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The Kingmaker Complete Trilogy (The Kingmaker Trilogy #1-3)

Page 58

by Gemma Perfect

  His brother happily killed their father. Would Millard kill me?

  At the moment, he assumes I’m on his side. He won’t kill me unless I displease him. And I please him. I rescued him when he was tied up and helpless and I chose to do that. I rescued Wolf and no one else could have done that. I have made a death draught and no one else could have done that, either. He won’t be displeased with me, but does he still need me?

  It’s strange but the hold he has on me seems to be lessening, and I’m not sure why. Why now? When I have thrown away my chance of a life at the castle. When I have chosen him over Everleigh. Now I want something else?

  I do not understand myself.

  “Ginny.” Millard sounds pleased to see me awake and I smile at him. “Are you well?”

  I’m not well; the foul mood the death draught put me in is still hanging around. I am questioning myself, my choices, what I need to do. I still feel that leaving both him and Everleigh is my only option. But I will need Millard and Wolf to be distracted to be able to make my getaway.

  I managed to bring a few of my most special things from the castle when I went back to get the ingredients and the book for the death draught and they are tucked in my basket, ready to go, if I decide to leave.

  My mind is almost made up.

  The more I see of Millard and Wolf together – two overgrown teenagers, with no redeeming qualities, the more I am sure that leaving Millard and this corner of the Realm is the right thing to do.

  I wish I could stay with Everleigh but if she finds out about my betrayal she won’t want me, and I couldn’t stand to keep it hidden from her when she is Queen. She needs faithful followers surrounding her, not me.

  “Help us out, Ginata. Wolf and I have been discussing what we should do next, but much of it depends on my lovely sister and what she’s going to do. What’s her plan, Ginny? You’ve been at the castle, playing both sides. What will Everleigh do next?”

  I don’t like the way he says that, playing both sides, but I don’t argue or contradict him. I keep my voice neutral, my expression the same. “She plans to be Queen. Now that you are out of the way.”

  “But I’m still King. How can she?”

  “Well, the prophecy says she will rule and she believes she will. With you no longer at the castle, she plans to take over. Usurp you, I suppose, although in her mind she is taking what is rightfully hers. The crown. The throne.”

  “And you are to crown her?”

  “I was, yes.”

  “So, you would have betrayed me.”

  “I would have done as I was bid. But I have made my allegiances known. I rescued you and I rescued Wolf. I will not be welcome in the castle any longer.”

  I want to cry as I say the words. Why did I rescue him? Why did I rescue Wolf? What possessed me?

  “So, she has no one to crown her?”

  “I do not know for sure, but I would guess the teacher could do it.”

  “The teacher?”

  “Halfreda’s teacher. He is wise beyond what Halfreda was. I don’t know though.”

  “So if Everleigh doesn’t need you anymore and...” He gives me a look that chills me, moves closer to me, his face inches from mine, and I am torn between wanting to shrink from him, and wanting to touch him. I almost miss what he says next. “...I don’t need you anymore...”

  His face has darkened, the handsome pleasant features replaced with the maniacal monster I have seen many times before. I process what he just said and I feel sick. Is this the end for me? Before I can make my escape and after all that I have done for him, against my own heart, he will kill me? Like he killed Halfreda, like he killed Lanorie.

  As I think it, I know it. Of course he will. Why wouldn’t he? I’m nothing to him. All that I was to him, I imagined. I was a player in his game.

  I want to defend myself against his decision, give him reasons to keep me, to need me and then defeat makes me slump to the floor.

  All my life could have been is over, it seems. I cannot fight back against these two. What could I do? If I make a move against either of them, they will kill me in a heartbeat. All that I imagined I was to Millard, all I imagined he was to me, were all in my own head.

  My voice is small and sad when I speak to him, the hopelessness of my situation sinking fully in. “You will dispose of me?”

  And my heart is dying. I love this horrid man but he wants to kill me. I would do anything, say anything, be anything for him, and I have. I have betrayed my own true sense and now he will kill me. I cry and reach my arms out for him, my fingers grasping at thin air.

  “Come now, Ginata, where’s the fun in that? Does a cat catch a mouse and simply kill it?”

  He leaves the words hanging, not expecting me to answer, but I know what the answer would be.

  No, a cat doesn’t just kill a mouse. He plays with it first.


  WITH CERYN GONE AND the doors locked, the inertia settles over the room once again. Will stares out of the window, Addyson and Della talk, though Della is obviously anxious about Finn, twisting her hands together and biting her lip.

  The teacher is tending to Archer, who’s sitting up, Everleigh’s hand in his, feeling better and desperate to be off with Ceryn.

  “I feel good.”

  “You felt good before and we almost lost you.”

  “I feel fine, honestly.”

  “That’s good, but you still can’t go to help Ceryn. She’s not going to get into trouble, just see if our hunch is right. If Ginata’s at her cottage with my brother and Wolf.”

  “And if she is?”

  “Then as soon as Weaver gets back with reinforcements, we can rescue her and kill him.”

  “Kill him?”

  “Yes. I don’t trust him, Archer, and while he’s alive there’s always a chance that someone could assist him to take back his crown and then we’d be back at the start of it all again. Without him to rally supporters, there’ll be no outcome other than me being Queen.”

  “I cannot wait for peace.”

  “Me neither. I will be a peaceful Queen.”

  “A beautiful Queen.”

  Everleigh blushes but cannot answer. She just squeezes his hand a little tighter, resting her forehead against his for a second.

  Needing to distract herself from the heat of him sitting beside her, she turns to watch the teacher as he makes another tonic for Archer. He stands on a stool so he can reach the bench and the concentration on his face is evident. He cuts up different herbs and leaves and petals, he mixes them with pinches of this powder, and scoops of that powder. He shakes everything together in a small bottle, and then pours the contents in to a cup.

  “I wanted to ask you something.” The serious tone of Everleigh’s voice makes the teacher stop what he’s doing. “About my sister.”

  He passes the tonic to Archer and sits facing Everleigh, listening intently. “Go on.”

  “I know we all call her cursed. And people don’t like to be near her. They’re suspicious or frightened, I don’t even know which one or why. If the curse is because she killed our mother, why are they scared?”

  The teacher nods. “Lots of people enjoy having something to worry about. A superstitious person enjoys having strange little rituals or things they can complain about or fear. It gives them something to do. It’s like Ceryn. The devil’s mark is a load of old nonsense but people lap it up.”

  “That’s my question, I suppose. If Addyson is the cursed princess, what is the curse? Is it nonsense or is there an actual curse upon her? What form does it take? What can I do to help her or protect her?”

  He sighs, rubbing his eyes. “This is tricky. There is nothing for anyone to fear from her. She won’t hurt anyone, nor, can I imagine, does she want to. She didn’t kill your mother, childbirth did. But...” He takes a deep breath. “The curse is real. Only because your mother was a Queen. It’s silly old magic, traditional and archaic. Your mother was royal because she married your father, so the ma
gic that ran through his veins, that runs through yours, transferred in part to your mother. Although your sister didn’t kill her, she did. But for giving birth to Addyson, your mother would be alive. Addyson wasn’t at fault and isn’t to blame, but the ancient magic of the Realm means that the curse is real.”

  Everleigh shakes her head. “So, what is it? What will happen to her?”

  “I only know one other case, and it was many years ago. As I remember it, the curse is almost like a mirror. It reflects back what befell the victim.”

  “So, it will kill my sister?” The anguish on Everleigh’s face makes both Archer and the teacher reach for her hand.

  “It’s not quite so literal. No, when your mother died it robbed your father of their love. It took his true love away from him and it left him lonely. If I am right, and I am not always, Addyson will never find true love, she will always be lonely and if she does become with child...she will die in childbirth.”

  Tears pool in Everleigh’s eyes and spill onto her cheeks. She’s shaking her head as she speaks. “I was hoping it was a stupid curse, a pointless one, just words, not real. Like what people say about Ceryn’s mark. I wanted it to be just words.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Can we change it, alter the course of her life? Mine was altered. I should be dead by now, but I’m not.”

  “The prophecy said you would rule.”

  “You said it was my choice.”

  “It was, but a prophecy is different to a curse. A prophecy is an opportunity. A curse is a condemnation.”

  “It cannot be hopeless. If a Kingmaker can live, then there must be a way to change things for Addyson.”

  “That I know of, no, but I do not know everything.”

  “Will you help me find out?”

  He nods and she rests her head on Archer’s chest. “You have to.”

  They are silent as they each lose themselves in their own thoughts, none of them aware of Addyson on the other side of the door, listening.

  CERYN WHISPERS TO PITCH as she readies her for riding and then heads away from the castle to the cottages. She isn’t planning on confronting anyone, but she needs to see if they are there and hopefully find Finn before he walks into the path of danger. She has weapons if she needs them and she’s ready for whatever may happen.

  The closer she gets, the more wired she becomes; adrenalin and fear in equal measures priming her for action.

  She tethers Pitch far enough away that no one will see her or hear her, and then moves towards the cottages. She is hidden in a copse of trees and she’s sure no one would see her unless they came looking specifically. She can see the pair of cottages, fences around the front gardens, flowers along the paths. They are pretty little cottages, close to the woods and the river, quiet but not isolated; there are other cottages across the way and down a bit, but Ceryn keeps her attention focused on Ginata’s cottage.

  There are signs of life. The windows are open and the front door is ajar. There is smoke curling out of the chimney.

  Feeling a little exposed standing at the base of the tree, Ceryn decides to climb it. No one can sneak up on her if she’s up a tree and she has the advantage of a clear view all around.

  So far, there’s no movement from within the cottage, though it’s likely there’s someone there. Della and Finn’s cottage is completely closed up.

  She shifts to find a comfier position and sees movement to the left of her. Finn. “Finn!” She calls out to him and he stops when he hears her. She calls again and jumps down from the tree, pulling him into the shelter of the branches.

  “You need to go back to the castle.”

  “Why? What’s happened?”

  “Ginata’s gone from the castle and so’s Wolf. We think Millard’s been drugging her with a love potion. We think she’s under his spell. We think they might be here, but I’ve not seen anyone yet.”

  “Let me wait with you.”

  Ceryn grins, shaking her head.

  “Look, I know I’m no fighter, but two heads are better than one, surely?”


  YOU’D THINK. BUT WHERE Finn’s concerned, maybe not.

  Out of all of the new people I’ve met since Weaver and me came to the castle to look for Archer, Finn is the one I know least about.

  We’re awkward together because we don’t know each other or have much in common. Is he a good person, a funny person, hot-headed, kind-hearted, lazy, clever? I don’t know.

  He doesn’t bug me like Ginata does, and I don’t feel a connection to him like I do with Addyson. I’m not in love with him like I am with Archer, though I’m kind of not now. I love to watch Della with Addyson, and I get a feel for her as a person: she’s kind and selfless. The teacher – my old mate Kenneth – I could watch all day. I’m sure loads of what he says is utter cow dung, like the stuff about the love potion. I’m sorry but I don’t reckon there’s a potion in the world he could make that would make me fall in love with him. I mean, he’s clever, sure and he’s got lovely eyes, but he’s just a weird old dwarf.

  And Will, I don’t know, I like Will.

  But I don’t want to like Will.

  We’re in the middle of a battle of blood for a throne and a crown and I can’t be side-tracked by anyone.

  But if we weren’t and I could, then I think Will could side-track me.

  If he wanted to.

  I shake my head at Finn. “I think you should go back to the castle. I’ll know you’re safe.”

  “What are you planning to do here?”

  “Just see if we’re right. See if Ginata, Millard and Wolf are here. And then go back to the castle. When Weaver arrives with the army tomorrow, then we’ll come and finish them off. Kill Millard and Wolf, rescue Ginata and then we’re done.”

  “So, I can stay for a few minutes. No one will see us and as soon as we see who’s inside we’ll leave.”

  I shrug. If he’s quiet, he can’t really get in my way.

  I glare at the door, willing someone to walk out of it, or open it fully, or anything.

  Finn shifts his weight from one foot to the other, then leans on the tree. I glance at him, he’s quietly good looking. Archer is strikingly handsome – a man you have to look at. His shock of red hair doesn’t help. You can’t ignore him. Will is good looking – a bit quirky looking, interesting to look at. Weaver has a plain face, but such a good heart it makes him lovely to look at.

  I shake my head, train my attention back on the door to Ginata’s cottage. What’s wrong with me, worrying about which boy is the best looking? I’m meant to be fierce, a fighter – Everleigh’s best warrior, not a silly girl looking for a boyfriend.

  I stare at the door again, willing it to open and, just like that, it does. The door swings wide. Wolf. He steps out into the sunshine, stretching his arms above his head.

  I touch a hand to the arrows on my back. If I was still up in the tree I could shoot him, the angle would be perfect. But I am too low down now.

  Damn Finn!

  I could have shot him, and then if Millard followed him out, I could have shot him as well. Ended this whole thing. Everleigh would have thanked me.

  Wolf stands still and looks all around, checking for trouble. His eyes seem to land on me and I freeze, but they scan straight past us both. I turn to Finn to share my relief, he yells out the word “Wolf!” and grabs hold of my arms, twisting them behind my back, and slipping his foot under my legs to knock me to the floor.

  I try to protest but my mouth fills with dirt and I can only struggle as he kneels on my back, pulling my arms up at the wrong angle, causing me to shout out in pain and inhale more dirt.

  I hear Wolf running towards us, laughing and clapping Finn on the back, lifting me up, the pair of them manhandling me in to the cottage. I fight them the whole way, wracking my brain about how to get out of this, how to escape, how to kill one of them, both of them, everyone. I spit a muddy gob of phlegm on to the floor, my head thrashing, my arms thrashing, and
when that doesn’t work, letting my limbs go weak, so they struggle to carry me.

  They shove me through the door with a fury that leads me to smack my head on the floor as I fall. I feel like laying down and letting the dizzy sickness take over, but I can’t. I scrabble to my knees, reaching for my dagger, but Wolf strikes me again and I fall.

  I look up at Finn and I cannot read the expression on his face. I have no idea what the hell he’s doing, why he’s attacked me, why he’s suddenly helping Wolf and Millard. He could have hurt Everleigh at any time, but he hasn’t. What the hell is going on?

  The pain in my whole body is screaming at me to stop battling and be still, but I cannot. As Wolf ties my hands behind my back, I am still struggling and he ties me tighter as a punishment.

  They sit me on a chair and tie the rope around both my middle and the chair itself, tethering me.

  “Finn!” I spit the word at him, an accusation. And then it hits me; the look on his face. He looks guilty. And I’m even more confused.

  Then Millard steps towards me, leans down and looks me right in the eye before whispering, I’ve been looking forward to this, and then I see his fist come at me.


  GINATA SCREAMS AS MILLARD’S fist connects with Ceryn’s face with a sickening crunch. He pulls back his hand to hit her again and Ginata rushes to her side, no longer worrying about offending him, knowing he plans to kill her. “She’s not even conscious.”

  Millard glares at Ginata but lowers his hand before shaking it, knuckles red from the impact. He turns to Finn. “Did you see the look on her face? She looked so confused. Stupid wench.”

  Finn grins, but keeps his distance from Millard and Wolf.

  “How did you manage to capture her like that?”

  “By accident, really. I found her outside spying on you, she thought you might be here and she wanted to check.”

  “Damn it. That means Everleigh knows where I am. Damn! Do you think she’ll come here?”


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