The Kingmaker Complete Trilogy (The Kingmaker Trilogy #1-3)

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The Kingmaker Complete Trilogy (The Kingmaker Trilogy #1-3) Page 50

by Gemma Perfect

  And all Everleigh can see is blood and all she can hear are the soft thuds as body after body drops to the floor, dead or dying.

  The last one standing stands no more and Ceryn, Archer and Weaver spread out, ready to spring forward if needed, assessing the damage and the danger.

  There are groans from some of the bodies and they quickly finish them off between them, stabbing their daggers straight into the hearts of the ailing.

  Everleigh drops down into her chair, exhausted from watching them, and the sound of the leg scraping the floor breaks the spell. The remaining commoners, sporting different degrees of bruises and blood shuffle out. The little maids dare to move and clear out as quickly as they are able.

  Ceryn, Archer and Weaver hobble towards the dais and sink into the seats in front of it. Not one of them is injured but they are tired. Everleigh runs down to meet them, calling to a little maid on the way to bring ale, and something sweet for them to eat.

  “Why are you still here?” Archer’s voice is filled with anguish. “They would have killed you.”

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t stop watching you all. You’re amazing.”

  Ceryn is shaking her head, wiping sweat off her brow. “That was close.”

  “You were outnumbered at least ten to one but none of you has a scratch on you.”

  “Today. But if we had to do that again today or tomorrow? Every time it would get harder.”

  “We need reinforcements. We cannot keep you safe with just us three.”

  “I think you did pretty well.”

  A little maid places food and drink in front of them and the three of them dig in, suddenly famished.

  “Weaver, what do you think about heading to the villages, gathering some of the young men, boys we know and trust.”

  “Try to put an army together?”

  “We need one and who can say which of Millard’s men would be true to Everleigh. I wouldn’t want to risk it.”

  “Me neither. They are more likely to attack her themselves than save her. I’ll go.” Weaver nods as he talks. “I can think of two dozen off the top of my head that I’d trust.”

  “Head off in the morning then. I think we could all do with a rest now.”

  “What about Will?”

  “I don’t mind looking for Will,” Ceryn says. “I’m sure you two have some catching up to do.”

  Archer and Everleigh smile at each other and nod.

  “I’m sure he’s drowning his sorrows somewhere around the castle.”

  “I hope you’re right. We’ll collect Addyson, Della, Finn and the teacher and go to my room. I want us all in one place.”

  They all nod; it makes sense. Ceryn heads out of the great hall, striding quickly, seemingly unperturbed after killing dozens of men and Weaver rushes to catch up with her.

  “Are we safe to leave here?” Everleigh asks Archer, standing up next to him, suddenly feeling awkward, alone with him.

  “You will always be safe with me. I promise.”

  “I believe you. I’m so glad you’re not dead.”

  Archer laughs. “Sorry. It’s just such a funny thing to hear. I probably should be dead. I’m starting to remember things from the coronation. I can remember fighting with your brother.”

  “I hate him. I hate him for everything he’s doing. I thought he’d killed you.”

  “I thought he had too. When I woke up and saw the teacher peering down at me, I thought I’d died and was seeing the gods.”


  “I was terrified. Then I realised who it was, and I just wanted to run back to you. I wanted to kill Millard.”

  “I tried to kill him. That night.”

  “You said. You shouldn’t have.”

  “I had to try.”

  “You shouldn’t have. It’s not safe to go near him.”

  “I know that now. But I wanted it over. He killed Halfreda and you...well.”

  “How close did you get? Were you scared.”

  “Petrified. I had the tip of a knife at his throat. He woke up. But, like I said, he told me that if I killed him, his guards would kill Addyson as soon as they found his dead body. I couldn’t risk it.”

  “You were so lucky he didn’t kill you.”

  “I see – but I was so angry with him, so fed up. I want it all over.”

  “We’ll find him and then it will be. And you’re here now. You can rule in his place.”

  “It won’t be over till he’s dead.”

  “Maybe not. But it will be better than it was.”

  “That would be good.”

  They leave the great hall, stepping around the bodies and blood as best they can, just as Ginata is coming in. Her hands go to her mouth, horror written over her face. “What happened?” She does a double-take as she registers Archer. “How-” She cannot even speak.

  Everleigh smiles. She knows the feeling. “Archer’s alive. He was wearing a shield under his clothes and the teacher came back and saved him. Brett was on our side and took me to them after he hit Will, but Ceryn didn’t know and she killed him.”

  Ginata sits down and fortunately lands on a stool, not a body. “That’s a lot to take in.”

  Everleigh takes her hand. “Let’s go. It’s horrible in here. We’re going to fetch Addyson, Della, Finn and the teacher and go to my room. Ceryn and Weaver have gone to look for Will so that we can all be together tonight. We’ll be safe then.”

  “What happened here?” Ginata gestures at the dead bodies.

  “Millard’s men attacked us.”

  “Is he here?”

  “No sign of him. And we killed them all. Well, I didn’t. Ceryn, Archer and Weaver did.”

  “Thank goodness. Oh, Everleigh I’m so glad you’re alright and you’re here.” They embrace for a long time and Ginata is relieved that nothing seems amiss between them. Whatever her sins are, they aren’t evident to anyone other than herself.


  I LEAVE THE LOVE BIRDS in the great hall feeling pretty grown up and mature. I do stick two fingers up at them once I’m on the other side of the door, but I make sure Weaver doesn’t catch me.

  I think it’s understandable that I’m a bit jealous. As long as I don’t let it eat me up, like maggots feasting on a dead bird.

  Weaver raises an eyebrow at me. “Are you coping? With those two?”

  “Just about.”

  He flings an arm around me and I let him. “You’ll find love one day.”

  I snort. “As if that’s what I’m looking for. I’m looking for Will.”

  “Shall we stick together?”

  I shake my head. We’ll get around quicker on our own and I can’t see him being too far away.

  “What if you get in trouble”

  “What if you do?”

  He’s laughing as he walks away from me and I know I’m grinning like a crazy bat. Life is good again with Archer back; the three of us together again. I relive the fight from earlier, the adrenaline pulsing through me again.

  I think about Brett and my high drops to a crushing low. How many of those dead men were following orders; just doing as they were bid? Being on the wrong side, showing fealty to the wrong person got them killed. I could get killed just as easily for being on the right side.

  It’s a sobering thought and I’m more careful as I move around the outside of the castle. People want me dead for supporting Everleigh.

  I hope I’m right about Will and he’s drowning his sorrows. I’m getting more familiar with the castle, both inside and out and make quick work of the kitchen, whipping a cake before Cook sees me, then I head to the stables munching on the still warm cake. I will never have a hungry belly in this place. I go back inside and check Will’s room again. Then back outside I walk through the gardens.

  He might be with his father. “Hey,” I flag down a little maid. “Where are the old fool’s rooms? Will’s father?”

  She gives me extremely specific directions, which I
need, and I knock on the door. I scrape the dirt out from under my nails as I wait for an answer, flicking the mixture of blood and mud and old food on the floor. I could do with a wash. I knock again and try the door. It opens easily and I suppose it’s Will’s father passed out on the bed, fully dressed and reeking of ale.

  I shut the door softly behind me and wonder where to go next. If his father likes a good drink, maybe Will is the same. Maybe one of the ale houses in the village... I just don’t see him nipping out for an ale and a chat while Everleigh is missing.

  Everleigh is missing! What’s making me so bloody dull I don’t know. He’s gone looking for her. Of course he has. He wanted to help me search earlier but I wouldn’t let him. Damn fool’s gone off on his own.

  Find one, lose one, it’s such a ridiculous game.

  I run into the castle and start calling out to Weaver, Archer and Everleigh. I don’t know where Everleigh’s rooms are and I’ll only get lost.

  I round a corner in a hurry and crash into Everleigh, Archer and Ginata. “Enjoy your sleep?” I ask Ginata who still looks strange to me. Shifty. I don’t let her answer, not that it looks like she’s going to. I turn to Everleigh. “Will’s gone looking for you.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I told him he couldn’t earlier, because of his head, but I know how guilty he was feeling. And sad about Lanorie. I bet he’s gone off to look for you. I can’t find him anywhere around the castle and I can’t think of another good reason why he’d disappear.”

  “But it’s so dark now.”

  “Too dark to look for him,” Archer’s voice is gentle. It’s not what Everleigh wants to hear, but it’s true. If we go off in the dark now looking for Will, there’s no doubt something will go wrong. Find one, lose one.

  “But my brother. If he finds him.”

  “Will won’t go looking for trouble and Millard won’t be looking for anyone. I hit him pretty hard. Twice. And Ginata drugged him. Wherever he is he’ll be looking for sleep not fights.”

  “And Will’s not stupid. If he can’t find you he’ll head back here. He won’t want to sleep in the woods.”

  “We’ll go to your room and check his rooms every hour or so, see if he’s back.”

  This seems to work for Everleigh and I follow them along to collect Addyson, Kenneth, Della and Finn.

  Kenneth. Still makes me laugh. Not so mysterious and worldly as what he likes to be called.

  Everleigh slows till she’s in step with me. “What if my brother finds Will? Or Wolf? It’s so dark...”

  I nod. I know where she’s going with this.

  “Could you please go for one ride out on Pitch, just in case he’s hurt or something?”

  Damn this Queen-to-be appealing to my well known good nature.

  “Archer, I’ll go on one quick ride out, scout around, see if I can find him. An hour tops.”

  He shakes his head, but I put my hand up. “Everleigh won’t rest until I do.”

  Low I know, but it’ll work. He frowns but nods his agreement.

  “I’ll look for Weaver too.”

  As if speaking his name magicked him here, Weaver comes around the corner, frowning. “I can’t find him, but I reckon he’s gone to look for you, Everleigh. He doesn’t know we found you. He’s feeling guilty as hell.”

  I grin and ruffle his hair. I love Weaver. “What?”

  “Just thought the same thing as you, that’s all. I’m going to go out on Pitch, do a quick ride around before it gets even darker. I’ll be an hour tops.”

  “That’s not a good idea...” He trails off because he can tell from my face that I’m not having any of it. These boys have been trying to tell me what to do for years. When will they learn?

  I kiss Everleigh, Archer and Weaver on their cheeks and wave as I head off to the stables.


  WILL’S FEET ARE DRAGGING along the ground now. He hasn’t eaten for hours, slept properly for days. Only last night – was it only last night? – he was in the tower, imagining he was living through his last moments. Millard spared his life but then took Everleigh. If he sees him, Millard will kill him, he’s sure.

  He might be a fool but he didn’t think he was foolish. It is getting too dark to see properly, his head feels as though it is splitting in half, his legs are almost too heavy to lift. He’ll head back to the castle and they could all search again tomorrow.

  It takes him a second or two to figure out the direction he should be heading in, and then he trudges along. He follows the path past the river and though he’s slow he’s getting steadier.

  “Hey!” Ceryn pulls Pitch to a stop next to him and jumps off. “Will. We’ve been worried sick about you. We’ve got Everleigh. She’s fine. She’s safe.”

  Will’s knees buckle and Ceryn catches him, pulling him close, his head dropping onto her shoulder. He’s crying and she rubs his back. “It’s alright, it’s alright. She’s fine. Just fine.”

  “How did you find her?”

  “It was Brett who took her. He’s the one who hit you. But he was actually taking her to Archer.”

  “What? Archer’s dead.”

  “He’s not. It’s a long story, it’s late and dark. Come on, let’s go. Once we’re all together again we’ll fill you in. Can you jump up?”

  Will shakes his head, all the energy and fight gone from him. Ceryn shoves him up onto Pitch; it’s like all the bones in his body have turned to liquid; he cannot stand. She jumps up behind him and jams him in front of her between her legs and Pitch’s head, not convinced that he won’t fall off. “Hold on.”

  It only takes minutes to get to the castle, and Ceryn rides around to the stables, Will’s head slumped back on her shoulder. It’s the most uncomfortable ride she’s ever taken. But it’s done now.

  Will slides onto the floor and she lifts him up, supporting him with her arm. “Come on, Will. Not far. Once you’ve seen Everleigh you can sleep for a week if you need to. Just buck up till we’re inside.”

  Will stands as best he can, fatigue and pain from his head injury making him not far from useless.

  He walks but Ceryn keeps hold of him, and they shuffle along.

  “Night, Pitch.”

  The courtyard is empty, the night air thick with rain. “Not far.”

  Around the corner from the stables, just in sight of the castle door, Ceryn hears a rush of feet coming towards them. Always alert, she spins around and Wolf jumps towards her, fist up and catches her right on the cheek. She slams to the floor and he hits her again, turning her onto her front and pulling her arms behind her back before she can get her hands on a weapon. He’s come prepared and ties her wrists with rope, before kicking her. “That’s for what you and your friend did to me. Where’s the King?”

  Ceryn laughs, but files away the information that Wolf isn’t the one who untied Millard. “Your King is missing. Injured and on the run. How’d you like that, huh?”

  Will tries to punch him, but misses and Wolf easily subdues him with two punches – one to the face and one to the gut. He ties him up and drags them one at a time into the tower.

  Just inside the door he sits them against the wall, wrists tied behind their backs.

  “Just for the night,” he says, his voice thick with anger, tower door key in his hand. “Tomorrow I’ll kill you. And then I’ll bring the King back to his throne and present him with your heads.”

  Ceryn spits on the floor. “Kill me tonight if you want. Why wait?”

  Wolf grins and comes close to her. “I’d like you to suffer. Just a bit.”


  Fury on his face he comes closer again, right up in her face. She pulls her head to the side, and head butts him right in the middle of his ugly face. He howls and falls backwards. Awkwardly but quickly, using the wall for balance, she gets to her feet. She screams at Will to get up and miraculously he does. His lip is bleeding and the pain seems to have woken him up.

  She stamps on Wolf’s hands and the key
drops to the floor. She kicks it out of the door. “Get outside Will.”

  He listens and she follows him. Wolf scrambles to his feet and she runs at him, knocking him off balance before he even straightens up. She runs out and shuts the tower door, screaming for help. “Help! Anyone. Help!” Her voice reaches a hysterical pitch as her and Will push back against the door with all their weight to stop Wolf getting out. Cook ducks her head out of the kitchen. “Quick!” Ceryn screams at her and she comes, running as quick as she can for an unfit old lady. “Get the key, lock the door.”

  Wolf is pushing against the door and they’re struggling to keep it shut. “Quick.” Cook fumbles with the key but just manages to lock it. The howl of fury from inside makes all three of them shudder.

  Ceryn drops to the floor as does Will, both groaning. “What just happened?” Cook looks ready to faint.

  “Can you help us? We’re tied up.”

  Slowly they both manage to stand and Cook unties them. “Who’s in there?”


  “Millard’s man?”

  Ceryn nods and Cook gives another visible shudder. “I can’t stand him. Well done! Come and get some cake. You deserve it.”

  “Good idea. We’ll take some up to Everleigh and the others.”

  “A midnight feast.”

  They gather cakes, bread, meat and ale and Cook helps them to carry it all.

  “What a day,” Will says as they walk and Ceryn laughs and clips him over the head.


  He pushes into her and she pushes back. They walk in exhausted silence to Everleigh’s room, Cook leading the way, muttering that the castle has gone to the dogs and she’s never seen anything like what’s been going on since the old King died and she’s far too old for all this nonsense.


  WE ARE SITTING IN MY room waiting for Ceryn to come back.

  Archer sits with me on the window seat. Weaver and Finn are talking in low voices. Della is brushing Addyson’s hair in front of the fire; she’s like a mother to her, always fussing over her. I like it. Ginata and the teacher are discussing Archer’s recovery and how the teacher kept him alive.


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