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Nailed Page 7

by Needa Warrant

  As soon as Nail had gotten home the next day he took a hot shower, washing away traces of the coop. He dried off quickly and laid on the bed, thinking about what had just gone down. Nailz had no problem with hurting people. In fact, he enjoyed it. Ox and Crazy were traitors to the club and knew the consequences of their actions.

  They had learned that Skunk had joined the Filthy Fiends which made Nailz very uneasy with Jo missing. If that bastard re-surfaced, Nailz would kill him. Too bad Nailz hadn’t stomped Skunk worse or killed him last summer.

  Nailz laid there and stared at the ceiling, contemplating his next move. An idea hit him so he got up and looked around for a phone book. Everything was still neat and tidy in the apartment and Nailz planned to keep it that way. He located the phone book and flipped through the pages, searching for a bounty hunter that worked with the club’s bails bondsman. Finally locating the number, he made the call. Nailz explained everything he needed and agreed to come down with a check—payment for the bounty hunters services.

  Satisfied he'd done the right thing, Nailz sat on the couch and stared off into space. Even though he was so exhausted, he couldn't sleep. Not with everything going on. This loving Jo shit ate at him. Nailz had sworn he’d never love another woman again. Losing his daughter had been harder than breaking up with Dianna had been. He was glad to be rid of her by the time their relationship went sour. Nailz ended up despising her and he was never going to get tangled up in a marriage. When Nailz found Jo, he hoped she could understand that. Marriage and him was a very bad idea. He’d tried to explain to Jo during their relationship—about his fear of love and why he had never settled down after Dianna. Nailz wasn’t sure she really understood. He loved Jo and she loved him…that would have to be enough. Fuck, all this thinking was getting to him.

  Nailz was even thinking of reaching out to his father. He knew he'd help him, but he just wasn't ready to ask. Nailz didn’t want to see his father look at him with disappointment again. The first time was bad enough and then joining the MC had pretty much killed any relationship with his parents.

  Again, Nailz wondered where Jo was. This wasn't like him. He'd go to the clubhouse and hang out there—after he dropped the check off. At least the bail bondsman’s office was open twenty-four hours. Jersey was sure to amuse him and get his mind off of things. Prince Charming his ass! More like the club jester. Anything was better than sitting here, alone.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Veiko was reading Elena's phone bill and couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was up at the Lodge looking for Hunter. He wasn't there, but Elena was. Elena took the opportunity while she had V alone to talk with him.

  On the bill, it clearly stated that Elena had called the hotel in Paris where Thrash and China stayed. Not once, but a few times. He dialed the tattoo shop, his temper hot as hell. Thrash had better be able to explain this shit.

  Thrash answered and V started in, “Bro, you wanna explain to me why I have a phone bill in my hand showing me proof that Elena told China I was in an accident and you didn't come right back home? From the looks of it, they talked quite a while, too. So don't fuck around saying Elena didn't tell China. It's here in black and white.”

  Thrash let out a deep breath, “V, fuck you! My wife wouldn't lie about that. She wanted us to leave as soon as we found out. Tell Elena to stop making trouble. China told me how Kima, Joy and Elena are treating her and it better end.”

  “Bro, fuck you and fuck that sneaky cunt you call a wife. She's a lying, conniving bitch! You keep her the hell away from all of us. You wanna live a lie, fine. Do you ever wonder how you lost all that speed? Oh yeah–I know about that. Speed's gone missing from the club. Thrash, either you've lost your mind, or you're pussy whipped!”

  “Fuck you V!” Thrash yelled and hung up the phone on his brother.

  V glared at Elena. “Stay the hell away from Thrash and China. Tell Joy to avoid her, too. I'll get down to the bottom of this—one way or another.”

  V stormed back to his cabin, pissed off at his older brother and that cunt he married. He was also disheartened as he thought about how different things could have been, if it wasn't for that lying, manipulating little bitch named China.

  Joy heard the news that Jo was possibly having twins and decided it was payback time for China. She asked around and found out who was dealing to China and then she took it a step higher. China was shooting speed and heroin now. She was a garbage can for any drug she could find.

  Jersey told Joy about Thrash, having to pay back the missing speed that belonged to the club. Jerz had been drunk at the time and was trying to get into her pants (again) but it was useful information. Joy sat across the street from the tattoo parlor waiting for China to make her daily drug buy. As soon as China rounded the corner, Joy went directly to the back entrance where the stairs lead to the apartments. The stench of the trash cans was disgusting. Somewhere a cat was meowing and she could smell the pancake house down the street. Joy was betting she'd be waking up Thrash, but that didn't matter. Joy had lots of proof to show him. Hell, she'd drag him to China's dealers if she had to prove it to him. She also now had a letter for him to read. It was time to wake up Thrash and expose China—before she seriously damaged the man. A mean Thrash didn't scare Joy, but a damaged one did.

  Joy pounded on the door, hoping it took China longer to score today. Joy called in a few favors to make sure it was harder for China to get her fix. If Joy’s information was on the money, China was now selling and trading club speed, too. Today was the day for the truth to come out and the charade to end.

  Thrash woke up to pounding on the door. He wondered why China wasn't answering. Then he remembered that she was probably off on one of her early morning beach walks. It was her morning ritual and she went rain or shine. Pulling on his jeans, Thrash went to answer the door. Joy was standing there with an unhappy look on her face.

  “Hey—it’s too early to be up, Joy. China's out, taking her morning walk on the beach.”

  Joy pushed past Thrash. She had a brown paper bag in her hands and he was hoping it was breakfast. Joy dumped out the contents of the bag and envelopes scattered across his table. Joy was going through them as if she was searching for a special one. Finally, she found it and sat down.

  Thrash wondered what all this had to do with him and a bad feeling began to descend inside of him. “What the fuck, Joy? You bring your mail to sort at my house?”

  Joy had a hard-determined look on her face. “Not my mail, Thrash. Your wife's—if you want to call her that.” She took a deep breath and let it out. “Listen, I have something to tell you. China isn’t your wife. She's living a lie. When she married you, she was still married to a man named Robert Davis. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I've had enough of China and that sweet act. Fuck it! Hell, see for yourself. I know you aren't going to believe me. She's got you so whipped and it's killing me. I won't let her ruin you, too.” Joy handed Thrash a letter addressed to him.

  Thrash was ready to jump all over Joy, but when he saw his name, he sat down and read the letter. After he finished he stared off into space. Joy wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but she had more to tell him.

  “It gets worse than what you just read. I hate to do this to you, but better me than the club. China’s using heroin and she’s shooting up. She's also been selling and trading club speed, too. It’s beginning to leak out all over Ocean Cove. I’ve heard it from other dancers. Thrash, that isn’t cool, what if the wrong person hears it? If you look around, I'll bet you'll find some needles hidden. And she doesn't go for walks along the beach, either. She's running around looking for her fix. I didn't make it easy for her today. I made sure everyone knows she’s with a club member. Don’t worry—I kept your name out of it.”

  Thrash was still staring in disbelief at the letter. “This Toni that who she really is?” Thrash felt violently sick to his stomach.

  “Yeah, she’s married to a guy in the service, but he’s quitting to ta
ke care of her. China has a five-year-old daughter she left with her parents. Look, I didn't do this for spite, but China’s a junkie. If the club finds out your so-called old lady is using needles, how will that go down? Will the club be fine with that? Will they be fine with her selling stolen speed and using heroin? You still want a woman who’s a stone cold, lying bitch? She's playing you. She played Elena and me. Her husband wants her back. Sorry, Thrash—I really like you, but she hurt my friends. She lied to Elena and kept you from knowing about the accident that Veiko and Kima were in. Maybe if you were here Rabid wouldn't have taken Kima. She stole from your club, too. If Veiko and Nailz hear about it you know what happens. This won't end happily for anyone.”

  Thrash groaned, “Where would she keep needles?”

  “I don't use them. I ain't a junkie so how would I know? I’d start looking. What if the cops raid the apartment? Or the club notices her nodding off?” Joy was trying to stay calm when all she really wanted to do was shake Thrash.

  Thrash stared at her in utter disbelief. “How didn't I see track marks? I live with her for God's sake!”

  “Because you didn't know she was a junkie and a liar—just like you believed her over everyone else. V's still pissed you believed China/Toni or whoever she is over the proof Elena had on her phone bill. You didn't ever bother to look at it.”

  Joy was stating cold, hard facts.

  Thrash winced as he realized Joy was right. He got up and began searching in the bedroom. He’d find her stash and needles even if had to rip the apartment apart.

  Joy sat there and waited for China to come back. China was going to be in for a surprise when she walked through the door. Joy heard Thrash yell 'fuck' a few times. Finally, Thrash came back with five hypodermic needles and dropped them on the table along with a baggie of his club’s speed.

  “Motherfucker! I can't believe this shit—right under my fucking nose, too. How the hell did she do it? Why would she do it? I love her.”

  “No, you don't love her. You’re in love with someone who’s a fake. She's really a sick person. China needs to go back to the people that know her and can deal with her. She’ll ruin you—and I hate to say this, but I think she’s using you. Let her husband come get her. Call him—before the club finds out."

  Thrash couldn't believe he’d been so stupid. Elena tried to warn him about marrying China, but Thrash wanted her. He fell in love with her at first sight. Thrash wanted somebody who was soft, sweet, loving—and 'China' fit the bill perfectly. This 'Toni' wasn't any of those things. She was cunning and from what he read in the letter, she was mentally unstable. Fuck! She'd even stolen from the club and he'd stupidly covered for her. None of this would go down well with his brothers. China—or rather Toni—needed to leave right away. Thrash didn’t even want to see her face again.

  Thrash looked at Joy. She put her hand over his and squeezed it.

  “I better make the call to her husband.” Thrash ground out, “Fuck! I don't want to set eyes on that bitch again. I fucking let so many people down. How the hell didn't I see this coming?”

  Joy just kept pressure on Thrash’s hand. “Do the right thing and get her away from here as soon as you can. I'm no psychiatrist, but I'm guessing that what she saw in her childhood damaged her. She's dangerous to have around, Thrash. It isn't like you're tossing her on the street. She has a family that’s been looking for her and will get her the help she needs. They know her tricks and love her. It's for the best.”

  Thrash sat there stunned, trying to understand everything. His world had just come crashing down around him. He trusted and believed in China. She’d blown any feelings he had toward her and there was no going back now.

  Joy said softly, “Don't worry. This stays between us. I have to tell Elena and Kima that I told you, but they don't want to be involved in this shit. They can't be. Just stick to the truth as much as you can. I've always found lies tend to snowball. Make the call so she's safe. If you love her, let her go.”

  At this moment, Thrash didn't feel any love toward China. What he felt was pure rage and disgust. He was so angry with himself. How blind he had been, when all along the facts where right in front of him. Veiko told him about the phone bill and Thrash got pissed at him. Poor Kima had suffered because Thrash wasn't there for her—all because this bitch played him.

  Thrash reached for the phone and made the call while Joy stayed right by his side. Arrangements were made for China’s husband and stepfather to come and get her immediately. Thrash pitied her husband—who just gave up his military career to be with his wife. He wouldn't have given up his club for China. Maybe Joy was right. He didn't love this woman. He'd loved who she pretended to be. He decided to pack her things—no way was she going to get past the kitchen to steal more from him. At least moving around Thrash felt more in control. China had fooled almost everyone for a while. That fact made him feel a bit better. Joy and Elena had been fooled by her, too. As Veiko liked to point out, things happen for a reason. Why the fuck this happened was beyond him.

  The door opened and China spotted Joy at the kitchen table. She was enjoying her high. She'd gotten her fix and the one person out to get her was in her house. China couldn't believe it.

  “Get the hell out of my house, Joy. You better not have woke Thrash up. What are you doing here?” China glanced at the messy table and saw her mail. She didn't notice the needles or speed on the table. “You finally stopped by to give me my mail?”

  Joy smiled smugly at her, “I brought your mail, China—and I made myself at home so we could have a little chat.” Joy pushed the needles out into plain sight.

  China just brushed her off. “Good thing you came to your senses because I was going to tell Nailz if you didn't show up soon. Tell Elena and Kima that Thrash will always choose me. When it comes down to it Thrash is going to believe me over them, anyway. Just give up and mind your business. I've got my mail so it's time for you to leave before you wake up Thrash.”

  Joy felt red, hot anger flooding through her body. She decided to let China hang herself even more. “I've got one question though—before I leave. How did you get the fake passport and identification? Did you use Dominic? He doesn't come cheap from what I've heard. Do you really think Kima isn't going to hunt you down? Damn, that’s two questions, sorry.”

  China stumbled toward the table. “Yeah—I used Dominic, of course. I asked Elena how she got a fake ID when she came to NJ. She told me about Dominic—never even asked me why, the dumb bitch. Thrash paid for it. He doesn't know I take money whenever I need it. Why do you think I made him fall in love with me? He was an easy mark and I was tired of dancing. He makes enough money to keep me satisfied so far. As for Kima, she isn't going to do shit to me. Thrash won't let that happen. You all stay down in Sea Woods and leave me alone and I'll do the same. Fuck Kima, tell her I said that, too. What the fuck is she gonna do to me anyway? She has no power and neither do you.”

  Joy was up before China could get the last words out. Joy grabbed China’s arm and pulled it so she could see the fresh needle mark. She pushed her fingers hard into her arm, making bruises and smiled at China.

  “You’re a stupid bitch. I was holding my temper until you had to open your lying mouth. You, don't get to order me around! Thrash, come out here and check this out!”

  Thrash (who’d been listening) came through the doorway. China paled when she saw his angry face and saw her bags in his hand. Thrash looked at China’s arm and stared down at her with pure hatred.

  “Toni, your husband and stepfather are on their way down to get you. You're going to sit here in that chair until they get here—or I can take you to the club and you get club justice. Joy is going to stay here so I don't beat the living shit outta your lying, junkie ass. You're never coming near Ocean Cove again because if you do, the club will get you. Whatever you saw in ‘Nam ain't gonna be anything like what they’ll do to you. Get me? There’s no you and me. Joy was nice enough to point out the fact you're mentally ill. Fuck
going to jail over your junkie ass. Now SIT and shut the fuck up!” Thrash was roaring now and the tension was so thick you could cut it. He kicked a chair in China’s direction and she sat with tears running down her face. Thankfully, China was smart enough to keep quiet.

  Thrash turned to Joy and spoke firmly. “You're staying because I don't know if she will be in one piece when her family comes.”

  Joy nodded and sat facing China, smiling the whole time. Finally, this lying-ass bitch was getting what she deserved.

  Once China left with her husband and father, Joy got up and hugged Thrash. He squeezed her tightly.

  “I owe you, Joy. If you ever need anything, you come to me. Understand? It took a lotta balls to tell me this shit, but thank you. I would’ve been living a fucking lie until China bled me dry or overdosed. I still can't believe I never saw any of it.”

  Joy chose her words carefully. “I didn't want to tell you, but she gave me no choice. She threatened people that I care about. Just don't do anything stupid, Thrash. It's going to hurt for a while, but the pain will fade in time. It always does. I have to get to my horses. Come by and see me dance. It will be good for you to get out. You can even bring Jersey.” Joy winked at him as she walked out the door.

  Thrash sat down. He wasn’t sure how he felt except for a burning, hot rage. Fuck having an old lady. They were all full of shit anyway. He’d stick with being single. It was less trouble. Never again would he trust a woman with his heart.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Nailz leaned up against the bar at the clubhouse, wracking his brain. Where the hell did Jo get to? Nailz didn't know what he was going to do when he found that fiery, little redhead and he was sure it was only a matter of time. When it came down to it, all Nailz wanted to do was hold Jo in his arms. He wanted to know she was safe and that their baby was safe.


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