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Climax: Volume 2

Page 37

by Ella Ford

  And then the raging inferno ceased and the tide of pleasure receded, releasing my tired body. I felt every muscle relax, devoid of animation and life. My arms and legs collapsed to the bed, limp and loose. I gazed down at Belle, her head still between my legs, arms coiled around my thighs. She peered back at me with a look of lurid intent. I smiled at her, feeling an intense closeness to the strange girl, any thoughts of the strange evening gone from my mind, replaced only with a hungry need.

  “Now you,” I said with a sheepish smirk, surprised by the boldness of my actions.

  She lifted her head and smiled. “If you insist,” she said and crawled up the bed towards me. Then she lifted her knee and straddled my chest, pinning my arms to the bed with her lower legs. I peered down at her pussy, the delicious folds inches from my mouth. Her labia glistened with moisture, tiny beads of desire on her slick flesh. I breathed in through my nose, filling my throat with the rich aroma of her lust, an intoxicating musk that set my heart beating quickly.

  I flicked my eyes upwards, seeking permission, not daring to take what I wanted so badly. She smiled down at me and nodded, then shuffled forwards to lower her pussy onto my mouth.

  Without thinking, I lifted my head and plunged my tongue into her damp sex, lapping at her, my inexperience fueling my enthusiasm, charting this new topology with an explorer’s zeal. I licked upwards from her tight hole, then sucked her lips into my mouth, tugging at her and nibbling. Above me, she moaned out loud, reaching forwards to grip the bed and steady herself. Her hips pushed downwards, an involuntary response to my actions, locking me in place in this damp prison. I didn’t care, I was now a being of singular purpose, a need to taste her, to gift her the same intense satisfaction that she had me.

  I worked my way through her lips, committing every complex fold to memory, relishing every touch and taste. Then I found her clitoris and gasped at how swollen it was, a throbbing bud of rigid desire. I flicked at it, brushing the flat of my tongue over it and pushing it down against her pelvic bone. She cried out once more and reached a hand down to grip my hair, pulling my head upwards.

  Faster and faster I worked, deeper I plunged, pushing the tip of my tongue into her tight hole, relishing the metallic tang of her insides. Then, as I sensed her approaching climax, I shifted back to her clit, doubling my efforts there and attacking her with renewed vigor.

  Her moans became anguished cries, speaking words in a language I didn’t recognize. Then her breathing changed; from long sighs to short, sharp pants. I felt her thighs tighten around my head, gripping me, not willing to risk my escape, and I flicked ever quicker on her tortured clit. Her quick breaths became audible moans and she arched her spine and pushed her head backwards.

  Then something clicked inside her and her entire body went rigid as the tidal wave of her orgasm broke and swept all before it away. I felt a hot splash on my face, a sticky eruption that clogged my eyes and nose. I glanced upwards, gazing across her stomach and breasts to see her face locked in a mask of pure pleasure.

  As I was staring, something happened. A momentary flicker like a glitched TV signal. Belle’s body appeared to shimmer and pulse and, for the briefest of seconds, I caught a glimpse of something else, something beneath. It was maddeningly quick, a shimmering mirage that was gone in an instant, but her body appeared to change, her skin shifting color to a hue that I had no name for. Something between blue and green, but neither and both at the same time. Her face flattened, features smoothing, nose receding, eyes becoming dark almonds; her limbs turned slender and long. Then she shuddered and the vision was gone.

  Belle’s head lowered and she closed her eyes, panting with exhaustion and the lingering sensation of the orgasm. I gazed at her, puzzled by what I’d seen but feeling an intense contentment there between her legs.

  Later, we lay together on my bed, naked bodies entangled, bathing in the pale light of the moon through my bedroom window. My head was resting on Belle’s chest, my hand absentmindedly stroking the soft flesh of her stomach. I found myself unable to rest, unable to quiet my mind after the strange events of the evening. Who was the woman, Kyla, and what was her hold on Belle? Why did she make the blonde girl react so strongly? Most of all, what had I seen as Belle’s orgasm took her? What did she become? My galloping mind raced through scenarios and possibilities, never quite able to make the loose ends of my questions join up.

  “What are you thinking about Laura?” said Belle, reaching down to stroke my hair. She had an uncanny knack of being able to read my thoughts.

  “You. Us. Everything,” I replied with a sigh.

  Belle fell silent and I sensed her go tense beneath me.

  “Belle, where are you from? Who is Kyla?” I asked her with a firm insistence. I sat up in the bed and pulled the thin sheet around me.

  She looked up with an expression of sadness and trepidation. “I want to tell you, but I am afraid of what you might think,” she breathed, and turned onto her side.

  “I want to know,” I replied, wondering if I really did.

  Belle paused and turned to face the window. “I’m… not from here,” she said.

  “I guessed that. Where are you from?” I repeated.

  “I mean. I am not from this planet, from Earth,” she said and turned to face me, allowing me to see the sincerity on her face.

  I nodded, allowing her words to permeate my senses, resisting the urge to laugh and tell her to stop kidding me. There was something about the way she looked, something about the events of the evening, that caused me to give her claim more weight than it perhaps deserved.

  “You mean… you’re an alien? Like E.T. or something?”

  She smiled. “Yes, something like that,” she said and turned back to the window. “My home is very far away. It is a long time since I have been there,” she added wistfully, her tone suddenly laced with sadness and regret.

  “Wh-what happened?” I asked, still not quite believing what I was hearing but unable to bring myself to deny her.

  She sat up and leaned back against the headboard, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them as though she was cold.

  “My people were once like yours. Rash and immature, fueled by greed and a desire for resources. For centuries, our technologies increased in time with our animosities, primal instincts driving us to endless war and constant conflict. Our passions drove us to the very edge of existence, and our civilization flickered like a candle on the brink of extinction,” she breathed a heavy sigh and her eyes filled with tears. “But we came back from the edge. Our scientists reasoned that our problems stemmed from the primeval need to mate, to raise offspring in our own image and we contemplated this for decades. Finally, we reached a consensus. We would use our mastery of genetics to become a singular race composed only of females.”

  I gasped, captivated by the story and the strange twist.

  “From then on, only female children were born and, as the last light of masculinity died out from our species, so did the constant need for conflict. We became a race of pure pleasure, excelling in science and art, creating an empire that spanned many star systems.”

  “You mean… you got rid of sex?” I asked, incredulous.

  She smiled, that mischievous smirk returning to her stricken face. She reached out and stroked my thigh, then continued. “No, we simply shifted our urges onto our sisters, becoming what you humans call ‘lesbians’. We learned to channel our urges and free them from the burden of maternal need. Our bodies are no longer vessels for childbirth, they exist only to serve our need for pleasure.”

  She paused and let this point sink in. A race of spacefaring sex-mad lesbians, hell bent on pleasure and fulfillment. The thought shocked me and aroused me in equal measure. A sudden notion stuck me.

  “Who is Kyla? Is she one of your people?”

  Belle’s face went dark and she turned away from me. “For centuries, we have lived in peace. Driven by our need to create, to build, to exist in perfect harmony w
ith our surroundings. But in recent decades, a new faction has arisen. A faction that seems to possess the same drive and motivation as our ancestors.”

  “Is Kyla one of them?” I asked.

  “Yes. Kyla and many like her. Their faction argues for conquest, for domination. They seek to travel to planets like yours and pillage the natural mineral wealth, taking your females and enslaving them in sexual servitude. The planets they control are little more than endless harems, slave pens where females of a thousand races are held in constant bondage without hope of rescue or escape.”

  I inhaled at the prospect, suddenly feeling dizzy with the scope and scale of what Belle was telling me. “They want to… enslave Earth’s women?” I asked, fearing the answer.

  “Yes Laura. Your town of Sycamore Falls is to be their entry point, the beachhead for their invasion. They are attracted here by the rich deposits of an ore that our race requires - Orgasmium - a special compound that powers many of our technologies. Kyla and her people will establish a forward base here, putting your males to work in their Orgasmium mines and shipping your women off to their slave ships.”

  It all sounded too ludicrous, too bizarre. I shook my head, unable to comprehend the magnitude of it all. I thrashed around, clutching at possibilities, looking for weakness in her story. “If you’re from another planet, why do you look like us?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  She nodded, as though anticipating the question. “Orgasmium ore has many properties, one of which is its ability to alter perception. We use this for many purposes, many pleasurable purposes. In this case, our clothing emits an Orgasmium field that causes those who see us to visualize what they want to see. The way you see me is precisely what you desire,” she added with a sultry tone.

  I blinked, allowing the wave of realization to wash over me. Belle had seemed maddeningly attractive to me from the moment I saw her, and the reason for this became clear now. I had pictured her exactly how I’d wanted her to look. Had I always been a lesbian then? I pondered.

  “Earlier... when you… when you came, I saw you change, saw you become… different,” I said haltingly.

  She blushed and looked down. “Yes, the perception field requires an element of concentration on my part to maintain. When I… when you made me orgasm, I lost control completely and the field faded,” she said, gazing down at my breasts. “That has never happened to me before,” she added with a sultry smirk.

  “Kyla called you Princess earlier, what did that mean?” I asked, plucking a single question from the swirling maelstrom of my mind.

  She turned to me and a distant look swept across her face. “My true name is Princess Bellandra. My mother is the ruler of our people, the Vulvans, though she rules with a weak hand lately. She has allowed Kyla and her allies to rise to power, preferring diplomacy and dialogue to direct action. I found myself unable to stand idly by any longer, and watch the consequences of my mother’s negligence. This is why I have travelled to your planet with my friends. I intend to stop Kyla once and for all.”

  Suddenly, there was a creak from outside the apartment, the loose floorboard on the stairs that I’d been meaning to get fixed for months. Belle sat up in bed, bolt upright, her face rigid with fear. “Kyla,” she breathed, “she’s come for me. We have to leave!”

  Chapter 4: Set Phasers To Come

  Belle stood quickly and ran to the door of the bedroom, leaning her head to one side and listening intently. Then she turned back to me and spoke. “There’s four of them. Kyla and three others,” she said with perfect confidence. I wanted to ask how she could be so certain, but before I could speak, she swept past me and began to frantically search around the apartment.

  “Wh-what’s happening Belle?” I demanded.

  “Put your robe on,” she said, stopping only to gesture at the silk wrap that hung on the back of the door. “Is there another exit from this building?” she said. As I watched her move from room to room, she appeared to shimmer in and out of focus, finally stabilizing to reveal her fully clothed, wearing exactly what she’d been wearing all night. I gasped and shook my head, finally rousing myself enough to stand and grab my robe.

  “There’s a fire escape, through the window in the living room,” I said, tying the loose cord around my waist and pulling the silken garment tight.

  Belle brushed past me and grabbed my arm. “Hurry,” she said, “there isn’t much time.”

  “Where are we going?” I breathed as she dragged me into the living room towards the large sash window in the far wall.

  “Away. We have to get away from here. Kyla knows about you now, knows what you mean to me. Her plan will be to take you from me, to enslave you as she has many others.”

  She reached down and lifted the sash window with ease, then gently pressed my head down and urged me to step through. I lifted my leg and eased through the opening, stepping out onto the metal fire escape, and then moving aside so that Belle could join me. Suddenly, I saw movement below us. I gasped and struggled to make out what it was. Belle pushed me aside and peered down the steps, then turned to me and looked up. “They’re coming from below. We have to go up,” she said.

  I glanced over her shoulder and saw three women rushing up the metal stairs, two flights below us. They were identically dressed in figure hugging black jumpsuits, hair pulled back in harsh ponytails. They were each clutching something in their hands, a small, metallic ovoid that twinkled in the glow of the streetlamps. Before I could ponder what the strange objects were, I heard a crash from behind us and turned to see the door to my apartment swinging backwards against the wall, broken and splintered. Through the smoky aftermath of my door’s destruction stepped four shadowy figures. Three girls like identical clones of the ones below and Kyla, striding forwards with unflappable poise on her impossibly long legs.

  Belle grabbed my hand and dragged me away, pulling me roughly up the steps and away from the approaching women. I winced as my bare feet touched the harsh grill of the steps, and struggled to keep up with her. Eventually, we reached the top of the staircase and there was nowhere else to go but the roof of my apartment building. Belle swung her leg over the low wall and helped me to do the same, then we both ran across the flat expanse and took shelter behind the small roof access building.

  “Where now?” I asked, breathing heavily and scared witless.

  Belle looked around and surveyed the rooftop, looking out over the buildings of Main Street. From the fire escape, we could hear the hurried commotion of Kyla’s lesbian soldiers, frantic footsteps and conversation in a language I didn’t recognize.

  “We could try to jump the building beside this one?” I said, pointing at the roof of the barber shop. There was a six foot gap between the two buildings, but the barber shop was lower, so it would be a fairly easy jump.

  Belle turned to me, her brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed. “We could, but it would be no good. The town is probably crawling with Kyla’s patrols by now. They seem to have made far more progress than I thought possible. They’d catch up with us eventually,” she said.

  I shivered in the cold breeze, the silk robe providing scant warmth. “Then what do we do?” I demanded, feeling myself descend into hysterics. I could scarcely comprehend what was happening. One minute I was a simple waitress in a dead end town, the next I was a sex-crazed lesbian fleeing from a future of interstellar enslavement. If this is a dream, I thought to myself, please let it end soon!

  Belle reached over and touched her hands to my upper arms, holding me steady and looking directly into my eyes. “Do you trust me Laura?” she said, a look of perfect calm and utter seriousness descending on her face. From the other side of the access hut, I could hear the sound of footsteps on the flat roof and the low hum of conversation. They were coming!

  “I… what? Yes, I trust you,” I said hurriedly.

  “Then hold onto me,” said Belle and she wrapped her arms around my back then pulled me tight towards her. I did the same, gripping her withou
t truly understanding what I was doing. I could feel her steady heartbeat against my skin, quickened but not racing out of control like mine. I wondered distantly how she remained so calm.

  Then I felt her reach down and fish around in the pocket of her jacket, pulling something silver and smooth out. It was about the size of an orange, but slightly elongated, a smaller version of the device that Kyla’s soldiers were carrying. I felt a sudden rush of trepidation, unsure what was about to happen, longing to be far, far away from here.

  Belle lifted her hand and whispered into my ear. “Close your eyes,” she breathed and then squeezed the device she was holding with sharp twitch of her hand. There was a sudden lurch and the entire universe disappeared, replaced by a bright pink light that overloaded my senses until I felt myself begin to blackout. I tightened my grip around Belle, feeling as though the anchor point of her body was the only thing standing between me and this gaudy oblivion. Abruptly, a sense of falling overtook me, a feeling of moving without motion. And then the pink receded, replaced by an all encompassing blackness.

  When awareness returned to me, I found myself lying on my back in an impossibly white room. I looked around, blinking at the harsh light and the strange memory of what had just happened. Belle was lying beside me, turning over and reaching a hand across to touch my hip.

  “Are you okay? The first Orgasmium phaseshift can be quite arduous, if you are not prepared for it. I should have given you more warning, I’m sorry.”

  I opened my mouth to speak but found my jaw muscles sluggish and slow to respond. “Where… where are we?” I asked.


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