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Interview with a Billionaire: Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 9

by Brooks, Sarah J.

  Her cell beeped. ‘Hey how’s it going? How’s Cody?’ a text from Eliza stared at her from the screen.

  ‘Hey you, it’s shit can u talk?’

  A couple minutes later, Katy Perry’s Roar lyrics filled Mia’s otherwise silent bedroom; it was Eliza.

  “Hey, how come it’s shit? What’s up girl?” Eliza asked.

  “Hey, so here’s the thing; Cody just kissed me,” Mia explained.

  “And that makes things shit? How?”

  “He’s messing with my head, that’s how it makes things shit.” Mia hoped her mate would understand, but it seemed Eliza thought a kiss from Cody would solve everything.

  “All you gotta ask yourself girl is do you wanna be with him or not; it’s simple when you break it down.”

  “There’s things you don’t know about him, Eliza. On the surface, he’s hot, funny, and a really cool guy, but underneath ...”

  “Underneath what? He’s like an ax-murderer or summit?” Eliza giggled down the phone, and Mia couldn’t help smiling to herself.

  “No! Honestly Eliza, I worry about you sometimes.” Mia laughed.

  “Spill then, what’s his major malfunction according to Mia Adams?”

  Mia paused and then added, “He did something with Shane, you know one of the teenagers in your group last year?”

  “Yeah, I remember Shane: who doesn’t right cos of the missing episode. So what did Cody and Shane do? Or would I rather not know?”

  “No, God, no nothing like that, you’ve gotta one-tracked mind, girl!”

  “Well, come on, you’re the one making it sound so friggin mysterious, so if it’s not a sexual thing then what the fuck did they do?” Eliza was growing impatient; Mia could detect it in her voice now.

  “Shane didn’t really go missing; well, he did, but not in the conventional way.”

  “Jeez, Mia, typical journalist, wording things in such an ass about face way, just tell me already.”

  Mia sighed. Normally, she could say things how they were, but when those things related to Cody, her words became jumbled, “Cody and Shane planned his disappearance down to every last detail. Shane received cash from Cody for his part in it, and Cody received his once lost fame again.”

  “That’s how Cody knew where to search for Shane?” Eliza asked.

  “Yep, exactly, and Shane got extra cash for pretending to hear voices in his head telling him to run away,” Mia continued.

  “Why the fuck would he agree to that, Mia?”

  “So Cody could get Doctor Gregory on board and go into partnership with him. Doctor Gregory wanted to speak with Shane, and once he’d seen Thrill Seekers and met with Cody, he wanted in.”

  “Jeez, no wonder your head’s so fucking messed up, Mia. I’d no idea,” Eliza said quietly.

  “Nope, me neither, Eliza until the penny dropped on the morning I left the adventure center last year.”

  “That’s why you left in such a hurry?”

  “Yep. Cody reckons he did it for the right reasons. He wanted to be noticed and look good to the public, and he wants Doctor Gregory to be involved for the good of the center.”

  “I kinda get his reasoning; I’m not saying I agree with how he’s gone about things, but I understand why he’s done it,” said Eliza.

  “Yeah, me too. So anyhow, up until just now things have been decidedly frosty between us cos of Shane’s vanishing act. I’ve only just found out this morning about how he got Doctor Gregory’s interest.”

  “What you gonna do? Do you think Cody’s feelings are genuine or do you think he’s being manipulative? Making you fall for him so you won’t spill the beans on his devious acts.”

  “You should work for the friggin feds Eliza with your suspicious mind. I hadn’t even considered Cody was being anything but genuine, and honestly if you’d been kissed in the way he kissed me, you wouldn’t question his feelings either,” Mia replied.

  “Sounds like some kiss there girl, was it on the lips?”

  Mia coughed, “Eliza really, yes it was on the goddamn lips: it was in the corridor, so hardly a quiet location.”

  Mia’s thoughts turned to Cody kissing her somewhere else; her face suddenly felt warmer, and the warmth between her smooth legs grew moist. She imagined his soft lips kissing her tight, delicate softness and his wet tongue gently seeking out her sensitive clitoris.

  “You still there? You’ve gone quiet,” Eliza asked, shattering Mia’s erotic fantasy.

  “Yes, still here, sorry was daydreaming,” Mia answered, feeling suddenly embarrassed.

  “Oh, yeah, and I can guess what about!”

  “Anyhow, so what would you do?” Mia asked, changing the subject and direction of the conversation.

  “Nice deflection! I’d simply ask yourself how important Cody is to you, Mia. Personally, I don’t think what he’s done is such a terrible thing, Mia; his intentions were good. He’s simply done what he’s done for the sake of the center, even getting his name known is indirectly to help the center as people will hear the Thrill Seekers name again.”

  Mia listened to her mate’s advice. “I agree Eliza. I was hard on him before as I thought he’d put Shane’s folks through unnecessary shit with him going missing.”

  “He did Mia, that doesn’t change, but his intentions were good. I don’t think he’s a nasty guy.”

  “No, I don’t Eliza. Thanks mate, you’ve helped me decide what to do. I’m gonna give him the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Good on you girl!”

  After their goodbyes, Mia felt satisfied and relieved. Eliza had only pointed out what she was thinking anyhow, but it was good to have her thoughts reaffirmed.

  So that was it, now all she needed to do was find Cody and ensure he knew that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  She hoped he was ready for Mia, the seductress, as she was ready to seduce him, and when Mia set her sights on something, she was used to getting it.

  12. Chapter Twelve

  Mia texted Cody’s cell, ‘Can we meet up perhaps 4 dinner tonight?’

  Within seconds, her cell beeped, and she read the screen excitedly. ‘Sure so glad u texted Mia I was worried about u.’

  ‘Sorry Cody I didn’t mean 2 bail on u I got panicky.’

  ‘It’s all good I look 4ward 2 seeing u later x’

  ‘See you about 8pm x’ it was the first time they’d added a kiss to a text and she liked it.

  ‘Great catch u then x’

  First stage completed. Next stage choosing an appropriate seductress outfit.

  Mia was so glad she’d brought some sexy clothes with her now as she wasn’t going to bother packing any.

  It was lunchtime, but she wasn’t at all hungry; her tummy was so filled with butterflies there wasn’t any room left for food. She was so nervous about dinner with Cody.

  “God knows why, we’re not strangers meeting for the first time for heaven’s sake,” she mumbled, pulling her luggage trolley toward her while she sat on the bed.

  The nerves are probably to do with the fact that I’ve decided tonight’s the night I turn the tide and let you know I want you.

  It was a brave decision for Mia; usually, she was happy enough for the guys to do all the running, but not this time. Cody was unique. He was everything she looked for in a guy, and the fact that he was a billionaire didn’t even enter into her thoughts. The cash was an extra bonus, but not the be all and end all, not for Mia.

  She found her high-heeled strappy sandals and pulled them free of the trolley. They were super sexy in black and with a killer stiletto heel of 5 inches; there were a dainty ankle strap and a gorgeous peep toe design. Mia adored them but just didn’t have the opportunity to wear them much, they were beautiful but deadly to walk in. No pain no gain girl!

  Next out of her trolley was a classic black mini skirt of around 16” in length. The skirt offered a timeless look and could be worn with either heels or flats. Mia was going to match it with a royal blue tight-fitting top with a
stunning backless design. The front was high-necked, and the material was lycra, so it clung in all the right places.

  “Too much or not?” she asked herself. “I wanna impress the guy, not give him heart failure!”

  She chuckled to herself and went for a shower. There was plenty of time until the evening, but Mia knew it’d take time to achieve the look she wanted. She was going for super sexy but not hooker; tricky one to accomplish.

  Mia carefully shaved in all the appropriate places, taking extra time with the black curls between her satin-smooth thighs. She wanted everything to be perfect; nothing was written in stone that Cody would even set his blue eyes on her sweet warmth, but Mia wanted to be prepared. She felt like an excited teenager getting ready for a first date.

  Dinner was like a first date for them as they’d never shared a proper date as such; they’d exchanged a couple of passionate kisses. They’d hiked together with the group but never a true date when they’d been alone together.

  God, what if we don’t get on? Or run out of conversation?

  “Over thinking the whole thing girl; it’ll be fine you’ll see,” she muttered as she stepped from the shower and wrapped her head in a soft fluffy towel.

  Mia dried herself off and began applying some body lotion to her satin-smooth skin. She felt extremely feminine as she stepped daintily into a pair of lacy black and red panties. They were one of her favorite pairs with a cheeky thong design at the back.

  Her bra matched the panties in a delicate black and red lace with a deep plunge, and as she slipped it on, Mia’s little voice came back to haunt her.

  God, I hope I’m doing the right thing meeting you.

  She still had reservations about taking it a step further with Cody. “Jeez girl, just go with it, and stop questioning the world; it’s not as if you’re marrying the guy for fuck’s sake!”

  Mia smiled at her foolishness and continued to dress, fastening her bra behind her back and reaching for the short black skirt.

  “Are you too short? Maybe Cody will think I look like a hooker,” overthinking it all again.

  What was wrong with her? It was only a goddamn dinner date; did it require this much thought process?

  Zipping the tight skirt up, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror; standing in just her bra and skirt, Mia admired her natural curves and velvet skin. She was determined to enjoy this evening whatever the outcome was; if they slept together, they did, and if they didn’t, then, well they didn’t. Her mind was hell-bent on making a big deal out of the whole sleeping together scenario, but really all that mattered was that they both enjoyed themselves.

  She squeezed into the royal blue top, which even with her small frame was super tight when on.

  Hair up or down? That’s the question.

  Cody had called her beautiful with her hair down that morning, so the decision was made; hair down. Running her hairdryer over her long black hair, Mia started humming to herself; she felt happy. It’d been a long time since she’d felt happy and relaxed.

  Her black hair was dead straight. She’d always envied girls with wavy or curly hair, but then she guessed they probably envied her straight hair. The main bonus her hair had was the brilliant shine she could achieve with simply brushing it. Right now, it was shining like frost seen in the moonlight; a shimmering cloak of hair.

  Mia was going more daring with her makeup tonight; lots of smoky gray eye shadow, black eyeliner and lashings of mascara. She didn’t care for false eyelashes. The finishing touch was a coat of her bright red lipstick on her soft and swollen lips.

  “Now for you!” she mumbled, padding barefoot across the room to the bed and the dreaded sandals. Picking them up, she had to admit their sexiness, but she couldn’t work out for the life of her why women put themselves through the torture of wearing high heels.

  Oh, come on, that’s bullshit! You know it’s cos they want to look sexy and appear as though they couldn’t possibly run away.

  That’s what she’d heard, anyhow.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and carefully slipped one foot complete with bright red toenails into a delicate sandal. Mia’s ankles were very slender, and the strappy footwear accentuated this to perfection. After putting the other one on, Mia stood up very slowly, reminiscent of a fawn taking its very first steps into the big world.

  Gingerly, walking toward the mirror, Mia made the short distance without twisting her ankles.

  “Who’s stupid friggin idea was this? Should’ve stuck to flats.” She sighed, knowing full well that the heels flattered her legs more and were exactly the look she was trying to achieve. Cody had never seen her in heels, and judging by his reaction to her dress that morning, he’d like the way she looked tonight.

  She glanced at her clock and saw that she was ready way too early. Should she text Cody and see if he wanted to meet earlier? He’s got more on his mind than just you, Mia; he won’t be sitting around ready this early.

  Mia sat on the bed and just stared into space. She could go down and wait for him, but really? Sit there for a couple of hours and wait alone?

  Her cell beeped from its position next to her on the bed. She grabbed it and read the small screen, ‘Hey u want 2 meet up early? x’ Cody asked.

  Mia’s heart leapt, ‘U ready early 2 then? x’ she texted back smiling to herself.

  ‘Yep☺ x’ came the reply.

  Mia giggled as she read his answer and texted back, ‘Me 2! x’

  ‘Great let’s meet then x’

  ‘Ok on my way to the elevator now x’

  Mia stood up and slowly walked to the door, leaving in a cloud of delicate perfume.

  “Hey you, thought I’d stop off on your floor and meet you on the way down. Wow, you look sensational,” Cody said as he walked toward her down the corridor.

  Mia blushed. “Hey, thank you, and you don’t look too bad yourself.”

  He was dressed in dark green chino pants with a tucked in crisp white short-sleeved shirt. The shirt was left open at the neck and a thick black belt emphasized his slim waist. Mia’s green eyes were instantly drawn to his biceps and the smooth power of his muscled arms.

  Cody smiled at her, making his eyes crinkle sexily at the corners and his soft face dimple; as he walked toward her, she could see the strength in his legs.

  She smiled at him as she walked slowly toward him, terrified if she went too fast she’d fall over in the sandals. He was staring at her legs as she moved with a hungry look in his pale blue eyes: was he wondering what they’d feel like wrapped around his large manly form?

  “We’re so early, do you want to grab a drink before dinner? There are some bars on the way,” he asked, now standing inches away from her.

  “Sure, that’d be cool,” Mia whispered, noticing how shallow her breathing was becoming.

  Cody reached for her hand, and Mia took it gladly as his support would help her navigate the ground in her heels; her skin tingled from his touch. She felt as though she were walking on air as they made their way to the elevator hand in hand. They must have made a handsome couple with Cody’s long hair back in its usual ponytail and her black hair spilling down her backless top. The midnight black of her hair contrasting against the royal blue of the top.

  They passed an elderly couple who smiled at them as though remembering their own youth.

  “I’ve wanted to do this since we first met, Mia Adams,” Cody said while they stood waiting for the elevator.

  “What wait for an elevator together?” she teased.

  “Yeah, of course; it’s so romantic, don’t you think?”

  They both laughed, and she felt him squeeze her hand lightly; he made her feel sexy, safe, and alive. The elevator arrived, and as the doors opened, the elevator revealed Ethan. “Ahh, see I knew it, you’re a couple!” he exclaimed.

  “Calm down there, Ethan. Actually, we’ve only just become a couple.” Cody laughed.

  “Is that what we are now then?” Mia asked, winking at Ethan.

  “Well, I thought ... I mean I assumed,” Cody spluttered, trying to fine the right words.

  “Never assume!” both Ethan and Mia shouted simultaneously.

  “Very fucking funny!” Cody laughed.

  They were all still laughing loudly when the elevator reached the ground floor; Ethan headed for the lobby.

  “There you are, did you not get my texts, Mia?” Robert’s voice asked. He was standing waiting for the elevator, but as soon as he spotted Mia, he forgot the elevator and waited for her to answer his question.

  “Sorry Robert, my cell’s in my room; we were just heading out,” she replied, noticing how his hazel eyes dropped to the swell of her breasts in the tight top.

  “So I see. I was trying to reach you as I can do the interview now if you’d like,” Robert replied, smiling at Cody standing beside Mia and still holding her hand.

  Robert was the picture of charisma. His short black hair was neat, and his face was now clean shaven.

  Mia felt Cody holding her hand just that little bit tighter; she looked at him. He was looking anxious.

  “No Robert, we’ve made plans, so I’m sorry, but no. We’ll have to catch up tomorrow,” Mia apologized. She wasn’t letting Cody get away. He’d made an effort for her tonight and looked super sexy and hot.

  “Last chance Mia, I’m afraid; I leave tomorrow morning,” Robert said, almost sounding chuffed that he might just have upset their plans for the evening.

  “Well, then, Doctor Gregory, I guess I may not get my interview then,” replied Mia, squeezing Cody’s hand tightly.

  “Mia, we can go out tomorrow night; don’t miss out for me,” Cody whispered in her ear, his warm breath on her skin making her shiver.

  “Cody, I want to have dinner with you, that’s the plan; please don’t make me change it.” Mia sighed, looking at him while Robert lingered in the background.

  “Okay. Look, Robert, we did make plans for tonight, so I’m sorry, but it looks like you’ll have to just do the interview another time,” Cody said.


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