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Nailed Page 8

by Needa Warrant

  Damn that woman! God help him, but he loved the little wench and wanted her back. He was sick of this bullshit. He knew first hand just how crafty Jo could be—especially when she was being sneaky.

  Nailz was determined to find Jo. He’d search everywhere if he had to. Hopefully the bounty hunter he hired would pick up a trail. The bounty hunter found out Jo had taken a taxi from the apartment to the local mall. There the trail went dead cold. Maybe Jo got on a bus or maybe someone helped her. Nobody was admitting to helping her—much less seeing or hearing from her.

  Nailz couldn't believe that Jo thought he was the villain in this scenario. He was only trying to protect her and the baby.

  All Nailz did lately was go over everything in his mind. He thought Jo was weak. She could’ve handled it and he could’ve trusted her. His woman was tougher than he gave her credit for being. Jo was not the fragile girl he made her out to be. If only he could talk to her. Nailz knew that he had a lot to make up for and he was going to tell Jo how sorry he was. She was his everything.

  Feeling better about his decision, Nailz was about to order a shot of JD. Then he thought better of it. He needed a clear head. Nailz lit up a cigarette instead of drinking.

  Exhaling the smoke, Nailz looked around at his brothers. They were all clueless about Jo. Only Thorn seemed to have an idea about Jo and even that was vague. Thorn had told Nailz that the Regan family may have gotten involved and helped Jo out. It wasn't concrete, but it was a lead.

  Nailz wanted to talk to the Regan’s, but when he talked with Veiko he realized that wasn’t going to happen. Kima refused to see him and Elena was on her side, too. Nailz thought about snatching up Kima's brother—Jack—to get some answers. However, that didn't go down well with Veiko as Jack was going to be his future brother-in-law.

  Nailz wasn’t happy and let it everyone know it.

  “Veiko, how the hell would you like it if your old lady was missing? You'd be right over at the Regan's house finding out where Kima was!”

  Veiko got a hard look in his eyes. “Back the hell off, Nailz! My old lady was missing, brother—or did you suddenly forget what she’s been through and why she hates your guts right now?”

  Some of the guys standing around within hearing distance looked uneasy. They seemed to sense that there was discord between the two brothers and didn't want any shit going down between their President and Nailz. Somebody put on Linda Ronstadt’s song ‘You’re No Good’ on the jukebox. The sound of pool sticks hitting balls filled the air along with pot and cigarette smoke. The buzz of arguing bikers floated over the music.

  Seeing the desperation in Nailz's eyes, Veiko continued in a more sympathetic tone. “Listen, bro...if I knew Kima had a clue where Jo was, I'd tell you. Kima's barely eating and she isn't doing well. I don't think any of you understand what being with Rabid did to her. I hate leaving her alone. She refuses to get help and I want the old Kima back. I walk around wondering when she’s gonna break. She’s so brittle, has terrible nightmares and barely sleeps anymore. Kima stares off into space and doesn’t always even know I’m in the damn room.”

  Nailz realized that Veiko was in his own personal hell and he was worried about Kima. Letting out a deep breath, Nailz muttered, “Sorry, bro. I'm so fucked up. I forgot what you're going through. I got a bounty hunter on Jo. I found out she took a taxi to the mall and from there it's a dead end, but I ain't giving up. She'll be found. She ain't keeping me from my kid. I know shit was going downhill with us over Rabid, but I love her. Do me a favor and watch and see if Kima calls her sister in Boston more. I'd feel better if I knew Jo was with her family, but I’m getting my Chickie back where she belongs.”

  Veiko nodded, but he still looked upset so Jersey came up and tossed an arm over his shoulder. “Kima will come around V. Just give it time, bro. You gotta just listen to her and let her talk this shit out. Chicks love to yap about their problems. Trust me—that's why they love me. I listen to 'em or at least pretend to. They don't seem to care either way. Just let her bitch.”

  In return for this advice, Jersey got a cold stare and heated retort from V. “Yeah. That's right, Jerz. If you’re such an expert with the bitches, where's your old lady? I don’t see you with one. You should put your money where your mouth is.”

  Jersey slunk back, apparently thinking it wise not to say anything further. He didn't mention the bet he had with Nailz so he went back to his drink, leaving Nailz and V to solve their problems.

  Shortly after that, Thorn walked through the door of the clubhouse and spotted Nailz talking to Jersey. He walked straight over to them. Thorn had some information to deliver to Nailz.

  After they all greeted each other, he addressed Nailz, “Did you know Darko just opened a new bar up called 'Dirty Deeds'? That's where Jack and Jo's brother hang out now. We could ride over there and ask them if they have any idea where Jo could be. It’s a bit cold to be riding but at least it is sunny. But Nailz, just so you know, Jack's carrying so don't fuck with him. He's kinda tight with Hunter still. You go smacking Jack around over Jo, my dad will say fuck it and not patch over. He's still pissed over what happened to Kima and Jo. Hell, he might go over to Nefarious instead. He really likes Darko and the fact that his club was going to step in and help Kima. Nothing's set in stone and maybe we ought to be thinking about that right now.”

  Nailz looked extremely interested in this bit of news. “Thorn, Hunter ain't going over to Nefarious. He talked to Tramp and they got their issues worked out, but why the hell didn't you mention Jo's brother before?”

  Thorn thought about it before answering. “I dunno; I just figured that if Jo wanted you, she'd have come back by now. I just thought about Jack and James hanging out at Dirty Deeds. Usually they stick to the local bars. Must be better dancers over there, I guess. We may as well take a ride and check it out.”

  All it took for Jersey was to hear that there would be some new dancers to check out. He couldn't wait to go. Even though it was cold, they all wore enough leather to keep the chilly wind from bothering them.

  When Veiko found out they were leaving, he figured he'd better tag along to make sure Nailz didn't get out of hand. He didn't want any more problems with his future in laws.

  They coasted into the parking lot of Dirty Deeds. Parking for motorcycles had been set aside and they took advantage of it. Nailz strolled up to the door with Veiko, Jersey and Thorn were behind them.

  When they walked into the huge, loud bar there was quite a crowd inside. People stopped to stare at the four imposing Bound for Hell members. They made their way over to a table. Dirty Deeds looked a lot like a bar in Cookstown, called The Satellite Lounge. That was a really cool bar that stayed open almost all night long. Darko had the same horseshoe shaped bars. But he had his dancers behind them for safety reasons. He even had some pretty cool murals painted on the walls. The Satellite Lounge was famous and drew in large crowds and big name bands. Maybe Darko had ideas of bringing in some big name bands—which would be cool not to have to drive so far. Unless it was an outside concert with camping most of the club hated to go to concerts. No true biker would leave his bike left unattended for long. That was asking for it to be stolen. Even with their bikes locked up with chains, all bikers dreaded coming out of a bar or concert to find their ride stolen. Unless they had a few prospects watching bikes, they didn’t like to go anywhere they couldn’t check on their bikes whenever they wanted. Usually Bound for Hell would go to the Sunshine Inn or Raceway Park to see bands. They had gone to The Summer Jam at Watkins Glen in upstate New York, but nobody liked recalling that concert. They got into a big fight and didn’t get to see the Allman Brothers, Grateful Dead or The Band. Thrash and Nailz ended up being arrested, along with various members from other chapters. It cost the club quite a bit of money to clear that mess up.

  Once they sat down the bro's looked around, impressed by the size of the bar. They heard that Darko was managing it for his family. The sign at the entrance said that there were ten dancers
each day. Plus local bands played at night. The bar had different rooms and it seemed there was something for everyone’s tastes. It was no wonder that Jack and James were hanging out here.

  They nodded to the bouncers who were clearly from Nefarious MC. They watched as one went off to let Darko know Bound for Hell MC was in the house. The guys were expecting that—of course—and figured Darko would be over to greet them shortly.

  Veiko was looking around, quite amazed. “How the hell did Darko pull this off? I wonder if Nefarious is getting a cut.”

  Unless Darko told them, they wouldn't know. The table had food menus so they decided to order some hamburgers.

  Jersey had his eyes focused on one of the dancers. She was a cute blonde with flashing blue eyes and a foxy, hot body. She suddenly noticed him and her eyes turned to frost.

  Jersey seemed upset, “Joyful sure looks pissed. What the fuck's her problem?”

  Thorn was quick to answer with a grin. “Same as the one Kima and Elena have, asshole. They're still mad about Rabid taking Kima. Why do you call her Joyful? Her name is Joy, by the way.”

  Jersey had an angelic smile on his face as he answered, “Cause look at her. She's usually always so joyful to see me.” He reached for his wallet, tossed a few dollars over at her and grinned. She responded by glaring back at him.

  The other brothers had to laugh. Joy was certainly not happy to see Jersey. He didn't care or seem to notice.

  Darko finally made it over to the table. He was a force to be reckoned with in his bar as he bumped fists with each of them. “So what brings you over to my place? Don't you have your own bars that you can cause trouble in?” Darko joked.

  Veiko spoke before Nailz could put his foot in his mouth. “Yeah—we do, but we're looking for Kima's brother, Jack. Is he here?”

  Darko slowly nodded. “Yup—however, I don't want any trouble in my place. You gotta an issue with Jack, you handle it on your turf not mine. Understand?”

  Veiko agreed right away. “Nah, it ain't like that. We heard he was hanging out here and wondered if he was with James. We need to know if they've heard from Nailz' old lady.”

  Darko looked over at Nailz. “I heard she left you and I don't know shit about where she is. Not sure, what J and J might know, but no fighting here. The bar just opened and the last thing I need is the pigs here.”

  Nailz gave a curt nod in understanding and Darko went off to get Jack and James.

  A short time later they came over to the table. Thorn grabbed two chairs so they could sit. Neither man looked too happy to see the Bound for Hell members.

  Before Nailz could open his mouth and screw things up, Veiko cut in and nodded to each of them. “Jack...James. Looks like you two found a new home. Darko's sure as hell offering more dancers here.” Veiko turned to Jack. “Have you been by to see Kima?”

  Jack's hair was brown compared to Kima's blonde hair and he had his father's dark eyes. He looked back at V warily. “Nope…I've talked to her on the phone, though. She doesn't seem to want company. Why aren't you home with her?”

  Veiko sensed an attitude and while he understood why, V needed to nip it before one of his bro's took offense. “She's out with your mom looking at wedding dresses. You're both welcome to stop by anytime. She seems to want to be alone, but when people stop by she's happy to see them.”

  Jack seemed glad to hear that, but he glared at V anyway. “My sister always used to be happy. Glad to hear she went out with my mom, but let’s cut the shit, Veiko. What the fuck do you really want?”

  Veiko knew he had to word his next question carefully. “We were wondering if either of you knew where Jo was? Nailz is sick over not knowing where she is.”

  Jack turned to James. “Have you heard from Jo? Cause I sure haven't.”

  James glared angrily over at Nailz. “What the hell is it with you guys? First, Kima goes missing and now my sister. My parents moved and Jo hasn't been in touch with me. I don't know where she is. I wish I did.”

  “Don't tell me she's disappeared, too? What the hell is going on over at your club?” Jack asked sharply.

  Nailz spoke up, “She took off and is in the wind. She's my old lady and she's pregnant with my kid. I know that she took a taxi to the mall. Now, I have to ask myself—why the mall? Was she waiting for someone?”

  Jack seemed to get agitated. “Well, if she left she must’ve had her reasons. Look, I haven't heard from her in a while. You know Jo—she probably thought she was doing the right thing. She could be anywhere. If I hear from her, I'll let you know.”

  Nailz and Veiko both sensed that Jack knew something, but he wasn't going to talk.

  The food came and so did Joy. She stood there looking at all of them with her hands on her hips. Joy knew the reason why the Bound for Hell bikers were there questioning Jack and James. Looking pointedly at Nailz, she snipped, “Well, why the hell don't you put a billboard up, Nailz? Place an ad in the newspaper, maybe? If Jo ran away it means leave her the hell alone!”

  Joy tossed the money that Jersey gave her back at him. “I don't need your tips. There are nine other dancers you can toss money at. Stay the hell away from me. I don't want to go missing next. I’m never gonna be with you, Jerz—so stop trying. We’ve got nothing in common.”

  Joy flounced away and all the men watched her ass sway as she went.

  Jack finally laughed. “Jersey, I don't know what you did to Joy. I've never seen any dancer give tips back before.”

  “Struck out again—huh, Jerz?” Thorn joined in. “Losing your touch?”

  The rest of the guys burst out laughing.

  “I'll get Joy. Just you wait and see. I'll work my charm,” Jersey calmly replied. Her comment about having nothing in common with him hit a nerve. He liked horses as long as he didn’t have to ride them. They had that in common, Jersey thought.

  “That remains to be seen,” Nailz snorted.

  With that Jack announced. “We better get going.”

  He stood to shake Veiko's hand and said, “I'll be over to see Kima. You make sure my sister is happy, bro. My family sticks together. Now that you're joining it, remember that. Don’t piss the old man off—he can be a real prick.”

  V shook his hand in response. “I'll do everything in my power to see she's happy.”

  James also stood up. He looked curiously at Nailz and asked, “You love my sister?”

  Nailz stood up and faced James. “Yeah, I do. I want her back where she belongs. If you happen to hear from her, will you tell her that?” He extended his hand towards James.

  James looked at Nailz and saw a flash of pain in his eyes. He shook Nailz' hand. “I will. I've moved so I don't know how she'd get in touch with me. If I hear from her, I'll tell Thorn.”

  Once they left, the Bound for Hell bros ate and left a big tip. Darko came back to see them leave. Before they got on their bikes, they had a smoke and talked.

  Nailz was pissed. “You get the feeling we're being played by Kima's brother?”

  Thorn was quick to answer. “I've known Jack all my life. He might know something, but if he doesn't want to share it, you'll never know. That bastard can hold a grudge a long time. Hell, I'm wondering now if the Regan's helped Jo. She could be in Pennsylvania or up in Boston. That's where some relatives live. I’ve asked Elena and Joy, but they aren't saying shit, either.”

  Veiko just wanted to leave and get home to Kima. “Let it go for now, Nailz. I'll go talk to the Regan's if we can't find Jo. I'm heading home. Are the rest of you going back to the club?”

  Thorn wasn't and offered to ride back with V. Jersey and Nailz headed back to the clubhouse.

  As they were rode, Jersey was wondering what in hell he'd done to Joy. She was one of his favorite dancers. He was really upset thinking she didn’t like him now.

  Nailz was thinking about his Chickie. He loved and missed her so much. Nailz couldn’t even enjoy riding while he had no idea where she was.

  Darko walked over to where Jack and James were
sitting. He told the bartender to watch their seats while he took them into his office. Both Jack and James wondered what Darko wanted to talk to them about. They figured it was most likely it was about Veiko and his bros.

  Darko motioned to the couch and they sat down. He went to his desk and took out two cards. They were gold membership cards which gave them special perks at the bar—things like not having to pay a cover charge and discounts on food.

  Looking at them both seriously, Darko asked, “You two okay with Bound MC? Anything you wanna share?”

  Jack looked disgusted and angry. “They want us to tell them where James' sister, Jo is. Fuckers, I wouldn't tell 'em either. Fucking Bound for Hell! I'm glad I didn't go with Thorn to join them. I’d seriously thought about it. I don't know what the hell Kima is doing. I dread V asking me to join that club. That's gonna happen next.”

  James had something to say. “I'd like to be in a club. You're not always around to ride with, Jack. I kinda like that whole brotherhood thing. I’ve only got Jo left as family. Kinda lonely, ya know?”

  Darko grinned. “There’s always Nefarious MC. We look for guys to join that can handle themselves and offer the club their services. J, you're known to be a good mechanic. Jack, you've got a reputation for being a good businessman—got your hand in quite a few places and good connections through your family.”

  Jack laughed, the anger gone from his voice. “You've done your homework. Hell, I love to make money. James can fix motorcycles and cars. We'd be good assets for your club for sure. My dad has us doing the repos for his car lot now, too.

  Darko was grinning. “Fuck being in a club with V or Nailz. Hang around with Nefarious and see how you like our MC.”

  Both James and Jack seemed excited and agreed to try it out.

  As they exited the office, Darko grinned. He'd just gotten two hang arounds who would make it as members in Nefarious MC. He'd make sure of it. It was also a good way to make sure Kima was always safe.


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