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Sin: Daughter of the Grim Reaper (The Reaper Series Book 1)

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by Delizhia Jenkins

  I am sick of the disrespect and lack of faith from these men. First Grim’s soldiers, then Nak; and then Domino; and now Cain…I am seriously going to push for more gender equality because this is all some bullsh-

  “And you can leave too Domino. You know how to get yourself home.” And with that I turn to head down the hallway when I hear Cain call out to me.

  “Sin! Wait!”

  I stop in my tracks and wait for both entities to catch up to me. Why do I always have to go through shit to get what I want? Had I been a male, I would not be subjected to half of the problems that have come my way.

  “I will guard the artifact until your return,” Cain added apologetically. “Forgive me…I am not-“

  “Save it Cain,” I say sharply. “Just keep it until I return.” I motion for Domino to hand Cain the object, and he does so carefully. The two immortals do not utter a word to each other as Cain delicately holds the object with both hands. Excitement is littered across his face at the realization of what is in his care and gives me a quizzical look. “You mean to tell me you don’t know what this is?”

  “I have no clue. Domino won’t tell me,” I reply, now even more curious about what the object may be.

  “Whatever you do,” Domino warned. “Do not open it. Doing so will bring death upon the one who does…including you Cain.”

  “We have to go,” I say quickly, shifting my attention away from Cain and onto Domino.

  Cain shares a concerned glance with Domino, and I glare at both of them. “What is it now?” I demand. I feel more than tempted to knock both of them on top of the head for wasting my time.

  “Again, I offer you my most sincere apology Sin,” Cain said remorsefully.

  “As do I,” Domino added quickly.

  “Look, we can finish this Dr. Phil moment another time.” I grumble impatiently. “But Grim’s life is still hanging in the balance.”

  “Fine,” Cain huffs in defeat. “I will keep this in a safe place until you return. Thank you for entrusting me with something so sacred.”

  “Good.” I turn to face Domino, and with a wave of my wrist I manipulated the shadows and enveloped us both in their darkness. I could hear Cain call out reminding me to contact him if I run into some trouble. If my name is Sin, trouble is exactly what I am looking for, and his name is Asmodeus.

  Grim cried out once more to the heavens as his body went into another round of seizures. His remaining powers were being drained away by one of the Dominion, and he knew it was a matter of time before he would meet his end. He could still sense his daughter traveling through the dimensions with someone who was vaguely familiar. Not one of his Reapers, or bounty hunters, or any of his lower ranking foot men that filled the ranks of his legions. This entity did not reside below in the subterranean darkness filled with hot temperatures, sulfur, and cries of terror that filled the cavernous enclave with visions he kept trapped in a tight black box way in the back of his mind. No, this entity lived somewhere topside, he just could not figure out where.

  His stomach muscles clenched and he gritted his teeth as more of his life force is drained out of him. He thought they would give him more time, but Sin as always could not get her act together in time. Nak should have been the one to do it, he thought to himself. But then he quickly diminished the thought remembering that Sin is on the right course and that he needed to trust that he did teach her well…all she had to do was prove it.

  Once the spasms subsided, the Dominion member disappeared without making it clear when he would return. Grim struggled against the thick ropes that bound him but to no avail. For the first time in his entire existence, he felt weak. He barely had the strength to raise his head to look to the sky and inhale deeply. He dropped his chin to his chest and released a long and mournful cry. Asmodeus would pay dearly for this and everyone else that may have played a part in this…misery. He pictured Sin, his daughter and only heir and remembered that her birth had been something special, and something he feared at the same time. Her eyes were like his: an unnatural green, illuminous and dark at the same time and filled with questions, intelligence beyond her years, and a quiet yearning. The rest of her features were from her mother….

  He tried to force the memory from the forefront of his thoughts but it was too late. Sin’s mother was something of a vision to him…and still is. He had seen plenty of beautiful women in his time, but her beauty resided in her heart and in that brief time they shared together, he had never felt more alive. But in those brief moments they shared, while she gave him something he would hold onto forever, he inadvertently in return sentenced her to death. But rather than see her end up in the Hell pits because of his selfish decision he kept her spirit safely tucked away until the End Time came where he hoped to be able to speak on her behalf. He swallowed thickly at the memory…

  A particular soul had interrupted one of his many sessions involving brooding, contemplating more creative torture methods for the damned souls and treasonous men, and more brooding one dreary evening. Whenever a particular soul had been signaled by the darker entities, it was a sign that this individual had been marked for death at specific day and time as if meeting his demise had been a part of a long forgotten prophecy. He summoned his Scythe into his possession and opted to visit the poor scheme without being accompanied by his elite guard simply because he enjoyed gong on these particular runs alone. He needed some head space anyways after spending a great portion of his time having to resolve another civil uprising between two warring demon factions since the dark lord was too busy corrupting human souls and whatever else debauchery he was concocting.

  In the time he spent, traveling through the realms to give whatever misfortune the human had in store for himself to happen, Grim wondered why he was forced to “room” with the same entity that caused all of the cosmic havoc anyways…Why wasn’t he given dominion over his own separate piece of the spiritual world where he would not always be viewed in the same light as his dark brother? He did not ask to be created for the purpose of escorting damned souls to Hell or simply be the tour guide into the afterlife if that is what it is called. If he isn’t cosmically evil, but a necessity that came with a reputation as evil, what would those who sat high above in the rings of heaven do if he decided to become what humans saw him as…evil?

  His thoughts shifted to more pressing matters when he found himself in a tiny bar club right in the middle of nowhere in Texas. Beneath the low lighting sat a few scattered patrons, some of them drunk, others close to becoming drunk; and the rest trying to regain some sobriety so that they could hopefully make it home in a single piece. Cigar smoke filtered into his nostrils as he materialized into a rare human form, and he took a seat at the bar next to an overweight redneck that possessed the hygiene of a pig. He eyed the female bartender seductively, and she in return slid him a concoction that was meant to take him home for the night. He knew she was powerless against his beauty. His black, straight hair pulled back in a slick ponytail, his chiseled cheek bones and bronzed skin giving him a wild and untamable look and not to mention those hypnotically green eyes of his…Broad shoulders covered by a black trench coat and nothing but leather gave him a dangerous goth appearance, and yeah, he could see the image she held in her mind of her digging her nails into back as he rode her on waves of pleasure. But as much as he would have loved to entertain her fantasy, by Heavenly Edict, he was not supposed to touch her or seduce her in any way…he could get in trouble for just for the seductive glance he offered her.

  The lights dimmed once more, and his senses heightened upon realization that his latest soon to be victim was close by…so close that he could smell her perfume-her?! Just 30 feet away from him a young woman with the most beautiful chocolate brown skin took the stage. Her dark brown hair swept away in an up do fashion; her deliciously curvy body draped tightly in a strapless red dress that accentuated every nook and cranny, and he watched her with a quiet hunger as she took a seat on the stool that was situated in the center
of the stage. She smiled shyly at her audience before introducing herself.

  “Good evening everyone,” she cooed into the microphone. “My name is Mina Matthews and I would love to sing a song for you tonight if you don’t mind…”

  Once the music was cued, Grim could not believe how insanely twisted Fate could be. The bartender became a thing of the past as did the Edict. In all of his millennia of existence, he had never been as captivated by a human as he was by this Mina Matthews, and if he thought himself lost in the moments before she opened that delicate mouth of hers to sing, he became completely undone the instant the first note touched his heart.

  She sang a song that she wrote herself about a love she would never find because it was before her time, a ballad as the humans referred to it. She began with a low, sultry tone that did more than whisper to his loins; it went straight into his own soul. As the song progressed, she increased each note to a higher soprano and he could see her pain through her expression as she sang with everything she had within her. When she was done, what was left of her audience applauded and cheered for her, but to Grim that wasn’t good enough. The heavens owed her praise and as she stood up to bow, the enraged human that had made the decision to put an end to her dreams of stardom out of jealousy, burst through the door forcing everyone to turn around to see who the crazed lunatic was.

  Grim stared into the blood shot eyes of the drug addict boyfriend of this musically gifted beauty and realized he needed to do something. The world did not need to lose such a gift and neither did he and for the first time ever in his age long career as the Grim Reaper, he intercepted Fate…

  Grim slipped back into unconsciousness. His last thoughts returned to the one being other than Sin whose light had brought him the joy he needed to survive the darkness…and if Sin did not succeed in incapacitating Asmodeus and returning the Seal, Grim wasn’t the only one whose life was on the line.

  Chapter 13

  Domino instructed me to head south towards Florida for a quick pit stop for some weapons. I have no idea why a former member of the Dominion and the daughter of the Grim Reaper would need weapons when we have our own natural abilities at our disposal, but he is doing me a favor so I guess one last stop couldn’t hurt. He said he knew an arms dealer that specially made weapons for the type of hunting we would be doing: demon hunting. So I am guessing that even daddy o’s Scythe is not going to be good enough to take down Asmodeus.

  And speaking of Asmodeus, I find it strange that I have never heard of the bastard until now.

  We arrive as soon the sun had risen in front of something called a Smoke Shop. Domino materializes into an outfit similar to mine-black and leathery, giving him the look of a Dom rather than an angelic being, or former angelic being. Like every other male entity that nestled himself in my life in some shape or another, I had not realized just how much this male towered over me and as I gave him a quick once over, I could not help but appreciate the view. Grim is going to be so pissed…

  “So what is so great about the weaponry this dealer makes that my Scythe isn’t efficient enough to do the job?” I ask, hoping to distract myself from things not quite related to the task at hand.

  He eyes me curiously. “Your Scythe is more than efficient Sin. But I need to be able to protect myself as well.”

  “But don’t you have powers of your own?”

  He gives his back to me to ring the doorbell. “Yes, but since I have not been to the Heavenly realms in…centuries, I am not as strong as I once was…”

  “But you’re a Dominion angel-“

  “I appreciate your faith in my abilities, but trust me Sin the weapon I am about to request will be needed…”

  We are interrupted when the heavy metal door slowly creaks open. Domino pushes the door open wider and holds it open for me to pass through. At first I am hesitant to enter for it is not customary for anyone to demonstrate such chivalry where I am from.

  “What is the matter with you Sin? No one has ever held the door open for you?”

  “No. You know Hell doesn’t offer such pleasantries…” I say as I slip past him and into the spacious interior filled with burning incense, various paraphernalia used for the inhalants humans loved to indulge themselves in.

  An aging black man in his fifties appeared from a side door looking like one of those Vietnam Vets with the dingy fatigues and muddy combat boots as if he is fresh from the battle field. He reeked of smoke, and his greying beard was in desperate need of maintenance. He approached us with a limp, and the single eye that stared back at us held years of hard earned knowledge held back by a calm demeanor. He extended his hand for Domino to accept and when he did, the vet pulled Domino into a brotherly hug.

  “Domino my man, how have you been? Long time no see!” The vet smiles warmly.

  “I have been well…you know I don’t come out much.”

  “I understand…times are a lot more uncertain…” The vet said softly.

  “I know…there has been an unusual amount of demon activity.”

  The vet raised an eye brow. “So does that mean you are back bro?”

  Domino shook his head. “Not really. You know I have to lay low for millennia or two…”

  “But the Dominion-“

  “Have been disbanded and reassigned a different task Max.”

  The vet or Max took a second to glance over in my direction. “Hello there lovely lady,” he said politely. “The name’s Max. I am a friend of Domino.” He extended his hand for me to shake and I had to remind myself that this is a human gesture of introduction. I accepted his heavy, battle worn palm into mine.

  “My name is Sin. I too am a friend of Domino,” I say offering a slight grin.

  “Sin huh?”

  “She is Grim’s daughter,” Domino informed Max.

  “Grim? As in the goddamn Grim Reaper? Angel of Death?” Max asked surveying me in disbelief.

  “Yes, the one and only,” Domino added with a smirk.

  “Well you tell that son of a bitch that he better not come knocking on my door any time soon. I still have shit to do,” Max said with a chuckle.

  I narrow my eyes, unamused by his distasteful banter. “I don’t think Grim will take too kindly to being called a ‘son of a bitch’, but I will still pass the message along if you like.”

  Max’s eyes widen in fear at the idea of having to explain to Grim why he called the Angel of Death a son of a bitch. “Never mind! Tell him let’s do lunch…my treat.”

  I shrug my shoulders and recline back into my thoughts. The man had a lot of heart and the mark on his forehead was glowing ever so brightly and I knew Grim would not be visiting this man any time soon. But he didn’t need to know that.

  “So what brings you here Domino? I haven’t even opened the store yet, and if you are not back in business then what can I do for you?”

  “I just need my sword and a few other necessities... I am working on a temporary assignment.”

  “Temporary assignment huh? It must be important if you have the Grim Reaper’s daughter tagging along with you.”

  Domino shrugged and said nothing more. Max eyes me once more, but instead of more curiosity, blatant appreciation lingered in his gaze, and I do not like it one bit.

  “A few of my father’s best men have suffered terrible fates just from staring at me too hard,” I warn the veteran. “And I don’t think you would like your soul to be damned over something as minor as that.”

  “I mean no harm young lady,” Max apologized. “But a man cannot help himself when he finds himself in the presence of a beautiful woman.”

  “C’mon Max,” Domino sighed. “Now is not the time. We have to get going.”

  “Alright, alright…I have your weapons tucked away in the back,” Max pouted as he turned around and went back through the door from which he came, leaving me and Domino alone once more.

  “Please excuse my friend,” he says with a slight smile.

  “No worries. I just needed him to un
derstand that there are boundaries and I am fully capable of making his nightmares look more like a fantasy if he continued.”

  “Are you always this cold Sin?”

  “What do you mean ‘cold’?” I snap.

  “I mean, are you always this callous? Most women loved to be complimented and told wonderful things.”

  “Well when your father is not above sending you to the Abaddon Pitts as punishment or when you are one of the few females who actually can survive in Hell then I guess being callous is the only thing I know. My father isn’t the most nurturing-“

  “-I get it Sin. Are you always going to be Grim’s prisoner or are you free to be whatever it is you want to be?”

  “I am not a prisoner of Grim’s! I am his goddamn daughter for-“

  Just as I felt the heat of indignation and rage knit together and threatens to unleash itself on the Fallen Dominion, Max comes strolling out of the room carrying a wide edged sword with a silver handle and a duffle that was filled with only God knows what.

  “Here you go partner,” Max said completely oblivious to the mounting tension that is filling the room. He dumped the duffle onto the floor without regard for the safety of the contents in the bag and wiped his brow. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “No, you have done more than enough my friend,” Domino replies as he grabs the duffle and gently takes the sword from Max.


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