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Nailed Page 3

by Needa Warrant

  Finally, Kima spoke up. “Shit, my dad's gonna blame your club. It was my fault that I hit that crazy bastard. I shouldn't have lost my temper.”

  Veiko reached for Kima's hand. He took his time answering her. “Babe, Rabid would’ve seen you sooner or later whether you clocked him or not. He would have spotted you, no doubt in my mind. Everything happens for a fucking reason. I never realized until now what that saying really meant, but it applies here.”

  V rubbed his thumb along the back of hers. Then he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled that sexy smile of his. “Your parents are going to be happy you're safe. They’ll know we're meant to be.”

  Kima wasn't so sure about that, but she knew her family would eventually come around. If they didn't—well, then fuck them. Sadly, it’d be their loss. Would they chance losing her over the man she loved? Kima tried to be hopeful and positive. Her life was with Veiko now whether they liked it or not.

  As they pulled into the driveway, her mom came rushing out. Kima took a deep breath, “Here we go, again!”

  Everything had gone well with the family visit. On the way drive back to the cabin, V was in a good mood. “I told you it would work out, didn't I? Your parents are pretty nice.”

  Kima looked over at him. “You just haven't seen them pissed off yet. I have a feeling that the reason it went so well is that they're hiding something. I know them. They're being too nice. That's not my parents. I'm sure my dad still thinks I'm nuts. I bet he said that?”

  V laughed and nodded his head yes.

  “I knew it.” Kima carried on, “Oh hell, we had better try for a baby fast, V. That’ll take their minds off of me being crazy.”

  V ran his hand up her leg. “Babe, I have some shit to take care of, but we'll start right on it. You need to get that barbed wire, IUD thing taken out. Now, with all the shit that has gone down, I'm not gonna be around too much. You get that, right? It’s not that I don't wanna be with you, but the club has to be fixed.”

  Kima looked right at him and spoke sharply, “Yeah, I get it. And you get this—remember the fucking promises you made to me, V.”

  She turned her head and looked out the window until they got to the cabin. As Kima got to the front door, she found herself caught in V's arms.

  “Babe, I'll be around as much I can. I don't want to be away from you after just getting back together. You know I love you forever.”

  Kima’s eyes widened.” You better because I’m tired of being last. I keep my word V and don't ever think I'm weak because I'm not—nor will I ever be. This shit with Rabid…I’ll get over it. I just need to do it my way.”

  They got inside and Hunter pulled up to the cabin, beeping his horn. V went outside to talk to him. Kima walked into the bedroom and Veiko spoke briefly with Hunter. V needed to go up to the Lodge and didn't want to leave Kima, but it was club business.

  Kima wasn’t happy and V was torn. He was being pulled in two directions. Both Kima and his club needed him. Somehow he’d make it up to her. Kima knew the deal when she hooked up with him. Unfortunately, V also knew that she was going to be pissed off at him.

  He walked into the bedroom where Kima was lying face down into the pillow.

  “Babe, I gotta run up to the Lodge.” Veiko spoke softly. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. You okay?”

  Kima rolled over, her face expressionless. “Yeah, I’m good. See you later.”

  V kissed her lightly on the lips and then quietly left the room.

  When Kima heard the door close tears began to run down her face. At that moment she felt so alone. She needed V to be here. It’d been so long since they had been together in this bed, just holding one another.

  I guess some things never change, Kima thought grimly. If she was going to be V's old lady, she planned to make their lives work—one way or another.

  Kima was strong and independent. When she got an idea in her head and formed a plan, nothing was going to stop her. Kima was going to be tough and rely on herself like she always did. If she had her life together then she could make one with V. Somehow, they would both find a balance and make this work.

  Chapter Six

  Bound for Hell MC was quiet. Calls had been made to all the chapters in the states where the MC ruled. Presidents were alerted that the Filthy Fiends MC had grabbed Bound’s two dancers. Tramp was now standing in as National president until they voted him in, but he’d be voted in because he should’ve been before Rabid had grabbed control of the club. Bro’s liked and trusted Tramp.

  The New Jersey chapters were watching the Filthy Fiends MC and everyone wondered where the hell Rabid was. The men were all carrying. Old ladies were scared and the men were not partying as much as usual.

  Jersey had made the call to keep their businesses all closed down until he heard different from Veiko—the president of the Central Jersey chapter. Thrash was going down to Sea Woods to drop off China and talk with Hunter. Nailz still looked everywhere he could think of for Jo. Everyone had questions but no answers. Where the hell Rabid was the biggest issue in the club, but nobody had a clue. Nor could anyone find Jo. It was a total cluster fuck if there ever was one.

  Hunter and Elena waited by the gate to the Lodge. Elena had freaked when she saw Hunter was carrying his gun.

  “I can't believe you'd go meet Thrash carrying a gun, Hunter.”

  Hunter looked around the woods before answering her. “Elena, are you crazy? We got those asshole Fiends running around doing who knows what. Plus, all the shit that happened while we were gone has me edgy. Now the Fiends are grabbing dancers. You're not dancing either. Amuse yourself with your horses. I want you carrying your gun, too.”

  Elena was pissed off. “I’m always carrying, you fool!”

  They’d have had more words, but Thrash and China pulled up. Elena wordlessly took China up to the Lodge.

  When Thrash showed up, Hunter was leaning against his truck with a scowl on his face. Thrash stood in front of him looking like a Viking. His hair was braided and pulled back from his face.

  Hunter was very pissed. “So I go away and come back to my girl being held by a sociopath? Did you know he showed her naked body off and did fucked up things to her after he drugged her? Marco even said he passed her panties around for them to sniff. Kima blowing that fucker away was the best thing for her. Your club can't take care of shit! Now my Jo is gone and where is Nailz? I hope to hell he's trying to find her because if Kima hears Jo’s gone, she'll blow his balls off. I don't know what the hell went on when I was away, but I’m pissed! Nobody even came to visit her. That bitch mother of yours took her anger out on Kima for you marrying China. She called her a whore. She wouldn't even let Kima talk to V. You treat old ladies like that? I'll be damned if I patch over to Bound for Hell unless I start seeing some real changes or Jo’s found.”

  Thrash completely understood where Hunter was coming from. “Hunter, I hope to God that Kima was drugged enough not to remember any of Rabid's sick games. I've seen him in action and we're lucky she's alive and not cut to ribbons. Nailz is looking for Jo. She left a note that messed Nailz up real bad. I had no idea Kima killed Rabid either. All we know is that he's missing.”

  Hunter's smile was grim. “And it's gonna stay that way, too—for everybody's sake. I don't need to tell you that. Rabid must have needed drugs or a whore and he fucked with the wrong person. That's the story and it stays that way. Marco and Bullet are fine with it. I don't know what Kima has told Veiko but I doubt she told him all of it and I ain't telling you more.”

  Hunter folded his arms and waited. Thrash was shaking inside just thinking of Rabid touching Kima. “I need to know one thing and it's for me. How did she kill him?”

  Hunter had a huge grin finally. “Thorn taught Kima to shoot. I was against it, but my boy was smart. Kima came through the woods and made a noise so we could step away from Rabid. She put a few bullets in him before she ended him. The rest is my business. Understand?”

  Thrash understood all
right. Kima had saved Bound for Hell quite a bit of trouble by taking him out. At least no brother had to do the dirty work. He knew Kima was strong, but killing Rabid made his admiration for her grow even more. “We’re good bro? This stays here between us, forever.”

  Hunter made a slight nod. “I want Jo found. Thrash, you get your club in order and we'll patch over. Veiko can be president of the Southern Jersey chapter and I want to be the VP or no deal. You good with that?”

  Thrash had no choice but to agree. “Yeah, let’s make sure China is settled so I can see my brother.”

  Nailz stood brooding at the bar looking around. This was his life for so long that he couldn’t see past the club. His club was important and came first, but it had chased Jo and his child out of his life again.

  Nailz thought about that saying 'three’s a charm'. Maybe it would be for him if he could only talk to Jo. The problem was finding her. She took most of his cash when she left. Hell—he wished she had taken it all.

  He honestly believed Jo didn't want him in her life now. Facing that sucked and all Nailz could do was hope.

  Chapter Seven

  In Sea Woods Elena pulled into the driveway of her farmhouse. She parked the truck behind the house and ran up the back steps.

  “Jo, where are you?” Elena called out.

  She walked through the house and found Jo fast asleep on the couch in the living room. Jo’s tiny body looked awfully pregnant. Poor Jo wasn't going to have an easy time of things. She wasn't cut out for the MC lifestyle and should’ve gone to nursing school. Elena let out a soft sigh, thinking all that was water under the bridge now.

  Elena left Jo to nap. She got fresh sheets and supplies from her truck. Elena picked the biggest bedroom and made up the bed. The farm was set back from the road and private. Elena would tell her stable hands she’d rented the house out and not to bother the tenant.

  Elena sat down to smoke a joint and think. Once Kima found out that Jo didn't know anything about Rabid, she’d be fine. Joy and Kima would help without a doubt. They’d have to be sneaky though.

  If Jo wanted nothing to do with Nailz, they’d find a way to help her. Elena believed that this 'club first' shit was ridiculous. She'd been around long enough to believe you could have both, but many women didn't do well with the club coming before them. Elena hated that saying 'Love the man, love the club' too. At least Hunter had a mind of his own. Plus, he’d always been a leader not a follower.

  The joint stirred Elena’s memory and she thought back to when she was fourteen years old. Elena had shot a man who’d been raping her sister. Elena hadn't killed him, but when her brothers found out they sure as hell did. Fearing the law would catch up to her, Elena had fled as soon as she could. That had been the main reason she had jumped on the back of Hunter's bike and come to New Jersey at the age of fifteen. She’d been attracted to Hunter, but he was married. New Jersey was far away from the reservation that she needed to get away from. She knew that it wasn't going to be easy on her own, but it was better than being in jail. Elena had worked hard, saved her money and was very proud of all she had now. She’d never been a club slut or whore, she’d done everything on her own. If Elena could do it so could Jo. Hunter still thought Elena was years older than she really was. Had Hunter known she was so young, he never would’ve brought her to New Jersey.

  Elena glanced at the clock and noticed that it was getting late. Elena thought to herself that she'd better get a move on. She got up and made two grilled cheese sandwiches and went to wake Jo.

  Chapter Eight

  Veiko had to do a few things up at the clubhouse. He knew Kima was going to be mad he was leaving but he had no choice. He'd make this up to her. Kima needed to understand it might take a few weeks before things were normal again with the club. Once it was calm, he'd show her how much she truly meant to him.

  V hated to do this to her today because they hardly spent any time together. Hell, he wasn't sure if he'd be back tonight. Fuck! This wasn't fair to either of them, but he was the president. He had to fix shit. It was his job. The club came first.

  This shit with the Filthy Fiends was bad. V also had to prove to Darko that Kima was alive.

  V was cautious when he talked to Kima. “Babe, I need to get Darko here. You're going to have to tell him what happened to Rabid.”

  Kima just stared at V in shock.

  He went on, “If you don't, we're at war with his club.”

  Kima got up and went to find Darko’s number. “I'll call him and tell him to come over.” She dialed and Darko answered right away. “Darko, its Kima.”

  “Kima, thank God. Where the hell are you?” Darko was relieved and she could hear it in his voice.

  “I'm here at the cabin with V.” Kima wrapped her finger in the phone cord and continued, “Listen, I need you to talk to you. It's really important you come over now.”

  “You tell V that I want to speak to you alone.” Darko replied roughly, “I'm leaving now.”

  Kima set the phone down and looked at Veiko with a troubled frown. “You’re sure I have to admit to killing Rabid? What if he wants to see the body?” She shivered, “I'm never telling anyone where it is. Veiko, I need to speak to him alone. He's on his way now.”

  Veiko was jealous, but he wasn't going to fuck with Darko. He trusted Kima to handle it her way. He had no other choice.

  Kima made some coffee while they waited. She was thinking about Jo a lot lately and had this funny feeling that something wasn't quite right with her friend. They'd never gone this long without talking. Those messages on the answering machine Jo had left made her worry even more. What the hell was up with Jo and that bastard Nailz?

  When the coffee was ready, Kima poured V a cup and sat down. Kima looked worried and said, “V–where’s Jo? I haven't talked to her in so long and I really miss her. Last time we talked we got into an argument, but she's my best friend. We need to settle our differences.”

  V shrugged, “As far as I know she's at Nailz apartment. He wasn't too happy when she got pregnant, but we talked and he's good with it now.”

  V saw Kima's face pale and he pulled her into his lap. “Babe, don't look like that. We'll have babies, I promise. I gotta go up to the gate and make sure Darko can get in.”

  Kima sighed then gave V a light kiss on his cheek, “Yeah, we'll have a baby as soon as you have time for us. I just want to get this talk with Darko over with.”

  V walked to the gate just as Darko drove up in his black Cadillac. Darko stopped when he saw V and motioned for him to get in. V gave him a brief story of Rabid disappearing.

  Darko had something urgent to say to Veiko. “V got some news for you. I want to tell you before I see Kima because it may upset her.”

  Darko continued in a hard, harsh voice, “We got a hold of a Filthy Fiends last night. The Fiend's been hitting our club same as they hit yours. The night of your accident, the Fiends were hell bent on taking you and Kima out.”

  Vieko looked thunderous. He snarled, “You got the fucker?”

  Darko gave V a bitter look and nodded, “We've got him spilling shit. He told us that Skunk from your Virginia chapter is a Fiend now.”

  Veiko felt his stomach drop. He needed to tell everyone this information “I gotta get up to the Lodge. Talk to Kima and don't tell her any of this.” He gave Darko a hard stare, “Be careful with her…she isn't the same Kima.”

  Darko nodded and walked up to the cabin while Veiko headed up to the Lodge. Darko got to door and knocked. Kima eyes lit up when she saw Darko. She beamed a bright smile and gave him a hug.

  “Hey you! I'm so glad to see you.” She looked up at him, her eyes shining. “Come on in, want some coffee?”

  Darko smiled at seeing Kima and followed her inside. “Make it plain black. You have something to tell me?”

  That sparkle left her eyes. She gestured to the couch, “Have a seat and I'll bring the coffee.”

  He sat down and looked around at the small, neat cabin. Darko liked
what he saw.

  He thought of the dives and pigpens that his bro's crashed at. Darko owned a nice house and was beginning to wonder if being single was worth it. He could find an easy fuck whenever he wanted it, but he was getting tired of club sluts and snotty bitches. He wanted to have a good woman to come home to. Too bad when Darko found that woman, she was taken.

  That woman in question came back with two cups of coffee. Kima handed him one then sat down beside him. She let out a heavy sigh, "Nobody but you can know this. I don't know how you'll handle it, but what I'm telling you is the honest to God truth. We're good friends, right?"

  Darko looked deep into Kima's eyes. He had to ask her because it was driving him crazy. “Did Rabid rape you?”

  Kima shook her head, “No–I killed him. I wanted to keep shooting him, but Thorn made me stop...” She slapped her hand to her mouth as she realized her mistake and cursed, “Shit, I shouldn't have used Thorn's name. I'm glad I killed Rabid! I needed to kill that bastard.” She looked imploringly at Darko, “I can't show you his body, but do you trust me?”

  Darko watched her face closely. He could see in Kima’s face and by the way she was shaking that she had killed Rabid. Her face didn’t show any guilt, but he sensed she was uneasy about what she had done. Darko didn't blame her. Murder wasn’t easy the first time.

  “Kima, where's the body?” Darko asked.

  Kima bit her lip and he could tell she didn't want to answer. “Damn it, Darko! I have people to protect. You aren't in the club, but I trust you because you are one of my only friends.”

  Darko waited as Kima sought the words to explain where Rabid was.

  Finally she said, “He's fish bait and there's no body. I know it's just my word, but it has to do.”

  “I believe you.” Darko replied sadly. “However, I think it is best to stick to the story I’ve already heard.” Darko grabbed Kima’s hand and stroked the back of her knuckles with his thumb. He noticed the diamond ring on her finger. “Are you sure about marrying Veiko?” He murmured huskily. “Why don't you give it some time? So much has happened to you. I care a lot for you, Kima. I'd have made you my old lady in a heartbeat. I was just giving you time to get over Veiko. Now I know that was a big mistake. Just be certain that this is what you want. No matter what you decide, we'll always be friends.”


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