Fallen (Daughters Of The Gods Book 3)

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Fallen (Daughters Of The Gods Book 3) Page 6

by Tamara Gill

  She pulled away from Hermes and started to back away from them. Zeus appeared right before her and she screamed.

  “Leave her be, father.”

  “There is no point in running. You cannot hide.”

  Sara met Hermes’ gaze and noted the concern she read there. It stopped her from fleeing and perhaps, making the situation worse. But right at this moment, how anything could be made worse was hard to imagine.

  “I’m sure, as a librarian, that you’ve read about Zeus and his many conquests. Well, your grandmother was not so different from me. Quite the free spirit in her early days, and tempting enough to seduce Eros, the god of love.”

  Sara laughed. She couldn’t help it. The man was crazy and not only that, looked serious enough to believe what he was saying. “You need to leave.”

  “Not yet. I have not finished.”

  The air froze in Sara’s lungs as the clouds above them stormed and thundered like an angry beast.

  “Are you saying my grandfather was an immortal god? That I’m what mythology terms as a demigod?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Except your grandmother bartered with Eros and made you mortal. Your mother was the same.”

  Sara swallowed the hard lump that wedged in her throat whenever someone mentioned her parents. “I cannot believe this. It’s too absurd for words.”

  “Why do you think you’ve always been drawn to history, to ancient tomes on mythology and all of us? And when I say us, I do include Hermes, my son.”

  “This cannot be!” She could not believe any of it.

  Hermes came and stood before her and she took in his every feature. He looked so normal, not like what she’d assumed a god should look like at all. Just an attractive, healthy man. That he’d lived for centuries, had supernatural powers and had once been worshipped by mankind just didn’t seem possible.

  “Hermes, why are you here if you’re a god? Shouldn’t you be living at Mount Olympus with all the others? I wouldn’t think working as my farmhand would be your choice of occupation.”

  He cringed and thunder boomed overhead. Sara met Zeus’s gaze over Hermes’ shoulder and an inkling of dread crept up her spine. “Tell me what happened.”

  “He seduced my wife.”

  Bile rose in her throat. “You slept with your mother? What the hell is wrong with you?” She walked away and shook off his hand when he went to clasp her arm.

  “She’s not my mother. Yes, I’m the son of Zeus but also Pleiade Maia. Not Hera.”

  “She’s still your stepmother. I can’t handle this. I’m going home.” Sara went to walk away and found her feet stuck to the ground. She tried to lift them and couldn’t. It was as if they were made of concrete. “Let me go.” She glared at Zeus.

  “When we’re finished talking to you. Hermes has other fascinating information about his life that I think the woman who’s falling in love with him should know.”

  “I’m not falling in love with him.” Heat rose on her chest and she inwardly swore. Damn it, she didn’t need this shit. All she was supposed to do for the next few weeks was clean up the house, make a clean break from her personal problems and go back to work. None of this was in her plans. It was all wrong. Majorly-fucked-up-wrong.

  Hermes watched her and she looked away, embarrassment wanting to eat her alive.

  “Tell her, Hermes. All of it.”

  “I will not.” Hermes turned and faced Zeus and the aristocratic lines that formed his face spoke of age and untold wisdom. Sara had the feeling she was in well over her head and would drown…eventually.

  “Hermes is a god of transitions and boundaries. He can move at will between your world and ours. He’s acted as my emissary and messenger, an intercessor between mortals and the divine. He was also the only son that I trusted and if given a task, he performed it without a word of denial.”

  The self-satisfied smirk on Zeus’s face made her hands itch to smack it off. Sara had read of Zeus’s temper, of his acts of revenge. That Hermes was probably the god who’d performed them, ran after his father’s whims and wishes, disappointed her a little.

  Yet, Zeus wasn’t a god to deny or cross. That Hermes had crossed him by fleeing Olympus was something, she supposed. And he’d told Zeus never to touch her. There was a lot to say about an immortal’s willingness to stick up for her before this deity.

  “You still haven’t answered as to why you need me. I’m mortal as you’ve already explained and if – that’s a very big ‘if’ – I’m even inclined to believe what you’re saying. Why would Eros listen to me? He’s never shown himself or taken part in any of my life. I can be of no help to you. You’re gods, go figure out your own problems. I want you both to go.”

  Her feet did move this time and she stared toward the house, before a thought took hold and she stopped. “Did you know of your father’s wishes before you came here, Hermes?”

  Zeus smiled chillingly. “I may have persuaded his subconscious, but I will not let you hold that against him. I want Eros and you two are going to help me, or you both can spend eternity in Tartarus.”

  Hermes shook his head and the shock she read on his visage gave her the answer for which she’d been hoping. “It won’t be eternity for me, Zeus I’m not immortal. Do what you like, but I won’t help you. I owe you nothing.”

  “Perhaps you owe me nothing, but I can make your life on earth pitiful, financially and emotionally and Tartarus is no place for anyone, least of all a mortal woman. Do you really wish to take the chance? What I want from Eros is simple. I promise not to hurt or imprison him. I seek my own revenge and the elusive Eros plays a role within that plan.”

  Sara watched them, noticing that their stance was similar, as was their height, and yet, Hermes was the one who stood out the most. Even after all she’d been told of him, she was still stupidly attracted to him. More than attracted to him. She loved him.

  “You promise, on your soul, that you’d leave me alone and that no harm would come to Hermes should I help you?” Sara mentally chastised herself for believing in this farce. That she was making Zeus promise to uphold morals was another absurd notion. The immortal deity had no soul to promise on, anyway.

  Zeus placed his hand across his chest and bowed slightly. “On my honor as a divine being, I promise.”

  Sara didn’t bother to state that Zeus really had no honor left. He was a selfish being. Threatening innocent people to get his own way proved this yet again. Yet, if it kept Hermes alive and allowed her to be free of Zeus, then she’d do it. The life she lived, all of a sudden, was looking not so bad after all. “Very well. I will help you, but I want you to promise that should I do this, I’ll not see you again.”

  Hermes watched her and she knew without asking that he wondered if her future had a place left for him. Sara wasn’t sure of that herself. Everything was so confusing and she had a lot to think about. The fact that she had Zeus and Hermes standing before her was crazy.

  Was this all a dream or nightmare? Or was this all really happening? She hoped it wasn’t.

  “I am many things, but I do not go back on my word, Sara. I will be in contact soon.”

  Sara watched him disappear just like she’d seen the woman in New York do. Had that been a goddess whom she’d seen, all those months before? She turned and headed back home, not bothering to wait for Hermes, who stood in silence. She just wanted to get out of there.

  “Sara, wait.”

  “No.” She kept on walking. A moment later, she heard his heavy footfalls coming up behind her.

  “Let me explain. Please.” He clasped her arm.

  She wrenched out of his hold. “You cannot explain what just happened. Leave me alone.” He grabbed her again and pulled her to a stop. Right at that moment, she hated that her body reacted to him the way it did. There was no point to loving him. He wasn’t for her. Would never be for her.

  She may have been born a demigoddess, but this wasn’t how she’d planned her life. Eros had ensured her
expiry date and she would never live in hope that Hermes may stay and see out life, with her being a mortal.

  “I can’t help who I am, Sara.”

  The pain she read on his face tore at her heart. She sighed, swallowing the lump wedged in her throat. “I know that. I just don’t know what to believe or who to trust. Leave me alone, Hermes. I have a lot to think about.”

  He let go of her arms and she turned away. She made it back to the house and grabbing the truck keys, headed toward the vehicle. She needed to get out of here. Needed time to clear her head.

  Needed, just once in her life, to meet a nice, normal, likeable guy.

  Some chance of that.

  Chapter Nine

  Sara drove for hours, with nowhere in mind to go. Just the manic thoughts of who she supposedly was and Hermes too, made going home impossible. What would she do? Not that she really had any choice. Zeus had given his decree and she was doomed to obey.

  And was Eros really her grandfather? She narrowed her eyes, thinking of a grandfather she’d never known. Would he help Zeus to ensure her future? She sighed and pulled over into a roadside parking bay. “Eros, if you can hear me, I really need your help.”

  When he didn’t appear, she got out of the truck and slammed the door. She should’ve known he wouldn’t come. Why was her life always fucked up?

  The thud that resembled heavy metal hitting the ground sounded behind her. Sara turned and gasped seeing a man (or a god, she should say) coming to stand behind her. The deity folded his perfectly formed crystal wings behind his back and bowed a little in welcome. “Hello Sara.”

  She was speechless for a moment, at the beauty of the man before her. Any wonder he was the god of love. Not that being supposably related to him had done her any good. Maybe she’d inherited the opposite gene that made all her relationships doomed to fail. “Grandfather, what a pleasant surprise.” Her voice dripped sarcasm.

  His brows rose, his eyes glistening with mirth. “You’re my granddaughter. If you call me, I will come. Always.”

  Sara watched him and wondered if that were true. “I’ve only today learnt of your association with me. Is it true? Did you sleep with my grandmother?”

  “I loved your grandmother, but she choose a different way of life. I had to agree to her wishes.” He walked toward her and slid a piece of hair behind her ear. “You remind me of her.” A wistful smile quirked his lips.

  “Well, because of your past with my family, I’m beholden to Zeus to find you and bring you to him. He needs you for something, he wouldn’t say what, and if you don’t come, he’s threatened me with a life of despair or Tartarus.” She shut her mouth, conscious that she was babbling.

  Eros’s eyes widened at the mention of the prison. “I can handle Zeus. Do not despair. Have you been summoned to Mount Olympus?”

  “Not yet, but I think it’s what he intends to do. To both of us.”

  “Both of us?”

  She walked over to the bench and flopped down. “Hermes would be required to go as well. I think Zeus seems to be coming around to the truth that his wife is a lying bitch and his son was innocent of the crime for which he’d been banished.”

  Eros joined her, watching her with an unnerving intensity. “Zeus is not one for forgiveness and he isn’t one to be trusted. If you truly wish to be free of him, we must act quickly. Are you open to suggestions?”

  “Of course.”

  “You’ll need to die.”

  “What?” Sara stood and backed away from him. “Are you mad? How could that possibly help me?”

  “Sit down, Sara I will not hurt you.” She did as he asked and stayed silent. He looked about, seemingly lost in thought before meeting her gaze. “I want to help you.”


  “What I’m about to suggest must stay between us for it to work. The reactions of the affected parties must appear to be genuine.”

  She nodded curious as to what he was going to suggest. “Okay.”

  “You are mortal due to your grandmother’s wish, but that can be changed. If I make you immortal, as you were born to be, what I’ll suggest to happen to you in Olympus will be of no consequence.”

  Sara swallowed the nerves, which fluttered in her stomach. To live forever was a huge decision. To outlive all those she knew, wasn’t to be taken lightly, but then, neither was losing Hermes forever. There was no doubt she’d found her soul mate with him. Which made the decision easy really. She nodded. “What do you want me to do?”

  “As to that, let me explain, but be warned death is not pleasant. But it’ll only be fleeting, just for a few minutes. During that time, I’ll return you home for supposed burial and Zeus will never bother you again.”

  Sara nodded, liking the fact Zeus wasn’t going to win this battle so easily. “I like this plan. Go on.”

  Chapter Ten

  Hermes sat on the bench on Sara’s front porch and watched the gravel driveway for her truck. She hadn’t returned the night before and it was well past lunch time already.

  Thoughts of her truck, rolled into a mangled mess in a ditch, haunted his dreams. Thoughts of Sara in pain and needing his help made panic claw at his gut.

  He stood and paced, just as the dust of a vehicle showed in the distance. He sighed with relief when he realized that it was Sara, returning home.

  With relief, anger soon followed. She shouldn’t have left him like that, causing him to worry. For hours, he’d been left to imagine all sorts of horrors. When he’d been a god, he could have just followed her, watched from afar and kept her safe.

  But as a weakened god, he could not. He shook his head. He hated being confined in this form and yet, somehow, being with Sara had made it all the more bearable.

  She got out of the vehicle and pulled some white plastic bags from the back seat. “Where have you been? Why didn’t you tell me where you were going?” he asked, coming down the front porch steps.

  She shrugged and he clenched his jaw. Damned, obstinate woman.

  “I had some errands to run and I didn’t want to be around you. I stayed at a friend’s house last night. Not that I owe you any explanations.”

  She walked past him and Hermes could smell male aftershave. “Who was the friend?”

  “Just a neighbor and someone I used to go to school with. I’ve known him for years. Why, you jealous?”

  Hermes followed her into the house and cornered her at the sink. He ground into her and her body reacted just as he hoped. Her breathing hitched, her delectable lips parted on a gasp. “If the emotion of wanting to rip a man’s head off with just the thought of him talking to you, not to speak of touching you, qualifies as being jealous, then yes, I’m fucking jealous.”

  She watched him and he shivered when her hands came to sit against his chest.

  Hermes bent down and kissed her. Hard. He needed to taste her again, to prove to himself that she did indeed taste as sweet and delectable as the first time they’d touched.

  She did.

  He groaned as her tongue danced against his own and he lost all thought and gave himself up to feeling instead.

  To loving the mortal with whom he’d fallen in love.

  Sara kissed Hermes back with all the pent-up anger and hope she could muster. The seductive dance they played, she hoped would never end. She wanted to please him, enjoy him, for as long as she could. And now she could, forever, if she so desired.

  “Why did you not come home?” His voice was hard, piercing.

  “I needed space. What happened yesterday was a lot to take in. I may study mythology, but it doesn’t mean I believe in any of it. I’m still not quite sure any of this is real.”

  His seeking hands ran down her back, before sliding up under her top. He popped her bra strap and with one hand slid it around to cup her breast. “Does it feel real?” he asked.

  She bit her lip as he kneaded her flesh. As simple as the touch was, it sent flames directly to her core. “Yes, it does.” She lifted her knee and sat it
against his hip. He took advantage of her position and cupped her ass, squeezing her heated flesh.

  She whimpered into his mouth and undulated against his engorged cock. He lifted her and placed her on the sink. He made short work of her pants and lace panties before she wrapped both legs about his waist.

  Their kiss was endless, hot, wet and demanding. Sara pulled on the hair and the nape of his neck, needing him to be closer. Just wanting him more than she’d ever wanted anyone.

  “Hermes,” she whispered, against his lips. “I need to tell you something.”

  He met her gaze, his eyes dark with hunger. “Yeah.”

  “I lied yesterday.”

  He watched her, his hands on her ass pulling her hard against him. “What about?”

  She bit her lip, finding the words she wanted to say lodged in her throat. She fiddled with his shoulders, stalling. “I lied about not loving you.”

  He pulled back, surprised. “You love me?”

  Sara nodded. “I do. So much at times, it hurts to breathe. And I’ll go with you, wherever Zeus decrees. I’ll do anything for you.”

  “You humble me,” he said, kissing her deep and long.

  “My life’s about to change forever, isn’t it?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  She grinned and kissed him again. “I’m glad it’s going to change with you.” He met her kiss with as much ardour as hers and she quaked. The sound of his jeans button and zipper ripping open filled the air. Need for him, the desire coursing through her veins, knew no bounds. She helped push his pants down and groped the heated flesh of his ass with awe.

  It was as toned as his arms. His skin was hot and smooth. He was truly the most magnificent man she’d ever known. And he was all hers. Forever, if she played the game correctly.

  He nipped at her neck and then placed soothing kisses in their wake. Sara pushed against him, needing him to put her out of this strained misery. Her body was on fire, needy, impatient. Her breathing rasped against his ear as she fought for breath.

  “Please,” she begged, needing him now.


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