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Witch Queens_Tales from Oz

Page 1

by S Cinders

  Witch Queens - Tales From Oz

  Dark Fairy Tales, Volume 1

  S. Cinders

  Published by S. Cinders, 2018.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. February 1, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 S. Cinders.

  Written by S. Cinders.

  Also by S. Cinders

  Dark Fairy Tales

  Witch Queens - Tales From Oz


  The Dirty Bird Series

  The Dirty Bird Series II

  Rakes vs. Wallflowers

  Finally, Phillip

  Dancing With Daniel

  Better With Benjamin

  Finding Frances

  Sinfully Samuel

  Melt Me Miles

  Sisters Before Misters

  Sisters Before Misters


  Mr. Wayland, and Other Mistakes I've Made

  Hunter & Holt

  Applebottom Magic

  Blowing Kisses

  Barefoot & Pregnant

  Watch for more at S. Cinders’s site.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also By S. Cinders





























  CHAPTER 27 - PART 2 – Mombi

  CHAPTER 28 – PART 2 - Mombi

  CHAPTER 29 - PART 2 – Mombi

  CHAPTER 30 - PART 2 – Mombi

  CHAPTER 31 - PART 2 – Mombi

  CHAPTER 32 - PART 2 – Mombi

  CHAPTER 33 - PART 2 – Mombi

  CHAPTER 34 - PART 3 – Glinda

  CHAPTER 35 - PART 3 – Glinda

  CHAPTER 36 - PART 3 – Glinda

  CHAPTER 37 - PART 3 – Glinda

  CHAPTER 38 - PART 3 – Glinda

  CHAPTER 39 - PART 3 – Glinda

  CHAPTER 40 - PART 3 – Glinda

  CHAPTER 41 - PART 4 – Elphaba

  CHAPTER 42 - PART 4 – Elphaba

  CHAPTER 43 - PART 4 – Elphaba

  CHAPTER 44 - PART 4 – Elphaba

  CHAPTER 45 - PART 4 – Elphaba

  CHAPTER 46 - PART 4 – Elphaba

  CHAPTER 47 - PART 4 – Elphaba

  CHAPTER 48- PART 5 – Indy

  CHAPTER 49 - PART 5 – Indy

  CHAPTER 50 - PART 5 – Indy

  CHAPTER 51 - PART 5 – Indy

  CHAPTER 52 - PART 5 – Indy

  CHAPTER 53 - PART 5 – Indy

  CHAPTER 54 - PART 5 – Indy


  Sign up for S. Cinders's Mailing List

  Further Reading: Applebottom Magic

  Also By S. Cinders

  About the Author

  Thank you to my husband, who has always supported me in my writing.

  And thank you to the readers who make it all possible. I would love to hear from you!


  I watched him tip another one back, and for a moment, desperately wanted to be the dirty shot glass in his large, capable hands. They called him Scarecrow because when you wanted a job done, he was in and out before anyone knew what was coming. He was fear personified. Every inch of his six-foot-four muscular frame covered in tats of some kind. I wanted to lick his golden skin, what little I could see through the black ink.

  This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t be here. The last time that we had a run in, he had grasped my wrists so tightly they had burned as my panties dissolved from his nearness.

  That impossibly deep, gravelly voice was whispering against the shell of my ear, “The next time I see you Indy, I am going to be balls deep inside of you as you scream my name.”

  I mean—how does one even respond to something like that? It wasn’t like we were seeing each other either.

  Scarecrow doesn’t date women—he fucks them. And sometimes, he fucks several at the same time.

  I had said something stupid like, “It will be a cold day in hell before you or your balls come anywhere near me.”

  His lips trembled with laughter, making my pussy ache with need, “Indy, why do you fight this? You and I both know that you want me. I could slip my fingers into your soaking core to prove a point, but this isn’t the time or the place.”

  It wasn’t the time or the place. We were at my father’s castle, he was announcing to all of Oz that he had decided to split his kingdom into fourths for myself and my three sisters. He was tired of ruling and wanted to have some time with my mother, the queen.

  I had just learned that I pulled the short end of the stick—as per usual.

  I would be ruling over the East quadrant, my twin sister Elphaba the west, my older sister Mombi got the North, and Glenda—the favorite—would rule the South.

  It was just my luck that I would get Munchkin Land. They were the worst of my father’s kingdom to control. The little shit-heads were constantly causing riots. I swear, they don’t share one brain between the lot of them.

  My father had been too lenient, and in so, set up a precedence that no one had to work or take responsibility for themselves because the king would take care of everything.

  That shit has to stop—immediately. I wasn’t running a charity show. Especially if this was a test from my father, he was going to decide between the four of us who would eventually be crowned Queen of all Oz. But it all depended on how we did with our fourth of the kingdom.

  And I got the fucking Munchkins.

  I didn’t have time for Scarecrow or his drop-dead good looks.

  Shoving him away, I didn’t respond to him. I had wanted to walk away with my head held high.

  But his parting shot caught me anyway, “Be seeing you, Princess.”

  I whipped my head around, “No, Scarecrow, you won’t. Because I will never come running to you.”

  He licked his luscious lips, those dark eyes not missing my beaded nipples beneath my thin dress. “Indy, don’t make promises that you won’t keep. What kind of princess begins her reign with lies?”

  I wanted to hurt him. My hands were actually shaking, “I am not fucking lying!”

  The smirk had haunted my dreams and caused me more than my fair share of sleepless nights, was splayed across his face.

  “You may think you aren’t lying to me, but it is yourself to whom I am referring, Princess.”

  “I hate you,” I spat, my chest heaving. I knew that I was overreacting, but I had just sustained a large blow from my father. I didn't need this dick-for-brains to be yanking my chain.

  He was on me in an instant. His scent smothering me as his arms locked around me like a vice, “I will spank your sassy ass soon enough, Princess. Enjoy your time as a free woman, because when we meet again—you are mine.”

  This time when I broke away from him I didn’t stop running until I had gone into the private corridors reserved for only our family.

heart was racing a million miles a minute, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to throw up or kill someone.

  “What in the hell happened to you?” My twin sister Elphaba gawked at my flustered state, “Is this because of the Munchkin bullshit? Because I will talk to father for you, seriously Indy, don’t let it get to you. I will take it and you can have the mountains and jungles in the west.”

  The last thing that I wanted was my sister fighting my battles. I knew that she didn’t care about becoming Queen. Elphaba was a badass chick and didn’t take any crap from anyone. I honestly think that she would have left Oz if it hadn’t had been for me.

  We were close, but I wanted to do this on my own. I wanted to make my father proud.

  “No, El, seriously, do not speak with Father. I can do this. I know I can.”

  El watched me, her long wavy dark hair the exact replica of my own. “I don’t doubt your ability to rock this assignment, Indy. I do worry about your desire to do so. Why do you want to be tied to the kingdom? This is our chance to get away from all of this.”

  We were as opposite as up and down, but I loved her dearly, and I knew that she loved me.

  “I can’t explain it, El.”

  She hugged me fiercely, and I knew that everything was going to be okay, “I love you, Indy. Father would be a fool not to pick you.”

  And I had honestly felt the same way.

  Up until about a week ago, when some chick named Dorothy tried to drop a house on me.

  Who does that?

  And did she really think that I wouldn’t see it coming and not get out of the way?

  The Munchkins all cheered and told her some bullshit story about what a tyrant I was to them. Right—because forcing people to actually take care of themselves was tyranny.

  I stayed in the shadows trying to assess just who had come into my territory. It didn’t take me long to get a good read on her. Apparently, Dorothy wanted Oz for herself. The first thing she demanded was to see my father. Those idiot Munchkins told her right where to find him.

  I knew that my father would make short work of her. He's had many threats to the kingdom in the past, and Dorothy, honestly, didn’t look like much.

  Her floppy brown hair in pigtails and an apron tied over her dress.

  It was then that I noticed, in the confusion of the house dropping, I had lost my shoes.

  Looking frantically for my Jimmy Choo’s, I didn’t even suspect that whore would snatch them up.

  They didn’t even go with her outfit!

  All of this aside, I was willing to let them go if she would just get the hell out of my territory.

  But then Munchkin's started popping up dead. The heads barely still attached to their mangled necks. It was sickening, as if an animal had ripped them to shreds.

  I couldn’t allow this to continue. And worse, I couldn’t ask for the help of my sisters because they all had their own worries. Besides, if I didn’t do this properly, my father could decide that I wasn’t fit to rule Oz.

  So that left me with one choice—deal with the devil.

  So, that is when I went searching for Scarecrow.

  “You gonna hide in the doorway all night, Princess, or are you ready to get fucked?”

  Shit—what have I done?


  In a flash, he had me pinned up against the wall. I could smell the whiskey on his breath as well as the smoky atmosphere of the bar.

  His muscular body pressed tightly against my back. His massive cock was unmistakable as he pushed it into my ass.

  He flipped me around and had somehow managed to grab my wrists, pull them above my head, making my breasts jut out. I knew he loved every moment of my discomfort.

  He leaned in to suck on my neck. My legs threatened to buckle, and he chuckled dark and deep against my skin. “I knew you would come to me.”

  His words caused my blood to boil, and I struggled against his tight grip, “Let me go, you bastard!”

  His thick lips were wreaking havoc on my skin, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hurt him or fuck him.

  Which made me struggle all the more.

  “Why are you here, Indy?”

  His thick voice, breaking through my ire, I glared at him, “I need your help.”

  I hate the smirk that spread across his lips.

  “Do you now?” he said darkly, “That’s good because I need you too.”

  “I am not fucking you, Scarecrow!” I burst out, and in a second, I found myself almost falling as he released me and started to walk away.

  “What?” I cried out, “Where are you going?”

  He didn’t even turn around as he walked out of the bar towards his huge motorcycle.

  “Scarecrow, I am talking to you!”

  Damn it, if he wasn’t the most infuriating man.

  “Done listening, Princess.”

  I hated when he called me Princess. In truth, I am a princess, but he made it sound sordid and filthy.

  He lifted his long, muscular leg across the seat of his bike and grabbed his helmet. He was honestly going to leave me here! I had looked for days, trying to find him, I couldn’t lose him now.

  “Stop, Scarecrow! You can’t just leave.”

  He glanced my way and I felt a gush of liquid between my thighs, almost as if he knew what he had done to me, that possessive smirk flashed once again.

  He started the bike and I ran to put myself directly in front of it.

  “Out of the way, Indy,” his voice was starting to sound irritated.

  “But I need you,” I cried out, “I will do anything, I swear. Just don’t leave!”

  He turned the bike off and whipped the helmet off of his head, “Anything?”

  I swallowed my fear and nodded shakily, “Anything.”

  “Then hop on, Princess, we have to get somewhere.”

  I wanted to argue, but I knew that he would only take off if I did.

  Scarecrow tossed me the heavy helmet and I gingerly placed it on my head.

  His slight smile as I tried to fasten it had my fingers working like thumbs. Eventually, tired of the game, he pulled me towards him and fastened the buckle himself, making sure that it was tight against my chin.

  He extended his arm for me to climb aboard and I hesitated for the briefest of moments. I was terrified of motorcycles, but I needed him. Swallowing my fear, I hopped on behind him. I tried to get acclimated, with his large frame directly in front of me and the purring of the bike between my legs.

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and was proud of how brave I was being. Until he took off and I felt my entire life flash before my eyes. I must have screamed some obscenity because I could feel him chucking. My fingers were digging into his six pack abs and I was too scared to realize that I had slipped my hands under his leather jacket and t-shirt, hanging onto his bare skin.

  My chest was glued to his back, my thighs cradling his ass. I would be mortified if I were in my right mind.

  We pulled off at another seedy bar and I wondered why we hadn’t just stayed at the first one if he wanted to drink. But I didn’t question him, I was too damn happy that the bike had stopped.

  He got off the bike, turned and picked me up. It was disconcerting that he was strong enough to move my body without the slightest hint of effort.

  I slid down his hard frame before my feet hit the pavement. Scarecrow unlatched his helmet from my head and I noticed that his eyes flared with lust as they took in my disheveled state.

  I was flustered and blurted out, “Why did you bring me to another bar?”

  A slow grin spread across his face, “This isn’t just any bar, Indy. Welcome to your new home.”

  My eyes had to have shown my surprise because he threw his head back and laughed.

  "Don't judge every book by its cover, Princess," he grasped my hand and pulled me into the dark bar.

  There were hardly any patrons, but I wasn't paying attention to the barflies.

  The bartender looked to be almo
st seven feet tall. He was bald and handsome in a rough, terrifying way. Scarecrow caught me staring and yanked my arm hard, "He's not for you, Princess."

  The bartender laughed, "Not sharing this one, Scarecrow?"

  Scarecrow turned, and his eyes met the other man. Something I didn't understand passed silently between them. The bartender lowered his eyes in submission, "No offense to you ma'am. I was just messing around."

  I looked up into Scarecrow's chiseled face and noticed how he projected a sense of terror in those around him.

  "Indy, this is Jake. Jake this is Indy, she is mine."

  I bristled immediately, "I am not his!"

  I might have gotten away with it if he hadn't have pulled me in for a ruthless kiss. I might have fought him for half a second when my body overtook my good sense. With the one free hand I had, I grabbed his hair and tugged him closer to my mouth. He kissed me harshly, breathlessly, and part of me was just holding on for dear life.

  It wasn't until he went to pull away and I whimpered in dismay, that I realized we had an audience. There was silence in the bar.

  Jake had a shit eating grin on his face, "Yeah, I see how it is, ma'am."

  Scarecrow didn't even respond. He simply pulled me to a staircase in the back, and then hollered out, "I am not to be disturbed, Jake."

  Jake's laugh followed me all the way up the stairs.


  The moment we crossed the threshold we were in a gorgeous high-rise apartment. The east wall was covered in windows and I could see the twinkling stars from the night sky winking back at me as if to say that they knew a secret that I didn’t.

  “How?” I blurted out, but Scarecrow ignored me, dropping his keys and wallet into a gold vase on the sleek metal side table.

  It wasn’t that I was unaware of magic, the good Lord knew that I had dabbled a time or two. But I had never been very good at it and couldn’t imagine pulling something of this scale off.

  “Who did this for you?” I blurted out.

  He lifted a brow, “Who said that I needed help?”


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