Fallen (Daughters Of The Gods Book 3)

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Fallen (Daughters Of The Gods Book 3) Page 5

by Tamara Gill

  “Well, lucky for you, we don’t live for eternity so you won’t have to do that,” she said, trying to lighten the mood and failing.

  He nodded. “Yes, of course.”

  Sara watched as he stood and placed his cup in the sink. He didn’t move, but just stood, staring at her back yard.

  “I like you,” he said at last. “And I’m glad it’s you that I stumbled upon only days ago.” He turned and met her gaze. “Promise me you’ll not do anything hasty. With her, or anyone you do not know.”

  “If it’ll make you feel any better, of course I promise, but you’re worrying over nothing, Hermes. I’m a big girl, I can look after myself.”

  “I do not doubt it.” He pushed off from the bench and headed for the door, but not before stopping beside her and quickly kissing her cheek. “I’ll be in the stable, finishing off the last of the stalls.”

  Sara nodded unable to produce words. He had the body and face of a Greek god and yet, he seemed to have the heart of a gentleman. A kind, considerate, not to mention passionate, gentleman.

  She touched her cheek where he’d kissed her and revelled in the contact. She could get used to having him around, him and his beautiful heart.

  But once her time here at the farm was over, she had to return to her job and real life. And no doubt Hermes, would move on and continue with his next adventure.

  Sara was a librarian, not an explorer. He would go on without her and she’d be left in Aspen Creek without a boyfriend or a life. Pretty much how she lived it now, except for one thing.

  Hermes had shown her that passion and consideration could be found if one was open to new adventures. And now that she’d tasted him, he wouldn’t be easy to walk away from.

  Not without a lot of heartache, at least.


  Hermes stopped on the porch and fought not to go back inside and show Sara just how much further he wanted their association and friendship to go.

  All the way upstairs to her bed, where he wanted to show her what it was like to lie with a male who desired a female with all his heart. He fisted his hands and made his legs take the steps toward the stable. It would be safer for her if he left her alone, emotionally and physically and yet….. he could not.

  She’d imbedded herself under his skin and he didn’t want to leave. In fact, he wanted to fight Hera, Eros and any other bastard god who threatened to take her away from him.

  It was an absurd reaction, one which he shouldn’t be having. He’d only just met her. He was divine, she was human. It would never work out long term. Hermes was destined to live forever, banishment or not. Zeus hadn’t stripped him of his immortality and Sara was mortal.

  The thought of her dying turned his blood ice cold. He shook his head trying to clear his mind. There was something seriously wrong with him when it came to her.

  “Hermes. Wait.”

  He paused as Sara called out to him, but he didn’t turn around. He should keep walking. Leave this place and never return. He clasped the stable door and slid it open. “What is it?”

  He hadn’t known she was behind him until the felt the feather light touch of her hand sliding up his back. “Turn around.”

  “You should go back to the house, Sara. I’m not good for you.” He opened his eyes as she came to stand before him, the depth of her blue orbs nothing like he’d ever seen. So beautiful.

  “Yes, you are.”

  She was going to kiss him. He knew it with every fibre of his being. He should walk away. Tell her to leave. Be more forceful if necessary. Instead, he waited, watched as she leaned up, clasped his nape and smashed her lips against his.

  The pull to taste her again overrode all other concerns. He kissed her back. Together it was like a fire exploded within his soul. Hot, wet, hard, they went at it. Teeth clicked and still they couldn’t get close enough. He pulled her hard against him, lifted one leg and ground himself against her heat.

  She gasped, her fingers rasping through his hair, tugging a little. He liked it. Liked how she wasn’t afraid to be rough, to take what she wanted from him. He scooped her into his arms and headed for his simple bed. He disposed quickly of her T-shirt and marvelled at her beautiful breasts, waiting for him in a white lacy bra.

  He got rid of that just as quickly, along with her jeans. She, too, tore at his clothes. Both of them seemingly unable to wait any longer to be with each other.

  His cock stood to attention, a small droplet of come sitting on its peak. He groaned when she slid her hand up his shaft, clasped him and pulled. “Fuck. Sara. That feels good.”

  She grinned and pulled him back for more kisses. Fine with him. He’d kiss her forever. Her hand teased his balls, stroking, playing and it was too much. He pushed her down onto the bed and knelt between her thighs.

  And swallowed hard.

  She was magnificent. Never had a female looked more alluring, more in need of him. He ran a hand up her leg, lifting it to sit about his waist. She tried to lift herself to allow him to take her, but he wanted to watch as he took her for the first time.

  Wanted to see her face as his cock slid into her heat and made her his.


  Her whispered voice was a plea on her lips. Running his hand over her thigh, he stroked her mons, as he positioned himself to take her. “Put your hands above your head and keep them there.”

  She did as he asked and grinned. “Now will you do it?”

  He slid into her. She was so hot, tight, enough to make his eyes see double. He wanted to bring her to a slow release, build her up to an orgasm she’d never forget. To make her beg him to screw her.

  Sara had other ideas. She undulated her hips, pulling him against her with her leg. It was too much. Hermes came over her and pushed deep. They moaned as he relentlessly fucked her. Hard and fast, each stroke a chant that she was his and he was hers.

  Her fingers gripped his hair and he kissed her, deep and long. Her body gave in to his demand and she came. Sara broke the contact with a gasp, a throaty sound of pleasure that brought him to completion.

  His chest heaved from the exertion and he rolled beside her, pulling her against him. She cuddled into him, a wistful smile on her lips.

  “You’re so beautiful. For as long as I live, I’ll never forget this moment.” And he knew he wouldn’t. Not ever.

  She watched him and he would have given anything to know what she was thinking right then. “Me neither,” she said, smiling.

  Chapter Seven

  They spent the next few days without a moment apart. They went out to the local tavern for dinner, where Hermes met a few more of the locals. He seemed to fit well into country life and with every moment Sara spent with him, the more she liked him.

  He could be serious but funny and wasn’t shy in saying what he thought of her whenever he had the chance. She was falling for him. The way her heart fluttered her stomach flipped whenever he was around.

  Oh, yeah. She was in big trouble.

  He walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair dripping water over his shoulders and chest. Sara sighed at the delicious sight he made. Really, the man ought to be illegal.

  “What did you want to do today?” He came and sat beside her, kissing her shoulder.

  “Today we’re going to a music festival. The next county holds one annually. They don’t have big name bands, but the ones they get are usually really good. Have you ever been to one before?”

  He shook his head, flicking his dripping hair onto her. “No. Never.”

  She stood and pulled him to stand. He smiled and her heart thumped hard. “It’ll be fun. Toby, the young guy who served us in the store the other day is going and he’s offered to drive us.”

  “Sounds good.”

  He pulled her against him and kissed her. Sara slipped the towel off his hips, and clasped his ass. He had a lovely butt, possibly nicer than hers. “We have an hour before he picks us up.”

  Hermes pulled back and grinned.
“An hour? There’s a lot we can do in sixty minutes.”

  Sara laughed and pushed him back onto the bed. He lay sprawled on her quilt that sported tiny pink flowers. She slipped off the sleeve of her silk negligee. “There certainly is.”


  The music festival rocked. Hermes stood behind Sara, protecting her from the crush of people as they danced, swayed and yelled at the bands. The audience was ecstatic, begging for songs, for the artistes to touch their hands. Procuring a piece of memorabilia like a trophy was an exhilarating challenge.

  Dusk was settling over the land and soon some of the heavy rock bands would start off the night’s entertainment. Sara felt Hermes’ hand slide over her stomach and pushed back against him, wanting to feel more of his touch. Their hour this morning hadn’t been enough and all day she’d done nothing but longed for when they could return home and be alone.

  But he seemed to enjoy the music, the atmosphere of the festival. At times, Hermes came across as well-to-do, not at all on the level of a county girl like her, who spoke first and thought about it afterwards. He was conservative and she’d not been sure of his reaction to such an event.

  She shouldn’t have worried. He’d laughed, drank beer and danced with her like any well seasoned festival veteran.

  He kissed her shoulder and she sighed. The hardness she could feet jutting against her bottom made her body hot. She reached behind and clasped his hair, danced and swayed against him, before him, teasing him, to see just how far she could push his resolve.

  “I want you so bad.”

  His whispered words tickled her ear. She smiled, loving the fact that he was here with her and hadn’t taken an interest in anyone else since their arrival. His whole energy seemed focused on her and she loved it.

  She turned and wrapped her arms about his neck. They continued to dance. The crowd around them, bumping and grinding the masses together. “Me too,” she said, leaning up and kissing him.

  Just at that moment, the stage crew grabbed a fire hose and sprayed water over the crowd. People went wild and Sara laughed as they soon became drenched. She pushed her hands through his hair making it stand on end, before she sluiced water from her face. “Still enjoying the day?” she laughed, as he did the same.

  “If I’m with you, I’ll always enjoy myself.”

  He swayed them to the music, the laugher in his eyes touching something inside of her that no one else ever had.

  “Me too.”

  Chapter Eight

  The next day dawned, sultry and hot. Sara threw the sheet over onto Hermes, laying asleep beside her, her skin damp, her T-shirt sticking to her skin. She jumped out of bed and watched him sleep for a moment. His dark features looked peaceful and younger in this way. His mouth was slightly open, his breathing calm. She shook her head at how lucky she’d been in meeting him, getting to know him, loving him.

  She smiled and went downstairs to make a coffee. This morning would be the perfect day for a swim and for showing Hermes the lake on her property. She hadn’t taken him there before, as the time never seemed right, but after the last couple of days, they’d grown closer than she ever dreamed possible.

  She was falling in love with him.

  The realization struck like a blow to the face. She swallowed and poured the coffee, not feeling panic or fear over the fact, but nerves and wonder. Did Hermes feel the same way? Was he too thinking of her constantly, wondering about her thoughts?

  “You made coffee.”

  His rusty voice startled her and she jumped. “Yes. Do you want a cup?”

  “Love one.”

  The word made her stomach twist deliciously. She poured one quickly and handed it to him, taking the opportunity to kiss him good morning as well. “I thought we could go for a swim today. The property has a small lake only a short walk from here.”

  Hermes took a long pull of his drink and nodded. “That sounds good, but didn’t you want me to finish nailing the chicken coop’s roof? We’re not far from finishing that.”

  Sara walked her fingers up his naked chest, all thoughts of chickens and their coop flying off into the sunset. “That can wait. I want to spend today with you. In a lake. Swimming.”


  She laughed at his question. “Never say never.”

  “Never,” he said.


  Hermes walked beside Sara for the ten minutes that it took them to reach the lake. Boulders of different sizes sat around the dark grey water, which looked deep.

  Sara pulled off her shorts and top and walked to the edge of one rock. “You coming in? You can jump from here. The water’s deep enough at this spot to be safe.”

  “I’m just enjoying the view. You go in. I’ll join you in a minute.”

  She smiled and jumped. Again, the twist of guilt made his gut churn. He should leave. For once, he should put someone else before himself, yet he couldn’t. He wouldn’t leave Sara now. Somehow, in the short time they’d been together, he’d grown to care for her.

  He scoffed at his own impression of their relationship.

  He did more than just care for her. He was in love with her. Only wanted to please her and make her happy. To be the only man who would ever sleep with, kiss, touch this woman, in her entire life.

  His body hardened at the memory of their being together. Never had he longed and lusted so completely after one lover. . With Sara, it was completely different. She was different. She brought light to his soul. Made his blood sing in his veins. He grinned as he watched her float on her back. Being banished from Olympus had been the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  “My guards told me you were here. That I found you thinking of your mortal was not what I expected.”

  Hermes stood. “Zeus.” He bowed his head. “Father.”

  Zeus looked at him, his eyes cold and calculating. Hermes held his gaze. There was nothing he could do about his weak position in any case. He had no powers. No weapons. Zeus could kill him immediately, or imprison him if he so wished.

  But his continued silence perhaps meant that his father had other ideas for him…

  “I ought to kill you for the treachery against me. Or place you in Tartarus.” Zeus strolled along the rocks but never averted his gaze.

  Hermes watched his every move, trying to gauge what he was planning to do. “Again, I beg your forgiveness. What you saw, was not what you thought.”

  Thunder boomed, clouds swirled and the wind picked up, making the leaves and dust whirl about their legs. “I am not the forgiving kind, but there is something I wish you to do that may appease me. You were, after all, my head warrior for eons.”

  “Of course.” The chance to have his life back in Mount Olympus, where he truly belonged, was dangling before him and Hermes wouldn’t deny his father anything. But then, the thought of Sara and leaving her stalled this train of thought.

  But, he reasoned to himself, going back didn’t have to mean going back to his old ways. That sort of lifestyle didn’t beckon him as it once had. Nor did it mean leaving Sara indefinitely, as he could return at any time, being a divine immortal.

  “Your mortal is not who she seems to be.” Zeus paused, letting his words sink in. “Not that she knows this, of course.”

  Hermes frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You received a visit from Eros. The god of love stopped helping me many moons ago and I need his help now. That is where you will heed my orders and do as I say.”

  “I hardly know Eros. I doubt he’ll do anything I ask.” Hermes rubbed his neck as the hairs on the back of his nape rose. He turned and found Sara watching them only a few feet away.

  Zeus smiled and walked toward her and Hermes followed. He didn’t want his father, a notorious seducer of mortal women, to come anywhere near Sara, if possible.

  “Hermes was just telling me about you, my dearest Sara.” Zeus took her hand and kissed it.

  Hermes ground his teeth at the light blush that rose on her cheeks, sin
ce his father had taken it upon himself to visit them today resembling his younger self. Even Hermes had to concede that his father was magnificent to look at. Any wonder he had many children, scattered about the different realms. What female, if any, could resist him?

  “It’s nice to meet you, too. And you are?” Sara came to stand beside Hermes and he pulled her a little behind himself. She looked up at him, obviously confused, but didn’t move.

  “My name isn’t important… but you are.”

  “Really? How so?” Sara asked.

  “What do you want, father?” Hermes heard Sara gasp beside him and he ignored it. He had divine beings bloody visiting almost on a daily basis. It was only a matter of time before they revealed their true colors and he wanted Sara to be prepared when they did. If explaining to her who and what they were, who he really was, in order to keep her safe, then he was ready to do it.

  “Did your grandmother ever mention divine beings, my dear?”

  Hermes felt Sara’s hand slip into his and he clasped it tight. “She did, yes. During the last weeks of her life, she spoke of mythology a lot. I put it down to her declining health and perhaps a little dementia.”

  Zeus smiled. “It was neither.”


  Sara had the oddest feeling she was floating above her body, catching everything that was taking place before her from afar. And yet the warm, strong hand that held her steady refuted that claim.

  “What do you mean?” The man studied the lake for a moment, before he seemed to shimmer in the daylight and changed into full Grecian garb. Garb that he hadn’t been wearing a moment before. Fear crept up her spine and the feeling of being surrounded by a pack of wolves bombarded her.

  Her gaze travelled up from his sandalled feet and started when his features became those of an old man. “What the hell is going on? Who are you people?”


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