Teresa said.

  “There's something big going down over Artemis in a few days. A plan to assassinate the President. We're trying to gather more evidence. We have to stop it.”

  “That's a big claim.”

  “Something is wrong with the galaxy, Teresa. You know this. You warned me about Jerry Turner. I believe it goes much deeper than just Jerry. Someone is playing galactic chess and are moving their pieces along the board. What was controlling Jerry? Do you know what the heck is going on?”

  “Well, I understand if you'd rather not take this contract at this time. It's not a big deal. It'd break Trevor's heart though.”

  “He'll be okay.”

  “Yes, I'm sure.” Teresa shook her head and looked away. She struggled with something she was thinking about. She then looked back at Jacob and calmly said, “Fine. I trust you. Don’t spread this information. I doubt anyone would believe you, though. A few months ago we got a contract to assassinate someone named Bashir. We tracked him down to Cortes, a small planet in Galactic Union space. We discovered a small military base there. The base wasn't Union, though. It was someth
ing else entirely. It was lightly defended; I suppose no one thought they'd be found. We infiltrated the base and found things that sent chills down our spines. We did end up killing Dr. Bashir and then we ran as fast as we could out of there.”

  “What did you find?”

  Teresa leaned back in her chair. “You won't believe me. There was lots of–I don't know–this black goop. They were doing lots of tests on it. I'm not sure where the goop came from. We stole some data discs, and as far as we can tell they 'received' this slime from... somewhere. Don't ask me. The scientists at this base engineered some sort of life from the slime. I didn't get good looks at them, but they were these... things. They called them 'imps.' These creatures jump into the mouth of a host and burrow onto the brain stem and start influencing their host.”

  “I’m going to be sick.”

  “The host is aware that this alien creature is controlling them. The imp knows everything the host knows, but this knowledge does not go both ways, the host has no idea what the imp knows. If the host fights the creature for control, the creature becomes restless and causes a huge amount of pain. The host starts to bleed from their mouth or nose as the creature inside their head takes back control. It's horrible.”

  “I can’t believe this.”

  “But this process isn't perfected. Many of the imps are defective when they are 'born.' Some of them seem to even disobey orders. They are constantly monitored somehow. If an imp disobeys an order it is destroyed by some shady organization,” Teresa explained. “Dr. Bashir was working on a way to perfect the process. For now, there are still sometimes issues with the creatures and these issues prevent them from being used in a large scale way. However, I know these creatures have infiltrated high levels of command in the Union and Confederation. Several captains and admirals are under control. I believe Admiral Akeldamas is on the side of the enemy.”

  “Does he have a creature inside of him?”

  “I don't think so, he's just downright evil. The scary part is that there are people that do not need an alien creature inside of them to be evil.”


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