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Intimate Illusions [The Callens 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 15

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Mr. Callen tapped the table. “It’s about the only damned time Victoria will let me drink my scotch. So please, let’s get started.”

  The whole family laughed. Devonne blew out the candle and sat between her men.

  “Devonne,” Mrs. Callen said, “Since you are now one of us, I think it’s time we learn your last name.”

  She got that question often. “My legal name is Devonne. Just Devonne. I don’t have a last name. To satisfy your curiosity, I was born Dorothy Spanglehoffer. My mom didn’t think it sounded like the name for a top model, so we came up with Devonne.”

  Their mom looked a bit uncomfortable for a second before smiling. “Then Devonne it shall be.”

  Mrs. C served the cake, and Jenny and April brought out more drinks. The whole experience overwhelmed her. She never would have thought that by coming to Intrigue, Wyoming, she’d end up with a huge family, or any family for that matter.

  The rest of the evening involved the family members telling tales about Ian and Max. She wasn’t sure if they were trying to get her to run or give her an insight into the Callen craziness, but she’d laughed and almost cried a few times.

  Heath and Wade Watson, who’d married Sam, the eldest Callen daughter, volunteered to man the grill outside. They refused to let her help, so she sat in the living room with Max and Ian and some of the other spouses. She spotted Max’s brother-in-law, Randy, who’d played at the show.

  “Randy, would you play something for us?”

  He didn’t jump up right away, but after she pleaded a few more times, he gave in. “I’ll play my wife’s favorite song. It’s called ‘For April, my Secret Temptation’.”

  Devonne glanced over at Max and Ian who both had big grins on their faces. She leaned back and let the song seep into her. It started off slowly, but the passion was clear. When the tempo picked up, she opened her eyes. April was at the door watching her husband. The love nearly made Devonne cry.

  Randy’s head bobbed, and his back bent. Clearly, the song meant a lot to both of them from the way he was swaying. Her breath caught as the song reached its crescendo. When he finished his final note, he dropped back his head. April came over and kissed him. The sweet scene made her eyes water.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Wade announced. He carried in plates of steaks.

  Mrs. C came out, wiping her hands on her apron. “It’s buffet style, so come and get it.”

  Max helped her up, and together they went in. Not only was there steak, but three different kinds of salads, two loaves of fresh bread, and three different vegetable casseroles. When did their mother have time to rest?

  Everyone was quite patient in getting his food, but eventually everyone got served. Ian nudged her. “Let’s sit on the porch. It might be more private out there.”

  With so many family members, she doubted anywhere in the house would be private, but it would be quieter than sitting in the dining room. “Okay.”

  No sooner had they dragged their chairs close when Mrs. C came out. “May I join you?”

  A smile crossed Ian’s face. “Sure.”

  Ian got up and offered his chair. He brought over another one for himself.

  “I won’t stay long, but I heard, Devonne, that you’re thinking about opening a designer dress shop in Intrigue.”

  Word spread fast. “Yes.”

  “I think the idea is marvelous. I found out that Clark Dempsey is planning on retiring. His storefront will soon be vacant, and I think it would be ideal. It’s right next to the Intrigue Hotel and is in the center of town.”

  Her pulse raced. She’d wanted something close to the center. “Do you know how much he’s asking?”

  “I’m not sure, but maybe Jade knows. Her blacksmith shop is on the other side of the hotel. She says she gets quite a lot of business from people passing through town.”

  Devonne liked Jade. There was an entrepreneurial spirit in her that she admired. Too bad the Callen cousins weren’t here, but if they had been, there might not have been enough food. “I’ll give her a call.”

  Mrs. C smiled and stood. “We’ll talk when the boys aren’t around.” She winked and went back inside.

  “I like your mom.”

  “Everyone does. She’s a special lady.”

  After dinner, they had drinks. If Mrs. Callen hadn’t decided that Mr. Callen needed to stop drinking and get to bed, there was no telling when they would have been able to leave. Devonne hoped that the party meant that Max and Ian had finally joined forces, and she’d finally get to make love to both of them the way she’d been dreaming of for weeks.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “I can’t wait to get you naked.” Max picked her up and brought her into his bedroom.

  She didn’t care where he took her, as long as she got to be with both men.

  Ian came in a few seconds later with three pieces of rope. She looked up at Max. “What’s that for?” Okay she could guess, but she wanted to see if Max was in on this.

  “We know that as soon as we get naked, you’ll have your hands all over us, and my cock is like a bull in a pen at a rodeo. He’s kicking and bucking to get out. You touch him, and, darlin’, he won’t last long enough to satisfy you.”

  Ian tossed the soft rope on the bed. “It’s for your own good, sugar. We want this experience to be the best of your life, and the only way to achieve that is for you to have no control.”

  She was okay with that. “Do I get a say-so?”

  The both said no in unison.

  If she were uncomfortable, they’d stop. “Can I undress you two first?”

  “No.” So much for participating.

  As Max lifted her T-shirt, she toed off her sandals. Ian stepped behind her and unhooked her bra, but he didn’t take it off. From the way Max’s gaze never left her face, she was in for a long night of passionate lovemaking, and she couldn’t wait.

  Ian’s hands slipped under the bra and palmed her tits as his lips kissed a sensitive spot below her ear. “I love how you smell. You’re pure sex, ripe for the plucking.”

  She almost laughed at his come-on line. “After you pluck me, are you going to suck me?”

  “Oh, sugar, you have no idea how much eating the both of us are going to do.”

  Her panties got wet as she thought about how they could transport her from earth to heaven. Max unbuttoned and unzipped her pants and slid them down to her hips. He knelt in front of her and leaned his head against her belly. His warmth heated her insides. Twisting his head, he slowly licked a line along the top of her panties. Tingles rippled across her stomach.

  “Why don’t you take them off?” That way he could get closer to her pussy.

  “Be patient. I’ve waited weeks for the moment.” To prove his point, his mouth latched onto her stomach and sucked. The wet kiss tickled.

  He dragged his mouth lower. With his teeth he tugged her panties low in front, but they didn’t budge over her rear. Ian must have watched the event unfold, for he slipped a hand under her panties, over her rear, and squeezed one cheek.

  “I love your ass,” Ian said.

  She thought Max was the ass man, but she kept her comment to herself. She had so much to learn about these wonderful men.

  With Ian’s help, her panties slipped lower, and Max’s tongue cleaved her pussy lips. Dear God, but she wouldn’t be able to hold out if they planned on taking their time like this. Pulses radiated up to her tits and down to her toes with each lick.

  She clamped her hands onto Max’s shoulders and leaned back her head. Ian stepped to the side and threaded her bra off her arms. He leaned over and nipped at her nipple. The instant thrill made her pussy contract.

  “I think it’s time we control this wild woman,” Ian said.

  “I’m not wild.”

  “Sugar, you will be by the time we finish with you.” Ian swooped her up in his arms and lowered her to the bed.

  Her knee-height pants and thigh-height panties prevented her from widening her legs. Thank good
ness Max took hold of the hem and tugged off her jeans. Only her panties were crumpled around her thighs. She reached down to discard them when Ian pulled her hands over her head. Her pulse shot up. In three seconds, he had her wrists tied.

  “Told you I was good at roping.”

  “I didn’t realize that your ranching talents would extend to the bedroom.”

  “You have no idea the depths of my talents. I can ride, buck, and control any animal.”

  Her mind went wild thinking about him doing all those wonderful things to her. “I bet.”

  Max crawled between her thighs and removed her panties. “I need you wide open.”

  He tied a loose loop around an ankle and secured the other end on the leg of the bed. After he repeated the same action on the other leg, the vulnerability hit home. She was spread-eagle on a bed with two dressed men, who seemed determined to suck, lick, and kiss her to death long before she got any cock.

  “You okay, darlin’? You look a bit worried.”

  “I’m worried because you aren’t naked.”

  They both laughed. “We can take care of that.”

  Max took a few condoms from his jeans pocket and tossed them on the bed. Dear Lord, did they plan on switching positions all night long? She was so involved in her own thoughts, that she only caught the end of Max’s striptease.

  After he stepped out of his pants, he grabbed his turgid cock and waved it. “If you’re good, I might let you lick it.”

  She slowly ran her tongue over her lips, hoping to entice him to let her suck on him now. “You won’t regret it.”

  He grinned and dropped to his belly on the bed. Ian spread out perpendicular to her body at tit height.

  “I’m going to feast on these beauties.” True to his word, Ian captured her breast again. This time, the suction nearly made her lift off the bed. The shock of the pressure quickly subsided and turned into unholy pleasure.

  “I’ve missed you both.”

  “Sugar, not half as much as I’ve ached for you.”

  Ian’s hands wandered all over her body from her arms to her face to her tits. He slid to the side and threaded his hands through her hair as he raked his teeth over her nipple. The tension on her scalp and the erotic pull on her swollen crest drove her crazy. She wanted to touch them but couldn’t get loose.

  Max seemed to be content for Ian to start the seduction, but the moment she groaned, he latched onto her wet pussy.

  “Oh, my God.” It has been too long since she’d experienced the carnal lust swirling through her, and she missed this so much.

  She wanted to scoot down for more contact, but the ropes prevented her from moving. The lack of control heightened the excitement but frustrated her at the same time. She’d not had the men in her arms for weeks, and she wanted to touch and taste their skin. For now, she’d enjoy the bliss of their lovemaking.

  Max’s tongue expertly circled her clit before licking the rest of her needy cunt. The rough texture intensified the pricks of joy racing through her. Placing a palm on her belly, he threaded a finger into her pussy. She squeezed shut her eyes as the shards of ecstasy ran rampant inside her. Rolling spasms raced down her channel as he flicked her inner walls.

  “I need your cock.” It was so much more than just wanting them.

  His answer to her comment was to press two fingers into her, but that only added to her desperation. He scissored his fingers inside her, forcing her juices to flow. The air became redolent with her own feral scent. They had to know she was ready for them.

  Ian probably thought she needed to be distracted because he stopped playing with her tits, crawled up to her face, and kissed her. At first the kiss came out hard and demanding, but once she opened up her mouth, he softened his touch. She nipped his tongue. When he drew back a bit, she bit his bottom lip.

  “You want to play, do you?” He laughed and dove back in for more nipping and kissing and teasing.

  She was so involved in what Ian was doing that she only moaned a little when Max halted his finger exploration.

  “Move,” Max commanded to Ian.

  Ian got out of the way just as Max rose up and hovered over her. He took her mouth as if it would be his last kiss and teased her pussy with his cock.

  “I want to test if you’re ready.” He grinned then pressed his cock into her about two inches.

  “I am.”

  One full thrust impaled her. The glory of his cock rang through her. An inferno of desire blasted her so hard, she lost her breath.

  Max withdrew and leaned back on his haunches. “Not nearly wet enough.”

  “Oh, my God, I’m sopping wet.”

  “Ian, untie her. I need her on her hands and knees.”

  Max undid her legs, and Ian took care of her hands. When she brought her arms down, they tingled. Both men helped her get into position. Her pussy throbbed from the brief encounter.

  “You’re a cruel man, Max Callen. I thought you liked my pussy.”

  “You have no idea, but I’ve leaving that channel for Ian. I want to try out your delicious ass.”

  “Oooh. Promises, promises.” He’d probably go halfway in again then desert her.

  He chuckled and got off the bed. From inside the side drawer, he pulled a jar that she suspected was lube. When he took off the lid, the aroma of cherries filled the air. Also from the drawer, he withdrew what looked like a condom package. When he ripped it open, he slipped latex over his finger. He gathered a bunch of lube and climbed back behind her. She didn’t jump this time when he dragged the gooey substance over her rear hole.

  “Remember not to clench.”

  “I’ll try,” With the way she was so needy, she wasn’t sure she had any control left.

  When Max’s finger pushed past the tight ring, she exhaled to urge him deeper. With his other hand, he pressed her clit and flicked it back and forth. The combination cancelled her ability to hold off her climax. The orgasm swept over her so fast that her arms buckled, and she landed on her elbows.

  Ian wrapped an arm around her middle. “Easy there.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. That’s just the first climax. Our goal is several more.”

  She’d never had more than one, but she wasn’t going to tell them that. “Okay.”

  Max worked both her pussy and her ass until her muscles relaxed. She knew she was now ready for the amazing experience.

  Max removed his finger, tore off the tiny cot, and tossed it on the hardwood floor. His cock replaced his finger at her rear entrance. Probably because Ian knew what was about to occur, he reached in and pressed her nipple with his thumb and forefinger. When he tightened his hold, electric shocks spread over her chest and delicious rapture filled her. Her mind ceased to catalogue everything that was happening.

  Max’s cock pressed into her anus and stretched her wider than she thought possible. He soothed her ass cheeks as he slowly made his way into her. Making tiny ins and outs, his progress was slow but steady. He leaned over and kissed her neck.

  “You’re doing so well. I’m in heaven.”

  Those words delighted her. As soon as Max leaned back, Ian leaned in and ran a tongue along her earlobe. He rubbed her breasts and kissed her neck. His soothing murmurings helped make Max’s small thrusts easier.

  Once Max’s balls touched her pussy, she knew he was fully seated. It was only when he withdrew a bit that all hell broke loose. Nerve endings exploded with joy. Never had she expected such new wonder from having his cock in her ass.

  His hands cupped her shoulders. “I want you to sit back on your heels.”

  As soon as her mind comprehended the command, she did as he asked. However, changing the angle of his cock caused a whole new world to open up. Max dragged her back farther until she had to support herself with her hands.

  “Easy there. We need to give Ian access to your glorious pussy.”

  Only then did she realize how this was going to work. Instead of Ian fucking her right away,
he crawled on his belly.

  “I’ve been waiting to drink in your honey for weeks.”

  “I’m not sure I can take it.”

  “Come as many times as you want, sugar. It’s why we’re here.”

  She blanked her mind and concentrated on what Ian was about to do. Max held still while Ian took over the seduction. He pried open her pussy lips with his thumbs and licked hard and fast.

  His groan came from deep within his chest. “I love how you taste.”

  His words were a balm to her aching heart. “I love when you lick me.”

  Max ran his hands over her temples and lightly brushed the hair from her face. His tender touch excited her almost as much as what Ian was doing.

  Then Ian pressed three fingers into her pussy, and she forgot about her previous thoughts.

  “That’s intense.”

  When he added his tongue to the mix, she let out a giant groan. Heat seared her, and a wave of lust slammed into her. A second climax claimed her, as violent as the first. Her eyes glazed over, and she bunched the sheets.

  Ian pulled away and grinned. “Now for number three.”

  How she desired his cock after that orgasm she didn’t know, but she did. Ian knelt on one knee, pulled on a condom, and aimed his rigid dick right at her opening.

  “You ready to experience double lovin’?”


  Ian had gotten in about one inch when she realized what having two cocks inside her meant. She opened her mouth to let in more air when Ian stopped.

  “Breathe, sugar. Get used to how much I want to love you.”

  As she inhaled, Max lifted her hips and held on tight. He leaned closer to her ear. “Let me fuck your sweet ass, darlin’ while Ian pummels your pussy.”

  His dirty words reignited the flames inside. Max eased in and out while Ian held still, probably waiting for her to stretch enough to have two cocks inside her. She attempted to push her hips backward, but Max’s tight hold prevented her. When Ian leaned over and kissed her forehead and then her lips, she knew this was where she wanted to be for the rest of her life.

  Ian leaned close. “Always know that I’ll never want another.”


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