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His Wicked Ways

Page 4

by Lorraine Beaumont

  “And you believed them?”

  She nodded mutely.

  “What was all this then?” He said pointing to the spot where they just made love.

  “I wanted to…I wanted…to say…” she tried to speak but the words kept clogging in her throat.

  “What? That you loved me too?” he scoffed. “No. It wasn’t that, was it? You decided to give me a goodbye fuck before you put the last nail in my coffin?”

  She didn’t answer, but her expression was the only answer he needed.

  He slammed his hand on the table, making her flinch.

  “Well I hope the money is worth it…I hope it feeds that conscience of yours for the rest of your fucking life.” He reached out and yanked the door open.

  “Lucian…I love…” She reached out toward him.

  “Don’t…” He lifted his hand to stay her. “Don’t you fucking dare…” He leveled her with a look full of loathing. Then turned on his heel and headed outside into the darkness.

  “Lucian!” She jumped off the chair, stumbling outside, but he was already gone.


  Lake Lure, North Carolina

  Molly walked back to the side of the car and stuck her head inside, reaching for her bottle of water when she heard the distinct rumbling of a motorcycle. Jerking back, she whacked her head on the side of the car. A bright flash of white momentarily stole her sight.

  She rubbed her throbbing head, weaving sideways towards the road. Waving her arm, she tried to flag the rider down. The problem was, between smacking her head and the deluge of sweat sliding down her face into her eyes, she couldn’t exactly see where she was going.


  Lucian leaned into the turn. He was so lost in his thoughts it didn’t register what he was seeing until the very last moment.


  He hit the brakes.

  The tires of his bike skidded on the pavement as he swerved to avoid the person in the middle of the road.

  By the grace of God, he didn’t lay his bike down. Heart thumping, he slowed enough to stop. Pulling over to the shoulder of the road, he turned off his bike. His hands were shaking.

  Molly wobbled forward and bent over. “Ignorant lunatic could have killed me,” she railed, feeling sick.

  Lucian got off his bike and yanked off his helmet, fully intending on lighting up the person that nearly caused him to wreck.

  In spite of the heat, and her anger, Molly shivered as a head full of dark brown sun-streaked hair drifted down, barely grazing the tops of very broad shoulders. Hot damn!

  “What the hell were you doing?” He stalked purposefully towards her.

  Molly gaped in disbelief as a live version of what she considered Adonis walked towards her in a pair of faded blue jeans with a black t-shirt that hugged his muscled torso. A beat-up leather jacket flapped in the wind. He may have been the hottest man she had ever seen but by the look on his face, he was also the angriest man she had ever seen…well, besides her father…but he didn’t count. He made a living from being angry…or at the very least, looking like he was—it went hand in hand with real profession. The restaurant was his plan B or so he told her often. Her father was really a big Teddy Bear, but no one else knew that about him.

  “Me!” Molly pointed to her chest. “You nearly killed me.”

  Lucian stopped abruptly. “What did you say?”

  “Uh…” Molly looked up from his broad chest into a pair of smoldering dark brown eyes that looked almost black. She shook her head, barely breathing. “Ah…” She wobbled on her feet, her legs giving out.

  “Sonofa…!” Lucian leapt forward and grabbed her limp body in his arms before she hit the ground.


  Molly floated…

  She was sure she was dreaming. She knew this because a gorgeous man hovered above her speaking in hushed tones. She couldn’t hear what he was saying, but that didn’t matter. Looking at him was all she needed. She decided very quickly she was having one of the best dreams of her life, even by her standards which often included Sam Heughan, from Outlander and Jamie Dornan, from Shades of Gray. She couldn’t recall where this new man had come from, but her imagination, as it was, never let her down. So, she went with it. Puckering her lips, she prepared for the best dream kiss of her life…

  Lucian frowned. What the hell was she doing? “You okay?” he asked.

  Molly blinked. His deep melodic voice was just as sexy as the rest of him. “Uh…yeah.” She rubbed her head. “What happened?”

  “Which time?”

  Molly recoiled from his tone. “Just now,” she croaked.

  “I think you passed out.” His brows creased more.

  “I did?”

  “I guess.” He shrugged his broad shoulders. “Your eyes were open.”

  “Were they?”

  “Yeah.” His dark brows hitched up.

  Molly’s face burned five shades of red. “Must be heat stroke,” she muttered stupidly.

  “Heat stroke?” he asked, skeptically.

  “Dehydration, I mean. I’ve been out in the sun for a long time with no water,” she explained, making up the first thing she could think of.

  “Is that so?” His brows hitched up another notch.

  She spotted a bottle of water at his feet. “May I have a drink?”

  His lips twitched. He lifted up the bottle of water and handed it out to her.

  She took the bottle. “Thanks, for sharing.”

  “It’s not mine.”

  She had the bottle halfway to her mouth. “It’s not.”

  “No. It’s yours.”

  “Mine,” she squeaked. “Where ever did you find it?”

  “It was in your car.”

  “Oh.” She cringed. “It must have fallen on the floor.” She unscrewed the lid. “You know,” she supplied lamely, covering. “Dehydration makes you forget stuff.” Just to prove the lie she had just doled out, she took a big drink.

  “I found the water on your front seat.”

  A spray of water spluttered from her mouth.

  Lucian patted her back.

  Molly wiped her mouth, wishing she had a hole to climb in.

  He laughed then. It started out as a light chuckle but it turned quickly into a full-fledged belly laugh that made his shoulders shake and his eyes tear up.

  “He he,” she laughed too. Granted, hers was forced but it didn’t matter.

  “Sorry.” He shook his head. “I didn’t mean to do that.” And he didn’t, but damn…that felt good. He hadn’t laughed in such a long time, he had forgotten how much better it made him feel.

  “It’s all right,” she was quick to assure him.

  “Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes. Much. Thank you.” She waved her hand in front of her face.

  “What happened to your car?”

  “It broke down…” She looked up at his face. “It’s a piece of….” she trailed off.

  Lucian’s gaze absently drifted to her hair, the way the light played with the strands, the wispy pieces fluttering around her face, resembling shimmering strands of copper. Then to the cleft in her chin… to her perfect rosebud lips, and then up to her eyes—they sparkled like emeralds. His breath caught. He felt like someone just suckered punched him in his gut.

  Molly swallowed hard. “Uh…what was I saying?”

  Trying to clear his mind, Lucian shook his head. “Damned if I know.”

  “Are you okay?” Molly put her hand on his shoulder.

  Hot tingles of awareness shot through Lucian as flashes came at him–quickly, blurring, which wouldn’t have been so bad, but whatever he was seeing was also accompanied by an overwhelming urge to take her into his arms and kiss that look from her face.

  Shirking her hand off his shoulder, he stood up. “Must be the heat,” he said.

  “Yeah…probably the heat,” she agreed, rubbing her tingling fingers across her palm.


“Are you sure you can ride in that?” Lucian gave the young woman in front of him a doubtful look.

  “Oh, sure, sure,” she deflected, hooking the straps of her heels together and then linking them through her the chain of her fancy confetti sequined purse. “It’ll be fine,” she assured him. “It’s not that far.”

  “Where did you say you were you headed?”

  “To my wedding,” she said, hooking her purse straps over her arm.

  Lucian’s chest tightened. “What?”

  “Not mine,” she quickly told him. “It’s my friend’s. I’m the maid of honor.”

  “Oh, I was wondering.” A feeling of relief washed over him and he didn’t know why. It’s not like he cared. Hell, he didn’t even know her.

  “Yeah, I know,” she sighed, taking his look for something other than what it was. “It’s a horrible dress.”

  “No. It’s…nice.” She was right, the dress was horrible.

  “Yeah, right,” she laughed.

  A strange fluttering whirled in his stomach. He shook his head—maybe he was dehydrated, too. “You ready?” He leaned forward, making room for her on his bike.

  “Yep.” Molly grabbed hold of the bottom of her dress and wiggled back and forth until the slick material slid up on her hips. “See,” she laughed. “It’s good.”

  “If you say so.” His gaze traveled up from her sneakers to her shapely legs.

  Molly lifted her leg and lost her balance.

  Lucian grabbed her arm and jerked her upright.

  “Thanks.” Grabbing hold of his muscular forearm, she managed to climb on the back of his bike.

  “Here.” He handed her his helmet.

  “But don’t you need it?”

  “I think I’ll be okay.”

  “But what about the bugs?” she asked.

  “I have sunglasses.” He slid on a pair of aviators, which only made him look, if possible, even more delectable. “See.”

  “Yeah, I see.” Her stomach did another little funky flip. She chalked it up to hunger.

  “You situated?”

  “I’m good.” She slid on his helmet and adjusted her bottom.

  “Put your feet here.” He pointed at the small metal rungs on either side of the bike.

  Molly lifted her feet and immediately her body lurched forward, making her boobs press into his muscular back. “Sorry,” she said, trying to back away from him.

  “Here,” he said, grabbing her hands and putting them on his waist. “Hold on.”

  “Okay.” The helmet slipped over her eyes. She let go of his side and pushed it back up.

  “You good?”

  “Yep.” She was better than good—she was in heaven.

  He started the ignition.

  The bike vibrated underneath her bottom. Damn. She reflexively grabbed hold of him again and tightened her hold.

  “Which way?” he asked, turning his head slightly.

  “Just head up that way,” she yelled over the roar of the engine, pointing up the winding road. “I’ll tell you when to turn.”

  “Sounds good,” he called over his shoulder, revving the bike. Before she could say another word, he took off.


  Ten minutes later, the bike rumbled into the nearly deserted hotel parking lot. Several quaint shops with art from local artisans and souvenirs, along with a coffee/ice cream café lined the brick walkway on the left side of the lot. The hotel was over to the right, which was where a lot of the guests were staying over for the wedding. A bright emerald green and white striped canopy covered the entrance to the hotel.

  Down the brick walkway, near one of the shops, Molly spotted a bathroom. Taking off the helmet, she braced her hand on the back of the seat and climbed off the bike. Her leg stuck.

  “Whoa.” Lucian grabbed her hips and steadied her until she could get her leg off the bike.

  Just as his hands touched her, Molly felt another zing. She looked at his too handsome face wondering if he felt it too but he didn’t seem fazed. “Thanks for the ride.” She handed him back his helmet.

  “Anytime.” He gave her a cheeky grin and her stomach did another involuntary flutter.

  “Would you mind waiting here for a minute?”

  “Not at all,” he said. “I’ve got nowhere to be.”

  “Great. I’ll be right back.” She grabbed her purse from the ground and jerked her skirt back down.

  “I’ll be here.” He stood up, straddling his bike and placed his helmet on the back.

  With her dress lifted, Molly ran/stumbled down the uneven bricks to the bathroom. Once inside, she yanked out paper towels and wet them in the sink. The porcelain had chipped away exposing a brown metal underneath. Quickly, she patted her face, armpits, and wiped the sweat from between her boobs. Her reflection showed she didn’t look nearly as bad as she had thought. “Thank God for small miracles.”

  Plucking a few wilted flowers from her hair, she dropped them in the white plastic trashcan beside the sink.

  She used the toilet, yanked her gown back in place, and pulled open the door.


  She turned to see Peggy rushing toward her in a flurry of toile and satin. “Oh, Peggy,” Molly gushed. “You look beautiful.”

  Peggy preened. “Thanks.”

  “What happened to you?” Her brows creased as she gave Molly a sweep with her eyes.

  “My stupid car broke down.”

  “Where’s the alcohol?”

  “Back down the road.”

  “How far down the road?” Peggy looked like she was about to have heart failure.

  “Not that far. Here,” Molly said as she handed Peggy the keys to her car. “Can you get one of the guys to get it from my car along with my bag?”

  “Sure. I’ll get Tim to run down with Steve in one of the Golf Carts.”

  “Perfect.” Molly tried to cut around Peggy.

  “Wait…” Peggy grabbed her arm.

  “I have to tell you something…” Peggy said.

  “Can it wait? I kind of need to do something,” Molly said evasively, trying to cut around her again.

  “Where are you going?” Peggy turned and her eyes rounded. “Who is that?”

  “Oh,” Molly said. “He gave me a ride.”

  “He’s …wow.” Peggy made eyes at Molly. “Did you ask him to the wedding?”


  “What is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing. It’s not my place to ask…”

  “Well, I can.”


  Peggy didn’t even wait for her to finish. She lifted her skirts and cut across the parking lot.

  Closely on her heels, Molly followed her friend over to where her ride had parked his bike. “Peggy, this is uh…” Molly waited for him to give her his name, not able to believe she had completely forgotten to ask.

  “Lucian,” he said. “Lucian Scott.”

  Peggy shoved out her hand.

  He grabbed hold. “You are a vision.”

  Peggy’s mouth popped open.

  Molly elbowed her.

  “Oh,” she laughed, sounding a bit hysterical. “Thank you.”

  “This is Peggy,” Molly supplied a little harshly trying to get her friend’s eyes back in her head.

  “Nice to meet you,” he said, releasing her hand.

  “So where do you know our Molly from?”

  A shot of irritation rang through Molly, with prolific sharpness, like the bells of the Sistine Chapel before mass. Inwardly cringing, Molly gave Lucian an apologetic look, for she knew only too well where this conversation was headed. Now that Dan had dumped her and Peggy was getting married, she wanted to play matchmaker for everyone else. “He gave me a ride,” Molly reminded her.

  Peggy didn’t seem to hear. “Are you from around here?”

  Molly tensed. She was sure he would make excuses and want to leave to avoid any more probing questions from her friend.

  “No.” He gave her a wi
nning smile, the kind that bespoke of good social graces. “I’m just visiting for a while.”

  “Really?” Peggy became bolder. “Where do you hail from?”

  His lips twitched. “England,” he told her.

  “Across the pond?” she asked, beaming, apparently quite pleased with her elevated wordage use and deductive abilities.

  What was she saying? Hail? Across the pond? Molly gave Lucian another apologetic look, not sure what had gotten into her friend. She couldn’t help wondering if Peggy had been reading Historical novels again. Whenever she did, she completely changed her vocabulary to match whatever she was reading, which was a bit unsettling and annoying.

  “Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there,” Peggy, gushed a little too exuberantly.

  Stunned, Molly blinked. Since when did Peggy want to go to England?

  “It’s a nice place.”

  “I love your accent.”

  Molly gave her friend a cutting look. He didn’t have an accent, at least not a prominent one.

  “I’m not actually English,” he corrected her. “I moved there when I was younger.”

  “How exciting…” Peggy practically purred.

  Molly wanted to smack some sense into her. She was acting ridiculous and definitely not like someone that was getting married to the love of her life in just a few short hours.

  “I really have to thank you, again. It was really nice of you to give our Molly a ride.” She reached back, yanked Molly forward.

  “It wasn’t a big deal,” he said, smiling. “I’m just glad I got her here in time for the wedding.”

  “Are you staying for the wedding? I mean… you have to, now that you have saved the day.”

  “I wouldn’t want to impose…” he began.

  “Nonsense,” Peggy cut him off. “You have to stay.”

  “Well…” His eyes slid to Molly, surprised he actually wanted to stay. “If it wouldn’t be too much of an imposition…I do love a good wedding.” Where the hell had that come from? Since when did he give a damn about weddings? Actually, he usually steered clear of anything resembling the leg-shackled life of matrimony.

  “Perfect.” Peggy clapped her hands. “Now, I must be off. I have to go tell Steve and Tim to get the alcohol. What’s a reception without booze, you know.” She giggled.


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