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Nailed Page 1

by Needa Warrant


  © 2015 Needa Warrant

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written consent from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

  Trademarked names appear throughout this book. Rather than trademarked name, names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

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  The characters, locations, and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity or resemblance to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This book is entirely based on the imagination of the authors.

  Copyright © 2015 Needa Warrant

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions there of in any form whatsoever.

  Copyright © 2015 Needa Warrant

  Cover/Editing/Interior Formatting by Fancy Pants Formatting


  This book is dedicated to TigersEye,Jo, Rose, Ang,& Barb

  In memory of Eddie & Lee, RIP, you are forever in our hearts.

  I would like to thank Rose, Jo, Andrea, Angel, Barb, Sheila,Jodi, Sugar & all the other people who stood by me. There is a long list of people I am not mentioning, but you know who you are..... My family for feeding me and my old man for reminding me how precious life is. My daughter, Cara Mia for being there anytime I needed her. The authors who encouraged me, the people who told me to keep writing when I was ready to stop. And above all, Casey Harvell, my editor & a truly wonderful person. Casey does everything for me and makes writing easier!

  Authors note.... I have shared stories of my life with a few authors because this is my world and I like to be nice. So if you read anything similar to any story you see in my books, it is because I have graciously shared parts of my life.


  Please note: This book contains violence, swearing, sexual content, drug use, and is recommended for readers 18 years of age and up. If the above offends you, please do not read this book.




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Want More?


  Central New Jersey, 1975

  Nailz was late again. He was finally on his way home after spending most of the day and night at the Bound for Hell MC Clubhouse—again. He hoped his old lady Jo was asleep. She needed her rest because she was pregnant and their constant fighting put too much stress on both of them.

  Again that day they had fought and Nailz left, slamming the door hard behind him. They argued over something stupid and it was his fault. His nerves were shot and Nailz really didn't intend to take it out on her, but things were so fucked up with Kima being held by Rabid and the club going in all directions. Lately, Nailz was always in a foul mood.

  Jo wanted to use his truck so she could visit her best friend, Kima. That normally wouldn't have been a problem and he’d have gladly let her use it. What Jo didn't know was that her best friend Kima had been coerced into being Rabid's old lady. Rabid was the National President of their club. He was forcing her to be his old lady by making threats to harm Veiko—their chapter president who was lying in a hospital bed. The club needed to bring Kima back safely. Then they had to get rid of Rabid for good. Only none of the ideas they came up with would work with Rabid's 'boys' guarding Kima.

  About two months ago at an Ocean Cove bar, Kima was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Rabid had spotted Kima leaning up against the bar as she watched the band play and liked what he saw. He wanted her from the first moment he saw her. What Rabid wanted, Rabid got.

  Rabid sent drinks which Kima refused and sent back. Then he started to follow her around. Kima wasn’t happy to have the unwanted attention so after having enough of his stalking, she lost her temper and clocked him in the back of the head with a shot glass. All hell had broken loose after that.

  Rabid was intrigued with Kima so he claimed her for his old lady. Kima wasn't agreeable, and he started in with the threats. Rabid threatened to beat up Veiko for his right to have her. Kima had no choice but to go with him. Even though she’d broken up with Veiko, she was technically still his old lady. V didn't plan to let Kima go and was still in love with her. Now Kima was being held as Rabid's plaything and he intended to force her to marry him.

  Rabid was a sadistic bastard who had many addictions. After serving in Vietnam beside Rabid, Nailz knew firsthand what a narcissistic sociopath Rabid truly was. He was capable of harming or killing anyone he didn't like or trust. Nailz feared Kima wouldn't survive Rabid and the nightmare he was putting her through.

  Rabid was growing more paranoid and crazier by the day. You didn't mess with him. His word was law in the club and he had his 'boys' to enforce it.

  Jo would freak if she found out and Nailz wanted to avoid that by all means. Nailz had kept it from her because he didn't want to worry Jo and cause stress for the baby. She didn't understand why Nailz was being such a prick so instead of punching a wall he'd take his anger out on the door.

  Nailz wondered how the hell he was going to explain it to Jo without another fight. Jo kept asking questions about Kima. Nailz couldn't tell her the truth so he kept silent or made some excuse to leave. Nailz was spending more and more time at the clubhouse.

  All day long Nailz felt bad. Even while he was breaking bones and hurting the shit out of Rabid's boys, it hadn't helped. There were times he’d said things to Jo which she thought were aimed at her. However, it was really all about the club’s problems. Nailz felt like an asshole taking his shit out on her. Jo made his life so much better and this was his second chance at happiness. Nailz hoped this mess would soon be over with. If he could believe Snake, Kima would be saved today.

  When Nailz got home, he ran up the
stairs and found the door was unlocked. That was odd—Jo always locked the door.

  When Nailz walked in the kitchen there was no dinner waiting. Not a good sign. Jo must really be pissed. It’d be another night on the couch because there was no way he was getting into it with her again tonight.

  The apartment was strangely quiet. Nailz walked over to the fridge to get a beer and make himself a sandwich. When he opened the door, he was in shock. Nailz stared into the fridge in disbelief. There—beside the beer—was Jo's property vest.

  What the hell?

  Then Nailz saw the note and his gut began to churn. His heart sank as he sat down at the table to read it.


  I don't live day to day and didn't sign up for this shit, either. What about the stress I'm under? FUCK YOU! You're a liar and knew all along what happened to Kima. How could you be such a bastard? You better pray to God she's alive and safe. The Regan's know Kima is being held against her will, you scumbag!

  I should have known not to love you. We both need a man and a father who wants to be there for us. My baby isn't going to grow up like poverty's child! I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that my baby has a better life.


  Nailz put his face in his hands. His whole world came crashing down. His first marriage had been a disaster with Dianna and now this shit with Jo was too much. Nailz hardly got to see his daughter Tearney and now Jo had taken off pregnant. How dare she do this to him? She knew the issues he had about marriage and his kid.

  Why would she go? Jo couldn't go home—her parents had kicked her out because of him. Staying with Kima was out of the question because she was gone. As far as Nailz knew, Elena and Hunter were still in Florida. Jo wouldn’t be there.

  Nailz felt like he just took a bullet to the heart. Somehow, he'd find her and bring her back. He couldn't rest until he did. Nailz grabbed his colors and headed back to the clubhouse.

  Chapter One

  Once inside the clubhouse, Nailz saw Jersey—the vice president of the Central Jersey chapter. Jerz came straight over and grabbed him. He looked worried. “Bro, we got a lotta' shit going down.” Jersey nodded in the direction of the office. “We need to figure this shit out now. Things are fucked up bad.”

  Nailz nodded and followed him into the office.

  Jersey pulled a bottle of whiskey out and poured two shots. He handed one to Nailz. Jersey was clearly agitated as he started to explain. “Some fucking bad shit went down tonight. The Filthy Fiends grabbed two of our dancers—grabbed them right outta the damn parking lot of the bar. This shit can't happen. We gotta move now, get em' back and set an example so they know they can't fuck with us.”

  The Filthy Fiends and Bound for Hell were enemies. They were always fucking with the club, starting fights in bars, stealing each other bikes and messing with their dancers. They caused havoc whenever they could. If Bound for Hell was at a bar and the Fiends saw them, they'd stop in just to fight and wind up getting their asses handed to them. The Fiends would bring their drugs into Bound for Hell's territory and try to steal their customers—but Bound for Hell would do the same to the Fiends, too. It was an ongoing war.

  Nailz stared blankly off into space. “Where's that fucker Rabid at?”

  “That's another thing. Fucking Rabid left Kima, Bullet and Marco at Hunter's Lodge today. I heard he had one of his temper tantrums and just bolted. That makes no sense to me. Veiko and Kima just got back together. He heard Rabid left her and drove down to the Lodge so when Rabid shows up there's gonna be hell to pay ‘cause V's done with him. He'll kill Rabid now over Kima. Ya know V’s really pissed at us. He thinks we let him down.”

  Nailz rubbed his forehead, “Yeah...fuck him. We wanted to take Rabid out for a while and Veiko stopped us. We did all we could do. We had Bullet and Marco ready to take Rabid out if he hurt Kima.” Nailz downed his shot and grimaced, “Jersey, my old lady is gone. She's in the wind and that isn't Jo. I found her property patch stuffed in my fridge.”

  Nailz didn't mention the note.

  Jersey poured more shots. “You think the Fiends could have grabbed Jo, too?”

  Nailz growled, “Hell, no. She's fucking gone Jersey. Leave it the fuck alone. I can't deal with all this shit right now.”

  Jersey looked at Nailz oddly. Whatever, he thought. He had more to think about than Nailz' old lady being in the wind. They had very serious problems to deal with, but Jersey wondered why Jo would leave? It wasn't like her to up and leave when she had nowhere to go.

  Jersey was pouring two more shots when the door burst open.

  Both men looked up to see a very pissed off Thrash. He was one of the National SAA’s and by the look on his face, he was ready to kill. He was also Veiko's older brother by blood.

  “I get called back from my fucking honeymoon to find out Rabid has my brother's old lady?” Thrash stormed. “My little brother was in an accident? You two couldn't fucking handle getting Kima away from that crazy fucker?”

  Thrash pissed off wasn't a pretty sight. If looks could kill, Nailz and Jersey were dead.

  Jersey grabbed another shot glass, but Thrash waved it away and took a drink straight from the bottle. “How's Veiko handling this? All healed up from the accident? Why the fuck did I hear about the accident from one of my tat guys and not either of you? ”

  Jersey motioned for Thrash to sit down and filled him in, “Rabid took Kima as his old lady and now he's missing. So is Jo. The Filthy Fiends grabbed two of our dancers. Your brother has Kima back now and is ready to kill Rabid. Great welcome back—huh, Bro?” As an afterthought Jersey added, “You got China somewhere safe?”

  Thrash stared at his brothers in disbelief, trying to sort out this confusing mess. “You gotta be fucking kidding me. Shit! Why the hell wasn't I notified? My old lady is sitting at the bar in the other room.”

  "We tried to get in touch with you and left several messages where we thought you would be, asking you to call home—but it was hard since you two were traveling around France,” Jersey stated.

  “Are Rabid's boys looking for him?” Thrash asked.

  Jersey spit on the floor, “All of them took off except for Bullet, Marco and Snake. Rabid's been so crazy—they don't want nothing to do with him. Those guys watched out for Kima.”

  Thrash thought for a moment, “We need to talk to Veiko. I want China down at Hunter's. It’s way safer down there than here. If the Fiends are grabbing our women, they'll pay. I want to see for myself who’s still loyal to Rabid. Jersey, I hope you got bro's at every business we've got.” He turned to Nailz, who had his head laid on his folded arms. “Fuck, Nailz! You aren't in any shape to handle this shit. I'm calling Tramp. He only stepped down so Rabid wouldn't kill him. Jersey, did you make calls to the bro's or think of calling a meeting? V should be here handling this shit—not down at the Lodge.”

  “I just got the news.” Jersey said. “I grabbed Nailz as soon as he came in the door. I'll make the calls now. Maybe we'll get lucky and find out that the Fiends grabbed Rabid, too. V just got Kima back and the Fiends just grabbed our girls.” Jersey was still trying to put all this shit together in his head.

  Thrash laughed harshly, “We seem to be having a streak of really bad luck, lately. Move your ass and make those calls.”

  Jersey hustled out of the room.

  Nailz reached for the bottle of whiskey. Thrash knocked it out of his hand and the bottle broke when it hit the floor.

  Thrash glared at Nailz, “Knock it off! You gonna grab a bottle when shit happens? So you gonna step up or step down?”

  Nailz stood up and squared his shoulders, “Fuck you, Thrash! I'm the fucking national VP. Who the hell are you to come waltzing back here and order me around? I know what's right for this club, brother! Where the hell were you all these months, bro? I'm gonna call Tramp and get this shit straightened out. We need him back and he's proven he'd be a good president. I don't want to be anything, but what I was...a Sergeant of Arms. I'm a fighter and I hate the
bullshit club politics. It ain't me Thrash. I need to look for my old lady—if I can find her because I don’t know where she’d go.” He handed Thrash the note.

  Thrash read the note and looked at Nailz. “Ah shit, bro. This doesn't mean anything, Jo will come back.”

  Nailz was beyond upset. "Thrash—Jo was my second chance and now she's gone, man. Gone.”

  Thrash grabbed Nailz into a bear hug. “Bro, I'm back now and I swear to you, we'll find Jo.”

  Nailz hugged Thrash back. “Bro, when you crashed through that door, I was amazed to see you. My head is so messed up. It has been since V's accident, not being able to get Kima back and now Jo gone. We got shit going on with Nefarious, too. Rabid's boys killed Darko's cousin Bonnie. Jersey wasn't told that Veiko and I handed those scummers over to Nefarious yet. Darko has a thing for Kima and wants to see her alive or we're at war with them. He wants Rabid's head and you can't blame the man."

  Thrash needed to talk to his brother and the club needed to get its shit together. He shouldn't have been away for so long. He'd give Veiko tonight with Kima, but tomorrow V needed to get back here right away. Tomorrow everyone would get together and get this shit fixed.

  Chapter Two

  When Jack Regan (Kima’s brother) picked Jo up at the mall, she was exhausted—mentally and physically.

  “My parents will be so glad to see you, Jo. It’ll take their minds off Kima. I just knew getting involved with those bikers was bad news. It’s brought both of you nothing but trouble.” Jack was in a royally pissed-off mood. He looked worn out, like he hadn’t slept in a while.

  Jo looked at Jack with a tired, weak smile. “Jack, please don't. I can't undo being pregnant. You don’t have to play big brother to me, I know I messed up.”

  They didn't speak after that. Jack turned on the radio and kept changing stations until he found a song he liked. He’d change it again if he hated the next song. It was driving Jo crazy so she just glanced out the window until they got to the Regan house. Jo watched all the landmarks of her life flash by as they drove to Beach View. It’d been awhile since she had been in the town and nothing seemed to have changed. That was comforting to her in a strange way. Jack opened the door for her and said he'd get her bags as Jo went to the front door.


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