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Nailed Page 13

by Needa Warrant

  "I went to the Regan's since I wasn't staying with you after I found out you lied to me about Kima, but I couldn't stay there so I moved into Elena's farmhouse with Joy. We didn't tell anyone because I didn't want anyone to know. The Regan's wanted to adopt me and since I have no family because of you, I became part of their family. This was recent by the way so don't be blaming anyone but me, Nailz. Last night I had visitors. Skunk and Stinky came looking for Joy, but she’s away with Hunter and Elena. This Stinky wants Joy to be his old lady. I heard them outside and I think they were drunk. I got the shot gun and sat in the living room as they came through the door. Stinky spotted me with the gun and took off—but Skunk? He knew it was me because he yelled. He said he'd be back for your bitch. I shot at him and the damn gun made me fall backwards. Then I started spotting and drove myself to the hospital. Kima has no clue and don't be telling her, either. I'm able to take care of myself."

  Nailz frowned at her. Skunk was dangerous and Jo was not thinking clearly. "So Kima, Elena, Joy and the Regan's all knew where you were? But V and everyone else didn't?"

  "Exactly, finally you get it! It's nobody's business what I do now. I'm not a Parker and I'm not your old lady. I'm Jo Regan—about to have twins and it's staying that way."

  "Hell no it isn't, Jo. Those are my babies, too. I didn't say you weren't my old lady—you ran off. You think I’m gonna let Skunk hurt you or my kids? You think on it while I go have a word with Kima."

  Jo was angry. "Kima is home Nailz, leave her alone! She’s still mad at you."

  "Kima is down the hall and pregnant, Jo. She collapsed last night and V brought her to the ER. Her doctor admitted her for testing or some shit. I was on my way to try to talk to her when I found you. You didn’t know?” Nailz felt bad seeing Jo's stunned face.

  “No, I wasn’t totally sure. I knew she thought she was pregnant. Is she going to be alright? I’ve got to call Shelly and get in touch with our parents.”

  “Jo, calm down, V would’ve made the call already. Now, tell me what names you have picked out for these babies.” Nailz was trying hard to keep Jo calm.

  Jo looked at him and started to smirk.

  “I plan to name them, Elvis and Presley Regan if they’re boys. I really haven’t thought of any girl names yet.”

  Nailz could play this game with Jo and gave her a smirk right back.

  ”How about Lucy and Ethel McKay for girls? I like those names.”

  Jo looked at Nailz in amazement. “Oh no, you aren’t going there. These are Regan babies, Nailz. I wouldn’t marry you if you begged me. Now get the hell out of my room. I’m supposed to be resting—not being upset by a lying asshole like you. Otherwise I’m calling for a nurse.”

  Nailz was at a loss for words. That damn marriage word. He should’ve known that word would come up. Nailz decided to find V and Jersey. Jo could take a damn rest. He wasn’t going to fight with Jo in her condition.

  “I’ll be down the hall Jo, but this is far from over. I ain’t losing my babies. If I have to call my father—who’s a lawyer—I will. Don’t even try to play games with me. I’ve been hunting your silly ass down and I’m pissed off at you, too. Maybe I should’ve told you about Kima, but you could’ve told me that you knew she was missing instead of taking off. I’m going to see Kima, but I’ll be back. Don’t even think about trying to keep me outta this room, Josephine.”

  Nailz walked away leaving Jo confused and all of a sudden worried. His father was a lawyer…finally he’d shared something about his family with her.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Kima had forgiven Nailz and Jersey once she found out that Nailz knew about Jo. Jersey had pretty much paved the way for Nailz. Kima was laughing at something he was telling her when Nailz walked into the room. She had missed them, although she wasn’t going to admit it. V grabbed Nailz and pulled him out the door before he said more than hello to her. Kima looked at Jersey worriedly.

  “It’s okay. V’s just gonna tell him not to upset you, Kima. You heard what V said to me. I’m sure Nailz is getting the same. V’s in over-protective mode.” Jersey reached over and patted Kima’s arm. “I could use your help. I need to get to know Joy better. I really dig that chick and she won’t give me time of day. What is it with her?”

  Kima’s eyes widened and she giggled. “You need me to help get you with Joy? That’s priceless, Jerz. I don’t think Joy is interested in hooking up with a biker…maybe a cowboy. Do you like horses?”

  Jersey was sincere as he answered her. “I like horses. I don’t know much about them, but I’m willing to learn. I like animals and I really like her. I could learn to ride, I guess. Hell, I’ll clean her barn if that’s what it takes.”

  Kima shook with laughter at that announcement. “I’ll put in a good word for you. Now, I want to rest so go tell V to go somewhere to eat.”

  Jersey gave Kima a kiss on the forehead and thanked her as he left.

  Dr. Allan moved Kima into Jo's room after getting complaints about bikers roaming the halls. They had been in the hospital for three days. The two girls were glad to be sharing the same room—and it did help to keep the visitors contained in one room. Now Nailz, Veiko, Marco, Jersey and Snake were visiting. For Kima, it was good to see Snake and Marco.

  Jo had something on her mind. "How come Marco and Veiko use their real names? Jersey and Nailz and mostly all the other guys don't. How do you guys even get your names?"

  Veiko had to laugh. "Jo, my name means brother, most bro’s just call me V. You know how Nailz got his name. Thrash got his because of my mother. All I remember as a little kid was her threatening to thrash him. Hell, I thought that was his name and it just stuck to him. Snake can tell you how he got his name."

  Snake shot a dirty look at V. "I don't think Jo and Kima want to know. Nailz might knock me out if Jo’s offended."

  "Nailz doesn't get to decide, Snake. We want to know don't we, Kima?" Jo was curious now.

  Kima looked around at the four smirking men. Snake looked very uncomfortable. "Yeah, we wanna know how you got your name and yours too, Jersey—so spill it."

  Jersey began, "Snake got his name because....come on—Snake, tell them."

  Snake looked like he wanted to strangle someone. "You really gotta know? It's kinda private."

  Nailz laughed. "Tell ‘em Snake. They wanna know so badly. Might teach them not to ask questions. You’ll be saving another bro from their nosy questions."

  "Well, I got the name Snake ‘cause I was always slithering in and out of pussies." Snake was turning a bit red. "The sluts gave it to me and the bro's thought it fit. Satisfied now?"

  Jo and Kima looked at each other and laughed hysterically.

  Kima was finally able to cough out, "Jersey?"

  Jersey laughed. "It's my last name, been called that since high school. There is nothing special about it at all, but you really shouldn't ask. If somebody wants you to know, they'll tell you or you'll figure it out—just ask your men in private. Names are given for a reason, usually. Don't ask why, you'll hear all kinds of stories. Most bikers hate when they're asked their real names. Most won’t tell you and they’ll make up a name."

  Nailz looked at Jo and they shared a knowing smile.

  Kima frowned. "I think you need a new name V. I'll name you!"

  Veiko laughed at her. "Babe, I aint getting a new name. Too many bros know me already by V or Veiko. You're outta luck, sorry."

  Dr. Allan walked into the room. Veiko and Nailz got the other guys out of the room as soon as she entered.

  "I have some good news for you girls. Kima, if you rest, eat and take care of yourself you’ll be fine. No getting excited, no riding of any kind and stop stressing. You'll carry your baby full term. Now Jo, you need more bed rest and there’s a strong possibility that you won't go full term. Do you have a bedroom downstairs or can you avoid stairs? The less you're on your feet the better. No picking up anything heavy for either of you and Jo? No sex."

  Jo looked at Nailz. "Ther
e’s a big bedroom downstairs near the bathroom. Could you move my stuff into it?"

  "I'll move your stuff in there and mine too Chickie. I'm moving in and so is my daughter. Stop glaring at me, Elena would agree with me. With Skunk threatening you it makes sense. I'll leave now and get you moved downstairs. I’m taking your keys. Marco can help me." Nailz stood up and handed Jo her pocketbook. She tossed him her keys.

  “My station wagon’s in the ER parking lot—the blue one. Can you get it back to the house?” Jo asked.

  Nailz nodded as he left the room.

  Dr. Allan smiled. "You both will be released after lunch tomorrow and I’ll see you two next week. You both may as well come together. You boys behave yourselves and take good care of these girls." She turned and left the room.

  Kima and Jo looked at each other. Both were excited to be leaving the hospital at last.

  Veiko was glad he didn't have to help his bros move stuff and could stay with Kima. The guys departed and Jo took a nap as V and Kima made wedding plans. Since Jo was found they’d get married at the farmhouse. The mayor could marry them and Jo wouldn’t miss the wedding. Kima figured it’d soften the blow over a huge wedding with her parents. At least they’d be there, too.

  Thrash dropped in to visit with Kima. Veiko and Thrash looked at her with smiles on their faces. Kima had to use the bathroom so they had a few minutes to talk.

  "She looks happy finally,” Thrash said. “How the hell did they hide Jo without us figuring it out?"

  "Doesn't much matter at this point, does it? I'd let it go unless Nailz pitches a bitch. As long as Kima eats and this wedding goes off smoothly, be happy. But we get Nailz as a kinda brother-in-law. I think we’re uncles to those twins. How the fuck did they dream that up?" Thrash closed his eyes as he thought about his fake wedding.

  Veiko looked at his brother. "You gonna be okay with the wedding, bro? I know you went through all that shit with China. Kima knew that we'd have to protect Jo. Once we got married Jo would’ve come forward, I bet.”

  "China’s gone. She wasn't even real. I never wanted an old lady and I shoulda stuck to that. She’s a junkie and has mental problems. It was good while it lasted—but look at what damage she did before Joy stepped in. Using needles? Never would have guessed it. That could have caused me to lose my patch. Sneaky bitch, I’m lucky to be rid of her. I owe Joy, big time. If she ever needs anything, I hope she'll come to me. As for Jo, I always respected her. I like her, she’s good for Nailz, too."

  Jersey happened to walk into the room and heard Joy's name. "You’re talking 'bout my Joyful?"

  Thrash grinned at him. "I heard she doesn't even want your tips, bro. Maybe she'll be my Joyful. I kinda like a girl who can handle herself. If you do get with that chick, you better treat her right. I owe her."

  Veiko took a look at Jersey's startled face. "Jerz, take it easy. Thrash was just saying he isn’t interested in an old lady. Since you and Kima made up, I'm sure Joyful will be nicer to you."

  Kima was back from her bathroom trip. She looked much healthier and happier then she had in a long time.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Nailz had filled Tears in on Jo on the ride down to the hospital. She was very excited to be a big sister. He left out why Jo had left and Kima being missing. There were some things Nailz couldn’t tell Tears... yet.

  “Dad, do you love Jo? Are you going to marry her and are grandma and grandpa going to meet her? I know they would be so hurt if they didn’t. It’s time to be a family again. The twins need to have grandparents in their lives.” Tears waited with baited breath for his answer.

  Nailz took his time replying. “I love her and she’s mad at me so things are kinda hard for us right now…as for marriage? I don’t think so, baby. I don’t do well at it. Look what happened with your mother. I know Jo wants to meet my parents and yeah, I’ll have them meet her. Thanks for being so understanding about staying in Sea Woods. Jo will need your help.”

  Tears looked at her dad and shook her head. “Dad, for a smart guy you sure don’t understand women! Anyway, I’ll get to see Thorn more so I don’t mind staying there and helping Jo. I hope she likes me—not everyone does, you know. I tend to be outspoken and I’m just like you.”

  Nailz wondered who didn’t like his daughter. “Who doesn’t like you? Somebody’s being mean to you?”

  “No, dad—not now, but when I lived with my grandparents people knew about you. They said some really mean things. I never told anyone, but I wasn’t always allowed to hang out with some kids. I tried not to let it bother me, but it did. When I got older some of those kids thought it was cool you’re a biker only by then I didn’t want to be friends with them. I wonder what it’ll be like for these babies if they have a father and mother who aren’t married. You think you can’t marry Jo because of my mother, but do you know what it will be like for those children? It isn’t going to be easy. I had a father and loving grandparents and it was hell at times for me. You really need to think about the future for Jo and those babies.”

  Damn, thought Nailz. He was getting a lecture by his own daughter. Nailz had never known she’d been hurt by his lifestyle. He thought he’d covered that. His heart hurt thinking of his daughter being treated badly, but look at what just happened to Thrash. It was better this way, Nailz was sure of it and nothing Tears said was going to change his mind.

  “Tears, I know you mean well—but I’m not marrying Jo. I know lots of couples that aren’t married so it can work. You and Thorn, what’s up with that? You got a crush on him?” Changing the subject was a perfect way to shut Tears up.

  “Dad—a crush? Really? Come on! Did you mean do I wanna be his old lady? Maybe in a few years, when I’m old enough. Right now, I’m just watching him to make sure he’s the one for me. We have fun—and no—he doesn’t know my plans for him. He says I remind him of Kima except she has blonde hair. Since we’re living down here, he says if it’s okay with you he’ll teach me to shoot. I hope you’ll let him. He’s always very respectful and treats me as you’d expect him to. Hell, dad—I’ve had boys trying to get in my pants for a few years now. You do realize I’ve gone out on dates, I hope. School dances, too.”

  Nailz felt his blood pressure going up. “No dating, no boys.” He ground out. “You’re too young. Your grandparents allowed that? Why didn’t anyone ask me?”

  “Because you didn’t want to be a parent, remember? You don’t know much about me. I’m still a little girl to you. Got news for you, daddy—I’m not an innocent little girl anymore.”

  Nailz didn’t think he could hear anymore and was very happy to be at the hospital. Tears had shocked the shit out of him.

  “Tearney, no talk of marriage. You meet Jo and behave yourself or you can forget about Thorn teaching you anything and I’ll tell him you have a crush on him.” Nailz smiled inwardly. He could play the little minx’s games, too.

  Tears smiled up at him like an angel while grabbing his hand. “I’ll be cool with Jo. After all, she isn’t much older than me, is she? At least Thorn is closer to my age. He’s twenty-two or so.”

  Nailz looked down at his daughter. She just had to get the last word in. It was a good thing they were almost at Jo and Kima’s room. Nailz hated the smell of hospitals and had only bad memories whenever he was in one.

  Tears snapped her fingers, “Dad, give me some money. I’ve got to get baby presents. Don’t you know it’s rude to visit without a gift? I can run down to the gift shop fast, please?”

  Nailz took out his wallet and looked questioningly at her. She grabbed two twenties and ran down the hall.

  Jo was sitting up when he entered, laughing at something V was teasing Kima about. Jo smiled at Nailz and he smiled back. At least flowers brightened up the room and the girls seemed to be in good moods.

  “Nailz, I thought you were bringing your daughter?”

  “She just ran down to the gift shop. Don’t you know it’s rude not to bring gifts? That kid is gonnna be the death of me,
Jo. Kima, Thorn told her she reminds him of you.” Nailz was mimicking his daughter.

  Kima and Jo looked at each other and shared big grins. If Thorn thought that, Nailz was in for a rude awakening. Kima had been one wild child.

  In a few minutes Tears was back with three teddy bears. She smiled as she handed one to Kima and the others to Jo.

  “Hi, I’m Tears and it’s so wonderful to finally meet both of you! I’ve heard stories about you both. Hey, Veiko—I haven’t seen you in a while.”

  Tears stood a bit awkwardly, wondering what to say next.

  Kima could sense her discomfort. “I bet Thorn has been filling your ears about me. Sadly, it’s probably all true. It’s very nice to meet you too and thank you for the teddy bear.”

  Jo stared at the beautiful girl in front of her and hoped the twins would look just like her. She motioned her closer and Tears approached the bed. Jo reached up and pulled her down for a hug and kiss.

  “I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time. I’m so happy you came and will be staying with me. Thank you so much for the bears. The babies will love them just as much as they will love their beautiful big sister.”

  Nailz sighed quietly. So far so good—his daughter, Jo and Kima were all talking up a storm.

  Veiko and Nailz left to go to the cafeteria and the women never even noticed they left.

  “V, my daughter wasn’t allowed to play with kids because I’m a biker. She just told me shit I never knew. Gave me a lecture on marriage, Thorn—and told me she isn’t an innocent girl. What the hell do you think of that?”

  V couldn’t help but bust out laughing. “I think she’s just like her old man. Damn—she’s all grown up, Nailz. Last time I saw her she didn’t look like that. It doesn’t shock me kids weren’t allowed to play with her. Did you think just because she wasn’t living with you, people weren’t aware of who you are? How many times has your name been in the newspapers? Who would let their kid play with yours? You might have beaten the charges, but has your head been up your ass?”


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