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You Complete Me

Page 7

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “You’ve grown up.”

  “My plan was always to keep you safe. They’ve got that job now.”

  “Seems like the Hunter likes to protect you. She’s quite a force. Do you enjoy having her in control?”

  “We have shared control. We trust each other.” He shook his head. “I don’t want to argue with you. Our lives went on in different directions. Let’s leave it at that.”

  She sat down on the couch and folded her arms again. “I’m sorry. I do understand how you felt.” Her voice dropped to a whisper again. “A couple of days ago, I thought I’d lost Joachim and Padraig for good. Both shot. I couldn’t leave their sides. My heart ached and my soul cried. If you can find that with the Hunter, then don’t hesitate. She might not return your love, but you’ll know you gave it your best shot.”

  “Trust me, I know.”

  The door opened and Kynan strode into the room. “Are you done grilling him?”

  “I am.” Ava bowed her head and stood, then ducked out of the room.

  Kynan wiped his hand over his mouth. When she left the space, he sighed. “I know she’s your friend and I do like her, but she’s young.”

  “I know, sir.”

  “Sir? Gah. I’m the leader of the group, but I’m not your sir.” He waggled his finger in the air. “I had the Jeep moved. We’re being scrutinized. I want the people watching us to think you two were absorbed into the group and we took the vehicle to hide it.”

  “Good thinking.”

  “It’s also nearing morning. I’m guessing you and the Hunter are getting tired. I’ll show you to your room upstairs.” He waved his hand. “It’s just up this back corridor.”

  “I have a question, if you’ve got a moment.”

  “I do.”

  “What did you mean by full power?”

  “Have you been taught in the ways of the Supers?”

  “A little, but not enough.”

  “Being at full power means you’ve found and taken your mate.”

  “But how do you know? I’ve been to see the Sources. All I got was a bunch of riddles saying I’d find my Pasha while on my journey. No names, no specifics. I’m not sure if this is my journey—although I’m pretty sure it is—or if she’s my mate.”

  “Have you heard the voice?” Kynan tipped his head to the side. “If you’ve heard it, you’ll know.”

  “The one sounding like a lady?” Hagan wobbled on his feet. “I made love with Emily. She let me feed from her during sex. That’s too much information for you, I’m sure, but that’s what happened. I heard a lady speak in my head and it wasn’t Emily talking.”

  “Not too much information.” Kynan ran his fingers through his hair. “If you’ve heard the voice of the Goddess—the lady you’re talking about—then she’s pre-anointed the coupling. Whoever you were with when she spoke, then that’s your mate.”


  “Sounds like.” Kynan smiled and clapped Hagan on the shoulder. He steered Hagan out of the room and into the hallway. “Once you two agree to be mates—she can disagree, but I don’t see that happening because she’d be the one who has to kill you when you go berserk from being without your mate—she must ask to be yours. You’re the fuller blooded Super because you’re a vampire. When she says ‘take me as your mate’, you’ll make love and bite her, marking her. You’ll request a blessing from the Goddess and if all is according to plan, she’ll bless the pairing. Don’t worry about trying to remember what to say. The words just come. If all that happens, then you’ll sleep and charge your energy. For your full power, you’ll be faster, stronger, your senses keener and you won’t be bound by the darkness. She’ll have the fullest grasp of her Seer powers as well as sharper reflexes per her Hunter training. Basically, together at full power, you and Emily will be unstoppable.”

  “Wow.” Hagan wobbled before he regained his footing. His brain worked overtime. Kynan, Creighton and their mates weren’t bound by the darkness. Only the younger vampires were constrained still by the light of day. “So you’re…full power?”

  “Yes. Once you find your Pasha, everything tends to go rather quickly.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “Now you do.”

  Hagan massaged his temples and followed Kynan. “We should do the ritual and stop being liabilities.” He paused. Crap. He hadn’t meant to say that aloud. His cheeks burned along with the tips of his ears.

  “What you’re going to do is up to you, but you’re not a liability. I can’t and won’t make you do anything you’re not ready to do.”

  Hagan shook his head. Everything told to him about Kynan and the others was wrong. They weren’t the enemy. No, they were really trying to save the Supers. He’d been foolish enough to believe Maslow’s lies. “Maslow is so full of shit. You’re nothing like he believes.”

  “I want to save people. Supers can be dangerous, sure, but we’re not a threat to the humans.” Kynan clapped Hagan on the shoulder again. He opened one of the doors and nudged Hagan into the room. “This is your suite of rooms. You’ve been given a lot to digest. Why don’t you and the Hunter get some rest. We’ve got time to form the full plan.”

  “Thank you.”

  “By the way,” Kynan said as he stood in the doorway. “I know what it feels like to have to wait for what you want. Twelve years I waited for Lexa. It’s tough, but worth the hassle.”

  “Thanks.” At least someone understood him.

  “Hey.” Emily appeared in the doorway. “Am I interrupting something?”

  “Not at all. You’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like. In the evening, I’d prefer to strategize with you both. Sound fair?” Kynan stepped out of her way.

  “More than fair,” Emily replied. “We’re in your debt.”

  “As long as we’re all together when the war is over, I’ll be happy. I’ll leave you two alone.” Kynan nodded once, and then disappeared down the hallway.

  Emily closed the door, but didn’t look at Hagan. “They think I’m a threat.”

  “It’s understandable. They aren’t sure how to take me, either—well, except Kynan. He seems to think there’s good in us.” Hagan stood and crossed the room to where she leaned against the door. He tugged her into his arms. “We belong here. We’ll do the greatest good with these Supers. Trust me.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Hagan petted her hair. He hoped he was right, too.


  Twelve hours later, Emily sat with Hagan in the main living room of the mansion. She’d never seen such opulence in her life. Everything reminded her of an old black-and-white movie. She half expected to see Cary Grant or Clark Gable stroll into the room. She marveled at the amount of crystal. Back in the day, the furnishings alone must’ve cost a fortune. She balled her fists, not sure what to do with her hands.

  “We’re good,” Hagan whispered.

  His voice in her ear gave her shivers. She snuggled a little tighter to his side and relaxed a bit when he placed his hand on her thigh. Such a simple gesture, touching her, but she liked the way she felt protected.

  “The only way we’re going to stop this whole mess is for us to work together.” Kynan stood in front of the darkened fireplace. “Emily, I want you to go home with Hagan. He’s going to be your captive. He knows something about your family and it’s too high a price to kill him. Greer, Ricky and Paul will be in the shadows as protection. I don’t want to chance you two being attacked and not having back-up.”

  “I agree. They’re stealthy.” Hagan gripped her thigh tighter. I won’t let anyone hurt you, Emily.

  I know. She leaned into his shoulder. What the group wanted her to do was risky. Hell, she could lose her life just by showing up at her own damn house with a Super. She glanced over at Hagan. He was worth the trouble. Very much worth the trouble.

  “I’m only surrendering to Maslow himself.” Kynan folded his arms. “I can’t risk any of you and not make the ultimate sacrifice.”

a closed her eyes and bowed her head. Emily understood her pain. Ky accepted his fate and forced Lex to accept hers as well. They couldn’t change the future, but they could give Maslow one hell of a fight.

  “Emily, I want you to take us to Maslow. You’re going to tell your partner that you’ve caught Hagan and I’m coming to rescue him. You’ve got to help your partner for this to feel authentic. Understood?” Kynan sat on the arm of the other couch, next to Lexa and stroked her hair. “I need someone on the inside to have my back.”

  “I’ve got your back.” She summoned courage she didn’t think she had. “All the way.”

  Lexa sighed. “At Maslow’s complex, we can determine if Maslow is indeed a Super. Between the mate links and electronic listening devices, we’ll be able to keep track of each other. Vanessa and I will be in charge of command central.”

  “When we get into the compound, I’ll take Emily as my prisoner. I’ll only let her go when I can speak to Maslow.” Kynan glanced around the room, his attention settling on Emily. “I need to know the lay of the land, the number of troops to know if we’re outnumbered. If the strike isn’t feasible, nothing will work. I can get an idea of how the other prisoners are feeling—if there are any—in the jails. If we’ve got sympathizers, then we’re better off. The more to strike.”

  “It’s risky,” Emily said. “But Maslow won’t see it coming. He’s got tunnel vision. Kill, kill, kill. We’ll have to make it work.”

  “Then our trust is in you.” Kynan nodded once. “Get whatever equipment you need from Lex and Vanessa. We move at dusk.”

  While the others filed out of the room, Emily tugged Hagan aside. They needed to smooth a few things out. She pulled him into an alcove and pinned him against the wall.

  “Trying to get some?” He bobbed his eyebrows. “Nice. I’m in.”

  “You’re a dork.” She dropped her voice to a whisper. Some things needed to be said out loud. “I heard a voice when we had sex.”

  “The voice of the Goddess, yes.” He grinned. “We’re fated to be together.”

  Being fated was a good thing and getting better by the second, but she needed to know more. “When I was trained as a Hunter, one of the things the teachers mentioned was meeting our mates. I don’t know if I believe all that mate stuff, if only because a lot of stuff has changed lately, but according to what I learned, when the mates come together, they get stronger. Is that true?”

  “Yes. My powers are stronger. I’m deadlier with my accuracy, can move faster and my senses are all keener.”

  “What about mine?”

  “I assume yours will be stronger. You’ll be a better Hunter. Stronger, faster, a dangerous individual if that’s what you’re asked to do.” He smiled. “You’ll be a great Hunter. My great Hunter.”

  “You keep saying we’re fated to be together.” She needed the reassurance. Something wasn’t sitting right. “What about Ava?”

  “She’s not a threat. Promise.” He drew an X across his heart.

  His gesture was touching, but not the reassurance she wanted. “If I agree to this mating thing, we’re stronger, right? Then you’ve got to promise me you’re not going to abandon me.”

  Hagan gripped her shoulders. His brow furrowed and he narrowed her eyes. “Unless I’m killed, I will not abandon you.”

  “Care to prove that?” Her heart beat faster and her skin prickled. The heat of battle swarmed within her—along with something else. Desire.

  “How?” The scowl left his face and fires burned in his eyes.

  “I want the best possible shot at bringing down Maslow. If that means being mated, I’ll do it.” Not the way she wanted to tell him she’d fallen for him and wanted to be his, but then again, she wasn’t the most eloquent person in the world.

  “Love needs to be involved.” He let go of her and sidestepped her. “I can’t just lay down for you if you’re not all in.”

  “This is war.” Her voice cracked and her hands shook. “There is no love in war.”

  “I need love.” He shook his head. “That’s all there is to it. I got shafted by Ava and I will not be shafted by you, too.”

  “You’ll have your powers. Isn’t that enough?” Damn it. She’d screwed everything up. Needing to keep herself protected from heartbreak seemed to trump allowing herself to accept someone loving her. She couldn’t actually say the words I love you. What if she’d never be able to say them?

  “No. I’d rather go mad without you, than have my powers.” He swiped his hand through the air. “It’s—I need a walk and time to think. You’ve screwed with my head. You don’t want me, but you do. You don’t love me unless you think someone else is there to take your place. Then all of a sudden you care. I can’t play this game. I’m not a toy. Either let me go or accept that you are worthy of being loved and I love you.” The muscle in his jaw tensed. “I’ve been dicked around before and I’m not going to do it again.” He started away from her.

  “Hagan.” With every step he took, a little more of her heart ripped out. Being strong sucked if there was no one there to share her life with in the end.

  He didn’t turn around. “Do you love me? Truly love me and need to be my mate?”

  “I’m—I’m not sure.”

  “That’s all I needed to know.”

  Hagan walked away from her, leaving her in stunned silence. She’d fucked up her life on account of fear. She leaned against the wall for stability. She’d get through this…but she’d have to be honest with herself. Did she love him? Yes. Did she trust him? Were the love and trust enough to be his forever?

  Chapter Seven

  Hagan thrust both hands into his hair and stomped out to the foyer, then outside onto the massive porch. His anger boiled over and self-loathing took hold. What was wrong with him? Even his own mate didn’t want him. He gritted his teeth. Streaks of sunshine stretched across the front porch. Goddess, if he didn’t want to end the damn war and bring peace to the Supers, he’d throw himself out into the sunshine and self-sacrifice.

  Burning himself to death wasn’t worth the time or effort to go outside, but still. Something had to be wrong with him. First, he hadn’t been enough for Ava. Okay, he could handle that because the connection hadn’t been strong between them. Then Emily. She liked sex with him well enough. She’d even lowered her guard and allowed him into her mind. They were fated!

  A noise caught his attention. He tipped his head. What was the sound? Scratching? Shuffling? His blood turned to ice. Holy fuck. He’d gone outside. No fucking protection, just exposed…like a dumb ass. He whipped around to grab the door handle. As he tugged on the brass handle, something slipped over his face. Slivers of light filtered through whatever they’d yanked over his head.

  Shit. He wrestled with the darkness, but two sets of hands held him down.

  “The fucktard went out alone,” a deep voice said. “I’m tired of them thinking they can get the best of Maslow.”

  Hagan stopped moving. They had him. Any fighting now, especially with his hands bound behind his back, wasn’t going to get him anywhere. He listened to the voice. He’d heard that man before.

  Something connected with his skull. Lights flashed behind his eyes and his stomach lurched. Shit. He wobbled on his feet, and then everything went black.

  When Hagan opened his eyes, he wasn’t sure how long he’d been out. His head throbbed and his wrists ached. He couldn’t tell where he’d gone. The bag or whatever they’d put over his head to blind him was still in place. Damn it.

  If he wanted out of this situation, he needed to trust Emily. He closed his eyes and focused on the woman he loved. Emily? Please, hon. I need you.

  Where are you? Her voice came across as a scream. He heard the panic and concern.

  At least she worried about him. I’m not sure where I am. It smells like the Maslow compound. I can hear people talking, but I’m not sure what room I’m in or how to tell you to find me.

  I’m coming to you.

/>   No? Emily questioned.

  I’ve been captured. Maslow snatched me off the porch. I shouldn’t have been out there.

  You were mad.

  I was stupid, Hagan admitted.

  We all make mistakes. Mine was not admitting the truth. I’m getting you out of there.

  Hush, hon. I hear someone coming. He tilted his head. The voice…someone had come into the room.

  “He’s a lure. She’ll run right to him. We capture her and find Laing. It’s easy,” the man said. His voice grew louder, as if he wanted Hagan to hear him speak. “I’m worried about her. I won’t rest until she’s back. She’s my partner and the woman I love.”

  Now he knew—Ben. The man loved her? No, he wanted to dominate her and eventually destroy her. I hear Ben, Emily. He’s trying to convince me that he’s worried about you. He knows you’re looking for me.

  Then I’m coming for you.

  Be cool. He couldn’t risk losing her, even if her heart belonged to someone else.

  I can’t be cool. I—I love you.

  Don’t say what you don’t mean.

  Hagan, I have since I met you. Yes, I was foolish to wait until now to admit it, but I do. I can’t see my life without you. You’re the reason I broke the rules. I was angry about Ava, but I’m in love with you and want to be your mate. The Goddess was right. I’m all yours.

  Then tell Kynan what’s going on. Keep the plan going. Say you’re turning him in to save me. Trust him. Please?

  I’m on it. I won’t let you down.

  Emily? I love you, too. If I don’t make it out, I need you to know that.

  Stop. You’re my Pasha and you’re making it out. I insist. I always get my prey and I will get you out. I promise.

  With anyone else, he wouldn’t have trusted them. Humans were a funny bunch. They wanted to believe they were invincible. He shored up his courage and his strength. The Rogues wanted to play. They wanted to torture him in order to draw out Laing and his people. He wished he’d fed before he left, but he’d manage. As always, he’d manage. He had the woman he loved on his side and in love with him, too. He could do anything.


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