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Nailed Page 12

by Needa Warrant

  V was grilling dinner as Kima pulled up and all traces of anger were gone from his face at least.

  “Babe, where the hell have you been? I called your parents, but there was no answer.” He sounded worried and a little pissed off, too.

  “I was out at Dirty Deeds making a deal with Darko and I have an idea about the wedding, too.”

  V looked really angry now. “What the hell were you doing over there? You’re not dancing again, Kima—we’ve been over this. You don’t go to his bar.”

  “I went to his bar because I’m selling him t-shirts. Now you’re telling me where to go? Fuck you. I came home in a good mood to tell you I think we should go to Maryland and get married, but again you have to start a fight.”

  Kima reached into the box in her car and shoved a t-shirt at him and walked into the cabin. Fuck this. Kima was tired of everything; V wasn’t going to boss her around. She’d move back home first until she could move into her house by herself.

  V looked at the t-shirt in his hand and began to laugh. Disco sucks, huh. Again he’d found a way to screw things up. V turned over the steaks and went inside. Kima was calling someone and he hung the phone up on her. She turned with eyes full of anger.

  “Babe, you really want to get married in Maryland?”

  “I did—but you’ve made me wonder if I want to get married at all. How dare you hang the phone up on me? I’m going to my parent’s house. Screw you, screw marriage, and screw everything. I’m done pleasing all of you. I’m living my life as I want. No matter what I say or do, you’ve got a problem with me. I’m not living my life answering for every damn move I make. Are you going to tell me what I can say next? Go check the grill before you burn whatever it is you’re cooking and leave me alone.”

  V decided to leave Kima alone to cool down. Damn, she was touchy. What made her decide to elope? How the hell was he going to fix this fight? He hadn’t seen Kima like this in a long time. Maybe she was back to normal again.

  V brought the steaks inside and put them on the table. Kima was tossing a salad together so it didn’t look like she was leaving now, at least.

  “I’m really sorry. I just didn’t know why you’d go to the bar. I like the shirts—can the club buy them, too?” He was doing his best to appease her.

  “Yeah, sure—but I make a profit or no deal. If I can’t dance, I’m going to make money this way. I have some in the car for the club. I thought I’d ask Jersey if he wanted any. Before you jumped down my throat, I wanted to ask if Joy and Jersey could go with us. I’d like to leave for Maryland as soon as we can. If Jo can’t be at my wedding, I don’t want one. My parents can have a party later for us. Thrash didn’t have us at his wedding so I want them or we can forget about the whole damn thing.”

  Veiko took a deep breath. “I’m sure Jersey would go since Joy would be going. How many days does it take to get the license?”

  “A few days I think. I’d plan on being down there at least four days. I don’t even know if Joy will go. She’d have to find someone to fill in her days dancing, but if we left on Monday and came back Friday she ‘d at least be able to work that night. I can call and ask her. If I’m allowed to call her, I can find out.”

  “Kima, I flipped. I’m sorry. I’m not going to stop you from going anywhere or calling anyone. You sounded like your old self when you were yelling at me…it was great.” V dropped a kiss on her head. “Now let’s eat and then I’ll call Jersey. I don’t see a problem with leaving Monday. While we’re down there, we could stop in and see Satan’s Attitude MC—unless that will upset your plans. We’ve been meaning to reach out to them for a while.”

  Kima smiled. “That’s fine. Joy and I can shop or find something to do. We’re taking my car—just think about Joy and Jerz in the backseat. What a trip this will be.” Kima’s laughter was infectious and Veiko found himself laughing with her.

  After dinner was done and the dishes washed, Kima called the farmhouse. “Joy, I need a huge favor and it’s a secret. I want you to come to Maryland on Monday with me and be my witness at my wedding, but we’ll be gone for about four days. Jersey is going, too—I think. Before you say no, please think about it. I don’t want to have strangers witness us getting married.”

  There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. “Kima, are you sure about this? I don’t mind going, but your family’s going to be hurt. I’m leaving to sell some horses in New York with Elena and Hunter tonight, but I’ll be home Sunday night.”

  Kima sighed deeply. “I know they’re going to be upset, but they’ll be more hurt when they find out V won’t agree to their wedding plans. He did sign the papers my dad had drawn up and my mom can plan a party later. I can’t have a wedding without Jo, anyway. You won’t be too tired to go?”

  Joy thought it over. “I’ll do it, but you tell Jersey not to touch me. I’ll sleep on the way down. Hey, the other night I swear some jerk followed me home. I’m going to try and call Darko about it. I think James should go over and stay with Jo, just in case. Hey, I gotta go and help them load these horses.”

  Kima felt a cold chill run down her back. She’d stop by and see James herself. All dancers had stalkers—hell Kima had more than one try to follow her, too. Jo would love some time with her brother. It’d work out just fine.

  Kima shrugged it off and faced V with a grin. “She said yes! Now it’s your turn to call Jersey.”

  V called the club and Jersey answered. “Need a big favor, bro—need you as a witness. Kima wants to get married in Maryland. We’ll be leaving Monday. Joyful is going so think you can pull it off? I figure we’ll check in with Satan’s Attitude MC, too. Just don’t tell anyone. I don’t want Thrash getting pissed off I didn’t ask him.”

  Even Kima could hear Jersey laughing. Finally, he was able to speak clearly. “Hell yeah, I’ll be glad to. Should I bring a suit or is it jeans and leather?”

  Veiko looked at Kima, “We getting dressed up?”

  Kima hadn’t thought about it. “Tell him I have to think about it—and he can’t touch Joy, either.”

  Veiko relayed the message and hung up. “Babe, thank you. I really hate weddings. We can have a party later with your family and one with the club, okay?”

  Kima was still grinning widely. “I never liked them much, either—blame my sister Shelly for that. I’m good with the parties, but when the weather is warmer.”

  The next day Kima looked through her closet, trying to think about what to wear. She had dresses all over the floor and bed when V strolled in. She looked sweaty and tired.

  “Babe, just wear a pretty shirt and a pair of jeans and your boots. We can dress up for your parent’s affair. I’m wearing my colors anyway.”

  Kima frowned disgustedly, “Really? On our wedding day, V? “

  “Hey, I met you wearing them so why not marry you in them?”

  There was truth to that and Kima was too tired to argue. She watched as V hung up the dresses and straightened up the room.

  “V, it’s a Friday night—aren’t you going out?”

  “Nah, I thought we’d stay in or maybe we could go to a movie? How about Towering Inferno? Or I can play some Barry White for you—I’ll even sing although I don’t think I can sound like Barry. Since I’ve been gone so much I thought I’d spend some time with you. We could go see your parents.” V had a smirk on his face.

  Kima tapped a finger to her lips. “Ugh, no Barry White—we don’t even have his music. We can’t go to my parent’s house because they went to Boston for a few days, but we could go for a short ride. I need to stop by my Great Aunt’s house, too. I told my mom I would. She owns that general store down the road. I’ll only be a few minutes, okay? I’m not in the mood for the movies, either. Since it is still cold, I don’t want to go very far.”

  Kima went into the bedroom to put a pair of boots on and checked herself out in the mirror. Hip huggers and a black leotard with a scoop neck fit her perfectly. Kima added a warm sweater. Satisfied she looked good, s
he pulled a leather jacket on.

  V looked her over thinking to himself that he was a hell of a lucky man. Later on he’d show her how lucky she was to have him. V knew Kima would lick and suck his cock until he exploded when they got back from their ride. V really didn’t want to go to the movies, either—but if it made Kima happy he would’ve. V would much rather meet her Great Aunt.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Jo called Kima a few times, but she never picked up. Kima would check in on her when she got home as she always did. Elena, Joy and Hunter left early for New York. Jo had stayed hidden upstairs in her bedroom while Hunter was around the stables. Jo felt very uneasy and didn’t want to be alone, but she also felt strange about calling James. Joy said he’d be over to see her in the morning. She decided to sit in the living room and read. It was almost midnight when she heard voices outside. Scared, she ran to the hall closet and grabbed the shot gun. Jo sat facing the door waiting to see who might enter. Luckily, she was in an area that was shadowed. Whoever was out on the porch talking, Jo didn’t recognize their voices. She was scared shitless and the phone was across the room. Suddenly, the door was kicked open and two men entered. Jo sat as still as she could, praying they’d leave.

  “Skunk, I hope you know what the hell we’re doing because I ain’t so sure that Joy’s gonna like me grabbing her up. Chicks like to be romanced and shit.”

  “Stinky, the only way you’ll ever get that bitch is by stealing her. I wonder who else lives here. You sure she lives here alone and there ain’t an old man? I saw a station wagon and a truck.”

  Jo’s worst nightmare besides Nailz was in front of her. How dare that bastard Skunk be in this house? Anger replaced her fear. She made sure the shot gun was ready to fire and stood up.

  “Hey, assholes! How dare you kick in my door? Skunk, Nailz should have ended you last summer. Now you’ve got a choice—I shoot you two morons or you both leave now.” Jo’s voice was angry and determined.

  “Skunk, I’m outta here. That chick has a shot gun aimed at us.” Stinky headed to the door and disappeared into the night.

  “So Nailz’ redheaded bitch—we meet again. Nailz knocked your ass up, huh?” Skunk leered at Jo, spittle in the corners of his mouth.

  Jo looked at him and wondered if Skunk was drunk or just out of his mind. Aiming the gun a bit to the left of him, she let a bullet fly.

  As Skunk was running she heard him yell, “I’ll be back for you, bitch—tell Nailz that.”

  The blow back from the gun pushed Jo backwards. She fell to the floor and felt a cramp. The phone was ringing and she slowly got up and answered it. It was Kima and there was no way she could tell her Skunk had just paid her a visit. Veiko would be right over and Nailz right behind him. She told her to call back as she had to go to the bathroom. Kima didn’t notice Jo’s voice was weak and unsteady.

  In the bathroom, Jo checked her panties and there were blood spots. In a panic, she called Doctor Allan’s service and was told the doctor would call her shortly. Jo made a quick call to Kima, explaining she was spotting and couldn’t talk until she spoke with the doctor. Kima began to cry, but Jo just hung up and started to pray.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Kima sat on the bed crying her eyes out. She was reliving the accident again and losing her baby. The phone rang and it was Jo explaining she was headed to the hospital. Kima felt as if she couldn’t breathe, her heartbeat was pounding in her ears. V was still in the shower. Kima tried to get to the bathroom, but she tripped over V’s boots, fell and blacked out.

  Veiko came out of the bathroom with a towel slung low on his hips. He looked over at the bed, expecting Kima to be waiting for him as his foot bumped into her body on the floor.

  Towel falling, V knelt down beside her, “Kima what the hell? Wake up.”

  She didn’t answer and V quickly pulled on his clothes. Kima might have hit her head again and he was taking no chances. She was going to the emergency room—even if she woke up.

  Kima moaned on the way to the emergency room and once there they took her right into the back. It was slow for a Friday night. Veiko paced back and forth, waiting to find out what was going on.

  The doctor finally came out and smiled at Veiko. "I'm Regena Allan, Kima's cousin and doctor. Normally I'd let Kima tell you, but she is resting. Congratulations, you're going to be a father. Kima told me to tell you. We’re keeping Kima here for a few days. She’s dehydrated, too thin and frankly, I’m a bit worried about her. We'll do some tests on her. She'll be up in the maternity wing and you can go up and see her as soon as she’s settled in."

  Veiko was in shock. "Thank you, Dr Allan. Do you think she'll lose this baby? We lost one before."

  Dr Allan patted his arm. "Kima is very easily excited. She's always been like that. With rest, healthy food and common sense, I'm sure she’ll carry the baby full term. Now, I have to get back to work. Stop by the nurses’ station and they can tell you what room she is in.

  Veiko headed right up to the maternity wing where he found Kima. The nurses let him stay the night by her side. V slept for over ten hours and when he woke up Kima wasn’t in the room. It was late afternoon and V wondered how long she’d been gone. He left the room and found a payphone.

  "Nailz, Kima is knocked up and gonna be in the hospital a few days. You wanna come down to the hospital and keep me company while they do tests?"

  Nailz had a huge grin on his face after getting off the phone with Veiko.

  “I’m going down to Beach View hospital. Kima’s pregnant and got admitted. She can't refuse to talk to me now."

  "Not without me, you're not. If you can make up with Kima so can I." Jersey stood up. "We better get her flowers, too."

  Nailz aimed a sour look at him. "Yeah and bring all your charm ‘cuz we're gonna need it. I gotta call Tears and tell her I won't be back for dinner. Hey Thorn, can you do me a favor?"

  Thorn stopped playing pool and looked at Nailz. "What’s up?"

  "Can you take a pizza over to Tears and make sure she’s alright? I won't be back until tonight. I don't like leaving her alone so much."

  Thorn considered it. “How about I take her to a movie then grab some pizza? I could take her to see Shampoo—chicks like that movie.”

  The guys sitting around the bar laughed at him. Thorn might be over stepping a bit, but he liked Tears. She almost reminded him of Kima at her age.

  "Yeah, just don't get any ideas about my daughter. She's too young for you. She'll like getting out. Thanks, bro." Nailz tossed some cash toward Thorn who tossed it back, insulted.

  "I can pay for pizza and the movies. Tell Kima I'll be by to see her maybe tomorrow."

  Jersey and Nailz armed themselves with flowers and approached the reception desk. Jersey was busy talking to a cute nurse. Nailz looked down at the elderly woman who gave out the room passes. “Two passes for Regan, on the maternity ward, please."

  She smiled up at him. "Would that be for Kima or Josephine? We have two Regan's here at the moment."

  Nailz felt his heart drop. Josephine Regan? What the fuck. Had she married that cop she flirted with when they got pulled over on the run to Delaware, that time the girls had been carrying speed? Kima’s fucking cousin in the State Police. Oh yeah, Nailz remembered him alright.

  Jersey was still talking so he didn't hear. "We need three passes, two for Kima and one for Josephine.” He got the passes and pushed his flowers into Jersey's arms, along with a pass. "Go up and charm Kima, I gotta make a call." Jersey looked at him oddly, but headed up to see Kima.

  Nailz waited a few minutes until he figured Jersey made it to Kima's room. He got to the second floor and checked the room number. He quietly opened the door and there she was, finally. Sound asleep and huge. His Chickie had a lot of explaining to do. He looked at her chart. She married a Regan, did she? Damn her. The noise from his throat woke Jo up.

  "Nailz? How did you know I was here? Put down my chart and get the hell out.” Jo’s voice was sleepy, but cold

  Nailz had no plans to leave. He studied the chart more and got the shock of his life. Jo was having twins. He replaced her chart and sat down in the chair next to her bed. His temper was trying to surface and he was trying hard to keep it under control.

  “Jo, you married a Regan? Which one? The cop you flirted with? I bet it’s that fucking pig cousin of Kima’s; the one that got us out of trouble. That’s how you've been hiding from me? That's pretty fucked up. Gonna keep my babies from me, too? That pig knows they’re mine? "

  Jo looked at him in shock. "Married a Regan? Wait, what Regan do you mean? Ritchie? You mean that nice cop? I am a Regan, you moron—a legally adopted one, in fact. Plus, a future sister in law to Thrash and Veiko—although I'm not sure they know it yet..." Jo began to laugh and held up her left hand. “Do you see a wedding band on my finger, Nailz?” She wiggled her fingers at him for good measure.

  Nailz didn't know what to think. Here was his Jo—a Regan—and V was marrying her sister. What the fuck? Nailz looked at her hand and there was no ring. His stomach stopped churning a little bit.

  They sat silently for a few minutes while Nailz watched Jo's stomach moving. "Twins, how the hell did you manage that Jo? Nothing like really fucking my head up, damn it."

  "Me? You're to blame for this, you arrogant bastard. All of this is your fault—not mine. Now I want you to leave since you have so many things to deal with. Remember? You never asked for any of this and oh—just leave us alone. I've had a really bad night and I'm on bed rest. Now I have to worry about that asshole Skunk, too." Jo clapped her hand over her mouth. She never meant to tell Nailz about Skunk and Stinky. Shit! Now he'd never leave unless she told him the whole story.

  Nailz face hardened up. "Skunk? Why are you worried about him? What the hell are you hiding, Josephine?"

  Jo didn't feel like explaining it all to him, but figured he'd be finding out soon enough. She got as comfortable as she could get.


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