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Troublemaker: A Playmaker Duet Prequel (Prescott Family Book 2)

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by Mignon Mykel

  But back to Myke. She was still single. I don’t know the last time she had a boyfriend, to be perfectly honest. Maybe she was gay…

  Not that there would be anything wrong with that, but seriously.

  Dad and Mom asked their obligatory questions about if I was excited to start school the next day. I don’t think they knew what to do with just one kid in the house, with Ace leaving for college earlier in the week.

  While I wasn’t exactly excited for school, I was excited for hockey practice.

  Varsity was definitely more fun than the summer league I played on. Because the summer league was thirteen to seventeen, they were stricter on the rules, and while, sure, there was no fighting in high school hockey, I could definitely get away with more of my chirping taunts and sly stick moves.

  Now that I was the only one at home I was left with all the chores, which sucked major dick. But whatever. The sooner I got the dishwasher loaded, the sooner I could hide out in my room, waiting for go time.

  “Hey, Porter, I talked to Coach Max today,” Dad said from the living room as I pressed the start button on the dishwasher. Coach Max was the hockey coach for an elite high school in the area.

  I stuffed my hands in my shorts pockets and walked into the living room, seeing just my Dad there, sitting in his recliner. “Yeah?”

  I knew what he was going to say.

  Coach Max, “…wants you at University School, Ports.”

  He’d been trying to recruit me to the school since I was in seventh grade. He and Dad got to know one another a few years ago during a hometown celebration for Caleb and Jonny and when Dad told him he had one more son to go through high school, Coach Max wouldn’t let it drop.

  University School was not only the best high school in the state, but they had a fucking awesome hockey program. It was stupid of me to not want to go there, but… “You know I

  want to finish at East, Dad.”

  Beloit East was where my friends were. It was where my brothers’ numbers hung on the gym wall with their accomplishments.

  I wanted to knock them down.

  Change the #11 C. Prescott to #11 P. Prescott.

  I couldn’t do much about the #21 J. Prescott, but I could at least put some more recent years on the wall.

  It was annoying as fuck to go through school being known as “Caleb and Jonny’s little brother,” or “Baby Brother Prescott,” or even fucking “Caleb’s mini-me,” but I had an agenda to accomplish with the school, and fuck if I was going to leave it all behind.

  I didn’t need a fancy school to get noticed. I was a damn good player and was at the top of every Elite Prospects list

  “I know, Porter, but it would be a great opportunity, a great step before Juniors if that was the route you decided to take before college.”

  My parents both knew that college wasn’t in my plans. I was getting scouted right away and going straight to the NHL. Mom told me it would be smart of me to get a degree, and Dad enforced that there was nothing wrong with taking a few extra steps to get to where I wanted to go, but I was done with all the middle-man shit.

  I just wanted to play in the Big Game.

  “I know University’s a great school, Dad, but I really want to stay at East.”

  He nodded and stood from the recliner he’d been sitting in. “Alright, Ports. Maybe just think about it?”

  “Yeah, sure,” I agreed, wanting the subject to be done. I turned to head up the stairs just as Dad called out, “Good night, Porter. I love you.”

  “Yeah, Dad. You, too.”

  I heard him chuckle at me and I could just imagine him shaking his head in my direction. I fought the grin trying to bloom on my face and headed to my room, waiting for Alex’s text.

  The house was quiet except for the soft sound of the TV in my parents’ room.

  I snuck down the hall as I quickly made sure my phone was on vibrate, and stuck the device in my back pocket as I quietly made my way down the stairs.

  I grabbed my car keys from the peg on the wall and punched in the code to unarm the security system, slipping out into the night.

  I made my way to my car and started the engine. I cringed as it cranked over. Our house was in the middle of BFN and every noise seemed to echo. I kept my eyes on the window to my parents’ room, waiting for one of their lamps to turn on. When the window remained dark except for the slight flashing of white from their TV, I pulled out of our long driveway and headed toward Alex’s house.

  Our house sat at the end of the community and had the largest lot at over five acres. We had woods behind us, a pond near the end of our property line, and a guest house that was a good acre from the main house. Mom used it as an office for her photography for the longest time, but now it served as an apartment for my siblings whenever they came home.

  Because they couldn’t just stay in their room.

  I didn’t get the logic in that, but whatever.

  While the house and lot were probably the best looking in the community, our driveway was a fucking accident in the making. There was a blind curve right before our driveway and I would be lying if I said I didn’t experience some sort of anxiety every time I pulled out onto the road.

  Thankfully, it was night and the traffic at this end of the community was nonexistent after nine.

  Alex lived right next to the community center, so we would all just leave our cars there and walk over. On my way to his place, though, I stopped to pick up Mo.

  The moment I eased my car near the curb, I saw her run down the front steps of her house toward my car. I hit the unlock button and she slid in, closing the door behind her quietly.

  “God, I can’t believe summer’s over,” were the first words out of her mouth.

  I laughed. “You’re telling me.”

  Mo was a freaking ten with light brown hair and a year-round tan. Pretty sure it was fake, but it looked good on her. It made her blue eyes fucking pop.

  “I think we should ditch the group,” I said, looking over to her and wagging my brows suggestively. Unfortunately, it just caused Mo to laugh.

  “Jesus, Porter. No. Maybe if you behave, though…” She reached over and trailed her fingers up my thigh, her hand cupping my dick through the cotton of my sweat-style shorts. She ran her thumb up my length and I could feel the tell-tale signs of a full hard-on coming.

  “God, Mo, don’t start that then.”

  Her hand still on me, she buckled herself into her seat. “Just drive, Prescott.”

  She continued to run her thumb up and down my growing length. I glanced over at her and saw her smiling in the dark, the lights on the dash sparkling in her bright eyes.

  “It’s going to be fucking embarrassing to get out there with a raging hard-on, Mo.”

  “Well then. I guess I’ll just have to fix that before we get there, yeah?” She smiled over at me and I could see the whites of her teeth in the dark.

  We were five minutes from Alex’s house. There was not enough time.

  But then she unbuckled herself and leaned over the center console, untying my shorts and pulling the band down just enough to free my cock.

  I nearly jerked the wheel too hard when I felt the tip of her tongue run around the rim of my head. “Jesus fucking Christ, Mo.”

  “Shh,” she mumbled. I could feel the whisper of her breath over my tip, all before her wet mouth closed over me.

  My hands were ten-and-two on the wheel, and my knuckles were definitely white. It took a lot of fucking concentration not to run us off the road as her head bobbed up and down on my dick, sucking me off and swirling her tongue over my head, the tip of her tongue playing against the slit on my cock.

  Her hand pumped me as she began to bob again, the sounds of her sucking and slurping filling the quiet car.

  Her timing was fucking unbelievable as I was able to hold back until I slid my car to park against the curb in front of Alex’s house. Before we were noticed, I hit the lights, shut off the ignition, and put a hand on Mo’s h
ead, thrusting up into her mouth and holding her head from backing up too much. I could feel as my cock hit the back of her throat and, good gag reflex that the girl had, she simply sucked me harder, harder until—“Fuck!”

  I came into her mouth, my hips still thrusting and pushing into her open mouth. I could hear as Mo swallowed everything I gave her until finally, she pulled off me with a pop. She smiled and wiped the back of her hand over her mouth.

  “I think your boner problem is fixed now, yeah?” she asked, the smile still on her face.

  I grabbed for her neck, pulling her close so I could kiss her deeply. We weren’t always the kissing kind of friends with benefits, but I needed my mouth on hers.

  I could taste myself in her mouth but I could give two shits. I wanted my hand down her pants, my fingers in her wet pussy. I knew she’d be wet for me. Giving head always got her going.

  Before I could though, there was a pounding on Mo’s window.

  “Get the fuck out, you horny fuckers!” Alex yelled from outside.

  I groaned and pulled back.

  “Later,” Mo said. Nothing more, but I knew what she meant.

  Putting myself back in my shorts, I took the keys out of the ignition and peeled myself out of the car. “Shut your fucking loud assed mouth, Alex. You want to wake up the neighborhood watch?”

  Alex just laughed. “My fucking neighbors all wear hearing aids, man. And the ‘rents are out of town. We’re fine.” He stepped back as Mo got out of my car. She shut the door silently and waited for me to round the car before walking with Alex toward his porch, where I could see shadows of some of the others waiting. It looked like Ty, Matt, Girl Alex, and Rox were in on this party tonight. Good people.

  “Took you long enough,” came from Ty, the red embers from a cigarette glowing and showing his position.

  There was a deep chuckle beside him. “I’d say he came pretty quick.” Matt.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I growled. Mo, beside me now, slipped her hand into mine and squeezed before leaning into me.

  “You need more control.” Ty laughed and jacked off into the air, making low grunting noises followed by one long one.

  Before I could come up with a retort, Mo went up on tiptoe and whispered in my ear. “Just leave it.” She pressed her lips to my cheek before falling back down.

  I ground my teeth, knowing that Mo was right. Nothing good would come out of an argument with Ty, and going to school the first day with a black eye wasn’t exactly real high on my list of priorities. “Are we doing this, or are we all sitting here like a bunch of pussies?”

  “I know what pussy you want.”

  My head whipped in the direction of Matt’s voice. “Jesus fucking Christ, Matt.”

  “Porter…” Mo said my name quietly, tugging on my hand.

  “Geez, chill dude.” Matt was laughing at me, his hands in the air.

  “Let’s just do this, you guys. If my parents wake up and I’m not home…” Girl Alex was saying, her arms crossed over her chest.

  Mo and I stepped back as everyone else headed down the porch, moving in to follow the group. As we all walked to the community center next door, Mo tugged on my hand, making me slow down a little more. “I was thinking…”

  I looked down at her, taking in her light brown hair with its streak of pink that was hardly noticeable in the dark night. It was easy to forget the ball busting the guys gave when Mo smiled up at me, her brown eyes shining with the stars and moon reflecting in their depths. God, I hated whenever she found a new guy to date. I liked what we had and while I wasn’t exactly not sleeping with girls when she was in a relationship, I did prefer her nails on my back, her moan in my ear, and her legs wrapped around my hips.

  “I know you always said you didn’t want a girlfriend. You’re busy enough with hockey and everything, and I get that, but Porter?”

  Holy fuck, this might just be going where I wanted it to go. I kept looking at her, not wanting to move my eyes from hers in fear this wasn’t happening.

  “I think I want more with you than just the random hook-ups. Would you consider dating me?”

  I grinned wide and had to stop from whooping out loud and waking up the damn

  neighborhood. The old people would be able to hear me without their hearing aids if I let that shit out.


  “I know you’re busy but how would it be any different than what we already do? I know it’s just a label, but—”

  I cut her off by pulling her arm and swinging her in front of me. She gasped but I covered her open mouth with my own, and when I felt the corners of her lips lift up, I had to fight from doing the same.

  I pulled back from the open mouth kiss—damn, there was no tongue, though— and Mo smiled up at me. “I take it you’re game with the idea?”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  “Jesus, you two, get a fucking room or do this already!” Alex said from the fence line, just a few feet in front of us. Matt and Ty were already on the other side, as were Girl Alex and Rox. Alex cleared the fence and when Mo jumped up to grab the top, I put my hands under her ass to help lift her over. When she dropped to the other side, I looked behind me, paranoid someone was watching, and hopped over to join the group.

  The moment my feet hit the ground, clothes came flying off in all directions. Girls were down to bras and panties in no time, and all us guys? Bare as the day we were born.

  I glanced over at Mo and held my arms out and up, brows up, a challenge on my face.

  “Cool your jets, Prescott. You boys wear less clothes,” she said, fake contempt on her face.

  Wanting to see her tits, the best I’d be able to anyway while my eyes were adjusting to the dark, I went behind her to help unclasp her bra. She let it fall from her arms and bent down to remove the cheeky panties she had on. I loved her ass in them, the lace showing off the lower half of her ass cheeks.

  But I loved her out of them even more.

  When everyone was naked, we stood along the edge of the pool. The moon was full tonight and reflected on the pool water, showing off its smoothness.

  “Here’s to the last night of our second to last summer,” Alex said into the silent night, probably too loudly but that was just me being paranoid. “Beloit East is not ready for our junior class.” The guy was a talker and was always the one to bring some speech to any get-together. Sometimes his talks were appropriate and other times…

  Other times, they had you rolling on the floor, gripping your gut, as you laughed.

  This was one of his more somber talks. And thank fuck it wasn’t a speech. “On three,” he continued. “One, two…”

  Alex jumped into the water before reaching ‘three’, and everyone else followed. There may have been some whooping and yelling, as well as a screech as Matt dragged Girl Alex in with him, and I pulled Mo along with me.

  Everyone was laughing as we surfaced. Mo had her arms around my neck, her bare body rubbing fucking deliciously against mine. We were going to have to cut this show early. I needed to be in—

  “Fuck, those are cop lights.” I tore my gaze from Mo and looked at Ty before following his gaze to past the center and down the road.

  Sure as shit, there were red and blue flashing lights heading this way.

  “Fuck.” I wrapped my arm under Mo’s ass and pushed off the floor, sending us toward the stairs.

  Mo was hitting my shoulders. “Let me go! We can move faster—”

  I reluctantly let her go and everyone scrambled out of the pool, trying to find their own clothes. We all put back on the minimum, holding the rest in hand; girls were bra and panty-less, guys shirtless. We all scrambled to the back fence, the sound of the disturbed water and our panting breaths the only things filling the night. In no pretty fashion, we all hopped back over to the other side, running just as the cops came to a stop at the center. I could hear doors opening and heavy boots pounding on the gravel. When the sound of gravel crunching silenced, I knew we were all in deep shit

  No, not because they stopped, but because the po-po was now in the grass and were too fucking close.

  Everyone ran hard toward Alex’s house but rather than finding cars, everyone, Alex included, split off and ran in different directions down the street. Mo stayed at my side, running as hard and fast as I was. I couldn’t hear anything over the adrenaline and pounding of my heart.

  “Stop!” The booming voice was right behind us. “Stop where you are!”

  They were too close.


  I wasn’t about to let Mo get into trouble. Aside from when she hung out with us, she was a pretty decent kid, good student, and captain of the competitive cheer team. If she got caught, she was losing a lot more than I would. Three of our high school’s best hockey players were out here—we would be fine, but Mo’s cheer was not attached to the school and was a shit-ton stricter when it came to getting into trouble.

  I put my hand on her back and shoved. “Go!” She stumbled but caught herself, not stopping to yell at me or insist I go with her. I knew she’d give me hell for it later, it wasn’t like Mo to leave things be, but thank fuck she listened to me now.

  The pause I took to push her was enough for the cops to catch up to me. I felt the man and his vest pushing into me, and I was on the ground before I could say, “Hey, man.”

  It was three in the morning when I finally got back home.

  My dad was fucking pissed.

  The entire drive home from the precinct he didn’t say a word. It wasn’t the first time I rode home with him in silence, but this was the first time I could actually feel the anger radiating off of him.

  Usually when I got into trouble, it was Mom who would come rescue me because Dad was out of town with hockey. There was a summer though that I chose to make some not so great decisions when Dad was home.

  Things like going into the school at night with Alex and the boys, and cutting down the basketball nets.

  Hey, those douche bags were mocking us. They deserved it.

  “Sit your ass on the couch,” were the first words Dad told me now after he unlocked the front door, shutting it behind me when I walked in. The lights downstairs were all on which likely meant Mom was awake as well. God, I hoped I didn’t have to face her.


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