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Intimate Illusions [The Callens 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Melody Snow Monroe

  The Callens 6

  Intimate Illusions

  Devonne, a top LA runway model, is tired of the pressure and wants to retire. A chance charity fashion show, put on by the Callens, leads her to Intrigue, Wyoming. A room assignment snafu lands her at the home of Ian and Max Callen, hot twins who couldn’t be more different. Sexy Ian is a playboy while hunky Max is Mr. Protector whose serious nature couldn’t be farther from Ian’s fun-loving self.

  When Devonne gets to know both men, she sees the essence of each one. She loves Ian’s passion and adores Max’s intellect and his need to care for his family. When Ian sets her body on fire, she knows she wants both men. Max is convinced his carefree brother will end up hurting Devonne, and he tries to set her free. What does she have to do to convince them to join her in a loving ménage relationship?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 49,270 words


  The Callens 6

  Melody Snow Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Melody Snow Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-847-0

  First E-book Publication: July 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  This is Melody Snow Monroe’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Monroe’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Houston Havens. Thank you for all the modeling background information. It was invaluable.


  The Callens 6


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  “Didn’t think I’d get the last one,” Ian said.

  His brother’s tone held too much bravado for Max’s tastes, but he let it slide. Max Callen was thrilled Ian had beaten that veteran bidder. “Let’s go get ’em.”

  He and his brother headed to the pen at the Intrigue, Wyoming arena to inspect their new additions.

  Ian walked around the cattle, looking over each one again. “What do you think?”

  “I think these are the finest I’ve ever seen. There’s not a mottled hide in the bunch.” Max wrapped an arm around his brother’s shoulders. “You’re a real genius, not only when it comes to identifying the best animal in the pen but on outsmarting every other bidder.” Maybe he was overdoing it, but Ian did have a great eye when it came to picking the best beef.

  Ian grinned. “Yeah. I knew that old man had his eye on those heifers, so I waited until the end to put in my bid. I think he wasn’t sure I really wanted them.”

  Ian needed the encouragement. “We wouldn’t be half the success we are without your talent.”

  His brother’s eyes shimmered, and then his twin punched him in the arm. “If I hadn’t been looking at that pretty rancher, I bet I could have gotten number seventy-eight also.”

  That was true. Max didn’t want to build up his brother’s confidence too much, or he’d just find another reason to party. “Come on. Let’s get these cows home.”

  They’d brought their big trailer for hauling cattle, and they proceeded to round them up. “I’ve been meaning to ask if you and Dustin ever finished building that dual runway Mom asked you to make for the charity fashion show.” Most likely he’d be the one who stayed up all night getting it done the night before the models arrived.

  Ian appeared extra proud. “Yup. Dustin is amazing with a hammer.”

  So that was how it got done. “He owns a construction company. He better be good.”

  Ian herded the first of the cows into the trailer. “True.” He shrugged. “Actually, Dustin brought Colby with him, and those two did most of the work. But I supervised.”

  He could see it now. Ian had probably dragged a porch chair over to the building site and sipped a beer while his older brother and their brother-in-law did the work. Ian made a great armchair quarterback.

  Once the cattle were loaded, he hopped in the cab and headed back home. Not all auctions were successful, but this time, even their dad would be proud of their haul.

  Back at their ranch, they unloaded the steers and cows into the pen. “I’ll call the vet in the morning and have him check these guys out.” After he got the okay, he’d release the animals onto the range.

  “Sounds good.” Ian lifted his arm and sniffed. “What do you say once I shower, we head over to the Raging Bull Saloon and celebrate?”

  Ever since their sister, Jenny, married the owner, Ian gave that as a reason to spend more and more time at the bar.

  “I’ve got a lot of paperwork to fill out for these big boys.” Running a ranch required work, which was something Ian had yet to realize.

  “Don’t be such a stick-in-the-mud. Come with me. It’ll be fun.”

  Given Ian’s mood, maybe it would be best if he went along. I
t might keep his wild brother out of trouble. Even though they were twins, they didn’t look or act anything alike. Ian was a few inches shorter and a bit stockier. The women seemed to love his overly gregarious brother, but Ian always bitched that Max had gotten the good looks in the family. He wasn’t sure about that claim.

  Needing a shower, too, he headed off to his room to get cleaned up. When he finished throwing on a pair of comfortable, old jeans and a T-shirt, he went back out to the kitchen. A few minutes later, Ian waltzed in with wet hair, polished boots, and a tight plaid shirt. The man was in pickup mode. As long as he didn’t bring home a woman until after the fashion show, Max wouldn’t complain. They’d promised their mom they’d be willing to transport the ladies wherever they needed to go. Actually, Ian had been the one to volunteer for that job.

  Ian plucked the shirt off Max’s chest. “You look like a slob.”

  So his shirt had a few holes in it. “It’s comfortable.”

  “Do you have no desire to get laid?”

  He wondered when his brother would grow up. “I’m willing to share anytime we find someone who strikes our fancy.” To be truthful, he relied mostly on Ian to bring the women home. They were the type who enjoyed a threesome and who weren’t looking for a permanent relationship. Most of the time, the experience left him unfulfilled.

  “I’ll keep an eye out for the perfect woman.”

  He chuckled. “You do that, little brother.”

  As expected, Ian bristled at the endearment, but this time he didn’t shoot back a retort. Ian was two minutes younger, and in the twin world, that meant everything.

  Max volunteered to drive. Ian had a tendency to overindulge sometimes, and they didn’t need any more incidences. Once they arrived at the bar, Max was a bit surprised the place was so packed. It was only Thursday.

  As soon as they walked in, the music seemed louder than usual, and the bar almost full. His brother-in-law, Jackson, was tending bar, which was always a pleasure.

  Max maneuvered his way over to him and slipped onto a stool at the end. Max smiled and wiped the counter clean in front of him. “Howdy, Max. What can I get you?”

  Since he and Ian were celebrating, he thought he’d start with a beer. Jackson poured him a draft. “Why’s it so crowded tonight?”

  Jackson lowered his gaze. “Not very observant are you?”

  That was a challenge. He turned around and immediately spotted half a dozen men surrounding a few females. “I see.”

  “Those are some of the models for Veronica’s charity fashion show.”

  That made no sense. “I thought we were supposed to pick up the whole group tomorrow in Cheyenne.”

  Jackson shrugged. “Apparently, some modeling agency in Los Angeles sent their girls in early.”

  “How do you know so much about them?”

  He chuckled. “Your mom asked if I’d do the lighting for the stage. I happened to mention that to one of the girls, and she filled me in.”

  Poor guy. His mom seemed to have gotten everyone involved in her cause. “Don’t tell me she conned Randy into playing the music?”

  “You guessed it. They’re putting a piano on the stage so he can see the girls as they walk down the runway.”

  Who hadn’t she tapped? “You know if Sam got dragged into this?” His sister was very busy with not only her new ranch, but with her new baby.

  “I don’t think so, but I’m not privy to all the ins and outs. My job is to create a fantastic light show. That’s all.”

  Giggles drifted over, and Max caught sight of Ian waving his hands. “I guess I better referee.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  Max snagged his glass off the bar and sauntered over to the women. The closer he got, the taller the women appeared. In fact, all three were taller than his five-foot-ten inch brother. Mostly likely they were wearing four-inch heels.

  His brother’s voice was louder than the rest of the men’s. Max only heard the tail end of the question. “Your story?”

  He slipped in next to the beauties. Normally, the type of women that appealed to Ian did little for him, but his mom would be pissed if Ian did something stupid tonight, so he stayed close. He checked out the girls. The women were as different as they were tall. One was a blonde, another a redhead, and the tallest was a brunette. All, however, were beautiful.

  The brunette answered. “Actually, this is my last gig. I’m getting too old to model.”

  Ian did his wide-eyed look. “Sugar, you can’t be but eighteen.”

  The woman smiled demurely. “I’m twenty-three, which in the fashion world is old. Besides, I’m tired of the pressure. I’m on the go all the time.”

  “You’ve seen nothing until you run a ranch. It’s all adrenaline, packed full of pressure.”

  Max needed a shovel, but he decided to see how well the brunette handled herself. “Is that so? My mom started me modeling at age nine. That meant I was taken out of school and had to be homeschooled by tutors my whole life. While it might sound like fun, I missed out on all the birthday parties and high school proms. I call that tough.”

  She got Ian on that one. His brother’s face lost its cheer. “That must have been hard.”

  She shrugged. “The job has had its perks. I got to travel to New York, Milan, and a host of other cities.”

  Ian stepped closer. “Then why quit?”

  “Like I said, I’m old.”

  “Sugar, you look perfect to me.”

  She smiled sweetly as if she got the compliment all the time. One song ended, and a faster one began. Before she continued, two of the men asked the blonde and redhead to dance. They seemed thrilled at the opportunity to go Western for the night.

  Max held out his hand. “I’m Max Callen. Our mother is the one organizing the fashion show.”

  “Devonne.” Her hazel eyes brightened. “Tell her thank you. I’ve been considering getting out of the rat race of Los Angeles and settling down in Wyoming. I wanted the chance to see the countryside, and the fashion show provided the perfect opportunity.”

  He liked how in her heels, they were almost eye to eye. Ian had to look up to her, but that didn’t seem to bother him. “I hope you have the chance to see our pretty state.”

  “Me, too.”

  Since Ian seemed to be behaving himself, he turned to walk back to the bar.

  “Do you want to dance?”

  He didn’t think she was speaking with him, but in case she was, he didn’t want to be rude. He turned around and smiled. Her gaze was on him. “I appreciate the offer, but Ian here is the dancer.” Beauty queens would get bored with him in a heartbeat, especially when he stepped on their toes.

  He made it back to the bar and reclaimed his seat. Jackson came over a few minutes later. “How did it go?”

  “Go?” He shrugged. “Fine.”

  “You didn’t stay long. They’re a pretty bunch.”

  He leaned on his elbows. “How long have we known each other?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “Since when do looks really matter? It’s the mind that I want.” He tapped his temple.

  “I got both in Jenny.”

  His sister had the brains, and she sure was pretty. “You got lucky.”

  “You got that right.” His grin reached his ears. The front doors opened, and Jackson lost his smile. “We might have some trouble.”

  Max turned around. Some guy with a fancy camera strolled in. No doubt he was here to get some advance shots of the models. Everyone had a right be come to a bar, but no one deserved to be hassled. The cameraman oozed his way through the crowd. It wouldn’t take him long to spot the lovely woman.

  Max left his unfinished beer on the counter and ambled behind the man, waiting to see what he planned to do. The guy stopped the moment he spotted Devonne. He then circled the pack of men. Like a lion in waiting, he remained still until some opportune moment struck. Three of the men peeled away from the group, and the cameraman pounced. He shot up the corridor and his camera went
wild. Flashes bounced off the wall.

  Max expected shrieks, but none came. Devonne turned her back as cool as could be, but from the tension in her shoulders, she wasn’t happy the paparazzo was here. He couldn’t blame her. She’d come to Wyoming, probably in the hopes of getting some downtime, and now some strange guy was shoving a lens in her face.

  Max acted on instinct. He fought his way through the crowd, grabbed the guy by the back of the neck, and turned him around. “What the fuck are you doing? These girls came in here for some peace and quiet. Give them a break.”

  The guy struggled, but there was little else he could do. He didn’t stand a chance when his hands were full of expensive gear. “I’m trying to make a living.”

  Max let him go. “Get out.”

  “Give me a break.”

  “Come to the fashion show when everyone else does.”

  He lifted the camera to get off another shot when Max held his hand in front of the lens. “Where do you plan on selling these photos?”

  “To the Intrigue Sun.”

  Since his brother owned the paper, he’d make sure that never happened. “Leave.”

  The guy’s lips pressed together as if was debating whether to put up a fight. In the end, he gave Max the finger and stalked off. Once he was convinced the guy wouldn’t come back, Max returned to his place at the bar.

  “Thanks.” Jackson placed a fresh beer in front of him. “On the house.”

  Max waved a hand. He didn’t deserve a free beer for doing what came naturally, but he didn’t want to act ungrateful, either. He drank some when someone lightly tapped him on the shoulder. He put down the beer and swiveled in his seat.


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