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Page 18

by Needa Warrant

  In the bedroom Jo’s eyes were glazed with pain. She was out of her dress and Liz had sworn she would take care of the stains. Nailz was pacing and demanding they leave now. Jo didn’t want to be carried out the front door. She wanted everyone to stay there and continue the party. Nailz was trying to explain the party would be moving to the hospital later on, but finally gave up and picked Jo up. Tears followed with Jo’s suitcase. Everyone made a path for them and Jo hid her face in Nailz shoulder.

  Jersey just had to say it. “Are Elvis and Presley on their way?”

  Nailz shot him a dirty look as they made their way out of the door. Jo peeked over his shoulder and gave Jersey a weak smile. She had names picked out and Nailz wasn’t changing her mind. They weren’t Elvis and Presley either.

  Tears came back inside and asked for everyone’s attention. “My dad and Jo want you all to stay here and party. He’ll call you when it’s time to head over to the hospital, but until then, please enjoy yourselves.” She looked happy and went over to Thorn’s side.

  Kima and V stood quietly arguing before heading to their bedroom. They would spend the first night of their marriage in their new house tonight.

  “Babe, give Nailz and Jo this time together. It’s our wedding and we have family and friends here. As soon as Nailz calls we’ll head over to the hospital. Your dad’s still here and don’t tell me you’re mad your mom left.”

  Kima flashed one of her don’t piss with me stares at him.”V, of course I’m not angry my mom went, I want her there, but I want to be there, too. How am I supposed to enjoy a party while my nieces are going to be born?”

  “Babe, I know exactly what you need. Get over here.” V’s smile was sexy and he winked at her.

  “Oh no, you can’t be serious”…. Kima whispered as Veiko began to suck at her wrist. “People are downstairs, what if somebody comes up looking for us?”

  V just kept sucking on her wrist and with the other hand he was tugging on the zipper at the back of her dress. Kima shuddered and began to quiver. V knew exactly how to turn her on.

  “We’re married, babe—and I want my wife now. Fuck anyone who has an issue with it. Didn’t I once tell you that when I wanted you—even if people were around—I’d have you? Be happy we have a locked door and a bed.” His breath was hot on her wrist and Kima gave in. Her hands tugged at the zipper of his jeans.

  Kima reached for the zipper on his jeans and soon they were ripping each other’s clothes off. V picked her up and carried her over to the bed, carefully lowering her down onto the mattress.

  V ran his hands over her stomach. “Babe, I can’t believe you’re barely showing. I keep wondering if I’m going to hurt the baby when I fuck you.” His hand went to her breast which had grown much larger. “Damn. These sure have grown, though.” He sucked a nipple into his mouth as Kima shuddered delightedly. He sucked harder and she pressed his head to her breast closer.

  “Suck harder and don’t forget the other one—she doesn’t like to be forgotten.” Kima moaned.

  V’s fingers plucked at her other nipple. “He you like it rough, don’t you?” He muttered.

  “Yeah,” Kima sighed. “I do. It makes me get so hot and wet. I seem to want sex more since I’ve gotten pregnant. Have you noticed that?”

  “Kima, you’ve never said no to me…maybe once. One thing we never had was a problem fucking. You just look my way and I get hard. Been that way since the day I set eyes on you. I never thought I’d fall in love, but when I set eyes on you on your horse, I knew you were the one.” V lifted his body over hers and whispered, “You want my cock?”

  Kima didn’t bother to answer. She wrapped her long legs around V’s waist and he thrust into her body. They made love passionately, V’s breath hot against Kima’s ear. Kima was making all the little sighs and noises that turned V on. She began to moan and he knew she was close. As her moans got louder he thrust harder and felt the muscles of her pussy clench his cock.

  “Now—I’m cumming, Veiko. Give it to me.” Kima wasn’t shy when it came to cumming.

  V thrust in deep and held his cock still as he shot his cum into her.

  They were both laying there, holding each other when they heard everyone cheering down stairs.

  “Babe, get up. I think it’s time to get to the hospital, put on a pair of jeans—you don’t want to be uncomfortable in case we’re there awhile.” V was pulling on his jeans.

  Kima got up and found a pair of jeans and a shirt she had forgotten to move to their new house. “We can just say we were getting dressed for the hospital if anyone asks.”

  V laughed at her. “Babe, you were pretty loud so I doubt that’s gonna work.”

  Kima looked horrified. “My dad is downstairs and my brother. This is so embarrassing. Get that smile off you face, Veiko. We’ve got to go downstairs.”

  As soon as they got downstairs, everyone began to laugh and Kima was blushing.

  Her dad walked up to them and said, “Nailz just called, babies are almost here so let’s get over to the hospital. We didn’t want to disturb you two.”

  Kima grabbed a sweater and was heading toward her car as Veiko caught up with her. “Keys—you aren’t driving, Kima. We want to get there as visitors not patients.”

  Kima handed over her keys with a dirty look and got into the passenger side. They were headed to Beach View hospital.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Veiko dropped Kima off at the entrance of the hospital and went looking for a parking place. She didn’t bother asking for a pass because the ladies all knew who she was anyway. Kima got to the second floor and saw her mother.

  “Mom, what’s going on? Did Jo have the babies?”

  Jean smiled at her, “Boys, they’ll be in the nursery any time now. Did you know the names Jo picked out?”

  Kima smiled. “Yeah I did, so it is Regan and Ryan, Nailz was okay with them?”

  “Nailz was happy she wasn’t serious about Elvis and Presley. The babies are small, but healthy and Nailz is in with Jo now. They came really fast. Regena is pleased with the weight. Jo is doing fine, too. Nailz got a bit dizzy and had to be put in a chair.” Jean was laughing quietly. “Let’s go wait by the nursery—there’s Veiko.”

  Veiko was heading toward the women, “What are they? I gotta a bet Jo had boys.”

  Kima grabbed his hand, “Boys—we’re going to the nursery now. Mom says they should be all cleaned up and we’ll be able to see them. Nailz almost fainted.” She giggled at the thought. “You won’t pass out when I have our baby, will you?”

  Veiko looked down at Kima, “Babe, I never thought of being there for the birth. I’ll just get in the way.” He looked toward Jean for help, who shook her head.

  “Your father wasn’t in the room when you were born, Kima. I think Veiko should wait with your dad when it is your time.” Jean was trying to help V out.

  They stood in front of the glass windows as two nurses were placing cards in front of the bassinets. Regan McKay and Ryan McKay, the cards said.

  Jersey and Joy walked up beside them and John, Jack and James were behind them.

  “No Elvis and Presley? Damn, I bet Jo would go through it. I lost my bet.” Jersey shrugged it off.

  He caught a punch in the arm from Joy. “I lost, too. I was sure it was girls so shut up, Jerz.” Joy had wanted little girls she could teach to ride. “Where are Tears and Thorn?”

  John answered, “In with Jo and Nailz. How do you like that? We’ve got a Regan grandson and Ryan is a fine name.”

  Jean pulled him down to whisper in his ear, “Their full names are Regan Neal and Ryan John, they wanted to get both grandfather’s names.”

  Veiko pulled Kima away from the nursery and toward Jo’s room. “I wanna see Nailz and Jo, babe.”

  They entered the room and saw Jo looking tired, but happy. She looked in better shape than Nailz did, in fact.

  Seeing Kima Jo exclaimed, “Did you see them? Aren’t they perfect?”

  Kima moved o
ver to drop a kiss on her cheek. “So totally perfect, Jo—and I love their names.”

  Nailz got up and smiled at his wife. “I’m taking Tears to see her brothers before this becomes a madhouse. If it gets to be too much, Kima, toss everyone out.”

  Kima nodded and pulled her chair as close to Jo as she could. “Go on. I’ll take care of the little mama.”

  Everyone had drifted to the waiting room by the time Nailz and Tears walked to the nursery. Veiko had gone to collect his bet money.

  “So what do you think of your brothers?” Nailz wanted Tears to be as involved as she could be.

  Tears stood there just looking at the babies in awe. “Dad, they’re beautiful. I was sort of hoping for a boy and a girl, but they’ll do. I want a sister next, though.”

  Nailz damn near choked. “Next? Aren’t they enough? You and Jo are going to have your hands full with these two.”

  “Dad, I have to have a sister. After I get one, you and Jo can stop having babies. You know, if I get married young these babies will be uncles.”

  Nailz felt faint again and Tears laughed at the look in his face. “Grandpa Nailz, I like the sound of that, don’t you?”

  Elena and Hunter were walking their way so Nailz didn’t reply.

  Finally, it was quiet. Everyone had left to go either to the clubhouse or (in Kima and Veiko’s case to spend their wedding night in their new house.)

  Nailz was getting ready to leave Jo for the night. His lips lingered on hers. “Chickie, you want a girl? Tears is determined to have a sister. I’m happy with the boys, but if you got your heart set on a girl, I guess I could go through this again.”

  Jo pushed his chest hard. “You go through this? Nailz you’re a moron. Yes, I want a little Kima. We promised each other in first grade to name a girl after each other. I’m bound by a pinkie cut to have a girl. Give it two years and I’ll be pregnant again. So yes, Tears will get her sister. Now go home, I want you back here in the morning—bright and early.”

  As Nailz walked down the hall he could hear Jo’s laughter. All Nailz could think about was a little Kima with Jo’s red hair. He stopped by the nursery for another look at his sons. Nailz was surprised to see his parents still standing there.

  His father hugged him. “We’re so proud of Jo and you, son. The McKay name will live on. We worried about that.”

  “Jo’s planning on a girl next. I’m happy they have my black hair, but don’t tell Jo that.” Nailz had prayed if they had boys they wouldn’t be red haired.

  Liz smiled at her son. “The more the merrier! We’re going to spoil our grandchildren rotten, Nailz. What is it you say? Payback is a bitch?”

  Nailz looked hopelessly at his parents before leaving them to gaze upon their grandsons. It’d been a long day and all he wanted was his bed.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Things were quiet in Sea Woods. Jo and her babies were home and doing well. Kima and Veiko loved their new house. Elena and Joy had bought the farm of their dreams. They closed a week ago and were moving horses to the farm. Joy and Jersey had been staying in one of the houses. Veiko, Mad Jack and JJ were at the farm helping them. Jersey and a few bro’s from Bound for Hell MC were riding down. Hunter still didn’t know anything about Elena selling the farmhouse and stables—nor had she told him she was pregnant. This was a busy time of year for him so there never seemed to be a perfect chance to tell him.

  Jack stood along a fence looking at a lone horse in the distance. Something bothered him about that horse. It looked skinny, it was unkempt—not one of Elena’s or Joy’s horses.

  “Elena, that horse out there, whose is it because I could swear I’ve seen it before?” Jack felt dread creeping into his bones. He put two fingers up to his lips and whistled. The horse picked up its ears and came galloping towards them.

  Elena looked at the horse. “Oh my God Jack, that’s Sugar. What the hell did they do to him?”

  Sugar was filthy and skinny, but he knew them. Elena started to cry. Jack began to curse as a man with a whip joined them at the fence. Sugar reared and backed away.

  “Thanks, I’ve been trying to get that son of a bitch for days. Soon as I get him loaded up he’s going to the glue factory or to be made into dog food.”

  The rage in Mad Jack’s face made the fat asshole back up, his hand held out. “I paid for that horse fair and square. Mr. Wrotham told me if I helped him move, I could have him.”

  “That’s a stolen horse! Ever hear of John Regan? That is his daughter’s horse and by the look on his son’s face, you aren’t taking him anywhere, you low life bastard.” Elena was hissing through her teeth. “I plan to go give Mr. Wrotham a call right now and I’m calling V. Jack, don’t let him near Sugar. If I have to call the state police, I will.”

  Jack stood, staring at the man. “Why’s he so skinny? Who ran this barn? What’s your name anyway?”

  The man was backing up and didn’t know Jersey was behind him.

  “I ran it and my name is Reggie. That horse was left here—people didn’t pay the board on him so he’s mine. He’s a mean bastard. No need to call the cops on me. Just give me that horse.” Reggie was sweating and getting red faced.

  Jersey pushed him toward Jack. “I hate animal abusers. This stupid fuck doesn’t even realize when Veiko gets here that he’s in for a world of pain. Hell, I don’t think he knows he just pissed off the two biggest MC’s in the area. Hell, he doesn’t even know why they call you Mad Jack.” Jack understood what Jersey was doing and grinned. Both men slightly turned so good ol Reggie could see their colors. They grinned wider when his face went pale. They had some fun pushing Reggie back and forth between them while they waited for Elena to return. The man was clearly no match for them.

  Elena, Veiko and Joy came up to the three men. Veiko had papers in his hand. Kima had never given her father Sugar’s papers.

  “See these papers? My wife owns that horse, you scumbag.” V handed the papers to Elena before his fist slammed into Reggie’s face. Veiko had taken Sugar’s papers from Kima’s jewelry box drawer as soon as Elena had called him.

  The women stepped aside as the men present began to stomp Reggie. Some of the other bikers had beat up on his horse trailer and it didn’t look as if it would ever haul a horse again.

  When they were done with Reggie they dumped him in the truck. Mad Jack had some words of advice for him.

  “Don’t stick around here. Pull that trailer as far away from this county as you can because we’ll be looking for you.” He gestured toward the groups of bikers helping unload furniture from pickup trucks.

  “Any of them see you after today and you’re gonna get a beating that might cripple you. You call the cops, we’ll make sure you go to jail for horse theft. Mr. Wrotham says all he knows is that you brought that horse here. Now get the hell outta here.”

  They watched as Reggie slowly began to drive his truck and ruined trailer down the lane.

  Veiko looked at Elena who handed him back Sugar’s papers. “This will upset Kima. In her condition she’ll flip the fuck out. Is he going to be okay?”

  Joy had gone to Sugar and yelled back, “Just some food, a bath and in a few weeks he’ll be fine. We can fix him—but you’re coming out here and helping V. We’ll make it a surprise for Kima.”

  V hoped Elena and Joy would be able to do it.

  A pickup truck came flying down the driveway and it was Hunter. He stalked toward Elena with fury. Everyone looked at her. V (who already knew about her pregnancy) wondered if he was going to have to stop his vice president from hitting her.

  “Elena, get your ass over here. You fucking sold land without asking me?” Hunter was mad as hell.

  Elena walked over to Hunter. “I sold my farm. Land I bought and then I bought more land than I had before. See the two houses and three barns? Joy and I own them. Your bro’s have the land and house I sold. They aren’t going to build on it—I made sure it was in the contact. I knew you’d flip out.”

didn’t seem to care. “We don’t sell land and you know it. McQue’s buy land you, stupid bitch.”

  Nobody had ever seen Hunter act like this toward Elena. She stood tall and proud. Her face showed no emotion as she began to answer Hunter.

  “I’m not a McQue, am I? But I am having a McQue baby. I’ll have my horses off your property and I paid for the fencing and my pole barns. It will be removed within the week. I’ll go before a judge if I have to, Hunter. I’ve always paid my way and now, you get the fuck off my farm. Since I have trucks, I’ll be heading over to the Lodge now, for my things. Don’t make me bring down the cops on your ass. Remember, I know too much of your business. It’d be best if Thorn stayed there and you didn’t because I hate you right now.”

  Hunter stared at Elena. “You’re not pregnant by me. We tried too many times. I don’t know what bullshit you’re pulling, but you get your shit off my property. You are not pregnant by me so don’t try to push your bastard kid off as mine, bitch. Don’t think my bro’s are helping you move, either.” He stomped off and got into his truck and roared away, gravel shooting in his wake.

  Joy grabbed Elena. “Are you okay, honey?”

  Elena shrugged. “Yes, of course I am. That’s the Hunter you all have never seen. Do you think Nefarious would help me? Knowing Hunter, I have to get my stuff out of the house and move the horses now. I can pay them. He’ll try to keep the barns, but I have a contract with him. You and Jersey can live in the house you’ve been in. My stuff will go in the other house. It’ll be fine. I wonder whose baby he thinks I’m carrying?”

  Nobody said a word. Elena had never looked at another man; Hunter had been the love of her life.

  Jack had JJ in tow as he went to make a call to round up some more of Nefarious MC to help Elena.

  Jersey looked at Joy nervously. Would this make him lose his bet with Nailz? He was really getting along with Joy and he liked working with the horses. Fuck!


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