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Sin: Daughter of the Grim Reaper (The Reaper Series Book 1)

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by Delizhia Jenkins

  One by one each of Grim’s warriors dropped to their knees and bowed their heads in allegiance. I nodded my approval once the last entity fell to his knee and bowed in submission. I sent them on their way shortly after and prepared to make my way to the earth realm. Dying humans were calling out to me and to quote dear old dad, time was of essence. With a wave of my hand I find myself in the middle of a hospital room, standing behind a weeping mother whose son had been fatally wounded in gun fight. I am careful not to touch her, as I observe the heartbreaking scene. Her thick mane of greying hair is pulled into a messy bun, and through her thick rimmed glasses I see tear stained and puffy eyes gazing hopelessly at her only son. She wore a nurse’s uniform, her brown skin ashen from grief and horror and I wish that there was something that I could do. Her son is a handsome devil, looking exactly like her with his high cheek bones and full lips and curly hair cut to a fade. 21 years old and already has to face me. Pity. He lies in the hospital bed hooked up to monitors and a respirator, but his soul is ready to leave the body. His body is no longer habitable for his spirit and so I lean over him and his eyes open instantly. His mother begins shouting for joy believing that he will live to continue his life, but no…he has awoken because he can see me and he knows it’s time. His brown eyes fill with tears as his mother places kisses all over his face and I allow him to have this moment. I exhale deeply. Unfortunately his decisions have not only led him to a premature death but a place in the most undesirable of realms because there is no angel waiting for him by his bedside. There is only me.

  I allow his mother to place one last kiss on his forehead before I reach out and gently touch him on the forehead. He exhales a final breath as I watch his soul, a mirror of his physical image, and step away from his now deceased body. His mother screams for help, and we both look on with melancholy as nurses and doctors rush in to assess the situation. A kind elderly nurse escorts his mother out and into the hallway while the intelligent physician examines him. The kid looks at me with pleading eyes. “I am sorry kid,” I say grimly. “But your time has expired. Come with me.” I extend my hand for him to accept and he does so, reluctantly. He takes one last look back at his mother, then at his body and the life that he lived before, and then we are gone.

  I leave him in the care of my men to escort him the rest of his journey before having to appear once more to another dying human.

  This time, it’s a car accident, caused by none other than the Beast’s minions. They flee the instant that I appear, and unfortunately, the human is irreparable. Her spirit was sitting on the side of the wrecked Honda Accord, staring off at the scene. A drunk driver had side swiped her, forcing her off the road and into a fire hydrant. The airbag failed her and she ended up slamming her face into the steering wheel and she died from the impact. She glanced at me, her eyes widened in fear upon recognition. Her blue eyes filled with sadness until a white light appeared next to her. The angel did not take form, but he surely did not hesitate to send me on my way like I am some bothersome pest before taking the young woman into the heavens.

  Well at least that was one soul I did not have to contend with.

  I remain close by the accident scene, not even a block away, observing the rescue workers attempt to revive the already dead woman. Several witnesses were being interviewed by television personnel, while the fire department rushed to the scene to cut off the overflow of water spewing from the hydrant. Being that I did not touch her I knew next to nothing about her, and for once, I am glad I did not. It is time to go…

  By the end of the day I have collected over one million souls; most of them having gone peacefully without more than a simple debate as to why I should give them a second chance (which isn’t exactly of my control), and then there were the hundred or so souls who actually attempted to escape; and one that had actually slipped out of my grasp and bac k into the earth realm. Mind you he happened to be a serial killer whom had finally met his doom courtesy of a little human disease called AIDS and just refused to accept the fact that his time had come. I had sent a few of my reapers after the bastard because frankly, the last thing I needed was a bunch of warrior angels pissed off at me because the ghost of a serial killer was haunting humans when I still had yet to find the seal.

  I see why daddy o was grumpy all the damn time.

  A few of my men returned to me with no insight on the human or the missing soldiers: one million souls from all over the globe, and still no sign of the Seal. I am not sure if I would be able to identify it if I came across it…father never mentioned it until it was time for me to look for it. I release a frustrated sigh while running my fingers through my locks.

  Time to go topside.

  The human is out there somewhere, and maybe I should spend a little time learning about the Seal’s history before retracing its steps upon abduction; and there is someone there that could help me. Just as I summon the Scythe back into my possession Hell literally breaks out once more. The Harpies were at it again but this time with some scavenger demons. I am so not in the mood for this bullshit, but they are under my charge and so in a flash I materialize to the upper level where all of the commotion is taking place, and send out a black electrical charge from the Scythe and into the bloodied fight taking place. Several harpies (which are bird like creatures with feathers and everything, and with human faces) were wounded after being attacked by several of the scavenger demons. I blasted both parties with my Scythe, startling the scavengers and infuriating the Harpies. “I don’t have time for this shit!” I holler at them as the scavengers scamper away into the darkness; their three legs moving with great difficulty, while the Harpies flew down into the deeper pits.

  I need to free my dad ASAP.

  Hopefully as I prepare to depart this time, there are no more…disturbances. At least not until I return.

  Chapter 5

  I leave Hell with a quickness, not even bothering temporarily place someone in charge. If chaos erupts again my soldiers know how to find me. Brandishing my Scythe I leave the place in a whirlwind, opting for a more dramatic exit instead of dematerializing myself through a portal. I navigate myself to the Lower Manhattan where a very old friend of Grim’s resides. Professor of Archaeology at New York University, Alexander Taltos is not only renowned for his studies and contributions to the scientific communities including his latest “discovery” of the chalice that Jesus himself drank from, but he is an immortal…a very powerful immortal that is under the protection of my father-well I guess me now. He should know everything that I need to know about the Seal and why anyone would risk the very essence of their soul to claim it.

  I appear just outside in the shadowy parking lot of one of those luxurious and expensive human hotels known as the Hilton. The nightlife is teeming with humans from all walks of life, and before stepping away from the shadows; I render my Scythe invisible and send it away to a secret location that only me and my father would know about. As usual I receive curious glances from humans that walked passed me as I made my way through the lobby of the hotel. Some of them moved quickly out of my way, their instincts and extrasensory gifts that they may or may not be aware of told them that I am something to be feared. Others glanced at me with curiosity, while a few snubbed their noses at me in disgust. I will be meeting with them soon enough and I wonder if they will still be disgusted with me then.

  Stepping outside onto the street, I am greeted by a full moon and a beautiful night sky. I love the night, and like the ancestors that came before this tragic cesspool of a generation of humans, they revered the dark skies almost as much as they revered death. The ancient Egyptians for all of their arrogant splendor saw death as a doorway to a new life: a beginning to something infinite and powerful. I laugh every time I see pictures of Anubis, the jackal headed guardian of the underworld next to Osiris as its ruler, because that was their idea of my father. Too bad their depictions of what they considered to be the afterlife did not coincide with the actual truth. Many of them were highly disap
pointed when Grim greeted them instead of Osiris. Same thing applied to the Greeks and the Babylonians…how wrong they were…

  The noises from the heavy flow of traffic saturated the air; the smell of carbon monoxide pollution filling my lungs, bright lights lit up the sky while humans either in groups, coupled or single roamed the city streets. Adjusting my leather jacket I continued my casual stroll, taking in the scenery and making a mental note that upon Grim’s release from whatever spiritual prison he was held captive in, I am going to spend some time really exploring the human world…something like a vacation I guess from my father and the duties that come with being his daughter. I walk for a couple of blocks before coming across a multistory building, its architecture dating back to the 1930’s. I remember meeting Alexander a few years ago on a mission for my father. A strong witch had tapped into our realm summoning up one of Hell’s most powerful demons and I needed Alexander’s help in figuring out the ingredients of the spell that she used so I could figure out which portal the fucker came through in order to close it.

  I know he is here. Whenever he is not teaching or out in the field, he is a recluse and for good reason. He was cursed with Immortality after murdering his brother in the Garden. If you read your Bible, then you know who he is and after a century or two of running and hiding from those above, he sought refuge under my father’s protection and changed his name. Fast forward a couple of eons and he has finally made something of himself and seems to be moving forward in life. He has harnessed control over his temper, matured a little, has a lucrative and prestigious career (for now) and appears to be in a good place. I enter the lobby and am greeted by an overly friendly clerk whose future isn’t as bright as he would hope it to be. He glances at me, his smile all too big and inviting while the security guards that were standing on either side of the desk casted subtle but uneasy glances in my direction.

  Funny…I am scary without the Scythe. Thanks dad.

  “How may I help you?” He chirps, exposing flawlessly whitened and straight teeth. His peachy skin is as vibrant as ever; his cheeks flushed, and his short blonde hair gelled to perfection. I narrow my eyes because even though he looks like the picture of health, something is off.

  “I am here to see Dr. Alexander Taltos,” I say evenly, fighting the urge to reach over and touch him so I can unlock his hidden chamber of secrets.

  “Ok…uh, is he expecting guests?” He asks curiously as he starts typing away into the computer sitting in front of him. The hum of the air conditioner becomes a symphony of annoyance, as is the tapping of his fingers across the keyboard.

  “No, he isn’t. But this is rather important,” I say politely.

  He eyes me again with curiosity, more questions settling at the tip his tongue when the phone rings next to him. He smiles still even when he answers. “Hello, Haven’s Luxury Apartments, this is Chad speaking… well hello Mr. Taltos…”

  Good. Taltos knows that I am here, I think to myself while I lean on the marble desk top. “…well yes, Mr. Taltos there is a woman standing right here in front of me asking for you. Uh huh…ok, most certainly…I will send her right on up.” He places the phone back on the receiver gently and returns his focus onto me. “Mr. Taltos is indeed expecting you. Just head on over to the elevators across the foyer and go up to the fifteenth floor. His room number is 1510. But before you do that,” he looks underneath the desk and pulls out a binder and opens it to a blank sign in sheet. “Could you please just sign and print your name and then place the date and time?” He hands me a pen and I glare at it before taking it from his grip. During the brief exchange, I barely touch his hand with mine and the instant the connection is made I know what is wrong with the kid.

  I sign my name in the binder and then date it as he asked. He glances at my signature and then at me. I don’t have a last name unless one would count Reaper or Death as a surname; and neither of those options are a good fit. I could just picture myself introducing myself to a human for the first time: Hi my name is Sin Reaper. What’s your name? Hello there sir, my name is Sin Death. What brings you here today?

  “Your name is Sin?” He asks with a smirk.

  “Yes and your name is Chad.” I said plainly.

  “Well what is your last name?”

  “My last name should be the least of your concern young man,” I reply coolly. What I am about to do is against the rules but I am tired of seeing younger people meeting untimely endings especially for something as treatable as what he is dealing with. “Go to the doctor Chad. That young heart of yours unfortunately is not in the best of conditions but with a change in diet, and strict adherence to your doctor’s recommendations you should be fine. One more bout in the hospital will be your last if you don’t see about that, and I know that you don’t want to see me again.”

  He stares blankly at me in disbelief as I disappear into the foyer. He shouts out behind me, “Hey! How did you know? Wait!” He starts running behind me but I am already in the elevator and headed to the 15th floor. I release a cleansing breath and hope that Chad heeds my warning. I don’t want to see him again (not any time soon) and not because I found him to be dreadfully annoying; I just don’t know which direction he is destined for and I won’t know until he dies. The joys of being a Reaper…The job itself is beyond depressing, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, no weekends off or holiday pay…not even a damn thank you note. The only thing to be expected is fear and a bad reputation…

  Please let me find that Seal.

  Once the elevator door opens I am in an increasingly dark mood. Walking in Grim’s shoes is not fun nor rewarding…and it is definitely not as simple as my gig as a bounty hunter. I reach Alexander’s door in no time, and without having to knock I am greeted by the overwhelming height of the 6’4” cedar block of a man. Dark, probing eyes lock with mine, full lips pulled back into a grimace on a flawlessly chiseled face with the highest set of cheek bones known to mankind that was covered by a five o clock shadow. Messy dreads on top of olive toned skin, and his button down white woven top had been unbuttoned exposing a mass of thick black hair that blanketed his broad chest. Forgive me father for I have sinned…again… I think to myself as I try not to focus on the very attractive masculine qualities that this immortal had in his disposal. Grey slacks covered those long, muscled calves of his, and the only things exposed are his bare feet. And even his feet are beautiful.

  He observes me for a second more before stepping to side to let me into his apartment. “So, you have assumed your father’s role,” He says closing the door behind us.

  “Yes, temporarily.” I reply clearing my throat.

  He sizes me up. “Hmmm, interesting…” He quickly walks ahead of me to guide me to his study where he takes a seat behind a large wooden antiquated desk, which judging by its appearance originated from the Victorian Era.

  “And what do you mean by that?” I ask feeling slightly insulted.

  He leans forward, folding his hands across the desk. “I never thought your father found you worthy enough to entrust you with a crucial responsibility,” he said firmly.


  It takes everything in me to not get up and leave and callously discharge him of Grim’s protection but my feelings are not important right now. Grim’s life is on the line. “Well,” I say garnering some self-control. “Clearly you don’t know him as well as you think you do, and it is evident that you don’t know me….and thank you for the warm welcome, I surely love what you have done with the place…” I look around me at the surrounding walls that were lined with nothing but book shelves filled to capacity with books. I guess when one is cursed with eternity; reading is an excellent way to pass the time. “I just stopped by to learn more about the Seal and where it was last seen.”

  He studies me for a bit, which at this point is working my nerves. “Your father said that you would come to me, and although I am surprised by the capacity in which you have arrived in, I am pleased that you remembered me. The Seal was kept hidden on t
he Island of Patmos, right off the coast of Greece, where John The Apostle was taken into the heavens and given a tour of the future yet to come.”

  “One question,” I interject. “Why would the Higher Powers hide something of great importance on earth of all places?”

  He smiles at me. “Good question. The only theory I am able to come up with is that not even all of the angels above could be trusted with it. From what I gathered, only a few of them knew of its exact location which is why it was heavily guarded by the warrior class.”

  “So how did a demon find out its location?” I ask anxiously.

  “Well, the veil that separates the spiritual world from the physical world has been thinning thanks to humans tampering with science that they do not possess the wisdom to fully understand. That in itself has led to many discoveries that were not meant for human eyes, giving demons an opening to locate such items as the Seal.”


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