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Witch Queens_Tales from Oz

Page 16

by S Cinders

  Gregory made sure that the widows and orphans had homes. And he worked day and night to assure the safety of his borders. He was a magnificent ruler.

  Because of the conflict between him and my sisters, he had devised a disguise as the mysterious Wizard of Oz. They had no interest in him, and therefore, he could come to Emerald City when his schedule allowed, and we would meet in secret.

  Only, Gregory was getting impatient with me. He wanted me as his wife, and as much as I thought I wanted that as well, I wasn’t sure if I was making the right choice giving up my birthright. I could not be a ruler of Oz and the Princess of Sapphire City. One would always suffer, and I wasn’t willing to make anyone sacrifice because of my choices.

  We were at a stalemate. So, I asked Gregory to wait for me while I ruled Quadling Country, the southern territory of Oz.

  “I know you don’t want to talk about it, Lin,” he said gently. “But we have to at some point. I’ve come to a decision.”

  I shiver of fear raced up my spine, “What is it?”

  “It is unfair of me to ask you to give up your birthright. I’ve thought long and hard about what I could do to make this better, but the truth is, that maybe we were never meant to be.”

  “Are you,” a sob caught in my throat, “Breaking up with me?”

  Gregory took my hands and I felt the frisson of awareness that always came to me when he was near.

  “I am letting you go,” his words were gruff. “I have no right to hold you back.”

  This could not be happening. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever see this coming. Although, I really should have. Gregory, if anything, was fair. And he loved me.

  “I thought you loved me,” I whispered, trying to pull my hands away.

  He tightened his grip, “You know that I do.”

  “Is this because we haven’t slept together?” I was grasping at straws, “Because I will do it. Right now, if you want.”

  I could see the shock, hope, and outrage flash across his handsome face.

  “Glinda, do you honestly think that I am the kind of man who would do that?”


  “So, that is it then?” my voice sounded strangely hollow to my ears. “We're through.”

  Gregory’s jaw tightened, and I involuntarily lifted my hand to touch his cheek, but he flinched away.

  Never had he shrank from my touch before. He was serious.

  I whipped away from him, striding across the grass and away from the horses that had brought with us.

  “Lin, where are you going?” he demanded.

  But I ignored him, not wanting Gregory to realize that tears were now streaming down my face.

  He doesn’t want me anymore.

  He doesn’t want me.

  Perhaps, he doesn’t love me.

  I never told him how much I love him.

  I collapsed in a heap on the side of a riverbed, leaning over the edge, I caught my swollen blotchy reflection in the clear water and made a face.

  Gregory had thankfully stayed with the horses. I couldn’t face him at the moment. I needed space.

  “Why are you so sad pretty lady?”

  I tipped my head up to see a water sprite staring at me with a bemused expression.

  I grimaced, “I have just lost the one person in the world that really understands me.”

  The sprite flipped her hand, causing water droplets to fling across the grass, “What is lost can easily be found again.”

  “He doesn’t love me anymore,” I whispered, “I pushed him away.”

  “Pull him back,” she cocked her head. “Surely a beautiful girl like yourself should have no trouble getting a man to follow her anywhere.”

  I flushed, “I am not sure what you mean.”

  Her tinkling laugh brought a small smile to my lips.

  “Sex darling, you need to seduce the man.”

  “But I have never,” I broke off blushing madly.

  “You have the right parts I assume?” she asked pointedly.

  “I am a female,” I retorted.

  “Well, use those feminine wiles. He won’t know what hit him. I guarantee he won’t be lost for long.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  The sprite pushed a wave of water at me, drenching every inch of my skin.

  “Argh! Why did you do that?” I nearly screamed.

  She indicated to my now, see through shirt. My nipples were fully present and had started to bead up from the cold.

  “That should help you, now on your way pretty lady. The night draws near, and the temperatures are falling.”

  Sure enough, I noticed it had been getting darker. I turned to thank her, but the sprite was gone, and only the small river remained.

  “Where have you been?” Gregory’s angry voice interrupted me, and I hopped to my feet.

  “I am sorry. I was upset, and then there was a water sprite.”

  But I could tell that he wasn’t listening to a word I said. Gregory’s eyes were glued to a specific part of my anatomy that was on full display.

  “Gregory?” I demanded.

  His eyes flew to mine, and I will never forget the intense look of lust in them.

  Maybe the sprite knew what she was talking about after all.

  CHAPTER 35 - PART 3 – Glinda

  “Ar-gon-a-bea,” Gregory wiped his mouth and tried again. “Are you going to be putting something else on?”

  I hid my smile, “I don’t have anything else to put on. But now that you mention it, these clothes are awfully uncomfortable.”

  “What in heaven’s name are you doing?”

  My eyes danced as I answered demurely, “Taking this sopping wet shirt off. It should dry better without me in it.”

  “You can’t do that!” he exploded.

  I winked at him, “Watch me.”

  I hadn’t meant that he needed to watch my every movement physically, but Gregory had always been most obedient.

  Slipping the soggy material over my head, I wrung it out and tossed it over the nearest bush. Next, I went to the buttons on my pants.

  “You can’t take off your pants, Lin! This is indecent. Anyone could come along!”

  I shrugged, “I suppose that I will have to take that chance. It’s not like you want me any longer, so that doesn’t pose a problem.”

  His cheek twitched, “You know nothing of what you are talking about.”

  I slid the zipper down, “You're right. I do know nothing. I am always kept in the dark when it comes to things. My sisters think I am an imbecile and don’t listen to anything I say. My father finds me incapable and sends me to rule over the most boring territory of Oz. And my ex-boyfriend didn’t even want to have sex with me.”

  His body crashed into my own, holding me in a punishing grip. This was nothing like the kisses that we had shared in the past. Those were sweet and innocent, leaving my head spinning and butterflies in my stomach.

  This hit me like a semi, there weren’t butterflies in my stomach, but full-grown elephants are tromping around.

  His hands held me immobile as his mouth dominated mine, slashing his tongue across my lips until I opened for him. I wasn’t sure who groaned with satisfaction, but it very well could have been me.

  I felt alive for the first time in my life.

  Raising up on my toes, I kissed him back with everything in my being. He had wanted to throw all of this away. Well, the hell with that.

  I was a fucking witch Queen. It was time for me to take back my life, and I was starting with Gregory. We weren’t over, until I said we were over.

  Biting his lower lip, I tugged on the tender skin. His hands slid into my bra, pulling it down so he could have access to my bare breasts.

  Why hadn’t we done this before?

  Years ago, I was dragged into the woods by two fairy boys. My sisters had teased me ever since for being the kinkiest of them all. But the truth, was that they had wanted a love spell from me, nothing more.

  I neve
r told my sisters what had happened, because for the first time, they saw me as more than their innocent baby sister.

  But that is what I was, innocent as the day I was born.

  However, I was going to change that starting right now. No longer was I going to allow life to happen to me. I am the mistress of my fate.

  I yanked Gregory’s shirt up and slid my hands across his bare skin. His chest was muscular with a small spattering of hair leading down to the waistband of his jeans.

  He slipped from my mouth, and I let out a cry of disappointment. It wasn’t a moment before his lips latched onto my nipple.

  My hands flew into his hair, holding him against my skin.

  Gregory lapped at the budding skin, sending shock waves to my core. I needed his touch in my most private of areas. In fact, I felt as though I might die without it.

  I went to the buckle of his pants and tried to undo them, but he stopped me.

  Carefully, Gregory laid me down upon the grass and then undid the button on my pants.

  It took him a moment to get the dampened material off, but it was worth it when he saw me lying there in my pink satin panties. My matching bra was still gathered under my breasts, pushing them up towards him.

  “Fuck, Lin,” his eyes devouring the scene before him, “You don’t know how long I have dreamt of this. How many nights, I have lain awake, hard and wanting.”

  “Me too,” I whispered.

  He kissed me again. It felt carnal to have his bare chest rubbing against my aching nipples. I felt the rough texture of his jeans through my panties. He flipped us around so that I was on top and I spread my legs on either side of him.

  Gregory pushed the elastic material to the side with his fingers to touch my heat. I arched my back, brazenly sitting on the Prince of Sapphire City, as he played with my pussy in the open air.

  “Touch your breasts,” he commanded.

  I looked at him in surprise, ‘Why?”

  Gregory growled, “I want to watch you.”

  I cupped my breasts, not expecting anything to come of it, but as I began to mold and shaped them as he had, I felt a zing of pleasure go straight to my pussy.

  Gregory continued to play with my folds, “More,” he commanded.

  My heart was pounding. I didn’t want to do anything that would shock or offend him, but I also had a strong desire to please him.

  I took my nipples in my fingertips and gave them a tentative squeeze.

  My hips jolted at the sensation, and I found that it felt good to rub against his hardened abs as he played with my pussy.

  There was something building inside of me, something deep and dark that was begging to be released.

  A whimper left my lips, and Gregory smiled in satisfaction.

  His finger slipped inside of me and filled me in a whole new way. My hips started thrusting against him in a rhythm. I was no longer playing with my nipples, but had them in a tight grasp pulling them as the pleasure-pain went straight to my core.

  “Gregory,” I called out, not sure why or what I needed of him.

  “You are almost there, Baby. You can do it, just let go.”

  I ground harder, and he entered another finger inside of me. My heart was threatening to break free from its cage, and I knew that something big was happening.

  “Fuck!” I screamed out as something shattered within me. My body no longer in my control as I spasmed on top of Gregory, my juices coating his hand and lower stomach.

  He clutched me to him, “Lin, that was...”

  “I know,” I whispered tiredly against his neck, “Incredible.”

  “Fucking amazing,” he responded, kissing the top of my head.

  I have never heard Gregory use such language around me before. But I liked it. It seemed to have its place as we found ourselves in each other’s bodies.

  “What was that?” I panted.

  I felt him smile against my skin.

  “Perfection,” he replied.

  I tipped my head up to see his face, “No, really, what happened to me just then?”

  A finger traced my cheekbone, “You found your pleasure, Lin. That was an orgasm. It was magnificent.”

  “Oh,” I felt heat crawl up my face, “Did you?”

  He blinked, “Did I what?”

  I frowned at him, “Did you find your pleasure?”

  He barked out a laugh before sliding my hand down to his rock-hard cock.

  “No, sweetheart, not this time.”

  I didn’t know what to say, “Why not?”

  Gregory smiled tenderly, “This time was about you, Lin.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I tucked my head back into the crook of his neck. But I couldn’t stop the grin that had plastered itself on my face.

  Gregory had said there would be a next time.

  CHAPTER 36 - PART 3 – Glinda

  When I had awoken the next morning, tangled tightly in Gregory’s arms, I had thought that once again all was well between us.

  But from the moment he had opened his eyes, Gregory had been distant, and I dare say—almost cold.

  We broke camp in relative silence. Gregory readied the horses for us, and I gathered my now dry clothing, feeling stupid about my attempts of seduction. I was the only one to lose my clothes and apparently my head along with it.

  Gregory helped me mount with the barest of touches, and something cracked inside of me.

  I needed to be away from him, by myself, to try and pick up the pieces.

  We were no longer a ‘we,’ and it was killing me.

  I didn’t wait for him to mount before spurring my horse toward Emerald City.

  “Lin!” he called out to me, “Glinda! Hold on a moment!”

  I knew that he was fumbling to keep up with me, but I didn’t care.

  Those blasted tears had begun to fall, and I wasn’t about to show Gregory how his coldness affected me.

  The countryside passed in a blur of color. I wish that I could say that I enjoyed seeing so much of Oz, but the truth was, the color had seemed to leach out of my world.

  He caught up to me several miles down the lane but was wise enough to leave me be.

  I was no longer crying, but I couldn’t be sure that my eyes hadn’t betrayed me. So, I didn’t look at him, not for the entire ride.

  We stopped several times to give the animals water and a chance to graze.

  Gregory had attempted conversation, but with one look from me, the words died on his lips.

  I wasn’t sure what was worse, the ache in my backside from such a long horse ride or the ache in my heart. But I had a feeling it was the latter.

  At dusk, we approached an inn. I had a vague knowledge of the proprietor. His name was Steele. Hubert Tavern looked to be overcrowded, and I worried we might not get rooms.

  We gave the horses to the stable master who looked surprised actually to have work to do. Most residents of Oz drove vehicles these days, but Gregory was very old-fashioned and hated them with a passion.

  “Lord above, another witch Queen,” Steele mumbled when we walked in the door. It was not the greeting I was expecting.

  “My sisters have been here recently?” I inquired politely.

  He gave a gruff nod, “Indy and Scarecrow were here a few nights back. They broke a lot of shit. I hope that you don’t intend to do the same.”

  I flushed, “Indeed?”

  Turning to my companion, I said in my loftiest of tones, “Prince Gregory of the Sapphire City, I wish to make your acquaintance with Hubert Steele the III. Mr. Steele is the owner of this fine establishment.”

  Steele straightened immediately, “Your Highness, it is a pleasure to have you here. How may I help you?”

  I fought rolling my eyes at his formal address.

  Gregory’s smile slipped unconsciously onto his face and my stomach clenched with the need to soak in every last second of it.

  “We are traveling to Emerald City and need accommodations for the night. Might we rely o
n you, Mr. Steele?”



  “I am sorry, Your Highness, but we are full up this weekend. I do have one room available, but I am afraid it has a very small bed. I would offer you my room, but it has already been occupied. I had planned on staying in the small room. But it is yours, should you wish it.”

  “You are most kind,” Gregory extended his hand and a surprised Steele shook it willingly.

  Gregory pulled back immediately as if he had been burned.

  And to my surprise, Steele looked embarrassed.

  “I had no idea that your kind came as far north as this,” Gregory said cryptically. “I assume that you are alone?”

  Steele eyed the prince warily, “Yes.”

  “Was your father a...”

  “No,” Steele cut Gregory off.

  “I see,” Gregory nodded. “I assume that we will have no trouble while staying at your inn?”

  Steele gritted his teeth, “I am an honorable man, Your Highness. I promise you that all shall be well during your visit. I personally guarantee it.”

  He showed us into a room in the attic, which had to be the darkest, draftiest, and dankest place in all of Oz.

  Steele promised to have some supper brought up to us and then departed.

  I went to sit on the narrow bed which groaned in protest, “This is lovely.”

  Gregory’s lips twitched, “Only the best for you, my dear.”

  “Like you give a rat’s ass about where I sleep tonight.”

  The spiteful words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

  He looked up at me in surprise, “You said ass!”

  “That is the only thing you got from that statement?” I asked incredulously.

  He shrugged, “You have been moody all day. I am choosing to ignore the rest.”

  “Moody?” my voice was rising, “You think I have been moody?”

  “Who fucking woke up with a humongous icicle shoved up their ass? You haven’t said jack shit to me all day. And you want to call me moody?”

  A pillow flew at his head.

  “What the hell, Lin?” his tone was incredulous.

  “How could you be so cold to me?” I demanded, “After what we shared last night? I felt dirty and used this morning. If you don’t want me anymore, you need to keep your bloody hands to yourself!”


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