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Nailed Page 2

by Needa Warrant

  Jean Regan was waiting with open arms and hung on to Jo, tears streaming down her face. “Oh, Jo! We're so happy you’re here.”

  Jo hugged her back, “Mom, I never knew Kima was missing. I stayed away because I didn't want to cause her any pain with this.” Jo blushed, bit her lip, rubbed her pregnant belly and looked down at her feet.

  Jean Regan sighed, “ happens and we'll take good care of you.”

  John Regan pushed his wife aside. “I can't believe that damn father of yours would disown you. You have us, though. You've always been a daughter to us.” He kissed Jo’s forehead and stood back looking sad and weary.

  Jack came through the door with Jo's bags and headed toward Kima’s bedroom. “Ma, she needs to rest. Can't you see how tired she is?”

  Jo was thankful Jack noticed and she followed him into the bedroom.

  “Jo, I'm going to the Lodge. Maybe I can find something out. You just rest and Ma will take good care of you.” Jack seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

  Jo nodded and slipped her shoes off. She was in Kima’s old room. Posters of Jim Morrison, Queen, Pink Floyd and others were tacked to the walls. Kima’s prized poster of The Grateful Dead and The Band posters were still there. Jo remembered going to that concert at Roosevelt Stadium in Jersey City. They had a great time even though Jack had to be bribed to take them. He’d managed to swipe that poster for Kima and Jo had been jealous that she didn’t have one, too.

  Kima’s black light was still left up—although it was dusty and unplugged. Albums were neatly on their shelves and Kima’s stereo and turntable hadn’t been touched. The beaded curtains still surrounded her bed. It looked exactly as Kima had left it well over a year ago. Handmade scented candles and incense burners sat on the dresser and shag carpeting was on the floor. Kima had loved this room and Jo felt connected to her through it. Jo knew Kima was coming home. She felt it inside of her.

  “You'll be okay while I'm gone? Is being in this room upsetting you? I know it’s Kima’s room, but I thought you might want to be in here rather than the guest room. My parents wouldn’t let me take much from her room when she had me pack her things. They always thought she’d come back home…so did I.” Jack’s voice was wistful and touchingly sad.

  “I'm fine—just tired. I love this room. This is exactly where I want to be. The baby’s been kicking the crap out of me. I think I'm going to lie down and have a nap.” Jo yawned.

  Jack tried to smile, leaned down and patted her belly. He gave Jo a kiss on the cheek and left.

  Alone with her thoughts, Jo wondered if Nailz had found the note she left. A pang of guilt shot through her. She felt so conflicted. On one hand, Jo was mad as hell—but on the other hand, she was sad thinking that it had come down to this. Jo supposed that they weren't meant to be.

  Jo’s heart started to ache as memories came crashing back of all the good times they shared. They had many funny times when she’d get the best of Nailz in their pranks. There was the night he fought for her and the first time they made love on the dock. Jo thought about how Nailz was so big and fierce, yet so gentle with her. Jo started to feel tears well up in her eyes.

  Then Jo’s dark side whispered…screw Nailz! He deserves you gone. He practically ignores you and doesn't seem happy that you’re having his baby. Ever since he found out that you're pregnant he's been cold and distant. When he's home all you do is fight. If he couldn't help protect Kima, who is the president's old lady, how can he protect you and the baby? Are you going to be next? He didn't tell you Kima was even missing!

  Nailz lost Jo's faith and trust because he should’ve told her a sociopath had Kima. Jo deserved to know that her best friend was missing. She thought Nailz didn’t trust her. Maybe their whole relationship was based on lies! Jo couldn't help but wonder what else was else Nailz kept from her. Damn Nailz for making everything so difficult.

  Sometimes Nailz would get a call in the middle of the night and he’d just leave. Jo knew better than to ask him where he was going. All she’d get is a snarl from him, anyway.

  One time Jo had asked Nailz for his real name. He got very moody and wouldn't tell her until she said that it was for their baby's birth certificate. Then Nailz just growled out 'McKay'. When pressed further about his first name, Nailz gave her a cold glare and warned her to drop it. Jo learned that Nailz had deep secrets. She thought sadly that maybe he’d be relieved that she was gone. Looking back—when she had told him that she was pregnant he'd had reacted by storming out of the apartment and going to the club. Did he feel like she trapped him? He should’ve asked her about birth control. Why did men always think with their dicks? They could be responsible and ask about birth control, too.

  Jo sat down in a chair by the window and watched the waves hit the shoreline. She was sick of being so tired and uncomfortable. She needed to make an appointment with the clinic as soon as possible. She had to figure out some way to live on her own.

  She thought about Kima and how the last time they saw each other, they had fought. She just had to be all right. Jo prayed for Kima, her baby and even Nailz. A big yawn escaped Jo’s mouth and her eyes started to close. That bed certainly looked inviting. She pushed aside the beads, crawled into it and rubbed her big belly soothingly, communicating silently to the little one growing in it.

  Well,'s just you and me now. Somehow—someway, I’ll make this work for us.

  Jo fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of babies who looked just like Nailz.

  Jack saw that the Lodge gate was open, but he parked his car on the side of the road in a small clearing. He wasn't sure who was at the Lodge and didn't know how Thorn would welcome him.

  As Jack cut through the woods, he saw Elena and she was heading towards her barn. She noticed him, put her finger to her lips and waved for him to come over. Jack followed silently until they were inside the barn.

  “Elena, where’s my sister? My family hasn't heard from her in over a month and Thorn’s avoiding me.” Jack was snarling at her and Elena had never seen him like this.

  Elena answered carefully, trying to calm him, “Jack, it's complicated, but Kima is in her cabin now with Veiko. They're engaged. I think they plan to head over to your parent's house later. I don't know what story Kima will tell them, but trust me—she's safe. Rabid's gone for good.”

  Jack looked grimly at Elena and his voice went up in volume. “I can't believe my sister! She'd take Veiko back after all of this? Now we've got Jo staying with us because of Rabid and you expect us to welcome V back into Kima's life?” Jack was mad as hell at his sister.

  Elena frowned at him, looking confused. “You have Jo? Why on earth?”

  Jack looked hard at Elena. “Jo called me looking to get away from Nailz. She's pregnant and scared to death. Fucker didn't even tell her that Kima was missing!”

  Elena’s eyes flashed with anger, “Jo wasn't told? And she ran from Nailz? Shit!”

  “Jo called our house looking for Kima.” Jack retorted heatedly, “She didn't know shit. She's terrified that she could be next and that club won't protect her. So I went and got her. She's at my parents’ house. Jo doesn't want her baby around those assholes. Do you blame her?”

  Elena was livid and it showed in her expression, “No, I don't—but she can't stay at your house.”

  Elena paused, her mind spinning. Her lips tightened. “We need to get Jo to my farmhouse. Nobody ever goes there and she'll be safe. If Jo’s serious about hiding, I'll help her. We need to move fast. Can you get her to go over there now?”

  Jack stood there, thinking. His face was set in a grim expression, “If Jo wants to live at my parent's, what’s it to Nailz?”

  Elena looked at him as if he was crazy. “You really think that Nailz is the type of man you say no to? If V sees Jo there, he’ll tell Nailz. You don’t know how the club operates and trust me—they always look out for each other.” Elena’s expression showed the disgust she felt toward all of this shit.

  Jack got the point.
Nailz would probably go on a rampage.

  He turned to leave, but Elena grabbed him hard by his arm. “There's a key under the mat at my barn office. Get her there as fast as you can. Hide your car, too. Put it behind the house and pick up some food for Jo after you get her inside. Tell her I'll be there as soon as I can.”

  Jack didn't look too happy about this change of events. “Fuck V and Nailz! Let em' come. Elena—you know I love you, but this isn't the life that I want for my sister or Jo.”

  Elena looked him straight in the face and tried her best to get her point across. “Jack, you don't get to make that decision, Jo and Kima do. Now, get the hell out of here and get Jo to my place. I'll call the phone company to come out and get the phone turned on for her.”

  Shaking his head at all of this nonsense, Jack left the same way he'd come in. He decided Jo could make up her own mind about where she wanted to live. However, when Jack saw Kima, he’d have plenty to say to her.

  Chapter Three

  The Regan's were drinking coffee and talking quietly. John looked at his wife, “I can't believe that son of a bitch Parker would disown Jo. What kind of man does that? I made a mistake selling Kima's horse, but hell—I didn't disown her when she took up with that pack of bikers!”

  Jean started to cry. “Johnny, what if Kima's dead? It's been weeks since we talked to her. I think we need to call the state police and get Ritchie involved. We have to do something. As for Jo—she's just like a daughter to us.”

  Jean grabbed a tissue and dabbed her eyes. Then her face suddenly lit up. “I just thought of something. We could adopt Jo! She'd be safe with our name. I never trusted those damn Parker's. That awful man was always eying me up. Mary is such a snob—she only cares for her committees. Those poor kids never had it easy. I don't like their daughter Lisa, but somehow James and Jo came out normal. Those vile people might try to take Jo's baby. We've got to help her and if she had our name, maybe that biker couldn't find her.”

  John thought long and hard. “Legally Jo could consent to us adopting her, but we can't force her Jeannie—no matter how much you want this. I can call our lawyer to see how long it will take. Jo’s an adult so it isn’t like she is doing more than changing her name, really. I wouldn't mind a grandchild to spoil. Boy—will that piss Parker off, too.” He smiled contentedly at the thought and continued, “Did I tell you that asshole is calling me an Irish bastard behind my back? But he sure is nice to my face.”

  Jean's mouth dropped open. “How dare he? Try to keep your temper under control until we know what Jo decides to do.”

  John frowned, lips turned down, “Don't think for a minute that I don't know it was Mary Parker who made that fuss over Kima riding her horse bare assed either. Lot of nerve as her daughter Lisa is a barfly. That slut’s always hanging all over men and she's drunk most of the time. I hate gossip, but I heard that Peter caught Lisa screwing around and they’re divorcing. He even has the boy now. She’s an unfit mother.”

  As they were talking, Jack rushed inside all flustered. They both looked at him and wondered what had happened now.

  Jack took a deep breath, “I've got to get Jo out of here. Kima's with Veiko and they could come over here any time. If Jo doesn't want V to tell Nailz where she is then I've got to take her to Elena's farmhouse.”

  The Regan's looked at each other and then they both smiled widely.

  John grabbed his wife's hand. “I told you our wild child would come back safe and sound.” He then turned to his son, “Jack how would you like another sister?”

  Jack looked at his parents and checked out his mother's stomach. “Aren't you a bit old, Ma? I thought Kima was it for you?” He looked utterly confused.

  Jean just laughed. “We want to adopt Jo. Would that upset you?”

  Jack sighed in relief, “Hell, no. You scared me, Ma! Jo's always been like a sister to me. The damn Parker's are scum anyway except for Jo and James. I'll go get Jo and you can ask her before I take her over to Elena's. Until we talk to Kima, Jo’s safer being there.”

  Chapter Four

  Jack woke up Jo carefully. She rolled over, stretched and moaned softly, “Nailz?”

  “Jo–it's Jack. You need to get up. A lot’s happened. I just found out that Kima's safe, but V and Kima might be coming here. My parents have been talking and they have a plan for you. We need to move you again, too.”

  Jo propped herself up and wondered what was going on. She was still sleepy. Getting off the bed, she hurried to the kitchen where a sandwich was waiting for her. John and Jean were sitting at the table. As she sat down and started to eat, John began to talk to her.

  “Jo, your family is being ridiculous by disowning you. However, their loss is our gain. We've all talked about it and we want you to become a Regan. We’d welcome you and the baby into our family. That damn Finn would have to protect you because Kima’s going to marry the bastard. She'll do it just to spite us, no doubt. We'd legally adopt you and once it's finalized, nobody can do shit about it.”

  Jo had to take a sip of milk. This was an unexpected turn of events. She wondered if this was truly happening to her. If so it’d be a dream come true. She often wished the Regan's were her parents. They loved her unconditionally and accepted her for who she was. Not like her other family.

  Jean smiled hopefully at her. “Kima’s wild and stubborn, but she’s a Regan and we'll support whatever choice she makes. Even though we know what's said about us, we're decent people. We could care less if your baby has a father. Damn that Nailz! He won't be able to do anything against the Regan family. Protecting you is our main concern. We’ve always considered you a daughter and we love you. I really hate that you have to move out to Elena's farm, but for now it's the best plan. Once it's all legal, you'll be back here in no time. Here we thought we lost a daughter, but now we'll have three. Shelly, Jo and Kima” She looked hopefully at Jo.

  Jo sat back and wondered out loud. “I don't know why you'd want me. I haven't made the best choices in life, but I always wanted to be a Regan.”

  Jean patted her hand, “Jo, follow your heart. We’d treat you as a real daughter.”

  Jo's smile was wide, “Yes, thank you! I'd love to be a member of your family!”

  Everyone exchanged hugs. Jo was laughing and crying at the same time. As she hugged John, she whispered, “You’re a great man and I'm proud to call you Dad.”

  Tears formed in his eyes. “I've made plenty of mistakes. One thing I regret is selling that damn horse. Maybe Kima wouldn't have ended up with that biker. You'll make a fine daughter Jo.”

  Jack got up and started to take Jo's belongings back to the car.

  Jo was thinking. “So, Elena knew I was here? She’ll make sure that I'm safe. I can't wait to see her and Kima.”

  Jean smiled, the worry gone from her face, “Jack told her. Elena is one of a kind, that's for sure. She told Jack to take you over there before Kima comes home. We'll let Elena decide how to tell Kima. I don't need Veiko messing up our plans before we can get the legal paperwork done. John, are you sure Peter can be trusted? He's married to a damn Parker!” Jean clapped her hand over her mouth and muttered, “So sorry Jo! But Lisa isn’t you.”

  Jo laughed hard. “Peter’s a good man. I feel bad that he was foolish enough to get stuck with Lisa. If my nephew didn't look so much like Peter, I'd have warned him about Lisa long ago. The last I heard they were divorcing anyway. I can't wait to not be a damn Parker!”

  John and Jean laughed with her. Jo knew very well how her new father felt about her soon to be estranged, uptight family. He hated ‘those damn Parkers.'

  Jack interrupted and told Jo that they'd had to go. He got her out of there quickly and they were on their way to Elena's farmhouse.

  Once on the road Jo started to think about Elena and her farmhouse. From the stories she’d heard, Jo knew Elena lived there once. Now that Elena was with Hunter they both lived at the Lodge, where Hunter ran his business. As far as Jo knew, Hunter rarely went there so
Elena's house sat empty. When Elena was there, she was more likely working in her office or with the horses. She liked her privacy and it was the perfect spot for Jo to hide. Nobody ever went inside the farmhouse besides Elena.

  They passed the Lodge and Jack turned onto a long oiled, dirt road. There were a few houses on this road, the one General Store/Gas Station and a long closed bait shop and marina that was owned by Kima’s great aunt. After passing it, they pulled up to the farmhouse. Jack made Jo wait in the car while he went to get the key.

  Looking around, Jo saw that the house was beautiful. The big old farmhouse was well cared for. Jack opened the front door and came back to get her bags. Jo got out of the car and walked through the front door.

  It was the first time in a long while that Jo felt at peace. There was just something about this place. The house was perfect for her. Being weary from moving two times (in literally twenty-four hours) Jo made my way over to the couch. Sighing, she sank down into the cushions.

  Jack left to get her groceries and refused the money Jo offered. She asked him to get her plenty of fresh fruit and enough food for a few days.

  As Jo sat there waiting—too tired to move—she decided she was going to stay for as long as Elena would keep her. She had quite a bit of thinking to do.

  Chapter Five

  Kima and Veiko finally drove over to see her parents. They both were quiet during the drive, each absorbed in their own thoughts. V was thinking of the club and Kima's mind was in a darker place. The horror of Rabid still haunted her.


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